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FAFSA-ing and Section 8 BeachSide Apartment

CLove's picture

I dont even know if this is worthwhile posting about. I went back in time to get a little info, because it seems like this issue has been "floating around" for several years. I went back into the archives as far as 2012! But, because I want to be prepared and being prepared is strategizing, Ive been reading, on here and the federal financial aide sites.

In casual conversation, I had asked about Toxic Troll and is she going to have to move because she no longer qualifies for the section 8 housing like she did before...Ive probably mentioned this before, but that was all up in the air, as vaporous as the fog that envelopes our coastal cities, burning away in the late morning sun. Now, the realities of post-graduation age 18 are on our doorstep, glaring and burning my eyeballs with frustration.

SD18 Princess Powersulk Do Nada has gotten these two barbell piercings and gone out with friend group a few times, but otherwise all I see is her lounging on her Horozontal Throne (lolololol). 

So, the big "plan": Toxic Troll will keep her apartment at the current rate of whatever as long as requirements are met and they are that that SD18PPSDN will NOT work a job, will go to college classes and remain her dependent. She will apply for student loans and "live off those". 

I kept silent and just nodded my head as he continued on with "well if shes here at our house, Im working her". Yeah sure, husband. Shes made noises about going fishing and selling her fish for cash, and now the "student loan paycheck"...

I have stayed silent as Ive been reading about the Government Aide FAFSA, and will be pretending I dont know anything about anything going on. Shes supposed to be staying at our house this week because Toxic Troll is "sick". As a sidenote, apparently Toxic Troll has been "acting abusively", and husband just tells his kiddo "well thats how your mother is and always has been..."

I just said "shes working you for sympathy..."


la_dulce_vida's picture

My advice? Which you didn't ask for is......go buy some nice weed and get high, if your work allows it. It will take your mind off of things you cannot control.

Also, this kid, JUST graduated. Yes, she did a crap job with school and barely graduated, but she did. Can you give her a minute? Let her have the luxury, however brief, of being an absolute bum without feeling the heat of your anxiety and discontent.

I really think weed is your friend and I wish you'd just get stoned and not give an eff. It's like your anxiety is palpable through the Internet!! ((Hugs))

I love ya. You've got to stop monitoring, patrolling, wringing your hands and gnashing your teeth.

Figure out what YOU will do if things get too bad for you. Then let other people do what they are going to do.

CLove's picture

Although its kinda tough.

Spoken like a true bio mother, I got the same backlash from a post I made in a FB stepparenting group. I read through posts with the letters FAFSA, and many included excellent details about married stepparents being asked for their income info. I feel much better when Im prepared with knowledge, Ive always been that way and in my 50's aint going to change anytime soon.

Plus, as rags always says, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Im considering what my response should be. Im considering amending my tax returns (for other reasons, this would be one of them).

Because although its nice to hear that SD18 PPSDN might actually go to college classes, the reasoning behind it causes me to just automatically reject any help I might be required to give.

And "give her a minute"????? Are you freaking serious? Ive given many many minutes. Give her a minute to do WHAT? Please explain because that statement alone, along with "you should just get high" infuriated me beyond what I can safely express right now. I dont smoke the ganja. 

And I am dealing with a lot, because work sucks right now too.

So - get off your bio mother "high" horse and have a little empathy for those of us not living the "high life" down in our toxic trenches trying to keep our heads above water. I have zero responsibilities towards supporting a non working non driving barely graduated Do Nada. So stragegise I must.

ESMOD's picture


The child has to have the parent that they reside with (or are the dependent of).. provide income information.. AND.. the spouse of that bio parent must also provide it.. because the FASFA wants to know the HOUSEHOLD income.  I believe in some ways, the intent is to not have kids who come from a family with means.. getting free grant money when their bio parent is a SAHM.. because their spouse earns more than enough for the family..   

BUT... the reality is that all the income is used for is to determine 1.  whether there are any grants that they will qualify for.. and it 2.  will show the "student family" contribution amount.. which does not mean that the parent or the step parent is actually obligated to PAY that amount.. but that is an amount that the formula assumes the family can afford.. and if they need to get loans for that.. then the student can get loans.. 

So.. in a nutshell, you providing your income for the calculation does not obligate you to personally pay any one red cent.

BUT.. in YOUR case.. I believe that what I am hearing is that BM is claiming her as a dependent.. so SHE is the parent that must provide income information.. and her spouse would be obligated to provide their info (if she has one).. but again.. that spouse doesn't have any liability.

Your DH should not be the one to provide info.. since he is not the primary custody parent and is not claiming her as the dependent.


I don't think the suggestion to try to chill about stuff is totally off base though.. At this point.. if what you are hearing is near correct.. the girl will not be able to work without jeaopardizing her mom's housing potentially.. Of course, there are ways to earn money that is a little more off the books.. babysitting etc.. I mean.. technically you should report that income.. but I'm guessing that most people don't if it's just time to time for some spending money.   I'm sure that your SD does feel she accomplished something.. and to be honest.. not everyone has the same need to feel productive all the time.  She did jsut finish school.. and I would assume she is going forward with setting up school for the fall?  If she can't work.. maybe she could be volunteering or something.. but it seems like kids these days prefer to lounge.. (rotting I have heard it called).

And.. yes.. these people will make decisions without you in mind.. your DH .. SD.. TT.. no one is worried about how things impact you.. so you need to figure out what things you need to be concerned with.. if SD wants to lay in bed.. well.. that's her letting her own life slip by.. not your problem right?


CLove's picture

Tatoos? SURE!

Fishing? Maybe???? if she can get herself off the horozontal throne...

Maybe child care or some kind of special needs care...

