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DH crying over crate of SD Memorabilia

porcelian-doll's picture

I was cleaning out the garage and found a big storage bin. It was filled with baby clothes, baby toys, baby bottles and spoons and baby shower decorations and pics. I asked DH about it. He said he kept SDs baby clothes because he has memories of her in them and her baby shower things because he remembers how happy that day was. He also kept her first set of bottles one of her first diapers out of her first box to remember how little she was. Her first spoon and empty baby jar of food.

Am I the only one who finds this a little much? I'm not the sentimental type but still it just feels odd that he kept all of that. Don't people usually pass on their baby clothes to friends and family? He told me once we have a baby they will have their own crate of stuff. I just want to keep a scrap book of memories and maybe some baby pics I feel the rest is unnecessary. I'm a little creped out. I asked him if he could at least get rid of the baby shower things or let BM stash them at her house and maybe its time to donate those clothes. He got rid of the baby shower pics with BM in them. He actually took out three outfits to donate and changed his mind. He started crying saying oh how he remembers her crawling around in this dress her little diappy hanging out. I'm a little creped out by my husband. I don't feel this is normal. After I left the garage he was still out there reminiscing. I am very annoyed he is acting like SD died or something.


PeanutandSons's picture

That's over the top. I don't know anyone who keeps that much random stuff. An old diaper? The jar from her first baby food? All her clothes? That's weird.

I have a ton of pictures, I kept one of their birth announcements and an invitation from their first birthday. . I also have kept a few outfits from each baby to pass on to the grandkids if they have boys. They are nice expensive picture clothes that I think it would be cute to have matching pictures of daddy and son in the same outfit. But the bulk of the out grown clothes has been passed along to other people.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Dh and I together have been raising ss8 since he was 2. Over the years Ive kept his favorite books, some of his clothes. Dh kept his baby blankets. We have made many scrapbooks and picture albums. I don't think it's strange. Before dh got custody, I found him (after a couple beers) sitting on the bed crying and holding ss baby blanket. I didn't think it was strange then either. It made me realize that he was a good father who felt powerless and missed his child deeply.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I really don't think you should worry about this. Some people save lots of things. It makes him happy to have them.

My FDH won't get rid of his daugther's doll house. We have to lug this thing with us every time we move. It irritated me at first but then I realized that it's just something that makes him happy to remember when his girls were little. Why should I care? He doesn't care what I keep.

I think it is sweet.

Jsmom's picture

I have a bag of favorite baby clothes BS wore. I kept a lot of stuff. I even have his crib bedding packed away. I lost a child and a husband and have no problem with someone wanting to hold on to memories. My intention is to have those for my grandchild in my house.

Onefootout's picture

Is this the SD who who was mean to you? If that were the case, I could understand how you feel. If I had a mean SD who treated me poorly, I would feel like DH is being over the top. If this SD was ultimately a good person, I think I'd be a little more understanding.

I think saving all the stuff is not in itself weird but I think the crying and carrying on is a little over the top, but that's just my personality. Some men are extremely emotional about things, so I have to remind myself to be more sensitive. My mom isn't like this at all with my stuff, so I don't think my opinions on this have anything to do with not having kids. There are plenty of people without kids who wouldn't agree with me and would be more sympathetic with your DH.

I would also have a problem if my SO showed such strong emotions about his kids' diapers but then showed little emotion or affection towards me.

porcelian-doll's picture

Yep that’s the SD. The fact that she has treated me like bird poo and yet DH never acts like he cares how feel. He tells me I can handle things on my own and SD is only 14 she will mature. Yet he is always so emotional about her and her baby years. And Seeing BMs pregant baby shower pics really bothered me. I understand that I should have comforted him. At that point in time I felt uncomfortable. I am just not a sentimental person my parents aren't either so it’s a little weird to me. You guys are right everyone is different and if it’s that important to him I will just let it go and forget about the crate.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I have a Rubbermaid tub of my son's things from when he was a baby... and it would be a cold day in hell before ANYONE would/could tell what I can or cannot keep from when he was a baby. There would be a serious conversation if that ever took place.

Why would this bother you?

Onefootout's picture

Porcelain, to me this is bigger than someone who saves a bunch of their kids stuff. Again I don't see a huge problem with that. What I woud be concerned about is if my man had an unhealthy attachment to his kids. I know I've read about this problem all over this site. And I used to date a guy who had this kind of attachment to his kids. His kids were constantly being infantalized, and he encouraged his kids to be childish and overly dependent on him. And he used his weird attachment to his hellions to constantly point out that I wasn't as important to him.

