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SS12 Went Home

CastleJJ's picture

We wrapped up our visit with SS12 yesterday. He said he had an amazing 3 weeks and felt much more connected than previous visits. He said he got to experience our normal routine like taking DD to gymnastics, us working normally, and going with DH to golf league, which he normally doesn't get to experience when he is only here for a week or two. He also said he got to see more people more frequently, than just seeing them once. DH and I wrapped up some photos from our visit and sent them back in SS' bag with a note saying how much fun we had and how much we love him. 

Last week, SS had a call with BM and GF and of course, it took its normal toxic turn. I didn't listen, but heard some of it as SS was heading upstairs. SS complained that he had a migraine and BM and GF automatically jumped on the hate train, saying that "DH and I weren't doing anything to fix it." SS seemed frustrated. DH walked in mid-call to give SS water and Motrin, which shut them up and relieved SS from listening to it any further. BM then complained that it didn't seem like SS wanted to talk to them and that he looked "so drained because we were clearly running him ragged." The call ended after 15 minutes (much shorter than their normal 30-45 minute calls). SS came down and asked for more help with his migraine. He seemed annoyed and stressed. We encouraged water and a little caffeine, gave him a cold compress, and sent him upstairs to lay in the dark for a bit. After 30 minutes, SS came down, saying it had helped significantly, and that he appreciated our help and support in fixing that. Again, we aren't incompetent for caring for SS like BM and GF tell him we are. 

Prior to leaving yesterday, SS asked DH if he could take home some leftover steak we grilled. He said it was his favorite meal all trip. DH packaged him some up to take home. When BM and GF arrived to pick-up, BM mockingly said "oh look GF, SS is bringing home steakkk. Wow steakkk." SS looked frustrated and annoyed. He gave DH, DD2, and I huge hugs and said thanks for everything. DD started crying and had a full meltdown on our front porch saying "SS, my brother, stay, no leave." That pulled on SS' heartstrings a bit and he ended up coming back up to the porch to comfort her, which annoyed BM and GF more. After SS left, it took a while to calm DD down and to distract her with something else. She is still asking for SS periodically. 

All in all, this may have been a turning point for SS. We haven't seen him that connected during a visit in a while. Usually, visits are too short for him to settle in, so he is superficial and it's hard because we can't really do anything in a few days or a week, so this was a huge change for all of us. He told us he doesn't want shorter than 3 weeks for summer visits going forward, but let's see if BM and GF allow that again and whether SS will be willing to stand up to them to advocate for it. We know our requests would fall on deaf ears if we asked directly, so that's pointless. I think/hope SS is finally realizing that maybe the grass isn't greener at BM and GFs like they encourage him to believe it is and maybe he is finally figuring some of this out. We will see SS again for Labor Day weekend, so not too long between visits. 

OH, I FORGOT: SS also weighed himself while he was here and he's 95 lbs. As previously mentioned, BM and GF have been giving SS protein powder to "bulk him up" and been forcing him to workout 6 days per week, despite the fact that he is 12, pre-puberty, and DH and BM are both skinny, so it will have no impact at all. DH has voiced his disapproval of these methods and creating a negative environment for body dysmorphia and negative body image. BM and GF blew him off, telling him they have sole decision making and this is what SS needs for sports. So, we leave it be but we have talked to SS about the impact these things have on his mental health and that as long as the doctor says he is healthy, thats all he needs to worry about. SS was cheering that once he hit 95 lbs, they promised him a reward... For someone who has a professional background in youth and adolescent mental health (BM's career), BM is really winning at encouraging a healthy mindset and preventing a possible eating disorder and body issues. 


TrueNorth77's picture

These toxic, Immature BM's are just so insecure. They must belittle and criticize everything the other parent does to make themselves seem like a hero and the perfect parent. Imagine being childish enough to mock steak. lol. We deal with this EXACT thing- Crazy constantly tells DH he doesn't do this for SD's ailments, he should be doing that, and will accuse him of doing literally everything wrong. It's exhausting. I am convinced there is a handbook they read from. 

Glad it was a good visit and although at 12 it seems loyalties can go back and forth, you really hope that one day they will see it for the truth. 

CastleJJ's picture

It is so exhausting! BM told DH how to parent exactly as she wanted for years, and when the courts told her to stop, she started going through SS to tell DH, making SS believe without her guidance, we weren't capable. She expects pure perfection in parenting from us, yet they suck at parenting. There has to be a handbook somewhere. 

TrueNorth77's picture

Crazy expects pure perfection- yet kicks SD15 out onto the streets with literally nowhere to go- tells her she is bleeding her dry financially (her exact words), she is the reason she can't keep a BF, allows her to skip school whenever and doesn't care about grades, and spews just the most toxic things you can imagine...yet will hop on OFW at all hours to tell DH he didn't phrase something properly in a text to SD. SHUT UP. I honestly wish there was a way to block her. We may look into limiting communication even further, but I suspect it isn't possible.  