As suggested I need to let it all go.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

to someone on here. I think her point just was to stay out of it and relax instead of being so involved. You keep saying how you are going to stay out of it, but I don't think you have ever let go and stayed out of it. I am sorry work sucks right now, but you post on here for advice and then hardly take any of it and post about the same issue again and again, but if you don't change anything you can't expect to get different results. 

I do understand not wanting to provide your income information as your income isn't supposed to be included in regards to child support it shouldn't be included for student loans either as you are not a bio parent, but worrying about the rest you really need to let go. I know I have to let go in my own situation in not trying to figure out motives, etc. of BM so I need to take my own advice in that aspect. But I just don't understand like I have said before why you chose to stay in this cycle of toxic behavior.

CLove's picture

Ganja. And I might be over caffeinated, and yeah that was spicy, but what I said stands true. Someone else pointed out that the need to know is an aspect of control because Ive been wading through the Chaos Quagmire, and it helps somewhat to soothe me. Information and knowledge helps me to regain my power, somewhat. Im in a situation where Ive been powerless for so long.

Letting go will hopefully come after I put on my classical, do some breathing excercises...

From what Im reading here and other places, the whole requirement for FAFSA lynches on the requirement that Toxic Troll be the #1 and only she always has been. SD18 PPSDN basically belongs to her. No worries as to providing my info at all.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

telling me that because what they are getting at is to do something to relax so whether that be weed, hiking, drinking, wine, etc. I am pretty sure she meant to just do something to relax.

You are powerless because that is the position all parties in your situation have put you in. They aren't going to change their ways after all this time no matter what you do or say. So you need to either let go and be uninvolved with step life and focus on only what you can control which is you or need to remove yourself from the situation completely. 

I am not as familiar with the guideline swith FASFA as my parents are still together. 

CLove's picture

I did tell myself this last night. I definitely and without a doubt need to let certain things go. What Im especially letting go is the need to go grocery shopping while Sluggym er SD18 PPSDN is at our house.

Like this afternoon. She texted on a group chat with husband that I created so that we would all be on the same page and I would be included in things (hasnt worked yet but I started it at graduation) "am allowed to have half of an avacado (which I bought and she must know that) ?" To which husband responded "I will buy more unless Clove disagrees", blah blah blah, coddle coddle coddle.

Me, knowing this is a trap, just said "oh Im fine with it, husband, it was 2$ so just transfer that. IM super broke right now, my gaslight went on during my commute to work and I need to use my lunch money for gas to get no lunch for me today!!!!"

You know, add a little 'victim' in there and see what happens. Plus I want her to know of my money struggles - maybe she might have some concern? Doubtful...and husband swoops in there to the rescue via chat "Ill fill up your gas tank for you". 

lol. What an effed up game we play. So now there will be no expectations of my buying groceries at all - its ALL being let go.

la_dulce_vida's picture

I'm glad you let me have it. It's not a BIO-mom rant I'm on, however. It's experience from living with 4 stepsons who failed terribly in comparison to your SD. 4 young men with depression, anxiety, and alcohol and substance abuse. I loved them and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I wrung my hands. I stressed so bad under the weight of living in a home with them as they would sneak girls in, get so drunk they pissed the bed, skipped school and the list goes on and on. Between them and my narc ex, my health was failing and my hair was literally falling out.

I hurt for you and I wish I could just kidnap you to get you out of this sh$tuation because you CARE and the people who have control are a hot mess. And all I see happening is that you're bearing the brunt of the worry and anxiety.

I'm sorry weed is not an option for you. I see it taking the edge off for a LOT of normal, not pot-head, not stoner losers. I know a lot of successful people who use cannabis to calm their anxiety and ease their stress, especially when they cannot control anything but themselves.

But, it's okay. I can take it. I'm not special because I birthed some babies.

Your strategies will only consume you because you're trying to control the uncontrollable because they don't care and your husband doesn't back you up. He doesn't put you first or parent his daughter properly.

I am sorry your job is really stressful right now and I'm so sorry I added to your frustration, and I hope your post to me was cathartic on some level. ((Hugs))

You cannot control if she gets a license. You cannot control if/when she gets a job. You cannot control where she lives. You cannot control what BM or any of your stepkids do. You cannot control what your husband does. All you can control is you, and I'll wager if you put your foot down and told your SD18 to move out, your husband would not back you up. So, I get it - your life feels out of control right now and I will repeat that you can only control yourself. For me, that has, more often than not, meant I had to walk away from situations where my needs, feelings and happiness were not a priority.

I hope that you have a different outcome but I pray you find peace because I'm worried about you.

CLove's picture

If I didnt respect and admire you so dang much, your comment would not have stung.

(hugs back)

JRI and AgedOut both told me to BREATHE, and each time I got frustrated or my brain started spinning, I held that thought and it did help. Also, JRI was onto something, and she is right. Im a bit jelly that I never got a chance to "take a break", I went from high school to working full time to college full time work parttime, then graduate and scurry to find a job and Ive never really had a nice vacation. I dont know any other way to be or live and at 50 Im starting to think that I need to let go of a lot more than just this "thing" with Skid that I cannot control. Im letting go of some things with work. Im going to work on my home and do a lot of letting go there too.

So, yesterday, I got home, and started working on things I CAN control.

I got to work watering my back yard litte grass patch, and working with my plants, and washing a window that was bothering me. So thank you - your comments totally help.

la_dulce_vida's picture

Darling girl, how can WE get YOU to go on a vacation? It's LONG overdue. Can we do a GoFundMe account? Can you sell something?

Your SD doesn't deserve a break after her craptastic senior year, and you won't want to hear this, but she is a victim of two terrible parents. However, at her age, she's also responsible for her failures.

As a reformed "failure" I was plagued with stress and anxiety because I just couldn't seem to get my act together in school after the 3rd grade. As awful as my parents were, they were good at setting boundaries and expectations, and they were a united front. I was diagnosed with ADD at 35. So, if I had been medicated and had accommodations, with their strong parenting, I probably would have done better.

