Need advice
Sorry in advance for the length but the background is a HUGE part of this. So, I married my husband 3 years ago. His 1st wife was tragically killed in a car accident along with a middle child about 12 years ago. He had been single, dated some, until we met. He has a daughter who is college age(not biologically his, it was his 1st wifes daughter) and a bio son who was a baby at the time of the accident. I can't imagine what he must have gone through. He rarely speaks of any of it or the middle child who died. I think it's just too painful. I've tried to talk to him about it but he doesn't want to talk so I just let it go. So, for about 3 years, his daughter, who was probably 11 at the time took over the role of mom. It became increasingly difficult for her & him because he was trying to work and they were having to rely on a lot of help from friends and neighbors. His mother(widowed), who lived in another state, moved here to help him with this kids approximately 4 years or so after the accident from what I gather. I really don't know all the details because no one wants to talk about it. So, his mother took over being 'mom' and he allowed it. He let her make 99% of all decisions, did all the running around, everything that a mom does. That became her job. His mother bought a home in our town. His teenage daughter also maintained her role as 'mom' too. So fast forward, we dated for 2 years, never lived together. I was a single mom, and my son was 12 at the time. We dated for about 2 years. We decided to get married. Looking back, I feel that he did love me but his teenage daughter was finishing her senior year of high school and then going off to college soon and he needed someone to take on the responsibility for his son. His mother lives in a retirement community so she cannot have children living with her. I don't think my husband wanted his son to 'live' with his mom so he needed someone to do the cooking, laundry, homework, making sure he got on the bus, home when he gets off the bus, etc. I didn't realize it at the time. I thought he married me to be his son's stepmom which meant doing everything that a mom does. I was very happy to take on that role and wholeheartedly was looking forward to it. Fast forward. We were married for about 2 months and all of a sudden, no one likes the decisions I make about school, who goes where, etc etc(especially his mother and his kids). My husband tells me to handle things as I normally would with my son. So I do but no one is happy. I tried to speak with my husband and he sticks his head in the sand which basically hangs me out to dry. His mother doesn't like that I 'took' her job away. It was fight & fight & fight. I started going to counseling because there were SO many problems. He went some but then decided that he was always the bad guy and didn't want to go anymore. It was up to him to handle his mother, step up & support me but he never did. I have basically given up. He allows his mother to make plans for his son and when I want to do something he expects me to 'work' around her! She and I don't speak because she doesn't like the decisions I've tried to make for her grandson and she doesn't think I do enough for him. I asked her if she would go to counseling with me to get everything out in the open and resolved...she refused. I have to admit, I've given up on trying to be a nurturing stepparent. I just waved the white flag and 'go with the flow' which is what my husband told me told with regards to his mother. I have tried to explain to my husband that I am NOT going to co-parent with his mother and if that's what he expected, then why in the world did he marry me. I can't be asked to do all the crap work and give up everything else. If I try to discuss with him, it ends up in a big fight and he gets VERY defensive and says 'Oh, so it's all MY fault'. And it is his fault because he never stood up for me or our family, he just stuck his head in the sand hoping that all the issues would go away. So, that gets us nowhere. I admit I am wrong to just give up on my stepson because it's not his fault. He is caught in the crossfire and he doesn't deserve me to give up on him. I still do all the laundry and cooking but the love and nurturing is almost gone from my heart.I know he feels it. I am still going to counseling by myself. It does help some but I feel like I fight a losing battle. And of course, his mother relishes the fact that she has the upper has with her grandson. And because there has been so much turmoil I find myself angry a lot. So today is Mothers Day and I'm here because I'm hurt and angry and confused. So here's my today issue. Last night, I told my stepson that he and I and my son were going to the movies. He said 'No, Thank you'. I said, 'You don't want to go to the movies?' He said' No'. I asked him why, he didn't have an answer. I said 'Well, I guess you can stay home then because your grandmother(she takes him to church every sunday, difference in religion