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A question?

PB's picture

I just have a question, can you please help.

Can't 11 year old girl stay at home alone after school until her mom is back?

The situation is her mother works until 23:00 o'clock. 

I work until 17:00 and her father doesn't work. I can't stand SD everyday. I just can't anymore, i did thgis for a few years but not anymore, she is a young big girl now, physically bigger and fatter than me! I don't want her at my home. I'm sorry but i'm honest. I can welcome her 2 nights a week. Is it posiible to put a camera in their home so DH can watch her if she's ok at home? 

Otherwise i'm looking another job after 17:00 so i can be home after 23:00. 

Do you have any advice please?


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Check with your local laws. It might be okay for an 11 year old to be home alone for a few hours.

justmakingthebest's picture

That is pretty late for an 11 yr old. Staying home after a standard bedtime for an 11 yr old would be a no go for me personally but it would really go back to what's legal where you are. 

ESMOD's picture

Not all 11 year olds will be mature enough to be left home alone.. especially after dark.  It is one thing for a kid to be home for an  hour or so.. but in this case.. it would be around 6 hours.. she would need to be independent enough to prepare her own food.. deal with potential safety issues.. what would happen if she had an emergency.. a fire? an injury?  What about the likelihood of her being a target for someone taking advantage of her or abusing her?  Honestly.. for 6 hours.. I think it's likely that it will be a few more years before I would be ok with that as a parent.  Even when she is older.. would she be trusted to follow rules etc?  I mean.. what would be worse.. an unsupervised teen getting pregnant?

What strikes me here is that you have a husband that doesn't work.. so quite obviously.. the child caring should land 100% on him when she isn't with mom.. what else is he doing with his time.

You should feel free to make your own plans after work.. go to the gym.. meet friends.. take art classes.. whatever YOU want.. it is not YOUR job to watch her.

If she is being allowed to be too loud or disruptive.. that is a problem you need to insist your DH fix.. she is old enough to learn to behave in a respectful way around other people.

He could also push back at her mom to provide her alternate after school care.. maybe that is something you could suggest to him? though if he isn't working... where would the funding come from?

PB's picture

DH is looking after her actually and he wants to do that, but i don't want to live with SD 24/7. 
I am a young girl with needs, i can stand her 2 nights but not more. I suggested her mom to find a job as a mom and not work until 11 PM but she said the money is not enough. Is that my problem? 

Yes i was also thinkingto send her some classes after school, but who is gonna pay for that? Me again NO No.,

After 17: 00 instead of being home and rest i have to waste my time here and there. 


Rumplestiltskin's picture

So mom works till 11 pm and dad doesn't work at all? And he keeps the kid nearly every day? Is mom paying child support? I wouldn't want to be you in this situation, slogging away at a 9 to 5, paying all the bills, to be catering to whatever those 3 need. 

PB's picture

I don't want to be at my situation too, believe me.

No child support?! haha she is struggling to live, her rent is high.

I need to find a solution. I can even buy a camera for their home for them to watch the kid. 


Sadielady's picture

I'm confused about DH's role in this. Is he not available during those evening hours? Is it that you don't want to be the one responsible for SD every night? Or is it that you don't want her to be at your home at all? I don't live in the states, so the rules might be different, but in Canada professionals who work with children have a mandatory duty to report suspicion of child abuse/neglect and leaving at 11 year old on her own for 6 hours every evening would be an immediate call.

Legalities aside (and I apologize because I don't know your situation and what you're dealing with) it would be cruel to leave her on her own every night. Humans need other people and she would be so isolated.

PB's picture

Thanks for your reply and trying to help.

Dh is available at evening and he look after SD. thats a yes yes for him though!

Its just i can stand this kid every day after work, i have just one day off in a week and i hate to spend it with her not just with my husband. I hate to wake up and sleep with her loud voice. 

I understand 6 hours can be too much, thats why i say her mom should come from work earlier. 

She is a mom and should take her responsibilies. BM is relax because she thinks DH doesnt work so he should look after that kid. I am also not in USA. I( dont want to isolate her, but i dont want to waste my time after work. Or should i work in another job for evening until midnight. So i dont see DH and SD together every evening ruining my life. 

justmakingthebest's picture

It sounds like BM is taking her responsibilities as a mom, by working.

SD's father also has parental responsibilities to help care for the child. It is better to have SD over than something happening to her or BM quitting working and him be on the hook for a ton of child support. 

This is the downfall to being childless and being with a partner who has a child. Those responsibilities come first. 

PB's picture

Being mom is not just working and paying for rent. being mom is teach your child how to behave, to saythank you, and good morning. An 11 year old girl who never says thank you, or hello or good morning is not sweet in my idea. being mom is also to spend time with your child, teach her how to take bath or how to go to toilet. This is responsibilities for a mom. 

