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Too much airtime for BM

big momma's picture

So my DH has been PASed by BM to 3 daughters. 1 SD lives with us FT. 1 lives with BM. 18SD is leaving for college in August. BM has done so many crazy things in the past that I don't trust her to have any contact with me or DH. He now has a smart phone so he can email or text to communicate with BM. In the past month, after BM freaked out in Domestics while attempting to get CS modified and was asked to leave by the staff, DH has been conversing with her on phone. He had been only communicating by text messages for years. I recently asked him to only do exchanges at agreed upon locations (ie. in front of bank, supermarket). No communication during exchanges. As we had been doing. Not only does he allow BM to change exchange locations at last minute but tonight she gave him an old picture of him and one of his PASed daughters. BM has so thoroughly PASed the older kids that he didn't get 1 call for Father's Day.
I lost it when I realized that he is meeting her in non-camera locations but talking to her and exchanging info. BM told him how she found a bunch of pictures of BM and DH and she is keeping them. No call today from little biotch SD18 who just graduated last week from HS. He is now allowing her to stay on his health, dental and vision insurance despite that she doesn't have the decency to acknowledge her father on father's day.
I asked my husband why he keeps putting this family in danger by not following the boundaries we set up to prevent any false accusations. BM has made false accusations of abuse against my son before. She broke into our house one day when I was home but since one of her BD's is a police officer she wasn't convicted. We've moved to be away from this family. Now he's dropping the only boundaries we had that gave me a feeling of safety.
He said he is only talking to her to keep the peace. I don't buy it.


nothinforya's picture

Boundaries are essential. If your DH won't defend the perimeter so you feel safe, then he is failing to protect you. That's a big failure fro a husband.

big momma's picture

Thank you for your responses. Sometimes it feels like we are all alone with blended family issues. this site gives me an outlet.