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Kind of step related...need other's thoughts.

--figureditout--'s picture

My brother died in 2015.  He was within a day of signing divorce papers with his (ugh) wife (ugh).  She had thrown him out, taken over his trailer, moved several other men in etc.  When he died, he was with a wonderful woman who became my sister. I found out he was dead via Facebook. His cell was destroyed and my parents hadn't been located yet.  Address on his DL was a PO Box.  Motorcycle was registered to his girlfriend's address and she was lifeflighted out.  The Medical Examiner's sister found his Facebook and I was the only relative listed.  I got a FB message with a Doctor's name and a phone number to call.  Wasn't as bad as it sounds.  My parents found out shortly after I did by way of deputies who know my family well.  My brother had been a CO for the county before suffering a major breakdown due to a TBI from a previous accident.

It fell on me to announce his passing so his people would know.  I waited until all of his children were told.  He had 4 kids with 3 women.  Two were adult aged, and out of state having been adopted illegally (no notice given). One had been adopted by her grandparents (I think she was 12 when he died). The youngest boy was 9.  Wifey contacted his oldest son and the 12 year old girl.  We had no contact with his adult daughter at the time.  Youngest boy was told by his mother and my parents.

Memorial service was a telenovela nightmare. Wifey showed up in all black, including a f*cking veil. She paid for nothing for the service yet wanted to wail and gnash.  My parents footed the cremation bill, flowers in the church and the celebration of life pamphlet.  The church was fantastic and paid for cakes and it was a pot luck type thing, though none of us close could really eat at the time.

Fast forward to this year.  I got a message from my adult nephew on Facebook, stating his intent to move back to my hometown.  He said that his girlfriend was pregnant and he intended to take the great grandbaby to my parents so they could "love it."  I told him to leave them alone.  They hadn't seen him since he was 3 and his mother gypsied the kids out.  He is the spitting image of my brother, but blonde. He is crazy as a shithouse rat. He has a criminal record longer than my arm and a penchant for little girls if you get my meaning. He has since blocked me on FB, but I have a Fakebook for that purpose. I figured he was blowing smoke.


Nephew and his babymomma and her fatherless toddler were invited out by Wifey.  Wifey drove them directly to my parents home. No phonecall. No warning.  She hasn't so much as said boo to my parents since the memorial service.  They introduced toddler as my parents great grandson.  Nephew asked to see my brother's room.  Then stated he wanted my brother's things.  Wifey let my brother leave with his clothes, that was it.  She got his clothes he wore during the accident as well, including his biker colors.  For those not keen on bikers, colors refer to vests or jackets with club patches, and they are worn with pride because they are earned.

They got the full house tour.  Babymomma was looking around at the rooms in the house and said to Nephew that "we can do a lot with this house." Wifey mentioned to my mother that the baby will be here in November and her boyfriend "doesn't like babies."  Nephew then demanded, yes, DEMANDED to see his brother, who is now 13.  Before they left, Nephew made a beeline for my dad's truck, commenting on what a nice vehicle it is.  Babymomma did the same with mom's car, saying there was definitely room for 2 carseats in the back.

I am 1300 miles from home.I told DH that if something happens to one of my parents (not saying they would hurt them....they are older and my dad is not in good health), I need to be there before the body is cold on the slab.

I never got along with Wifey.  She broke up my brother's last marriage and tried to be my youngest nephew's mother replacement.  She was 2 years behind me in school and claims to this day that we were friends and hung out.  Nope. I tried for my brother's sake to like her.  I was friends with her on FB until I found out that everything I posted was being spoonfed to my mother.  I was an active drunk at the time. She always lorded it up, calling my parents Momma and Daddy.  Her own family life was shit.  Her mother was a drunk.  Her stepfather and sister went for a hike in the desert and no trace was found until a few years ago.  I have heard through various people including law enforcement that he was having an incestuous relationship with her sister.  Nephew calls Wifey "Momma Wifey."  

Also, Nephew changed his FB cover picture to a photo taken by Wifey of him, babymomma, toddler and my parents in front of my parent's house.