ESMOD's picture

also her FATHER's responsibility.. especially a father who doesn't work... he should have ample time.. the majority of waking hours he spends with his daughter to instill all these values and skills.

justmakingthebest's picture

She also sounds like a pretty typical pre-teen. 

What does her father do to address her manners in your house? 

PB's picture

He usually cant say no to her, because he feels guilty dad, which he should not be at all. Sometimes he also get crazy and angry from SD and try to teach her, but not in the way he should. It should be completely different. SD is not good at school, she is not polite, she doesnt know how to act, eat, pee, talk anyghing. All she knows is playing with her phone 7/24. DH always warn her to be quit when i sleep or be polite to me. But its SD she cant change, its too late and she is 11. 

ESMOD's picture

It sounds like your situation is very distressing for you.  BUT.. you are in a relationship with a man with a child.. The reality is that she could be a full time resident of your home if her mother died or became unable to parent her for some reason (illness.. etc).

It does she go to her mom's at 2300? or does she stay the night with you when her mom works.. does she go to mom's house when mom is not working on weekends (or whatever her days off are).

You may want mom to get a different job.. but it feels like the fact that she is working.. and wouldn't be able to afford working for less.. that is not an option.

Your partner doesn't work.. so he is the logical parent.. it's your choice to stay there and either make the best of it.. or you may have to decide if this relationship is worth it.

Certainly.. in a few years.. his daughter should become able to be more independent.. but right now.. it seems she is not.. so since you can't MAKE BM work different hours.. you are left with some choices about how your own home runs.

Maybe that means helping your DH find after school activities so she isn't underfoot as much.. or maybe insisting he pay for a sitter so you can go enjoy an evening out.  I am hoping/assuming he is bringing in some money.. maybe disability or something..

In the end.. you may have to leave the relationship if you can't stand being around her.


PB's picture

She stays at night too, and thats what i also say, why she doesnt go to her own home after 11 for sleep? At least i can sleep in peace. I have car and her home is just a few minutes away. When BM is off SD goes and stay there. But thats 1 day in two weeks. 

DH doesnt have income. Why i should pay for everything and even dont have peace at my own home?

I can stand her but just 2 days, not everyday.

justmakingthebest's picture

Because who would wake up a child at 11 pm to go to another house?? Thats just crazy.\

However, your DH needs to get his ass up and get a job. Why are you even tolerating a man who doesn't pull his weight? 

ESMOD's picture

next question is why is an 11 year old awake at that time of night.. on a school night... your husband isn't setting good boundaries.  she should be in bed by 8:30 or 9pm.

PB's picture

Well now you might understand me better that why i cant stand her and my husband together.

Because he is a disneyland dad and he cant say no to his princess. And i hate that. 

ESMOD's picture

Then it's a problem with him.  You can't expect an 11 year old to parent herself.  Ideally the girl is getting ready for bed by around 8PM.. which would leave you and your SO plenty of adult time after she is in bed for the night.. 

Why is he not working? that also seems like a HIM problem.

Again.. do you think staying with an unemployed father is your dream? then quit trying to shove that square peg into a round hole.. find you a man that is available to be the partner you need and want.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"She stays at night too, and thats what i also say, why she doesnt go to her own home after 11 for sleep?"

If she sleeps at your house all those nights and her dad is there too, that *is* her home. I say put dad out and make him either get a job to get his own home or find another woman to sponge off. TBH, that's probably what he will do. These a-holes won't stay single long. Too hard. 

PB's picture

sleeping in someones else home temporarely doesnt make it your home! Sd knows where her home is and court desicion is SD stay with BM, not us. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

No matter what the paper from the court says, if SD has stayed with you almost every night since her mother got a job, she lives with you. Whether you know it or not, what you have done is allow her to move in with you.

I understand where you are coming from. My SO used to keep his kids almost every night, according to what the BM's constantly changing plans were. He paid child support to her. She worked a lot, but did not spend anything on the kids but the occasional dinner out. SO paid their housing, clothing, food, health and dental care, school and extracurricular, and car and insurance. All of it.

People assume that just because a mother works, her kids benefit. This BM here works to afford Mercedes cars and Gucci purses, and a lot of other expensive shite i've never even heard of. Don't let these people use you! They are all using you. Your SD needs her father to be a father, not a playmate. Unless he can start to act like a man and not a little girl like SD, being supported and playing all day, you will be miserable. 

PB's picture

To be honest, BM is not good financial, she goes with bus, she pay rent and other stuff. She is so far from Mercedes cars or Gucci bags! She even cant afford to do extra things. 

WalkOnBy's picture

So Dad has no income, but isn't available to care for his child?  What am I missing here?  I feel like I am missing something.  

Why would anyone wake up a kid (who, presumably is sleeping at 11PM) and then take her to mom's house?  

