Took care of it. It's the end
Okay,so on Wednesday I posted a blog, but it was deleted. Or I typed then didn't post it. I don't know, I was completely lost. Anyways, it was a very long post and I can't retype it all like it was,so I'll tell you all that happened, with more detail as I have more time now. And i'm less upset.
I talked to my daughter, she told me everything - how she felt and what SD was doing. Basically my daughter felt powerless when SD attacked her because she's popular and her friends are like a gang-whatever SD says she has a group of popular people who'll make everyone support her,right or not. Somehow all kids in the school fall under the influence of less than 10 girls. But they're popular and if they all decide someone's not good, all the kids will hold that opinion too. Or atleast act as if they do. So when SD was picking on Bd in the beggining, she didn't do anything - thinking she's just angry because of the new situation. But it didn't stop, it got worse. So then BD stood up to SD,and she got far worse-influencing the children, attacking her every chance she gets,etc. The school staff knew that something was going on but didn't do anything as usually.
So then I talked to FDH that is not FDH anymore but I have no idea how to label him now. So I'll still say FDH. :?
I told him everything and he insisted that it's not his business to affect his dauhgter's relationships with other kids,if they're friends cool, if no,well f* it. BUT, I insisted that this is not a regular relationship and that he should take care of it. So I finally got him into talking to her. Though I said that if he doesn't make a change, and start it IMMIDIATELY, I'm leaving. So he said he'll try.
But before that we had a long talk about our relationship and basically we got to understand that it's very hard to make it work. So we'll try,but it may be over.
He talked to SD,said that she should not behave like that,but she then asked how is BD different than other kids? Why is she supposed to leave BD alone,if everyone else gets to "take care" of their problems with other kids. So he explained that it's not the same thing to take care problems, or even fight, and just abuse someone. She then said that she's not doing anything more than all the other kids,and that it's BD's fault for being so weak and sensitive. If all the other kids can take a fight at some point,so can BD. "It's not my fault that she makes no friends." I admit, I eavesdropped. But COME ON. I wanted to beat the shit out of her,but I kept my mouth shut. I thought he'd get angry at her,but he just said that she needs to leave her alone. So SD said that it's BD's fault too,and that 1 is not enough for a fight. So he said the following : "Ok, you fought, you did all this, now that you ''took care'' of it can you please stop and not do it again?", and the fact that he used the same term as she did : ''Take care of it'' , got me soo pissed. I mean COME ON,you're saying basically that BD really WAS a problem to be taken care of. So she said that "She has to fight people who make her feel bad and it doesn't matter if it's " that womans daughter " or anyone else" So then she kept on with that logic,and he let it go. He said OK, if she makes you feel bad you can solve it,but don't randomly attack her,that's not good.
So she said "I Never randomly attack, I do it when it has to be done." I don't know has he said anything, I had to move away from the wall then.
Then FDH talked to me again and basically after a talk again,we almost broke up. I told him that what he said didn't really put a stop to it as he allowed her to do it when "It has to be done" And SD doesn't really have a healthy idea of what has to be done and what is just a caprice. So he talked to her again,and all that I could hear was the end of conversation - basically SD was saying that we (BD and I ) were making her miserable and that's why she treated us the way she did,and even though BD was horribl to her (nope) she got more angry because of the situation. She said she felt unloved,unaccepted, unwanted and that she didn't feel at home when we were there. She said that FDH was choosing me over her,my hapiness over hers. So he said that she's a priority and she comes first, and there's no need to worry about that.
Then he got back to me,saying why she was doing it,blahblah,and when I brought up that he said she's a priority,he said that she IS the absolute priority untill she grows up.
So we talked more and it developed into a fight - so when I mentioned moving out,he brought d it, because BD feels better now. Still my heart is broken and I've been crying since then very often.
So when we broke up, I said that we'll be packing and leaving in the morning.