But they were RELIEVED that I graduated and let me bugger off to the beach with my friends, and it was a welcome respite before I was required to get a job for the rest of the summer.

I know your SD is a turd, but she's had the deck stacked against her and, contrary to popular belief, it can be quite depressing and stressful to be a serial failure. I would know. That's the ONLY reason I said to give her a week even if she doesn't deserve it - even if you have been deserving of a break all these years for doing all of the right things.

I care about you so much and I am sad that 18 and graduation didn't drastically improve your situation.

advice.only2's picture

Also, this kid, JUST graduated. Yes, she did a crap job with school and barely graduated, but she did. Can you give her a minute? Let her have the luxury, however brief, of being an absolute bum without feeling the heat of your anxiety and discontent.

I’m laughing at this because BD18 just graduated last week and we are holding her feet to the fire about getting a job and getting her class schedule figured out for fall semester at our local JC.  BD18 asked me “Am I even going to get a break or a summer?”  The answer to that is no, not from this point on.  She wasn’t happy about it, but she’s been applying for jobs, and working on a schedule and talking to her college counselor.  If DH and I let up on BD18 she would be a rotting girl for the rest of her life. 

ESMOD's picture

I think having a part time job and making sure you are set for the fall semester is plenty for a kid who just graduated.. To be honest.. it is probably one of the last long stretches of time "off" they will have until they retire.. lol.. so I can see a lot of parents being ok with the kid having some minimal effort activities..

When I graduated.. many of my classmates went eurorailing for a month or more.. the goal was to have some experiences that they wouldn't have a chance to once the grind of "real life" hits.. lol.  I went to Spain for a few weeks.  I already had a part time job during school.. so just worked a bit more during the summer.. and was ready with my classes for my first semester... that part really should be pretty easy to work up in just a few days.  

I do think that there is time for work AND play and they will get to the "killing yourself" part of life soon enough.. haha.

Some productivity plan is good.. but it doesn't have to be all consuming.. imho.

la_dulce_vida's picture

You're right to laugh. Wanna know why I wrote it? Because CLove isn't the parent and her husband does not back her up. I don't think the kid deserves any breaks, but it's pointless to push this topic because CLove has no support.

I also know what it's like to barely pass high school. But, even I got to go away to senior week at the beach after graduation despite my GPA being 1.6 overall. Yeah, it was BAD. And you'd think I was worry free being a poor performing student, but it was constant stress, guilt and shame. At least I can blame it on ADD and did much better at school as a medicated adult.

You are blessed to have a life partner to work with to parent a child. CLove doesn't enjoy that support.

advice.only2's picture

I’m sorry I wasn’t picking at your comment in any way, I just found it funny you said that because we are having the same issue with BD18 that Clove is having with her emotional terrorist.  We have been telling BD18 for months now to start looking for a part time job and to register for college.  All to no avail, so I understand the level of frustration Clove is dealing with and the bonus of her not having a say in any of it.  I agree kids should have fun and get to goof off for as long as possible, my problem is my BD18 has shown zero initiative, despite how much we have talked to her and tried to help guide her.  There was no shade to my post, sorry if it came across that way.

la_dulce_vida's picture

I didn't take it wrong, I assure you. I'm glad we can laugh about it. CLove's SD is a butthead, but I don't think she's got it easy. It is not easy failing. Most people think slackers live the life of Reilly, but I know firsthand that it was stressful being a failure at school. I even stress now when I am not performing as well as I should be able to in life. It can cause anxiety and depression.

We're good, you and me. And as the BM to your DD18, you have every right to set expectations. And you are fortunate to have backup. Smile

Rags's picture

I agree!  

I worked far harder earning a F than I ever did ear I g straight A's.  

The emotional drain, avoidance,the hiding, the lack of effort, lies, etc.

Fst lore work than just getting it done

Rags's picture

No need for the reek.

I am in head shop/dispensary central and several of my Sr. direct report leaders on my staff in my previouse company were stoned most of the time.  All on edibles.  No doubt a majority of the client "associates" were stoned on the job most of the time as well.

That company had no drug screening.  None, no pre-employement, no random, no reasonable suspicion.  Only if an employee was driving a PIT and got into an accident. Then, they were tested.  Though most would refuse and resign. 

Remember, just because it may be legal in a particular State, it can be cause for immediate termination with an employer.  In my profession, being under the influence at work can be extremely dangerous to the stoned as well as to their coworkers. 

Getting my Skid out of HS was a battle. We did give him the summer after HS graduation on our dime.  If he had been 18 at graduation, full disclosure, I am not sure we would have given him that summer. He graduated at 17 and turned 18 3mos later. He had to go to SpermLand for his final CO'd visitation.  

My DW has regrets about HS graduation. It was such a struggle to get him there, it was a decidedly underwhelming event. His pre-adoption name made him the last kid to walk.  He was petrified about ...what was next....  My parents came, we flew my IL's out, and DW and I were there. We never got a pic with DW and SS together at graduation.  We planned nothing as far as a celebration.  Due to the timing of graduation and where it was, we took three vehicles. Mom and dad and my ILs rode together, DW and SS rode together, and I drove separately. We all went to dinner and after dinner I stopped on the way home and got a cake, baloons, etc... 

Since about half of summer was SpermLand visitation and he asked to extend so he could have his 18th Birthday with them, there was not a lot of relaxation for him or for us.  We did make a week long road trip to bring him home at the end of the summer.  He did start to open up during that trip.  There were glimpses of the happy engaging young man we raised.

Giving her the summer is something I agree with.  We did not pressure him about 
"what next?" until we got home. Then, it was game on.  

Since PPSDN does not live full time with CLove, there really isn't much that can be done other than to set and enforce what will be in CLove's home.  