PB's picture

he is available to care for his child. Actually the problem is he is too available for that. to stop everything and just look after the baby girl who is 11!  would anyone wake up a kid at 11 and send her to her home? because thats her home, she lives there and she doesnt see her mom for a week or two sometimes. and as i said she is awake at 11. So she can go to her damn own home and sleep there. And at least dont forget her moms face, or maybe we remind her mom that she has a child.

Harry's picture

This SD isn't going away.  If you can't stand her,  what is ok you did not give birth to her...Then you must leave.. live alone with out SO..   It's not going to get any better..

ndc's picture

Do your husband and BM have a custody order? Why does your husband not work and help support his daughter? If he paid CS could the BM afford childcare or a different job?

ESMOD's picture

I am getting the feeling you are a young, childless woman.  Why did you choose to be with a man who doesn't work and has a child?

I hate to point it out like that.. but it's your choice to be with someone that isn't compatible with your life goals.  He is not working? so you pay for everything.. no maam.. you are choosing to allow that.. and he has a responsibility to his child.. again.. you are with a man with a child.. he will have childcare and she will be in your home.. maybe more than 2 days a week.. that's the reality.. you can do what you want.. you can leave.. or stay.. if you stay.. you need to figure out how to manage the stress.

If he is allowing her to behave in ways that disturb the home.. that is a problem you have with him.. and his parenting.. again.. don't choose to be with someone with children.. if you don't want children around.

PB's picture

I need to add something here, after work when she is at my home, i try to be calm and i get quiet, not talking too much, i leave them alone to spend time together. I usually go to our bedroom, read a book or watch something, but again he gets mad at me. That you hate this child and you dont want her here. Well thats tru, i dont want her here everyday but when i dont have any other option, i prefer to go to my corner, and stay there. Or i come late after work, i stay more time in office, but then he gets mad again. Just dont know what to do.

ESMOD's picture

How about ditch this dude that isn't working?  leave him.. why do you want to be with someone that gets mad at you all the time when you are the only one earning money in the home?

PB's picture

He wants me to go there after work and play happy girl and smile and hug the child and say her welcome to our home which is not my home anymore! 

And i dont do that, so he gets mad, i want to do that but i cant.

I would hate any child if i had to stand 24/7. 

Winterglow's picture

I've just read over your past posts and your lease must be up around now. Grab this chance to leave him and his daughter in your rear view mirror. Are you married now? If not, it's time you took your life back 

PB's picture

Hi Winter, i had to extend the lease of course, thats my home and its a few minutes from my work, where else should i stay. 

Winterglow's picture

Well, your other posts gave the impression that you were ready to leave once your lease was up so I sort of supposed you'd have found a smaller place by then for yourself to move into at that point.

PB's picture

Yes, but then BM went and lived with her mom for almost a year. But they came back again with SD and the problems started again. So i extend the lease. And the new apartments are very expensive to rent now. they gave me quite good rent because im in this home for a few years now. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I will say this as nicely as possible - you are unhappy because you married a loser. A loser who puts his own needs to frick off all day and play with his daughter all evening first, leaving you to work, pay the bills, and (just guessing) still cook and clean. While allowing the BM to live her best life without having to raise/pay for a kid. He's using you. He will never be who you want him to be. Always just a burden who will give you occasional flashes of the man he *could* be but never will be. Don't waste another day of your life on this family who uses you. Every day you waste on them could be a day either just enjoying life without all these burdens or finding a man to start your own family with. 

justmakingthebest's picture

To piggy back on this... What about this man is so appealing to you? What is he actually doing to make your life together work? 

Not what he USED to do. Not what he promises he will do. What is he actually doing?

Felicity0224's picture

This!! 100% The person causing your unhappiness in this situation is your SO. SD is a child who needs to be parented, and her father isn't doing that. It's not her fault. Any child left to their own devices without rules or boundaries would be annoying and stay up all night. 

And of course BM works until 11pm because she's NOT GETTING ANY CHILD SUPPORT from your SO, who is the very definition of a deadbeat father. She has to make money. She's basically in the same scenario you're in - financially supporting another person with zero help. You really should be grateful that she's willing and able to do that, or your situation would be even worse.

I can't imagine what you could find remotely attractive about a man who expects you to financially support him, and is okay with BM being the sole provider for his daughter. While he does what? What is he doing all day?

I hope you'll leave this situation. It doesn't sound like there is anything good in it for you at all.

PB's picture

Why should be grateful that she is working all day, and not spending a minute in a week with her own child. She has no responsibilities, not everything is money or rent. She acts like a childless woman. She went and lived with her mom for a year and didnt have to pay for rent, and we had the best time ever, because SD came to us just 2 days in weekend. i didnt have even fights with DH. But then BM said i cant live with my mom, i will rent home, and will work. Then its her problem not mine. She should have found a job until evening. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Are you suggesting that mothers shouldn't work?

