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My Sister Dodged One!

Cover1W's picture

My sister had been casually dating this guy, nice guy overall. Nothing serious. 

Apparently last week they decided to have dinner at his place after a day running around doing things together since his son (14) would be at his mom's and she had the day off.  Good plan, right?  

Well, after they left the gym around lunchtime, he said that he'd see her later because he had to go pick up his son, between 2:00 - 4:00 (it was around 1:00 when he informed her of this). OK, she says, I thought we had the day day together...? He says, well, I just have to go do this. She says, ok, so I'll see you around 4:00?  He says, no, his son is actually staying with him now, but she can come over around 6:00. RED FLAG - Last minute changes and no really good explanation of why he MUST pick up his son THAT day. And oh, they aren't going to be able to hang out in the house because he doesn't want to introduce her to his son (14 YO!) yet.  RED FLAG!

So she heads over to his place around 6, expecting to have dinner, somewhere, since he still wants her to come over. He explains when she gets there that they have to hang out in his bedroom because his son is there. She's like WTF? REALLY? And is beginning to cool off by 95% at this point (they aren't intimate at all and this wasn't a ploy to bed her, but literally to hide from his son). RED FLAG x10.  They go out and get tacos and bring them back to the bedroom. She asks where the bathroom is, he says the one right next to his room, essentially the master bath is his son's and she needs to use the far bathroom on the other side of the house. RED FLAG RED FLAG. By this time she's done and dusted and tells him the next day she doesn't want to see him anymore. 

GOOD FOR HER I tell her. That's got disney dad written all over it!


Toaster's picture

Please encourage your sister to read posts on this site; it will strengthen her resolve, if this man is a sweet talker.

 Men exhibiting "Disneyland Dad" behaviors often ensnare unsuspecting women by downplaying red flags such as:

Lack of a stable custody schedule.

Child-centric households: The skid rules the roost and shall (not will) undermining SP + BP relationships.

Prioritizing their spawn over partners: The "Disneyland Dad" will always sacrifice their partner for their spawn. And it will never change.


Cover1W's picture

Oh, she knows directly from me when and how to steer clear; even though she's a bit of a Disney BM herself, she knows her limits and when something is really off.

hereiam's picture

Who's the teenager, here? I mean, hide in the bedroom? No, thanks.

So glad that your sister saw all of the red flags... and immediately did something about it.

Felicity0224's picture

Okay there probably are foods that can be eaten in the bedroom, but tacos aren't it. Fragrant food in your bedroom is crazy behavior no matter what the reason is lol. That alone would have put me off. Add the fact that he's making her hide from his kid? Just, ewww. 

One of many reasons I actually don't date seriously is because I don't want anyone around my DD and I realize that the effort to keep her separate would just be incredibly awkward and unfair to a partner. I cannot imagine having someone in my home at the same time as her and asking them with a straight face to sneak around. Unhinged. 

Cover1W's picture

Yeah, she said at that point she just wanted to eat (wasn't going to turn down super good tacos - she knows what she wants hahaha) and then she was gone. I think he was really truly a nice guy and she gave him the chance (first time visiting his home).

Rumplestiltskin's picture

In a few months this guy is going to walk in on his son in bed with a girl late at night. Picture the 90s anti drug commercial. Dad: "Who taught you how to do this stuff?" Little Damian: "You, alright?! I learned it by watching YOU!" 

Harry's picture

Your sister saw the situation for what it's is.  SS rules the family .  And she has to asked SS permission for everything.  DF wants to live that way but normal other people don't .  

MorningMia's picture

God bless her! A heartwarming story of someone dodging a big bullet! Whew!  (I wondered, with PTSD, if BM had purposely changed skid visit plans in order to throw a wrench in the guy's dating life. What a wuss he is!) 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

What?! A BM creating chaos to fk up her ex's chances of finding happiness? She means well and tries so hard. She's just not good at, like, planning things or doing things, you know. Lol. 

