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can't BM see she's only hurting her kids?

theoutsider's picture

FDH got a cell phone for the kids to take back and forth between homes... so he doesn't have to call BM cell phone and she doesn't have to call his to speak with the kids.
but everytime we call the phone when there at BM's place the phone goes straight to voicemail. she turns it off so no one can call her kids and her kids are not allowed to turn the phone on and call their dad if they want to.
the kids come back and have told us that she purposely turned the phone off and says things like,
" this is my time I get you now"
" you don't call me when you are at dads why do you want to call him when you're with me"
" since you don't answer the phone when I call you, I'm not going to let anyone talk to you when you're here with me"

the kids say the first thing she does when she picks them up is to search through all of their bags and find the phone and power it down. it doesn't get powered on until an hour before dad comes to pick them back up.

there is nowhere in the court order or divorce decree that says BM is allowed to call and talk to the kids for any amount of time so there's really no reason why she should be all pissed off about this

FDH got the phone to make it easier for her to call the kids too...

can't she see that she is just damaging her kids by doing this? by saying these things around them and to them?

We don't want to take away the phone... It was given to the kids for emergencies...

is she even allowed to take that property that is FDH's and power out down?


theoutsider's picture

Yes, FDH got the phone for the kids so that BM would not have to call His cell to talk to the kids. The phone stayed out on the counter in the kitchen and turned on ALL the time. And BM calls Very regularly...
There have been a handful of times that we have not been home that they have missed their mom's phone call... (we don't MAKE the kids call their mom back if they miss the call, but we do MAKE them answer the phone if we are home and it rings)

There is nothing in the court order about phone calls FDH has just always allowed her to talk to the kids whenever she called.
He is just trying to be civil with her.

I guess her problem is not having constant access whenever she wants. And the kids don't want to talk to her, so they never, EVER, initiate phone calls to her.
But when they take the phone to her house, they want to call dad, or me, or grandpa, or whoever to share something about their day and I think it just pisses her off.

She has also accused me specifically of forebidding one of the kids to call her. (which was on a day I was gone at work, so I don't know how, I could have stopped her child from calling her when I was not home and the phone WAS there with the child)

snoopyinoz's picture

We have the same problem. DH got a phone for the kids to take when they went to BMs only it's in the CO that the kids are to have it because BM doesn't always have a phone (she's had 10 different phone numbers in the last four years) only our BM just flat out takes the phone away from the kids. Even though she knows its against the orders, she does it anyway. I'd speak with your atty and see if it CAN be ordered but even then it's a crapshoot