This kid is going to do her version of what TT and FF have done.  That is IMHO a foregone conclusion.  Let her go down that crapper.

Lillywy00's picture

It will take your mind off of things you cannot control.

For the first 45 minutes.....then back to reality. 

ESMOD's picture

So, does TT now make too much money in her own right.. so you think she won't qualify?  OR.. is it because your SD might not qualify as a dependent.. so she falls into another income category?

I did read somewhere that if your child is over 18 in school FULL TIME and also working.. they will only consider like 480/YEAR adding to your income for qualification purposes.. so that might not be a total problem for SD to work.. unless her mom is way too close (or over) the income line.

Obv.. the agency she is dealing with could give her the best read on that.. and what their rules are.. it might differ I guess.

My concern for you is that your DH will likely end up having to give his daughter money to live on.. now, if he is no longer paying CS.. then perhaps he can afford to give her some spending money while she is in school.. I guess it's up to him what he feels he can afford.  But, the other worry is that somehow that housing sitation blows up and she ends up living with you.. 

CLove's picture

I dont know these particulars. Husband - hasnt mentioned giving her money for anything. He just "if shes here shes going to work". Not much to "work with". He already pays cell phone, she has no car so no gas or insurance needed. Her needs are only food and shelter, bathing and clothes. So, Im actually considering not asking her to do squat, so husband doesnt have a reason to hand over any money. Hes too cheap to just hand it over. And we have been talking about him taking that CS cash and paying extra towards federal income tax because he owed a bunch. Not taking enough out will do that. We really are living paycheck to paycheck right now.

From what Ive been reading on here, loans need co-signers. Thats a concern...

ESMOD's picture

Public loans don't need cosigners.. private ones may.. or may not.. it can depende.

If TT is the one to fill out the fasfa.. and she is in section 8 earning territory.. I would think that there is a likelihood that your SD will actually be eligible for some GRANT money.. (that doesn't have to be repaid).. then she would probably ALSO be eligible to take out some public govt backed student loans for more.. maybe the rest of her needs.. if there is need beyond that.. then private loans are the third tier and that is potentially where she might need a cosigner.. but it's possible.. she will get what she needs in the first two options.

Again.. since TT is going to be her custodial parent.. she should be filling out fasfa.. I hope that you did not claim SD on your 2023 tax returns.. because that could be a bit of a wrinkle.. if you guys were considered her custodial home last year.

In our situation.. my SDs' mother claimed them as dependents.. so she provided her income.. she wasn't married.. and did not make a high income.. so they got grant money.. it would not have been the same if my DH and I had to put both our

CLove's picture

The net of what Im learning and what you are commenting is that there are differing tiers, and I can simply expect to not be expected to provide any information at all, nor do I need to worry about husband co-signing. Yet. Its a possibility but not a very high probability. Grants - I thought that was for high achievers? Or specialty programs? I guess I just need to stay out of the realm of possibility and stay firmly in what I know (nothing!)

We havent claimed kiddo as a dependent on taxes for a few years. Recall back a few years when we did and Toxic Troll put her hand out for that child tax credit even though she wasnt working. I vowed never again.

So, yes, Toxic Troll is expecting to claim dependent for as long as possible. And college classes are her preferred methods of staying in Beach Town. And SD18 PPSDN is "going along" because shes being harrassed into it (shes so abusive! Sounds familiar)

ESMOD's picture

You would only need to provide your information if your home is the custodial home.. and that is generally determined by where she lived most and who claimed her on their taxes.. TT is who claimed her.. that is the most cut and dried test I can see that means HER household aka HER income is what is needed for FASFA


Grants are NEEDS based they are soley dependent on the calculation based on the income that BM provides.. I did a quick estimate of a single mother with one dependent that makes 40K a year (not sure what TT makes).. and in that case.. SD would be estimated to be awarded the max pell grant which is like 7400.. then she would also be eligable for 5500 in federal loans (that don't need a cosigner I am fairly certain)..   There was also a work study portion estimated of like 1900 that could be factored in for her.

But.. basically that is over 12K.. now.. here is the "kicker".. if she goes to CC and the cost of tuition is less than that amount.. they school will give her the unused money to spend on "other" costs.. so basically whatever she wants... 

That is very simplified obviously.. there are lifetime limits etc.. but if SD goes to CC and if her mom truly makes very little.. then it's likely she will get a fairly decent chunk paid for without a loan.. and even more that is regular federal loans.. 

 again.. YOU should very strongly discourage your SO from filling out anything. it will likely cause a problem because TT is the one that makes very little.. vs your SO.. and it would pull you into having to provide your income.. again.. probably tanking any chance for grant money.

Rags's picture

3.5 decades ago I started a few years of jousting with the FASFA process.  I was 26 and had been fully independent from my parents for 5yrs.  They still required my parents income and tax return information which my parents refused. I had to go with private lender loans. Not much ($10K). No grants, etc...

It may be that both TT and daddy have to provide their income levels. As may CLove since she is an earner in the SKid's life.  There is little indication of cerebral activity in government programs.  Definately there is zero in the FASFA and federal student loan and financial aid nightmare.

AgedOut's picture

if your husband cosigns, that's on him. It's been a bit since we sent a kiddo off to college but if I remember correctly where she resides count and if she resides w/ mom and mom claims her and gets a rent deduction for her then mom's the one who does the paperwork. 


I love a worrier. It drives me crazy at times because something simple causes him lack of sleep and nonstop laser focus but he is really doing so much better for his own health. And I know exactly whose genes passed it down to him. So I spend a bit of time helping him learn to let things go. 


I'm one of those needs to know people. Because I was raised in chaos, I need that control information gives me. Bit I've learned to step out of my head because really all I do from time to time is drive my own self nuts over thinking so I can feel in control. 