He asked if I wanted help with packing, transportation,etc. I said no.up breaking up. So we did. We fought more and broke up. It was strange how all my dreams were crushed in 2 hours. But I'm happy I di
So then FDH apologized to BD (not to me) along the lines of "I'm sorry it turned out this way and that you had a bad relationship with SD"
After that SD walked in , and said to us "Sorry about the way I acted, it was just a very hard situation for me" she said that with a smug look on her face.
Then she asked " Do you need help with packing ", with a grin. Yes, a grin. BD was shaken, I was on the edge of tears,she was grinning.
So her father looked at her all proud,he thought that what she was doing was "mature" so he even hugged her as they were walking out of the room. Basically she just talked him into breaking up and he was hugging her,proud of her. Ok,wtf.. No comment.
I started crying when they got out and asked BD to go to the bathroom to pack up the things.
I was supposed to go in the morning. But mayb 20 minutes later SD brought friends into the hous,FDH ordered pizza for them and gave them Cocacola. He then went out, and they started gossiping about my daughter once again. Except just that, they were yelling, screaming, laughing loudly and just overall being obnoxious. I felt that it was pointless to wait for the morning so I was already leaving ,but having them there made it even harder.
FDH got back into the house,they all shut up and acted like angels. He asked me what I was doing, I said I'm leaving NOW. He asked me if I want him to carry our stuff. I said no,and went towards the exit.
SD's friends were at the door,preparing to go out,but she was listening. She said "there is a god" which is a saying here for when you feel that something that just happened was right, fair, and so magnificent and wonderful that it only could have been done by God himself. I was gonna cry, but no. I just walked out.
We didn't go home that night as we had a place to stay that was closer,and she helped us A LOT,and I'm grateful to her for helping us.
Yesterday we went home.
At school, SD didn't even look at BD, completely ignored her like she did not exist.
So it got better.
And I'm glad that I did this,because it helped my daughter.
I wanted to say thank you, thank you all, because if it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have done much. <3
- honey0's blog
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Oh and also - adding this, my
Oh and also - adding this, my BD also heard them talking before,and basically FDH was telling SD that she is a priority,that she matters the most,etc. but she still pretended she was never told that and that she felt that he was choosing me over her. Even though he reassured her that he's always there,she comes first,and so on. It was said in a way that was even beyond normal- plain and simple,he was letting her know she comes above everyone,at all times,no matter what which I don't think it's healthy. When someone is not right,they should be given a time out,not a praise. But ok.
Just saying that this is not a one time thing that SD plays hurt,and he reassures her.
Well congratulations on
Well congratulations on putting your daughter first and leaving an unhealthy relationship. You know where you stand with him and his kid now and he praised her for basically getting you to leave the situation. She's obviously happy you're out of their house as well.
You're MUCH better off without them. From what I've read of your posts, there's no way I'd put up with that shit from either one of them. Now you can concentrate on getting your daughter settled somewhere else and maybe someday soon you'll find a man WITHOUT kids!
Again, proud of you for taking a stand and getting out of that toxic relationship for yourself and your daughter. I only wish I'd have done the same!
Oh my god. I don't usually
Oh my god. I don't usually say this but what a fucking little psycho bitch. God, give me a week at her school and I'll teach her that as popular as she thinks she is, there's always going to be someone smarter, prettier, and more likeable than her, and then she'll be on the bottom of the food chain... Man it's people like this that absolutely make me sick.
For one thing, make friends with some of the parents of students older than them at BD and SD's school, and form a buddy system. This way the older crowd will take her in and protect her from SD. It's what I used to be used as by friends of my parents who had kids in younger grades than me, kept an eye on them and if they had any problems they could come to me, often just showing up and saying hi to them while they were in their classes or at lunch was enough to deter whatever bullies might have appeared. Is there a big sister group at BD's school? Or an Arista Scholar's program? If so, ask the coordinator if they have any students willing to volunteer and be "big sister" or "big brother" for the year.