Look, I don't know what her education or skill set is, but I will never bash a woman for working to provide for her child. Someone has to since this girls father is worthless. 

Why is it the grandparents responsibility to raise her? This girl has 2 parents that need to figure it out. Your husband needs to get a job and provide for his daughter and take some of the financial burden off you. He also needs to step up and parent his daughter if she isn't behaving properly. It is also his job to have her in his home (which is your home) as much as he can, or he needs to provide for a babysitter at BM's if you are unwilling to have her in your home. 

Either way- HE is just as responsible for care, finances and the raising of this girl. Also keep in mind, she is 11. She is a young child. 5 short years ago she was probably still wetting the bed and couldn't cut her own food. She is young and should have a childhood where she is safe and loved. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

It sounds like the mom is working but NOT providing for the child. Just working to pay her own rent, but the child has been at OP's house since BM started working. And biodad just hangs out all day and plays with the girl all night. This is a bad situation for OP. 

Felicity0224's picture

To answer your question in the OP, yes an 11 year old can be home alone after school. But not until 11pm. That's a long stretch of time, well after what *should* be bedtime, and of course after dark. It's just not safe for that to be a regular/daily routine. If it happened very occasionally, sure. But to plan for that to be a daily thing would be neglectful.

NieMojCyrk's picture

If mom's home is only few minutes away, then dad can go there and stay until BM gets back from work. If he doesn't like it - he can move out. My understanding is that he doesn't pay for anything, right? To me your SD is the least problem. You have a freeloader for a partner.

PB's picture

But do you think is it nice that my husbang goes stay in other womans home until she come home?

Which is better i dont know, they stay here at our home and i stay out or stock in room and read, or Dh go to BM until she comes home? 

They are both terrible and i hate this situation. 

ESMOD's picture

PB... you do sound miserable.. how could you not be.. an apparently young and working woman who is supporting a husband who is a disney dad.. with an EX that works a lot.. to compensate for  your DH's lack of financial contribution to his child ( I'm guessing?).

But.. it's like you went to a restaurant.. ordered the baked chicken when you really wanted seafood.  You can tell the waiter all you want that you want shrimp.. but you ORDERED chicken.  So they gave you chicken.  You ordered an unemployed man with a child and a busy EX.  You got what you ordered.. but you WANT a man with no child responsibilities.. but that's not what he is..   

Your situation is in your power to change.. you can kick him out.. he can go find somewhere else to can find yourself that shrimp pasta dish you really want.  that guy without ties and obligations to a prior relationship.. to a child he created.

THAT's what you want.. and while I understand we don't always realize exactly how it will be with a partner with children.. you DO.. and the kid thing isn't his only red flag.. so at this point.. lick your wounds.. and move on with your life to get the life you want.

PB's picture

But there is something you miss here. DH and our situation was not like this before. DH had a store and had income years ago but he had to close it. So he was not like this when we fell in love. And BM was not like this also. SD was not coming to us and stop our lives always, she was with us 1 or 2 days a week. Everything changed during past maybe 4 years. We were really in love and we were happy together. You cant just leave or kick someone you love out of home easily. It doesnt work like that Sad

ESMOD's picture

But.. at this point.. someone has switched your plate then.. you no longer have the shrimp you wanted.. and you can pine after that shrimp dish.. but they are not bringing it back.

Your DH once had a store.. he does not have it now and does not work and you provide all support.. THIS is a huge change... and one that you should not accept.. 

Your DH and his EX had different custody before. .NOW it is different.. and it is NOT changing.

So.. again.. you can mourn the man and the relationship you HAD.. but it is in the past.. and you can either accept the new way.. and probably the best way is to figure out how to like it.. or you leave because he is no longer the man.. and this is no longer the life you want.

PetSpoiler's picture

If the child is staying with you and her father most of the time then BM should be paying child support.  Your husband needs to get up off his lazy behind and get a job because YOU should not have to support a child that is not yours.  She is your husband and BM's responsibility.  It's time you ditch the deadweight that is your husband and find you a man without kids who will want to build a life and family with you.  What is so appealing about this guy?  

To answer your question, no, an 11 year old should not be home alone that late at night.  I didn't even let my kids stay home alone for longer than it took for me to go to the gas station that's a block away from us. My younger child is 13 and I do let him stay home alone some but I wouldn't want to leave him alone at 11 pm.  I might let my daughter, who is 17, but I wouldn't like that either.  If they were home together though, I might be ok with that.  Not overnight, but just for a while. 