So I get you. And I adore you. You have a good soul and a kind heart but regarding sluggo, your worry will only make you suffer. She has to find her path, she has to learn and only her parents will guide her and we both know they will not. 

Protect yourself by making sure you do not have to give up income info. Refuse to. She doesn't reisde in your home. She lives with her mom. 

And so she's a slug. As long as you aren't spending $$ or time on her sluggatude, take a breath, hold it, picture yourself breathing out the bad air and move along to keep your mind busy. Let her parents deal with her slggard ways. Let them deal with her lack of energy, let them pay for her to do nothing. Don't purchase her things as an extra. Don't take her out and spend your $$. Don't buy her special shampoos or snacks or anything. Let Mummy and Daddy enjoy that. They will tire of it and you will not put yourself in the splatter zone of blame. Just let it be. 

CLove's picture

Ok, thank you for commenting me off the over-caffeinated ledge.

Ill definitely take efforts in having adventures and not be around when shes slugging around in her slime trails. Maybe I need to take a class...! Write that book! Hike that mountain!

Rags's picture

take a class...! Write that book! Hike that mountain!

In fact, I would go get a degree in whatever floats your boat. Just to rub all of "their" noses in it.

Most importantly, you have fun. At their expense.

"Sorry, I'm not paying a cent for the SKidults or their toxic mother. It is my turn now."


Dollbabies's picture

kids go to college I'm kinda/sorta familiar with the FAFSA process. Students can get Stafford loans which are subsidized and based on need or unsubsidized which are not based on need. Subsidized have interest waived while the student is attending college but unsubsidized accrue the entire time. Repayment is not required during the time the student is enrolled for either. These loans do not require a co-signer.

Parent Plus loans, on the hand, are loans with decent interest rates that parents can use to pay the family contribution determined by FAFSA. Parents are not required to take out these loans. And if a parent has lousy credit they will be turned down just like with any other loan. And these loans are the parent's  responsibility to repay, not the student's.

It's possible that your SD will qualify for Pell grants which are need-based and do not require repayment. You have to have a not failing GPA to get one. Pell grants are initially paid to the college and any unused balance goes to the student to help cover travel and housing costs. Surprisingly, the program isn't very well monitored and students can receive the surplus $$$ even if they dropped a bunch of classes. It's weird. 

ETA: If the student decides to drop out for any period of time the payments for a Stafford loan begin immediately. 

CajunMom's picture

Not that you asked for it but this is what I'd do. I would not give one ounce of thought on your SD, how she's paying for college, her FAFSA, student loans...NOTHING. Set a boundary of how much money your budget can handle for any college expenses and stand on that. If it's zreo, it's zero. Any college help, unless dictated in a CO, is at your discretion and what your budget can handle. Anything outside that, your DH can get a second job if he wants to give her more than you guys can afford. And set the boundary she will NOT be living with you and your DH full-time. 

As for her or your DH roping you into that mess...any questions asked of you are answered - "Sorry, I don't know about that." Play dumb. Stay out of that mess. Trust me...any good thing you do will be used against you. 


CLove's picture

Yeah I was mainly venting.

Helpful advice is always welcome.

And yes, my current strategy is "oh, hmm, wow, I dont KNOW! Ask your father".

CajunMom's picture

Ask your father!! LOL 

It makes me sick to see how these SKs act...and then want us (you, in this case) to, all of a sudden forget the nasty behaviors and jump to their rescue. Nah. Let good ole dad do that. Or the BM.

You keep yourself happy and safe from all that drama.

advice.only2's picture

So SD18PPSDN is supposed to go into debt so that T.T. can remain in section 8 housing?  How long is SD18PPSDN supposed to remain a student?  Indefinitely?  This sounds like a “stellar” life plan.    

Rags's picture

They bought their house on student loans, they lived on student loans, for a decade.  Finally the school would not allow her to apply for any more financial aid and would not let her register for any more classes. So, no degree and $100K+ in loans plus penalties and interest for non payment.

After not being alowed to set foot at the University, their home went into foreclosure three different times. SIL worked a "hail Mary" salvage with the mortgage company.

If she gets her loans forgiven, I will lose my ever loving mind.  SIL should be forced to suffer her shit for the rest of her POS life.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Pathetic that TT is using PS as a source of income. Student loans have to be paid back. Pell Grants won't totally support 2 people in an apartment. But, the only way this will affect you is if PS takes out max loans then comes crying to Daddy to help her pay them back. Because the bill will come due. Sad for her. 

AlmostGone834's picture

Depends.. Biden's SAVE plan basically makes your loan repayment amount $0 if you don't make much money (less than $30k) and anything over that... your monthly payment is super low until you start making like over $75k. Then it's all forgiven anyway after 20 years.

CLove's picture

Shes using her to keep the subsidised housing, sure. And SD is using a different system to have $$, although I think shes not thinking it through, because you have to fill out forms, and sign up for classes, pay fees, buy books, and have transportation (oh wait online classes only!)

I am having no sympathy at this point.

And Im tired. I could easily be in a hammock on the beach right now. Or by a lake...

AlmostGone834's picture

My guess is she will get a full Pell Grant because her mom is poor. You won't have to provide any tax/income information. She will get the 100% of her college tuition paid for, plus extra $ each semester for books and other things (usually it's more than other expenses so she will have some free government spending money). She will also be offered loans on top of that (that your DH won't have to sign for). All for free. It will be 6 years worth, a bit less if she takes summer classes. She will have to maintain a 2.0 gpa I believe because if she goes under that for 2 semesters she will be kicked out.

CLove's picture

So free bachelors if shes smart enough to get er done.

WOW. I knew that sports and academic achievement did this. But just by doing minimum and not having money and existing as someones dependent you get all that.