In the world of school. it's eat or be eaten. But it doesn't have to be if you know how to play the game.
SD is already friends with
SD is already friends with the older popular students (we had those at home too. They're even worse than her best friends group!)- that's partially how she got so popular, too. She's friends with the popular crowd of younger, older,well all people. Basically her best friend has a sister, that is 17 and popular, and also best friends with SD's cousin that is 16 and also very popular. So she already has a system to make sure she's untouchable for anyone she gets into problems with.
We don't have that kind of group, and even if we did I'm pretty sure no big sister would be enough to keep SD and HER big sisters away.
But I think it will be OK now, SD got what she wanted and we're no longer an issue to her. I hope she continues to ignore my daughter and not talk to her EVER again.Bcause if she did, I have no idea what would I do. :/
Not to mention that the older kids,who are not popular,are afraid of SD too because she's friends with the older cool ones.. BD told me that because I asked if there was anyone older that she knew that sh ecould hang out with since her peers were so affected,but she explained that to me. I think it's so horrible.
But thank you all for your responses,I'm happy that you think I made the right choice
I'm glad you did what's best
I'm glad you did what's best for your daughter. Chin up! If you didn't get out now it would have gotten much worse.
Take pleasure in knowing you are raising a beautiful, wonderful, productive person and SD will be living with DADDY until she finds some poor schmuck to marry her and your X will be waiting on his daughter hand and foot until he dies.
Let SD revel in her "success"
Let SD revel in her "success" because she will be a total failure in life. Believe me on this.
I can't tell you how many of the girls like this in high school are now old, fat, haggard, and just worthless POSs. People who are evil inside never have a successful life. Even if they don't end up penniless they end up friendless which is worse.
I know this is a horrible
I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I kinda wish she had at least one period of life where she'd be a faliure. Just to change her at least a bit.
But unfortunately, I see a different future. Her sister that is 21 was raised the same way SD is, is pretty much the same as SD14,but she's in college now and she's doing great. Has new friends in the country where she moved to, a boyfriend (I Think they got engaged but didn't ask), she has a part time job at a company where she'll work when she graduates - and it's in another country & she did it all alone,without family connections or money.
They both are shallow, mean, and insensitive,but they are very capable and manipulative,which they do use in bad causes,to do bad things,but sure as hell they can find a way to get what they want later in life,if they're not taught to get everything they want just because they want it, but because they can manipulate their way to it.
So basically I'm just afraid that she'll stay the same, and cause many problems to other people who are good and innocent,but she'll blame them for something.
I really wish she just got put in her place for just a short time, just so she learns some new kind of behaviour,a better one. But what I'm seeing from her sister's example, that's not really going to happen. Which is..good for her, and sad for everyone else that happens to be around her.
" She said that FDH was
" She said that FDH was choosing me over her,my hapiness over hers"
This is what the mother of my now ex - fiancee told him to make him feel guilty. She is 54 year old woman.Comes to show that no matter the age toxic and evil people will try to do anything to push you out and away. Men who donot have character and cannot think for themselves succumb to the shallow way of thinking.Probably they donot know what love is and how to to love and express that. Probably they prefer to live the life they have and do not want to change.Who knows?
Focus on you and being happy and joyful. It is so important to teach your daughter about grace , kindness and to surround herself with people who uplift her. I have been in your shoes with a man just like the one you describe and I am happy I am no longer with him or in the position that I was. He is seeking my friendship now a year later . All I can offer is to be friendly and that is even a lot. I cannot call him my friend.Be loving, be gentle and be caring towards yourself and your daughter. Surround yourself with a lot of loving and warm people.I understand your pain. Believe that the right guy is out there and in the perfect time he will be there for you and embrace you with true love.Trust in the wisdom of the universe. Christmas is time for miracles. This is your gift - embrace it!
I'm glad you did what was
I'm glad you did what was best for your DD.