I remember being my daughter's age and younger, and my mom had a job that required her to be out quite late, after midnight.  My brother worked overnight, and my sister had moved out I think.  It was unnerving being home alone late at night like that.  Mom didn't like it either but had no choice with her job.   Luckily my dad lived within walking distance and I frequently went to stay with him.  My parents were on good terms, Mom was never high conflict, they stayed out of each other's business, so them living close by was never a problem.  Mom was very glad to find a note saying I was with Dad when she'd come home.  She'd look for my car over at Dad's when I started driving.  So if I felt that way at 16 or 17, just imagine how your SD would feel at 11.  Your husband is the problem here.  He obviously is not ready for an actual relationship.  Lose the deadweight.  

Rags's picture

This is the responsibility of the BioParnts.  No need to get another job.  Go to the Gym, join a league, do yoga, go to evening classes.

If BM is the CP this on her when Skid is in her home. Her work hours are irrelevant.  If DH pays CS, he is payi g BM to provide child care on her time.

When SD is in your home 2 days a week, SpermDaddy needs to step up and watch his kid.

Rags's picture

Why doesn't your DH work and provide for his marriage?

Why do you tolerate..... HIM?


NieMojCyrk's picture

I myself, as someone who is not US born, am assuming wherever the op lives their system is just different. 
Our US court system is pretty sharp about "who and what", not so much in other countries. Child support isn't really a thing in many countries or the amount is just a joke. In most cases there aren't any consequences for not paying the CS.
That said I don't really think she asked if it was legal to leave 11 year old alone (I'm positive it's legal and ok in many countries), but rather why her husband and BM won't just do it. 
This childless young girl is asking all the wrong questions. She needs to show this deadbeat the door.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

PB, it's been over a year and you're still miserable. Did you renew your lease or is it almost up? You're not married to this poor excuse for a man and he is still emotionally married to BM. Kick him out and take your life back!

Winterglow's picture

What I don't understand is why he isn't even looking for a job. If he was working, that could change a LOT of things.

Dammit, PB, he's more concerned with making life easy for his ex than being grateful towards you because you are single-handedly making his lifestyle possible. He is a short-sighted, profiteering, useless, selfish boor! You're giving him everything on a platter and he is treating you like dirt.

PB's picture

School will be open soon again, i think in two or three weeks. Thats why i want to change the routine when school starts. otherwise when SD use to that it will be too difficult to change it again. But now yoıu are saying she cant be alone too long. And i am offering BM to come from work earlier, anyway when the summer is over, they wont have many customers, she can talk with the boss and come home sooner. she might forget she has a child. 

So what will happen when school starts? I say SD should sleep in her own home, and wake up wityh BM, be picked up with the school bus, and go to school. But what about after school? Shall she come to our home after school? why should i pay for her food and DH cook and spend all evening with her? Who the hell i am? I dont say we should be alone everday and SD should not come to us, thats not fair to her, but its not fair to me like this. She can come every weekend to our home and i am happy to welcome her and even do her homeworks with her and teach her everything, but if she is here everyday i dont even talk to her, because i cant, i start to hate my life when i see her every minute.

Please understand me.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

PB, if something happens to the BM, then SD will be there every single day, 365 days a year. It is always a possibility when you're with someone who has a child/children. If this is intolerable for you, end the relationship. You're miserable. Life is too short.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I wish you would love yourself more than this man who is still emotionally married to BM. *sorry2*

WalkOnBy's picture

and PB - let me tell you that in my situation, NOTHING happened to the Beast, she still breathes to this day, BUT she lost custody for refusing to follow the court order.  This happened in 2012 and she did not lay eyes on her three kids for over 10 years.

IF you are with someone who has children, it is always a possibility that those kids end up with you. 

If you don't want this child around, then you need to end the relationship that makes that happen.  You can't take your anger at your boyfriend out on his kid.  That is not fair to her....

Winterglow's picture

Trust me,we DI understand but it seems to me that you are laying all of the blame for this miserable situation at BM's door when the root of the problem your DH. If he were working a proper job, childcare would be an option.

As for BM, she should be paying child support and I don't care how hard her life is, she shouldn't be dumping her daughter on you 95% (or more) of the time. How she manages is not your problem. Your SO apparently doesn't understand what divorce is about.

You are being used ... outrageously.

PB's picture

I hate being used, i will talk to DH tonight and will tell him to ask money from BM if SD stays here. 

But believe me i will pay something monthly to get rid of this child.

I even will pay for her to just go live in her home. From what age she really can stay there alone? Please tell me not too long as i wont survive until then Sad

justmakingthebest's picture

There is no reason your husband isn't working to provide assistance. Like you said, you are fine with her having a babysitter at BM's. So, tell him to get a job and start paying BM CS so she can afford a babysitter several nights a week so you have the time off. 

Your frustration in this situation being placed on BM and SD is all wrong, this is 100% your husband and him not doing his job as a father and husband. 