Rags's picture

Oh yes.  Having one or more parents on the dole rolls out the cash train for kidult post HS students.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

But do you really think PS has it in her to maintain a 2.0 and complete her degree? She is going the route of so many SDs on here. My SO's daughters, 24 and 27, are still running to Mommy and Daddy crying when they get themselves in a bind. So many semesters, so many loans, and still texting Daddy for gas and grocery money. 

CLove's picture

With the online classes offered, she wont need transportation. With all the freebies she gets (dad pays all phone), food and shelter taken care of for her, friends for entertainment, and now I am learning the freebie education system.

Its sickening. What about folks that genuinly have the need and WANT to further their education?

notarelative's picture

Online -- how did the online high school courses go? I would not expect a different result.
The high school may have been willing to push her through the course. High school online here is more credit recovery than class. 
College online, even community, usually expects the work to be done and seldom pushes the student through.

Does SD qualify for the California Promise two years tuition free? Does the college she chose participate? DH, not you, needs to find out about the program and ask her.

Rags's picture

I did Grad school via an online program.  It was as much or more work than brick and mortar classes ever were.

Though I graduated 24 years ago.  Things may be far different after 24 years of growth , or more accurately the degradation, of the nonperformance for progress social promotion academic world.

Back in the day, even a GED took study and passing a notable series of tests.  Now, show up occassionally, fog a mirror, and get an actual HS diploma.  If I were a kid walking today after legitimately doing the work to graduate and some slug walked to get the same diploma for not doing shit, I would be livid.  The kids who actually did the work some with high honors have to be gutted to see POS moron spawn get a diploma for doing shit for nothing.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

But the odds are that SDPSXYZ won't stay the course. I'm sure she has a ton of pre rec classes to slog through.

Going to college without a clear career path is not best practice. 

Rags's picture

Sadly not only pre rec. So many who skate through HS to a diploma without actually learning have to take remedial classes before starting pre rec classes.

I have seen no stats on the graduation rate for completed undergrad degrees by kids who start college in remedial classes before being allowed to take actual credit classes.

I took some CC classes after finishing my BS.  I was asked to teach some remedial classes by the CC.  I taught one remedial class Fall, Spring and both Summer sessions for a year.  I enjoyed the classes I was taking for my own edificaiton far more than I enjoyed teaching the remedial kids.  Very view of them had interest in actually learning.   For sure most would never do any of the reading or homework.  So, F.  Though remedial classes do not show up on a degree transcript or in a GPA.

Here is a quick Shmoogle response to that question.

For students placed into remedial courses in community colleges, fewer than 10 percent will earn a degree or certificate within three years, and approximately one-third of students at four-year institutions will graduate within six years.

AlmostGone834's picture

Yes free bachelor' if she is smart (debatable, you'd know better than me) and poor (I'd be willing to bet the farm she will get 100% Pell Grant) enough to get er done. 

And extra spending money on top of it. 

The good news is you and your husband won't have to pay or cosign loans. You won't have to give your info. TT will. PPS can take out extra federal loans all on her own without a parental co-signer.

And they will give her 6 years worth of grants (which means she can take 150% of the time it normally takes to get a 4 year bachelor's degree). 

If she takes out loans (and if the republicans don't put Biden's SAVE plan on the chopping block should they have control back) and if she makes low-medium salary, she likely won't have to pay much of them back. 

As far as if she will be successful... depends on her major. Some are (much) harder than others. Online degrees are generally  IMO easier. You can stay in bed (don't have to worry about commuting, parking, walking a long distance to class all that time etc... if you take in-person classes, sometimes you have to hang around on campus because it makes no sense to go home..). Tests are online (which allows for a million ways to cheat). Lectures are recorded and can be watched over and over.

IF she is sneaky enough she can Chegg her way through ( - a website where college student upload homework and test answers. For a low monthly subscription fee, you can have all the answers at your fingertips.) or she can Chatgpt her way through if she has to write something. That's what Little Idiot and plenty of other college students these days have done. 

Oh and 6 years of free college could turn into 7 or 8 IF  she doesn't have a full schedule every spring/fall. Or it could turn into 5 if she does have a full schedule every spring/fall plus takes summer classes.

Basically you're given 600% and every semester (fall, spring or summer) that you go full time, you use up 50%. So if she goes full time this fall, next spring and the summer after, she would use up 150% of her Pell Grant that year and would have 450% left. Once she gets to 0%, no more Pell Grant free college. If she doesn't go full time (say she only takes 2 classes), then she'd only be using something like 20% of her Pell Grant. 

In order to keep getting the Pell Grant, she will need to stay poor and keep in good standing with her college (basically pass 2/3rds of her classes and maintain a 2.0 (C) average). Every college is a bit different but those are the general requirements.

Can she do that? Again, depends on what she takes. They won't push you through college. You have to complete the homework's, quizzes and pass most of the tests. How easy the tests are again, depend on the major and the professor.

If her gpa falls below 2.0, she will have 1 more semester to raise it back above 2.0 or she will get kicked out. 

JRI's picture

You said in a recent post how you were living during your teenage years: going to school, working, helping with home chores.  I think what gets to you about your step-daughter so intensely is that, aside from minimal educational work, she's not doing any of those things.  I'm guessing that your parents strongly expected you to follow that path.  It must seem so unfair that your SD isnt required to do anything.

To we who read your posts, it seems clear: step back from something you can't control.  But, for you, the sense of unfairness is huge and you're living with SD vegitating and DH being ok with it.  Day after day.

I think the sense of unfairness applies to TT, also.  I'm guessing you've worked hard all your life yet you're seeing this woman living off CS and the government.  It doesnt seem  just.

I don't have any advice except for what we all say: step back from what you can't control.  But perhaps understanding why this is so hard (remembering, protecting and supporting that teenager who studied hard, worked and helped with home chores) will help you let go.

CLove's picture

I definitely am comparing myself to TT and the unfairness. I have been pretty transparent with my sour grapes, and now Im just really disgusted with the way things have gone.