SD had a point... your BD needs to learn how to fight these battles herself. She's a teenager, mom, and while I know you want to protect her, it's time she starts to figure this out on her own.
The "mean girls" will exist forever. School, work, families, etc.
Good luck finding a new place to live. Hope you find your happy place!
Thank you for your answers
Thank you for your answers
StickAFork, well that's true in a way. She will learn, I'll talk to her about it more and try to teach her to fight for herself.
He will realize eventually,
He will realize eventually, when SD drives yet another..and another...woman out of his life that if he makes her his absolute and only priority, he will be a very lonely man when he gets old!
Good for you to do what is best for your daughter AND you. Don't make someone a priority if they are only making you an option.
LOL no he won't he'll just
LOL no he won't he'll just think he has bad luck with women...It couldn't possibly be his princess.
I knew him for years, but
I knew him for years, but barely, since we live in a small town and most people know eachother. We said hi on the street, etc. but were not friends or anything.
We have been spending more and more time since about 6 years, but we have not been together all that time. We started getting to know eachother and for about 3 years it was a normal relationship. We did like eachother, I think, there were sparks but nothing was done since he was travelling for work at the time and was not interested in a relationship. When he got a new position, he was here more. He didn't do anything just then, but as we spent more time, he finally asked me out and it went from there.
He was nice, sweet, caring,and the problems started when I met his daughter. We had no issues and all that happened, was related to her. I'm not saying she's the only one to blame, because in fact it's his fault,but the thing is I thought I knew him and could rely on him. And I could for anything except her - but she was the worst and most active problem in my life. So we broke it.
I agree that DD should learn
I agree that DD should learn to stand up for herself rather than just clam up. However, I hope SD's dad will make an effort to instill something in his child in regards to how she treats people.
Chalking it up to something teenagers do just teaches her that it's acceptable & okay, & it isn't. It isn't okay to treat ANYone that way.
We were engaged. But we broke
We were engaged. But we broke up.
But we didn't have a date.
The way I see it, a key part
The way I see it, a key part of parenting is teaching your child the right way to behave towards others, and to treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Normally I try to be understanding of behaviour in blending families, but your ex-FDH is a waste of space in parenting terms. Not his business to interfere in his daughters relationships?! He can't come up with one good reason why you try to be nice to someone you are living with?! He feels no responsibility to teach his daughter the right and wrong way to behave towards others and even after learning from her own lips that she had been unpleasant to his future step daughter in school, did not feel moved to tell her that that was an unacceptable way to behave.
It was the height of disrespect to have anybody back to the house when you had just split up and were preparing to leave, let alone the coven of bitches from school who had helped cause the situation with your daughter. What an idiot. I really really hope that karma wins out and that having raised his daughter to be a selfish, thoughtless little madam, and sacrificed any relationship for himself, he ends up with plenty of time alone to reflect on the mistakes he has made when SD swans off into her entitled little life. You have SO done the right thing, exSD and exFDH deserve each other.
AND I think some of the
AND I think some of the comments suggesting that your daughter is partly responsible because she should stand up for herself are really not empathising with the strain of being a teenager pilloried by your peers. How would most of us fair even as adults if our workplaces were a place of daily stress and exclusion, and then we went home to more of the same. Suggesting that there is just some simple, stand up to it answer, disregards how powerful and pervasive bullying can be. It sounds like your DD did try to stand up for herself on more than one occasion and simply got more flack at school, there is nothing she could have done. SD resented you, and your daughter and was deliberately acting out her grudge in the place she where she has the most influence.
Thank you all so much for
Thank you all so much for your responses

Makes me feel better to know that I did the right thing.
dtzyblnd, I'm sorry you had to go through that with your son and step son,but I'm happy for you,that you solved it
Well yes , Bojangles, I think that she couldn't have done much,though I'm not sure about all that. I have not had that kind of issue in school and I had no idea how to deal with it.
Thank you all again