ESMOD's picture

I understand what you want.. but you don't understand that you cannot make BM do anything.  You already said she is barely earning enough to support herself.  She is not going to ask her boss anything.

Your husband is not working.. so he is available and he SHOULD be watching his child since he is doing nothing else.  The problem you have is that it it ends up being under your feet.

You have to realize that your options are limited here.

You are very likely going to have zero luck changing how your husband and his wife care for their child.. and it is just as much his responsibility as it is hers.

BUT.. it is NOT your responsibility.. make your husband go to work.. maybe if he was not at home.. they could afford to pay for different options.. maybe he could pay his wife support so that she could work fewer hours?   maybe he would not be available to watch his child and they would pay someone else to do it.

You want what is impossible.. with the current circumstances.  your only real choice is stay in this or leave.

PB's picture

Yes is stupid DH was not available and being home all damn day, no one was expecting to bring the child to our home. And once i heared they said if he works then the child should stay alone, as she is not baby, and the baby(!) sit is expensive.

PB's picture

Yes you are right. SD was out moms family home for a month in other city. Can you believe we had the best time ever with DH? We were start to laugh again, go out together, cook and eat together, and the life was in peace. And guess what, SD is coming back on Thursday and I started to get depressed already. I told my husband we need to talk and he said ok I know it's about her coming. And I said yes we need change things. But the thing is everytime we talk about it he starts to get angry and fight. He says what should I do, put my child in to the bin or what? I never said that, all I want is just a peaceful life without SD everyday. She is welcomed just in weekend.

ESMOD's picture

It's actually very reasonable for him to have her 50% of the time..  which might be every other week.. the full week or 3 days one week and 4 days the next for example.

this is his child.. and as a parent.. he should want to spend time with her.  I understand you do NOT want her in the home as much.. and that previously she was not.. but you did marry someone with a child.. he has a legal and moral obligation to be part of her life.

and why is he not working?!  everyone asks.. and that seems to be almost a bigger issue than his custody.. are you ok just supporting him?

PB's picture

They can spend time as much as they want together, but it should not be at home 7/24. I dont want to spend time with that rude child. They can go out to a park or womewhere. 

ESMOD's picture

They "can" but they wont.  What you want.. and what is going to happen seem to be very different things.

Your stepchild is not the problem.  Your stepchild is a symptom of the problem.. which is a husband who is mooching off you and who can't and won't set boundaries with his EX.  He won't parent his child.. he is to put it bluntly.. a lazy person.. I don't care if he had a business before.. he doesn't now.. he is sitting at home.. playing with his kid.. not teaching her anything.. not being a parent..

and her mother is doing her own best to survive.. with apparently no support from your husband for his child except for now he is watching her some of the time.. 3-4 days a week.. which he SHOULD do if he isn't paying for anything.. he should at least do that.

But.. your husband.. even if you love him.. is a bad partner .. he may be "fun" when your SD is not around.. but if he really loved and valued you.. he would be working and contributing.. he would provide you a home with balanced visits from his daughter.. but he doesn't.. because apparently you don't matter enough to him.  That is a sour pill to swallow.. and maybe hearing it in those most blunt terms will show you where your REAL problem is.. it is the man you married.

If you had a good relationship.. you could discuss your concerns.. figure out solutions.. but you can't because he doesn't care enough about your concerns.. about your feelings.

Winterglow's picture

You're not going to like what I'm going to say but here goes.

Given how much he babies her, given how much his life revolves around her, given how immature for her age she is ... he might decide that she might as well live with you full time. In any case, she's not going anywhere when she reaches 18, she won't be ready for it, epecially as he doesn't seem to be doing his job as a parent to ensure she develops into a decent, independent adult. He's getting so that he likes having her around and will find it hard to not have her around all the time. 

How about your SO's parents? Can't she spend some time with them occasionally? Is there an afterschool program where you live? Is there any family at all nearby who could take care of her from time to time? 

I think you stand a better chance of getting somewhere if you can suggest a reasonable, workable solution before he gets all worked up about you not wanting her there 24/7. No matter what, he should have a job lined up when she goes back to school. Dammit, even if it's only a part-time one.

Does BM work 7 days a week? If not, then at the very least, SD should be spending her time with her when she's not working.


PB's picture

DH parents are both passed away, otherwise he always said if my mom was alive we didnt have any of these problems, SD could even live with her. And that's my bad chance. He has sisters, but they are all done with him and even they dont like SD a lot, beause of her behavior, the sisters are all at my side, they tell me all the time donthelp them, dont be available everyday for SD, dont give them money, and bla bla, they dont want to look after SD even one day. 

I was also thinking about after school programas, but they wont pay for this, and of course i will not either. 