AND, Ive not had any vacations, no "breaks", nothing. I never had those idyllic summer days I was working, or doing summer classes, or something. We did have awesome family vacations here and there, but recently? Nothing for the past 10 plus years. My life seems all about work and sleep and all to support the current lifestyle of paying paying and more paying. Zero play.

Since when did kids "deserve" a break? 

Im cranky, and burned out, thank you for being empathetic. I dont have bios, so its basically just me. Cranky and demanding.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"Since when did kids "deserve" a break?"

Lol i know. A break from what? Vegging, getting tattoos and piercings, barely going to school but skating by, and playing on her phone?

One thing you have that they don't is self-respect. It's easy to borrow the max amt of money when you know you will never do enough to make enough to have to pay it back. These people live for the moment because they have no future.

Protect yourself and your assets, because those around you will use up everything they can get their hands on. TT doesn't give a rat's ass about PS's future. TT wants that money NOW, and who cares if PS has a pile of debt the rest of her life.

Look around you. If you don't see any good people, be one. Not in the way that you will keep sinking time, money, and stress into these losers, but in how you conduct yourself in your day to day life. If you look around and can't find anyone who is a true friend and ally, be that for yourself.

This advice is as much for me as for you lol. These a-holes have stressed us out enough. Just make sure that PS's debt can't affect your future. Otherwise let them rot in their own filth. I bet that apartment on the beach is a hoarders' nest of disgustingness anyway. 

AlmostGone834's picture

You sound like me. It was all prepared and set in stone where I was going to college long before I even graduated. My parents made sure my future was planned out and the summer after HS was spent working and prepping for college in the fall. I was expected to hit the ground running once I graduated. No time like the present and all that. 

So I get the frustration. When someone wants to laze around and take a break from life, well someone else has to subsidize that vacation. Little Idiot worked yes, but it all went to her fun. We supported her by paying for the roof over her head, her food, and her cell phone bill etc. So I got resentful too. I get it.

ETA: On a related topic, they will graduate as many kids as they can these days in high school, even if the principal has to carry them all piggyback across the finish line. Literally. Administration will beg, cajole and threaten the teachers to change grades to get these kids graduated. Higher graduation rates means more $ for the school, less headaches with the government and bye-bye to the problem children. So none of these skids on here graduating surprises me. I'd be more surprised if they DIDNT graduate. 

ESMOD's picture

I guess the problem is that life IS unfair.. but it still burns to see yoru DH's ex living in a beach town while you grind yourself to to bone to make up for all of your DH's shortcomings...   He owes back taxes.. he pays for his kid's stuff.. he is obviously doing the bare minimum.. and probably often less than that.  I recall him wanting to enjoy "time off" between jobs not to long ago.. he is lazy.. he is fine sucking off you to make his life comfortable.. and he enjoys all his fun with his barnacle buddy.. fishing.. his cars and boats.. and what do you get?  A lot of headache.. a large share of the bills and no voice in your home.

Your husband is the biggest failure here.  His kids?  well.. they are behaving as they were raised.. doing the minimum because no one expected or taught them better (was not your job).  

You don't have vacations because your household can't afford them.. because you are spending all your disposable income propping up your budget since your DH is spending his money elsewhere.  

You will never be a priority and have the life you want if you stay there.. honestly.. you want your best life.. you better go start living it.. because time is a thief and before long.. your dreams will no longer be a reality.

MissK03's picture

You really should leave your marriage. I'm really sorry but just trying to be totally honest..

These people are losers. Please go find someone more deserving of your time. SD18 is FF with less of a mouth. She isn't going anywhere in life and will continue to be at your home doing nothing for the foreseeable future.

You are literally driving yourself insane. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

And CLove, I think you're misplacing a lot of resentment that really lies with your H. He/you owe back taxes? Then he needs to sell a boat or some cars, or get a second job. 

You will never, ever feel truly safe with this manchild, even if he was childless. You don't feel supported by him, and you exist is a state of hyper vigilance because you never know where the next hit is coming from.

You need a man who is a rock - strong, reliable, evolved, responsible, with just a bit of whimsy. And I think you over focus on step issues as an avoidance behavior, so you don't have to look squarely at your marriage. You need to get honest with yourself and your true feelings and insecurities. That's where your power and peace lay.

StepUltimate's picture

It'sthe same thing over and over with CLove's abusive husband, spawn, and ex, knowing she remains in a state of hypervigilence trying to protect herself from toxic selfish manipulators who seem to delight in their twisted sickness while she's grasping for a thread of hope for some future sanity. Sanity that will never be realized while remaining involved.

My xSS's graduation & subsequent continued lazy partying inaction was a time of high anxiety for me, so I can relate to that so much. I too was determined to not host any user parasites. I had to divorce my way out of it to save myself - the manipulative parasite BY NATURE will not change. So it was up to ME to change, and discontinue hosting/enabling them - to evict them and free myself.

CLove's picture

Im in the proverbial Golden Handcuff situation. Our area is too expensive and rates are too high for me to sell out and cash out and get out right now.

And financially I cannot afford to leave. So I stay and lay pretty low.

I know you think shes innocent of all and any wrongdoing but she has that whole "innocent little girl" thing super down.

Just today - she texts via a small group text I set up with myself and husband. Asking "do I have permission to have half an avacado". I am the one who buys them, but granted it could have been husbands. What does he do? Responds with "Ill buy more, go ahead unless Clove has a problem with it". I know HE was the one with the agressive stance in that, but she sets these things up. I dont dare say "no" or put up any kind of barrier or wall. She will play the victim/good little girl and Im the evil stepmoster/bad guy, and she knows this. Shes seen it and feeds into it. Why even ask, knowing it will stir up trouble.

