Turned SD room into guest room
It's been 6 weeks sense our blow out.
she has blocked me and on not had surface talks with her dad. Came to get stuff whe we weren't home. So we cleaned it out 6 bags of trash 15 totes of her stuff and so elbow grease and a car full of donations..
that felt good she would be pissed ..
the fact she can't stand me makes that a easy pill to swollow. It looks great. Sages it and feel like got that darkness out. Baby steps...
She moved out. It isn't her room.
Keep that straight.
Toxic Skidults or near adults do not have a room or a place in the home. They are not welcome residents or members of the family, nor are they guests.
If they are in the home at all. They are pests who are tolerated on a minute by minute basis as their behaviors dictate.
Enjoy your newly exorcised space.
If you have not yet re-keyed the locks, do it now. Do not give her a key. If DH gives her one, re-key the locks again and don't give him one either.
And.... good riddance.
When Feral Forger SD24 was 18
When Feral Forger SD24 was 18 and graduated high school, she got herself a job a few towns over. She started staying over at a friends house and not coming back, because no car. Her life shifted and she basically ghosted us with no big blowout.
7 months down the line afterwards, I poked my head in there, smelled something super noxious saw the absolute mess and made my decision. Husband asked if I needed him to make a dump run, I said "oh yes"...
1 electric bed base
1 knarly mattress
6 bags trash (including dirty period pads)
3 bins store
6 bags donate
2 dressers
1 desk with vaity mirror
1 office chair
1 empty whiskey bottle
I also asked the younger one to help. She took a few personal items like photos. Her comment was "wow I feel so dirty now".
I made it my dressing room with plants and a fishtank. I took the door off to let in all the light. I can see the sun set...its a very pretty space. Which reminds me I need to clear it out and redo it.
Feral Forger SD, found out Id redone the room and got really mad. Im at the point now that I want to box the remaining and mail it to her.
Don't, just chuck it.
Don't, just chuck it.
Way to go Clove - yeah, time
Way to go Clove - yeah, time to give that stuff to dad and have dad send it to her or chuck it. HIS decision but not in your house anymore. Yuck...similar experience to this for me too. :D
We got rid of all of SS's stuff, and ours, when we went overseas
We kept a few very small momento items. A table he built in HS wood shop, his trumpet, his toddler quilt that my mom made for him, and some pics.
We are not horders or keepers. When we move, if it has not something we have used since the last move... it gets donated.
My ILs are keepers. They keep everything. Everything has some mythical meaning and importance. Rusty old trucks, cars, and junk farm equipment that has not run in decades. Nothing vintage, just old and work out junk. But "That is Old Blue!. Dad bought that truck when they rented their first farm." Rotten moldy old furniture, 30yo business records, a non functioning very old boat.
We own furniture, some kitchen stuff, and clothes. Our only excess is tribal rugs from the Middle East and Morocco. We have more carpets than we have floor space. But... treasure!!!
Love it !
Love it !
My SD17 stopped staying over
My SD17 stopped staying over more than a year now. But when she would come to visit she wouldn't even go up to the room but still called it "her" room. Fast forward to last month, it was time to change the room. Put all of her clothes that she wasn't bothered with anyway, and put them in bins, packed her knick knacks. Got rid of the bed and desk that she ruined. Painted the room, cleaned the floors, got a single day bed with new bedding. Now it's a guest room. She used to get upset when we had the occassional guest stay over in "her" room when she wasn't with us. My husband let her know that we had her things here for her. She didn't seem too perturbed about it. And when she stopped by for a visit, she event went through the bins and took what she wanted home with her and put the rest in a donate bin. But I think it was a clear message to her that the room is a guest room only and no longer "hers".
We only had SD EOWE. She
We only had SD EOWE. She pulled the same crap with us though. She'd be here START drama then when she didn't get her way, or we weren't falling for her lies, she'd cry to go home. Her BM would come pick her up SCREAMING at DH that we were detrimental to her mental health. I would get so mad at BM for those words... how were we detrimental to her mental health? How dare she say that to DH! Then later (years later on some accounts) I find out that sd had been telling everyone that DH would be punishing her for things that either she made up, or that never happened. Or she'd be telling everyone that I purposely feed her items that she's "allergic" to. Or she's telling everyone that I'm calling her ugly and fat...
When her mom would pick her up, MONTHS would go by before she'd agree to come back for visitation. Once she had her car, she'd only visit when she was getting something (birthdays, Christmas, etc) and she wouldn't even stay the night.
DH just NOW converted her room into his office. Her feelings were SOOOO hurt. Before he converted it he instructed her to clean her room, she came over twice, spent all day, filled up 4 garbage bins... but her room was STILL a disaster... so me and DH went in, took 2 more days and 4 more garbage bins! There were items in there that weren't even opened that we got her for Christmas (specifically things that she asked for). We had 4 bags of unopened donation items. So to add that all up 8 BINS of garbage and 4 bags of donations. Not to mention things that she wanted to take with her.
When you summarise all that - it sounds so HORRIBLE.
7 years down the line, feral forger sd24 is still mad at me too.
Eff that, I say.
Exactly! I'm so glad it is
Exactly! I'm so glad it is now dh's office. I'm glad sd no longer REALLY has a bedroom at our house. He did keep her bed and her couch (that doesn't really fit) that way if she DOES happen to want to sleep here (which will never happen, but it makes DH feel better to say) she'll have a place to sleep. But he's taken over the entire room and closet with his work stuff. She will literally only have the bed and couch. We even repainted the walls from the super pink color to a neutral grayish white.
Baby steps
it will gradually fade into the new incarnations...
We turned OSDs room into a
We turned OSDs room into a guest room, then with COVID shutdown, also into my office.
When she heard we redid her room into a guest room she was mad at DH for yet another thing. She hadn't been to our home for over a year! DH held the line though and supported our decision.