Yes BM works 7 days a week, its better than have day off and struggle with her 11 year old isnt it? Such a good mom.

justmakingthebest's picture

Wow, your "DH" just keeps showing what a shit human he is. Instead of working and providing and being a father that parents and guides her to not be rude, how to be responsible or anything else- he is wishing his parents, SD's GRANDPARENTS, were around so they can raise her.

That makes 0 sense! 

Once again, BM may have to work full time 7 days a week to live and be an adult who doesn't rely on others to support her. Don't shame her for working hard. That doesn't mean she is a bad mother, it means that she is a working mother. Once again, if your husband worked and provided CS, maybe she could take 2-3 days off a week. He doesn't want to parent, he doesn't want to work, he doesn't want to provide. What does he want? To be a fatass living on your sofa forever while you do it all? Sounds like your DH should take some life tips from BM... something I never thought I would say on this site!

PB's picture

But you know what, is his mother was alive and would look after SD, this child would gron up much much better than who she is now, i am sure her granny would look after her better than her own parents. BM is a very dictator woman, always say no to SD, always tell her dont do this, dont do that, why you did this. And at the opposite DH cant say No to SD, always its a yes, very flexible which is very very worng. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Wow, he'd dump his child on your mother. *diablo*

I'd have to give myself a Warning if I said what I'm thinking...

Sadielady's picture

My head is spinning reading all of this. We're talking about an 11 year old. She's not going anywhere, nor should she. At this point in her life, she should be her father's number one priority. I know that's not what you want and I even get that that's not tolerable for you. Believe me. I'd like to extract my SKs from my life, but they are 30 and 32. But you need to remove yourself from this situation. I don't know what it's like in other places , but in my nexk of the woods, kids are either in school or staying in their parents homes into their mid20s. It's just not realiztic for them to strike out on their own earlier. If mentioned that if something happened to the BM, you would still date SO but not live with him. Do that now. Or move on all together. You are never going to get what you want in this situation. And if you did, it would be at the expense of an 11 year child. I don't care how bad her manners are or how messy she is. She's a child. You can be first in your SO's life ot you can be with an SO who has an 11 year old. But you can't have both. 

PB's picture

An 11 year old should be her father's number one and her mothers Last?! Really? She is not a princess and we are not living in a dream world. Her father has a partner in his life for more than 8 years now, and SD is not the only one or number of his life, sorry. Children will grow up and walk away. As you said she is a child not a baby, and she is not a child anymore, she is getting a teen. We should not act her like a baby who cant wipe her own a** (she really cant) and i wont waste my time to teach her something, its not worth it. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

She's 11yo, PB. Not 18. At 11, SD cannot get a job and move out. It is the responsibility of her parents to provide for her and raise her to be a self-sufficient, productive adult. 

WalkOnBy's picture

Here is what you are failing to realize - you can only control YOUR behavior, not your boyfriend's and not his child, and certainly not BM's behavior.  

Your boyfriend has a child.  So, yes, she will be a priority for him.  She should also be a priority for her mother, but you make it sound like she isn't, but there is nothing YOU can do about that.  

Change YOUR circumstances and maybe you can be happy again?  

Winterglow's picture

I think you need a major attitude reset. You don't realize that you hold ALL the cards and that therefore you can call ALL the shots. I also think that both your SO and his ex need reminded of that.

Here goes - in your past posts, you said you weren't married, hopefully that hasn't changed because it means that you can walk away from this situation whenever you like (even if it's only for long enough to scare your SO shitless). If you left, who would pay their bills? He'd lose his mealticket and he would HAVE to work and find a real child-minding solution. Tell him that he can find another solution (if he works full time, he WILL have money to spend on childcare) or you are out of there. He can either step up to the plate or lose all his home comforts.

As for BM ... if she needs to work 7/7 and is barely managing to pay her rent ... well, there are solutions. She could move to a more affordable area of the town or get a flatmate, for instance.  Not your problem if she's only scraping by. Remind your SO of that. Not your problem - let that be your favourite phrase from now on. It doesn't matter how he or his ex solves their issues, it is not your problem.

As for who would pay for the childcare - let me remind you that this is not your problem, especially not if you decide to walk away. Stop letting them heap their problems upon your shoulders. As a matter of curiosity, is your SO older than you?

You can call all the shots but you have to decide to do it (not easy when you're not used to being aggressively affirmative) so go for it, girl!

Winterglow's picture

Please tell me that you do not have joint finances. If you do, separate them immediately. 

PB's picture

Winter, you remember last year we had joint bank card and youtold me to separate it. I did last year, now i have all money in my card and my salary too. He has a card too, but i put just enough for smarket shopping, food etc...

PB's picture

Hi Winter, thanks for your reply.

I'm not still married to him, and im not gonna do this mistake, No. Yes DH is older than me for years. 