Am I crazy for thinking they are grifting my parents? Or am I overreacting? I need some words from people who are not related to the situation, and I don't have anyone here.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Your feelings are spot on. How old are your parents? Will they listen to you? How do they feel about all this - especially about the girlfriend's kid not being related to them?

If they don't have a will, now is the time to get one in place. Consider getting a power of attorney in place in case you need it in the future. This sounds like a potential nightmare situation.

--figureditout--'s picture

Dad is in his mid 80s and has been in kidney failure for 2 years.  Diet changes have helped him, but he refuses dialysis.  Momma is her early 70s with high blood pressure.  They accept the little guy as they have accepted all of the skids (I have 2 they interacted with) and my brother had 2 steps with Wifey.

They do have wills done and they are in a safe deposit box.  I am the POD for the bank accounts, have been for years.  My parents grew up very poor and do not spend money often.  When they make big purchases like vehicles, they are paid in full with cashiers checks.  I am the only living child now.  I will definitely look into the POA.  DH has one on me, and I have one on him.  I worry about my mother's mind slipping some because she does say some off the wall stuff at times.  I usually chalk it up to stress as she is Dad's caregiver and I am so far away.  They have a wonderful church family, but some of them are chummy with Wifey as she and my brother were members before they married.

tog redux's picture

Yes, I second that. Become POA. I am POA for my 85-year-old mother and we have the same financial advisor. I know he would tell me if she started doing something weird with her money, like giving it to some stranger. 

I would also warn your mother and father or at least gauge where they are in understanding that these two could be bad news.

Monkeysee's picture

I’d be very concerned with the way they’re speaking about your parents possessions as their own. Do your parents want contact with these people? If not they need to protect themselves, and I agree if there’s no will drawn up that needs to be done immediately. I’d have an alarm system & security cameras installed all over the property. I’d also alert the authorities if I felt the risk was great enough. They wouldn’t be able to do anything at the moment but it would at least put it on record that there are concerns present. Anyone who comes in & starts eyeing things up the way they did should not be trusted.

--figureditout--'s picture

This is where I worry.  They are elderly and a bit lonely (I believe).  My brother was their constant as he never left our home state or hometown.  I ended up 1300 miles away because I married a military man. We were in OK for a year and a half and drove down to visit, but SD made the visits very uncomfortable due to her mental issues that started up while we were in OK.

  My mom sounded strong on the phone when I talked to her about it, and she told me that she has safeguards in place.  I don't think she quite understands how crazy Nephew is.  I got a call from a Texas jail, collect, with him begging me for bail money.  It was a DUI, and I am an alcoholic, so I told him if he was old enough to be that stoopit, he could dry out in the cell, then blocked the number.  Mom does share the same dislike of Wifey, especially with the crap that happened to get my brother put out of his home.  

Daisymazy2's picture

Make sure you have POA.  Keep in mind that your nephew and wife and can and will do a lot of things before you can get there.  I live 800 miles away from home.

My SF fell a few years ago and was in the hospital.  Before I could get there, my brother already had him signed into a nursing home and took all his stuff out of the house.  He wasn't able to get into his checking or savings accounts because my SF had my oldest son listed on those with him.  My SF and I had talked about a POA just prior to his accident.  I was making plans to come down and see him.  

My brother stole everything.  There wasn't anything I could do about it.  I could have hired a lawyer and taken him to court to sue but I had to prove the items were in the house at that time and that my SD didn't give the items away.  Three months after my brother took everything the house mysteriouly burnt down.  The fire marshall said it was electrical.  My brother knew people that could make this happen.  My brother thought he was going to get the insurance money from the house but the payments were not made on the home insurance and it lasped.  He did A LOT of damage before I could get there.

Make sure that they can not put your parents in a nursing home and take over their house and cars.

justmakingthebest's picture

I think you are having logical feelings here.

Even though your mom sounded strong on the phone, if these were my parents, I would make sure that they have a security system, even if I was the one to pay for it. I would also encourage my parents to talk to me before they even gave grandson or "the babies" $20!