and it was like that before I came into the picture and then makes plans for the whole day) is bringing you home after church. So, I look at his text messages(he is only 12) and I see a message to his grandmother that says 'Can I go to your house after church?' I questioned him and he said he asked her before he knew we were going to the movies. Seems odd to me that he would ask that because he usually spends most of the day with her. I'm just going to let it go. My husband feels stuck in the middle and makes me aware of that fact often. He put himself in that position but not standing up for our family or setting boundaries. He expects me to communicate with his mother about plans for my stepson because that will take him out of the middle and alleviate HIS responsibility as a parent. He is away from home many hours and doesn't want to have to be the 'bad guy making the decision on either side'. So, I'm supposed to call his mother and say 'Do you have plans for Thomas today?' and then I get the leftover time??? I have all the responsibility but none of the power. Who would be happy with that? It's not my stepson I'm angry with, it's my husband for not standing up for me and leaving me to try and navigate this dysfunctional situation alone. He told me when it came to his mother, 'Just go with the flow'...meaning I'm just supposed to give up & give in. My husbands mother is extremely co-dependant. And I do understand how she must feel. She gave up her whole life to move to this state to help her son. I admire that. I have tried to email her and explain that we want her our lives but want her to be a grandmother, not a parent. I understand she gave up everything to move here, but I wasn't even in the picture at that time. Did she think that her son would never marry and have another family? Maybe not? And quite frankly, that's what I heard forever from my husband...she gave up her life to come here. Seems that I suffer the consequences of that decision. I am a very good mom, my bio son is a sweet, compassionate, loving person. He is an excellent athlete, good student and wonderful friend. Ifeel blessed that he is such a great kid. I wanted the opportunity with my stepson but I feel like it's been taken away. I would so appreciate any feedback, good or bad. Thank you so much for wading through all of venting. Happy Mothers Day!
- ConfusedFIT's blog
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Yes, 100% there were
Yes, 100% there were expectations that were not met. When my husband said 'Handle things as you normally would', that's what I did. He didn't want the responsibility, he wanted his mother and myself to take care of everything. Well, you don't marry someone expecting them to co-parent. Had he told me that's what was going to occur I never would have married him. I wasn't expecting to be 'mom' on day one. I tried to ease into the situation. I would call my husband at work & try to discuss decisions, he said to just handle it. Here's an example: My stepson was having difficulty with a subject in school. I knew I could help him by getting worksheets and spending extra time working with him. It was a subject I was very good in. And it was more time that we could bond. His grandmother thought he should stay after school for tutoring instead. She wasn't happy with the way I wanted to do it. As it turned out, I did get an opportunity to work with him at home, one of the few times my husband actually listened and became part of the decision and low & behold, my stepson did very well. I'm not patting my own back but things like that go on all the time. I get tired of the fight and trying to explain my side of the situation. She does not have to petition the court for anything. She usually gets him the whole weekend. I have tried to get dad to make more decisions but he takes the easy way out and always has...precisely why I am in this situation. And he gets irritated with me when I want to ask him about something because he's at work and doesn't 'have time' or 'is too busy' to make decisions. He grew up with his mother doing everything, being in charge and making all the decisions. His dad was an active alcoholic and never spent much time with him. So, my husband is used to his mother being in charge. He did not have a good role model in his father. His mother compensated by doing everything. And there's more, my husband is an unrecovered alcoholic. He doesn't drink anymore but still has many of the same traits that an alcoholic has. Procrastination, blames everyone else, defensive, some isolation, makes excuses, not responsible, etc. I know anyone can posses those characteristics without being an alcoholic. He is spoiled. His mother has always picked up the pieces of his life, bailed him out many times financially, etc. Really, it's my fault because I should have never married him. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it and reading everyone's comments helps me see a different point of view whether I agree or not.