Yes if i walk away, they will be scared like shit and i know that, dh will need to work and child will be all alone at home. 

I love that ''Not my problem'' idea, i really like that and i'm gonna use it after this. 

Winterglow's picture

Is your SD developmentally delayed in any way? I can't wrap my head around her not being able to wipe herself after the toilet at age ELEVEN! Why doesn't your SO teach her how to do it rather than doing it for her? How is he going to manage when her period starts? As you imply that she is overweight and as that has an effect on hormones, her period could well start quite soon. Oh boy, that WILL be fun.

You say she's messy - does that mean she doesn't pick up after herself? If so, remind her to pick things up when she's done using them, and to put her clothes away tidily/in the hamper. I know you don't want to be responsible for parenting her but this would at least make your home less messy - it it worth it? If your SO yells at you, simply tell him that tidying up after oneself is what decent, well brought up people do, i.e. it's the done thing.


PB's picture

I think i wrote it wrong, SD wipe her a** but its like she doesnt, i mean she doesnt know how to do that, and she makes mess, her underwear is always discusting and i put it on her bag for her mom to throw it or wash it. i cant even touch it. DH dont do it for her of course, she is 11'! she is teen! And as you said her period will start soon. She is not a baby. 

She eats something and she doesnt put the bag in the bin and of course i'll tell her. I say no one is going to put that in the bin after you inmy home, so you better do it yourself now. i dont like a messy home. But you have to tell her this every singlke time. She is not smart at all. oh god far away from my type... i was a top student, i was th best at her age, i could speak two langauages at her age and i was doing ballet and violin. I speak 5 languages now and i finished 2 universities. SD cant even talk her mother language well. At age of 10 her math was 50%. Far far away from me... 

Winterglow's picture

Why are you wasting your time on this guy and his kid? Don't tell me it's love because love is not enough to put up with this. Besides, sooner or later you are going to lose all respect for your SO and wonder why you let life go past you for him. The world is your oyster NOW! Aim high and reach for the stars!

You are worth so much more than this and deserve so much better.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

It's not realistic to compare SD with yourself in school. She's not your offspring and obviously has little to no discipline for scholastics thanks to poor parenting. 

If your partner was a good father, he'd have SD tested for possible learning disorders.At least BM is working.

PB's picture

A child not a baby. They act she is like a baby. She acts and talk like a 5 year old baby. She is not a BABY.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

To summarize...

  • Your SO doesn't work
  • He's still emotionally married to BM
  • He doesn't parent his child
  • He's spoken of how he'd foist his child on other family members - including yours - if he could 
  • His own sisters are done with him (and it sounds like they gave him money in the past).


I don't know what lines he used to reel you in, but nothing you write about him shows him in a good light. He's lazy, insensitive, irresponsible, and contemptible. Even if he had supermodel looks, those qualities make him extremely unattractive. 

I say this with true concern: do you suffer from low self-esteem? You listed all of your accomplishments above, but are settling for this crappy relationship. No love is worth this steaming pile.

PB's picture

Aniki i agree with all but not that he is emotionally married to BM. Thats absolutely wrong. He doesnt care and doesnt have any emotions to her. Not at all. 

Sadielady's picture

Your situation sounds horrible for eveyrone involved, except maybe DH. This is what happens when high-achieving childless people become step-parents. It sounds like SD can be a pain, but you haven't described anything that out of the ordinary. The kid needs some moist wipes by the toilet vs the humiliation of taking dirty underwear home in a bag. Your contempt for this child is palpable. You should remove yourself from this situation for you sake and for hers. 

ESMOD's picture

I don't think they are high achieving.. her DH apparently USED to work and have a store.. but now is unemployed and living off his young wife (OP).  The BM to this child works 7 days a week to barely make ends meet.. and gets zero (apparently) financial support for this child... but her EX (OP's husband) is now watching the child several days a week in their home.

So.. I think the bio parents are low achieving.. and her husband appears particularly lazy and entitled.  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

And he's not OP's husband. They're not married. Yet she clings to this leech posing as a man.

Sadielady's picture

My bad ..,I just edited to correct "parent" to "step-parents". I was referring to OP being a high achiever. 

PB's picture

The kid has everythinbg at home, and i personally teached her many times how to use a toilet and how to flush after she is done, she doesnt learn or doesnt want to learn. Comparing to children at her age, she is many steps back, BM was saying that too once and DH get mad at her. But thats true. She is not smart. 

Winterglow's picture

OP, what happened to your SO's business? When did it go under? Or did he sell out? If so, why?

PB's picture

Hi Winter, he had his own shop for almost 10 years and his business was good, he had a car, he had to close the shop after the world and Turkey's crisis. I also helped him inthe shop in the evenings when he had many customers. But then after 2016 everything changed and the situation changed.