Lillywy00's picture

I remember I dated a dude who had a live in son (before I met the Disneyland dad who had not one but two live in crumbsnatchers which by this point I was dead a$$ serious about NEVER living with men with live in kids) ... and we were holed up in his room because his teen son was in his room and I did NOT want to face the reality of overgrown kid analyzing my presence

Plus was the teen special needs or something like why couldn't he leave his son at home and go out for a couple hours  

too many scenarios of dealing with the bs of men and their live in kids is just not for me. 

Good thing your sister realized the dude was a DisneyLand Dad with a possibility nut job BM before she got to deep in

Rags's picture

Baggage can be a non starter when dating single moms too.

I had no plan, but DW is the 5th of 5 moms I dated after my divorce.  Though there were several others who did not have kids. 


All 5 had just one kid.  The first was a short term GF and I never met her son. We dated when her son was with his dad.  Our relationship fit into the visitation schedule so no SKid related drama.  The second I dated for about a year and did meet her son.  The son went to live with the dad when the dad moved his family overseas for work.  She was never a life partner contender. Her life was pretty much a trainwreck.  The third was a wonderful woman with a mid to late teens daughter who was really an outstanding young woman. I did meet the daughter and we did have a couple of dinners out with the three of us. The fourth was a trainwreck in her own right and her kid was a rabid ranting out of countrol 6yo who did a great near constant impression of a meltdown tantrum throwing 2yo.  She had an on again off again BF who was not the baby daddy but who had been in the kid's life since the kid was a baby.  She stood me up on a date on a Friday night so... I called the number on a small piece of paper that had been left for me with the admin after an interview.

That call changed my life.  My DW of 30+ years had decided to leaver her number with the admin when I had bantered with her prior to an interview while she and one of her classmates were researching companies in the Dun & Bradstreet corporate register in the graduate placement office at University. Back in the days before Google, etc...

There was no plan to ever remarry. However, I also would not invest in building a close relationship with people who were not long term partner material.  I wasn't long term partner material until years after my divorce.   Company, going out to dinner, doing things of interest, etc.. was my focus while I was completing my undergrad as a SOTA (Student Older Than Average).  I dated quite a bit in that 3  years. Then within a month or two I met 4 women who were all life partner material.  I had whittled it down to one, then I met my DW.  The one I was dating somewhat seriously when I met DW was the niece of a former governor and cabinet secretary. My parents and hers had gone to University together and I went to University with her elder brother. Her dad and mine had grown up together in the Middle East though her dad was half a dozen years older than mine.  She was in undergrad at a different university in the same state when I was in engineering school.  I had TG plans with her at her Uncle;'s (The Gov's/Secretary of the Interior's) house when I met my DW.  I canceled those plans. The rest as they say, is history.

We are still cordial. That relationship was close but never intimate so there was not baggage to navigate when I backed out of TG with her family. I had been to several of her family gatherings over many years and we have kept in touch.  I attended both of her brother's weddings, and her parents funerals.  My mom and dad take her and her DH to dinner when they are in her neck of the woods on an RV trip.

I suppose I am fortunate to nave not hitched my star to a parenting performance challenged prior breeder before meeting my incredible bride. Who though she did have a kid, is truly an incredible and amazing person. That was instantly clear to me on our first date that is still going, 31+ years later.

TrueNorth77's picture

RUN! Good for her for seeing the signs. SS gets the master? FFS. If only I hadn't been so naive. During our first few weeks of dating, DH was bringing me to his family's for Easter. It wasn't his kid day. But then SD called that morning asking if they could come to his parent's also because "mom doesn't have anything planned for us". If that wasn't some foreshadowing of the sh*t show to come, I don't know what was, but DH said yes and I met the skids before we had planned and this was the first time Crazy threw the skids at us when we already had plans. A red flag that I didn't realize was a red flag. Sigh. If I were single I would have a no-kids period rule, unless they are fully grown.