CastleJJ's picture

At this point, turn notifications off for OFW and DH should only check a few times per week. SD is a teenager so she doesn't need as much co-parenting/parental communication as younger kids do. It's not like BM is communicating anything important anyway. 

TrueNorth77's picture

We have already seen that there are zero consequences for not following OFW guidelines. If DH doesn't read messages promptly, exactly NOTHING will happen to him. He actually still hasn't read the last one she sent from over a week ago. Suggesting it!

Yesterdays's picture

I would call her out on everything on OFW in a factual way for documentation. 

SD missed school on bms day


Rags's picture

Just don't Fn read it. That limits her communication very effectively.

Reading it and not complying is also an effective way to limit communication.

Even better, anythign she writes on OFW that YOU don't want to engage on just reply with....

"Copy"  or R&R for Received & Read.

Don't say anything more. Let her lose her idiot mind over that.

Have fun!

AlmostGone834's picture

Aw that's sweet. I really hope he stays close with you guys and can hold off BM's PASing. 

Yesterdays's picture

Your step child seems much better off and happy at your house. It's truly sad how the other household acts. Petty, controlling and immature. I think the 3 week thing is an excellent idea. Or longer even if possible.

I think kids overall manage better with a larger chunk of time in one place. Only then do they settle in and became very comfortable and familiar. Into a groove. That's always what irked me about my kids and schedule back in the day. We never had time for the kids to settle in and feel comfortable and secure.

It's so funny how petty some of these people act. I think it always boiled down to insecurities and fears. Under it all they're very insecure and worried. I feel bad for your step kid to be caught up in how they act. 

Yesterdays's picture

Its sad to say also that these people aren't thinking about the kids as people. They aren't thinking about their kids needs. It's all about their own selfishness over the needs of the kid. 

CastleJJ's picture

We have been fighting BM to have a relationship with SS since he was a baby. We always told BM that longer durations were better for SS and she "agreed" only when it suited her, then would backpedal and say less was better. Until this summer, we had never had more than 14 days with SS in his entire life and he is 12.

For BM and GF, it's all about control. They don't want DH to have a relationship with SS so they can create this false narrative that they are his parents and unfortunately, the court have encouraged this dynamic by denying DH more time and involvement due to SS' sports. At this point, with BM and GF being who they are and the courts not helping DH in any way, DH is just accepting everything he can get with SS and hoping that at 18, SS figures it out and wants to maintain or further build a relationship with our family. 

Yesterdays's picture

 I think that he will see that. You have always been there for quality time with him. I think the quality time is important. I think he knows what you've done for him and that you care about him. I think he's been able to see through what they've been doing. 

Winterglow's picture

LOL at the idea of you running him ragged. You're not the ones keeping him in endless sports with no down time. No, he doesn't look drained, he looks relaxed for the first time in a very long time. Maybe they've never seen him relaxed and happy so they wouldn't realise what it was so they supposed it was something negative. 

advice.only2's picture

I’m curious if BM and GF will now try to have a baby since they see how attached your BD is to SS, you know just another way to skewer you and DH.  I am glad the trip went well with SS, but I have a feeling this will never happen again.  Once BM and GF realize he had an enjoyable visit and felt he really got to bond with all of you they will go back to one week at a time visits to limit him having that attachment.

Yesterdays's picture

They just can't get over it that their precious kid could be happy at someone else's home.. Smh. Jealous. It's so about them and not the kid and ends up hurting the kid. 

CastleJJ's picture

SS told us for years that BM and GF were going to have a baby. So far, that hasn't happened and I'm starting to believe it won't. BM never wanted to parent anyway, but she never wanted DH to parent either, so she was always pawning SS off with neighbors, her parents, and GF. GF wants a baby really bad, but I don't see BM giving into that idea. SS is 12. BM now has the freedom to leave him home alone, focus on her career, and is finally rid of young child expenses like diapers and daycare. I can't see BM starting over again in her mid-30s with sleepless nights, daycare expenses, potty training, etc. when she is 6 years away from total freedom. BM barely wanted to do it the first time around. 

I feel bad because I know GF wants kids so badly and I know BM is likely stringing her along on this fantasy of their own family. But I also don't feel bad because GF has treated DH terribly, aided BM in her terrible tactics and abuse, and tried to take SS on as her own to fill that void. She has invalidated DH's role as Dad to ease her own insecurities. At this point, she reaps what she sows. 

I do agree that it is unlikely we will get 3 weeks again. Unless us having 3 weeks benefitted BM and GF in some way while SS was with us, I don't see them giving us that much time again. And I don't see SS standing up to them to advocate for it.