I'm with you, something about your DH's behavior bugs me. Maybe your gut is telling you something, and I wouldn't necessarily ignore it. You know your DH better than anyone on this site.

MotherTrucker's picture

I save a lot of stuff. Each one of my girls has their own box. I saved their hospital bracelets, first hair cuts, cute baby outfits, decorations from their 1st birthday and the cards, ... and much more! I want them to be able to grow up and have it to show their kids!

oldone's picture

I've had to clean out several homes in the past few years. My own, my parents, aunts, uncles, parents of friends, etc. So much of the "stuff" that has been saved just gets tossed in the trash. The kids end up not being sentimental and they don't want it.

I try to do better now about keeping stuff stored in a box that someone will have to toss when I'm gone.

I'm not saying to not save anything. I have my dogs' ashes which I am sure will get tossed.

Drac0's picture

I have a story to relate to this that may or may not shed some perspective on this.

I have milk crates. About 4 of them. They are old, ugly but very sturdy. I found them when I was kid exploring the vacant lot behind some abandoned buildings. I picked them up, cleaned them and put them in my room.

EVERY SINGLE WOMAN IN MY LIFE has tried to toss them or tried to convince me to toss them. My mother tried to toss them, my grandmother tried to toss them; my aunts, my ex-girlfriends, my ex-wife and DW. What is it with milk crates being anathema to women I do not know, but every women I know wants me to get rid of them. The men in my life don't have this problem. Heck I donated one to my brother and my Dad when they asked for it.

But ladies? "No, no, no Draco! Milk crates icky! They gotta go!" I've refused. I do not hold any sentimental value to them but these milk crates are extremely sturdy and they don't make them like these anymore (I know this because I've checked). These things are ugly, yes but they have provided me a variety of uses over the years including safely capturing a wayward bat that somehow found its way into the house one evening and releasing it into the wild . *THIS* despite the fact that I had one arm in a cast at the time! If it weren't for those milk crates I don't know what I would have done. So yeah, I do place a certain value on those milk crates that I and only I understand.

Drac0's picture

Cry? No.

But I can understand someone's personal connection with something. They are like anchors to a memory that always runs the risk of being cast off. Moreover you never know when an object can provide vital clues for future generations. My Dad was given an E.I.C token by his father before he died. He told him that this token was something dear to him. We had the token appraised and it provided some vital clues to our family's origins which, for the longest time, was a mystery.

I understand what you are trying to get at though. Is it normal for a man to get emotional over some personal memorobilia? I would venture to say yes *IF* the man has some unresolved issues about the past that he is trying to reconnect with. I know some guys who like to wallow in that depression. I don't know why, but there are famous actors, writers and singers out there who do it as a necessity for their craft.

Drac0's picture

I think there are certain aspects to our past relationships that we do miss, like when the children were babies. But I think we owe it to ourselves to also remind us that we are in a better place NOW, with a better family, a loving spouse and brighter future. I have to tell this to DW every Christmas when she cries over the fact that SS is not with us.

hismineandours's picture

Yeah, i think its a little weird. I have, of couse, saved some things of my kids. Mostly pics, school pics, things like that-I have my dd's christneing gown and that's it for clothes. No empty jars, diapers, or anything of that sort. I occassionally look through these things-dont ever cry about it though.

That's what would get to me. If I saw dh crying over a box of memorabiilia of ss15's. I also am not particularly sentimental so it would be weird to me. As it was I got a bit peeved at my dd15's 6th grade graduation. They did a slide show over all the years of the students in the class, doing field trips, etc and my ss15 was in some of them since he had attended that school k-4th. Dh DID tear up and that bothered me a little as we were there that day to celebrate DD and I knew he wasnt tearing up over her pics.

mommyof1girl1boyangel's picture

for those saying it's a bit over the top. he is not the only one. i have clothes from when *I* was born, that i passed down and had dd wear, in addition to some toys i played with, a rocking chair i had. a few blankets etc. yes my dh is annoyed i have 2 tote boxes of sentimentals and 2 of scrapbook stuff i've WANTED to put together.

hell i have about 5 dolls my grandma made me growing up and one she gave me just before she lost her noggin, and i'll be damned if ANYONE makes me get rid of them. 2 are on display (she just died a year ago, and the rest are in boxes used for christmas decors, they are christmas material)

my mom did the same for my brother.

i also JUST got rid of SOME dd's baby clothes (she's 10) because i've been holding on to them for round 2. but 2 failed pregnancies and 10 years later-it's time to let go and hope and rebuy if i ever get that chance again :?