You know what? I have done
You know what? I have done that and I get slammed because I don't do enough for my stepson. I'm supposed to be his mom. I don't treat him fairly. I married you to be his mom. This is what I hear from my husband. So you see, whatever is convenient for my husband, works. He wants it both ways. He wants me to do all the 'mom' stuff including the love and nurturing and care and attention but I don't have much of a say so about much else...ESPECIALLY when it comes to his mother. He wants his cake & eat it too. The problem is that I feel guilty not being loving and nurturing and attentive to my stepson because he is stuck right in the middle...but it pisses me off so much that I start to ignore my stepson and that's not right & it's not fair to him. I feel so hurt & torn & angry. His mother goes OVERBOARD when it comes to my stepson. We were married about 2 months and she summoned my husband & myself to her house to 'talk'. She proceeded to tell us how unhappy her grandhchildren were and she felt she had to be 'an advocate' for them. Unbeknownst to either of us, she had her teenage(17) granddaughter(not my husbands bio daughter)write a list of things she didn't like about me. My husband had NO list, only me. She proceeded to read the list out loud. I was embarrassed & humiliated and shocked. Oh I could go on & on. But I will stop because I feel my BP going up remembering back to all of the crap. Thank you for your response. I sincerely appreciate it.
You get blamed or slammed
You get blamed or slammed whatever you do, right? Well my advice is to disengage from your DH, MIL and ss. That means the fact your DH wants to abdicate his parental responsibility for his son and married you so you could be mom, doesn't mean he *gets* to do this. You have a choice because right now you no matter how hard you try it will NEVER be good enough, it will NEVER be right, you will NEVER please any of these people and all you end up doing is hurting yourself - aren't YOU the one getting the counselling? Case in point, you have been psychologically damaged because of these unrealistic and changeable expectations. Your DH treats you like an employee, do as he says, when he says, not what he does.
You really need to start putting yourself first. So frigging what if DH bemoans, guilts or tongue lashes you over your inability to kiss his mother's arse, allow everyone to dictate your interactions and reactions, whether you have bestowed enough stepmotherly love on ss. STOP. As mentioned, it will never be good enough. So let him nag you over stuff because you have stopped. Let him accuse you of being an awful wife, stepmother...blah blah. He is a shitty husband, father and son. HE you admit is the key and pivitol individual in ensuring everything runs smoothly by communicating with you, his mother and son - but he doesn't. WHY does HE get to disengage and be a shitty person to everyone yet you who isn't this child's mother gets blasted? Think he's got the wrong person and the fact you carry on trying and "going with the flow" is allowing everyone to treat you badly.
This is what I would do. I would stop being the parent to ss, that includes his household responsibilities i.e. laundry, cooking, schoolwork, picking him up/dropping himoff, looking after him..."DH if I am THAT crappy as a wife, stepmother then I quit doing allllll the stuff that I do. You now get to do it". If he can't because he works long hours, then sorry he will have to figure it out. If MIL is livid that you are being evil/cruel then who cares what she says - again nothing will be good enough so let them run their mouths off and stop listening.
These people blackmail you with their words and you listen to them. WHY? You know they are dysfunctional, so stop adopting their guilt and responsibility as your own. Ok, MIL was fab to move down to help out but that was her choice and its DH who "owes" her for that, not you. She did it to help out DH, not you and this does NOT give her the right to bitch and belittle you. She has a problem? Sort it out with DH.
The fact you want to be ss's stepmother and want to take that role on wholeheartedly, is NOT going to happen so give up that dream. Your vision is not welcome by your DH and MIL, however the fact they have their own vision of how you should act and be is NOT acceptable either! You are your own person, if they throw all your help and effort back in your face then stop giving it. Stop enabling your DH to continue being a shitty dad and husband. While you may be afraid this may actually end your marriage, this has not stopped your DH disrespecting you continually and do you really want to be married to a guy who TELLS you the reason he married you was for a live in maid, babysitter and concubine? He treats you like that too if you ask me. So stop giving respect to a guy who disrespects you and use alllll that time you give to ss issues and work to figuring out your own happiness = that means investing in you, what you want to do and when your DH starts with his blackmail/guilt trip (including MIL) no one is forcing you to listen. Walk away, if you stop and listen you will be more inclined to defend yourself however your DH is sooooo wrapped up in his own world that no matter what is said he will not listen to your view or see where you are coming from. Counselling didn't work and he does not want to change because the current set up works for him - there is NO incentive to change. So stop talking to him or trying to make him see sense, tell him how it is and leave it there. He either changes or he doesn't but you have some serious decisions to make imo!