Then she likes to stir up trouble by telling husband that her mother "is abusive and harrassing her everytime she talks about getting a job". Thats BS in my opinion. Sure, maybe Toxic Troll is wanting to keep the Section 8 Beach Town Apartment by any means necessary, but the way its presented is pure manipulation. "Dont make me get a job or do anything because at moms house Im basically an abused daughter-slave".

I might be cranky today.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

"I know you think shes innocent of all and any wrongdoing but she has that whole "innocent little girl" thing super down."

I don't think that at all, CLove. I think she's a manipulative pos-in-training, the product of two shi!!y parents whose Good Little Girl persona developed as a means to get attention. Her asking daaddee rather than you was intentional and petty. WE can all see the game, and you matched her move very well.

You really, really need to make peace with the fact that these are below average people, just doing what they do. Keep planning for the day none of them will be in your life. You'll move on up, while they'll continue to wallow in their low class muck.

CLove's picture

Yes they suck. And Ive been saying less and less while fuming more and more. Just every day slogging in to work, tired, while SD18 PPSDN lounges around all day, sleeping in.

Came home tired as heck and stressed about PB, and a super busy day, dirty dishes in the sink. Went out, came home 30 mins later, dishes done and drying, pans still dirty and sink full of gunk. but "hey she did the dishes!" 

The more I think about this whole setup the madder I get. Im supposed to support her "decision" to not go seek work, so she can help out Toxic Troll in Beachtown. This week has been murder. So I bought a chicken dinner - offered it to everyone - and husband brought her his lunch leftovers. Which suits me just fine. Not a penny of mine is going to her royal highness support, and think husband realizes this. Took that chicken to work for my lunch. I know its petty, but this is where I am today.

Not going to support choices that I am not a part of making. And havent heard a peep about getting her a photo id.

Lillywy00's picture

Speak to a lawyer but if I were you I would not put my income on a Fafsa for no child that is not my adopted child or my bio child. 

Next thing you know you'll be on the hook for 18-whenever of paying her colleges fees, student loans, tattoo kits, piercing, and more  only for her to make straight fs and waste money  

Let powersulk take out as many loans as her heart desires. She needs to pay her way. She strikes me as a moocher with no respect.

Girl hide ya bank statements, hide ya wallet. 

StepUltimate's picture

"Hide your sisters, hide your wife!"

RockyRoads's picture

Clove I am following all of these comments. I am like you and worry about all of it. I understand how hard it is to just let it be. In my opinion it all ends up affecting me somehow.  My SD is going into her senior year in the fall and SO and I have discussed at great lengths what we can and cannot afford to do. But I worry every day about what will happen in a year and how he may easy cave.  I am glad to hear what some of you have had to say about loans and Fafsa because it will help me be armed.  But then my SO probably won't listen anyway. Clove I don't do ganja either but some days I think it might be worthwhile. lol. Hugs.

CLove's picture

Husband smokes it and has bags and bags around. Also the gummies. So if it were something I WANTED to do, I could do it.

I decided to have a few glasses of some locally made organic red wine and work on cleaning my house. Depression over all this made me let things go. Its now become overwhelming. Another funny part is, as unsupportive as husband is where it comes to his children/ex, as soon as he saw me cleaning a window he began helping me. Hes not opposed to physical work, that part hes all in on and understands. I dont think that hes emotionally capable of handling emotional or mental work, only physical.

Goood luck! And dont marry him.

ESMOD's picture

I would be concerned in your situation too.. because It sounds like both your household and your DH's Ex'es household make decent money and would both have two incomes to report.. so there is unlikely to be a ton of grant money and the "family obligation" is likely to be significant.  

RockyRoads's picture

We are not rich and since so much money is sunk into SS sports I don't know where SO would find the money. Does Fafsa take all incomes even if you are not married? BM has been with her fiancé since she left SO and has never married him. And SD hasn't stayed with us for 2 years and BM has claimed her on taxes always. 

CLove's picture

Only if you are married and filing jointly on tax returns.

Maybey by then SS will have to foot his own does happen.

Lillywy00's picture

We are not rich

Says every rich person on the planet 

I'm kidding ..... 

Your finances are your own business. 

Government is probably looking at incomes in the household the kid lives with majority of the time. CP would need to claim child support as income and from that amount I'm sure the government can work backwards and determine the NCP income if necessary. If it's 50/50 custody then both household incomes.  Now I could be wrong since I glossed over that part since I am head of household with a deadbeat consulting with a professional in this area is a good idea. 

Lillywy00's picture

Slightly off topic but one day my mother decided to hit up the CBD store since she retired and didn't fear some random drug test at her job. 

She walks in ... asks hella questions... comes out with $300+ worth of goodies (some of it had thc in it) me thinking I'm about to get buzzed with my mom - which  probably would have been kind of awkward 

Then hands it all over to me. I'm like WTF ?!? 

Spent all that money, asked all those questions, no job to wake up to, no drug test in sight, and was still like NO!

I had a great time with her purchases lol!!!

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Another thing about Pell grants - my kid actually qualified for the minimum one for next school year (won't qualify going forward since i'm back to my usual income.) I was in a bad accident and missed 3 months of work. The grant money isn't even as much as one of those months would have paid had i been working. So, what i'm trying to say is, yes, govt money is free and often given to people who fake disabilities, work under the table to avoid taxes, etc., but you are better off as a whole if you work hard, do your best, and keep everything above board. Depending on the government keeps you from moving up in the world. It's a crutch that some people truly need, but if you get too used to crutches you might forget how to walk on your own two feet. Don't envy them. 

CLove's picture

SD18 PPSDN sleeps in while go slogging off to work 5 days weekly...I def envy that. Only 11 more years to retirement...if I make it lol.

And I just heard that in some cases CC is FREE(?), and reading up on it, theres a lot of special programs. But that wont put money in SD18 PPSDN's pocket.