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BM is back with her drug-dealing BF since he just out of jail.

sammmx's picture

It's been a while since I've posted, surprisingly things had mostly been going "okay" on the BM/Skid front. I mean, some things will never change, but there was nothing 'big' to speak off. The only real issues in my life were between BF & I and our 'baby issue' (I'm ready to start a family, he's got his own reservations based on his track record with kids/baby mommas. Anyway). SS3 is finally out of diapers, which is a great relief, I was starting to worry he wouldn't be able to start kindergarten in the fall because his dead-beat mother was too lazy to get off her ass and teach him anything.

But now. When I first met BF, BM had a boyfriend who lived with her and the kids. BF hated him, knew he sold drugs, could never prove it. Then when BM burned her house down & admitted to using drugs, her boyfriend got arrested for possession w/ intent to distribute, & ended up in jail. He just got out 2 weeks ago. And even though Children's Aid TOLD BM to stay away from this guy, they are back together. Not living together, but definitely an item.

So the SKids came over last week on Thursday for dinner, then their regular visitation on weekends. Well all SS3 was going on about was BM's boyfriend (which I will know refer to DDJB for 'drug dealing jail bird') which, by the look on SS10's face, you could tell was supposed to be a secret. "DDJB got me this hat. We love DDJB. DDJB got me Ninja Turtles Movie. Mom says she missed DDJB SOOOOO much, & we did too!" etc etc. So needless to say neither BF nor I were impressed.

I feel like we should tell Children's Aid they're involved again, since last summer it was made perfectly clear that they did NOT approve of that. Or maybe it was just in order for BM to keep custody DDJB could not live with them. BF is not interested in starting drama, since we JUST got to an established routine/state where things were going smoothly & there was no animosity. But we'll see. I'm sure she will become more & more demanding, and likely end up back on drugs. The poor kids, it really boggles my mind how any parent could repeatedly put their children in danger. I honestly would not be surprised if BM does something stupid and we end up with the kids all summer again. Or she just decides she can't handle being a full time mom (as she has done MANY times) when the boys aren't in school & finds a reason to ship them over to us. It's disgusting. They're not even difficult to take care of as long as you pay attention to them & don't just hide out in your room smoking all day.

BLEH. I'm sure you will all hear about it as time progresses, ha.