Oh Delilah, Thank you and
Oh Delilah, Thank you and everyone else for y'alls responses. I have read & re-read what you wrote. Thank you for being so candid and strong. You are 100% right....No matter what I do, it will never be good enough. And yes, I blame my husband because so much of this didn't have to end up this way. However, he gets a pass from everyone because he's their son or their father. But I am held accountable. And you are right, he wants the easy way out but he cannot have it both ways. He didn't say he wanted me to be live-in maid, babysitter, etc however it's exactly how I feel. So, I am going to take your advice. I am going to have to give up my vision of what I had so hoped for. It's a hard pill to swallow but if I keep reminding myself I will never be good enough then it makes it easier to accept in my mind. The list that his mother had my husbands daughter write was 3 years ago. Never did I get an apology...oh some off handed 'I have re-evaluated my behavior' email but never a true apology for how humiliated, embarrassed and upset I was. I guess I'm horrible at letting go of things that truly hurt my heart. My friends say that I should forgive because it doesn't hurt anyone but myself. I just have to learn how to do that. Delilah, your advice came at the perfect time. This weekend is my stepsons confirmation. His grandmother is his sponsor. I am a different religion and my husband doesn't go to grandma gladly took on the role. She was already taking him to church before I came into the picture which was fine and my husband wasn't interested in doing it. I'm told by my husband that there is a part in this ceremony that he & his mother have to be on the alter. Doesn't HAVE to be just both of them but I wasn't asked to be a part of that because i'm just the stepmom(being sarcastic). I believe it's for parents & sponsor but I wasn't included. I guess I could ask to be included but I'm not going to do that. I will sit in the audience & be a spectator. Someone suggested journaling to get my feelings out and not keep them inside. I may try that. Again, many thanks for your advice. It was truly affirming. Hugs.
I agree with Delilah. And to
I agree with Delilah.
And to be honest, I can feel MY BP rising just reading what your asshole husband has done to you. I am sorry, but what a prick.
I have to ask, sorry to rake over stuff that hurts you and you want to forget - when you were ambushed by bitchface granny WHAT did your husband do? Did he defend you? Did he tell her and his children in direct langage that what they were doing to you was NOT going to be tolerated?
I am SOOOO mad right now I would kick him in the nuts if I could!
So he wanted a live in maid, slave and sex worker? Oh MY, the more I think about what this man has done the madder I get.
Disengage totally, I know it's not fair on the stepson. But at this stage honey you need to take care of YOU.
Do NOT let that man continue making you feel like you are the problem and if you'd just get along with Mommy Dearest all would be fine.
Going to have a glass of wine and calm down before my OH gets home and I let him have it - just because he's a freakin' man.
No, he didn't defend me. He
No, he didn't defend me. He was surprised by 'the meeting' as I was. We, atleast, I didn't have any idea what she wanted to discuss. She had been very nice to me prior to us getting married. I was really looking forward to having her as my MIL. I thought we would get along very well. But all that changed once we got married and she wasn't in the drivers seat with regards to her grandson. She didn't like that I took her job. She once told me prior to marriage that 'not only is she the grandmother, she's the mother'.... honestly that was a BIG RED FLAG. She complained that she was tired of doing all the running around. I felt that taking over the responsibilities so she could just enjoy being a grandmother was what everyone wanted, including myself. I was so looking forward to being a great stepmom. But that changed very quickly. Its really very sad because things could have been so different. I have disengaged at times but I feel so guilty because its not my stepsons fault. He's just a kid. I can tell he feels sad & he's very aloof when he comes home from spending so much time with his grandmother. He has her complete undivided attention, she caters to him, buys for him and everything else in between. Her grandson is her whole life. I'm glad she does what she does for him but she just never gave me a chance to be a real mom to him. It is unbelieveably hard to invest your heart & love in a child that you really have not much say-so over. And I don't mean that in a demanding, power-trip way. It makes me resent him and it's not his fault. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I so appreciate it.