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I just can't anymore

PB's picture

I can't stand anymore. I want to throw myself from the roof and that's it. Dont want anything in this life. I just dont want to live anymore. 


Ursula's picture

You are in an abusive marriage and that's a terrible feeling.  Do you have resources that you can leave now, like friends or family that you can stay with?  Or cut him off financially and make a plan to get yourself out of this situation asap.  

Winterglow's picture

Please talk to us. Please don't do anything rash. Please contact the nearest women's shelter immediately. They can help. Or if not, call Lifeline on 1-800-273-8255. They too can help. Please take care.

CajunMom's picture

Just pick up the phone and call your local domestic abuse phone line. They WILL help you get out and get to safety, help you get back on your feet, etc. You have way to much value as a human being to let this monster destroy you. Someone NEEDS you and it may be another woman stuck where you are. By you getting out and getting healthy, then you can become an advocate for others. You ARE NEEDED. You ARE VALUABLE. Please make that call.

PB's picture

I'm shaking. I cant stay I cany leave. I cant get this life anymore. I'm done. I just want to sleep and dont wake up.

ESMOD's picture

Honey.. please hold on because life is much more precious and you deserve to live your best one.  You have to have things in your life that ARE worth living for as well.. you mentioned a dog in your earlier blog.. if nothing else, you matter to them right?  And... the failure of a relationship doesn't mean YOU are a failure.. and it's clear as day that your partner is no partner to you.

You have a job... you are able to support yourself.  You need to drop the weight of him.. he is the one making your life unbearable.. not his child.. not his EX.. it is him.. he is abusing your good nature... and you deserve so much more.

I know it's hard.. but seek out resources in your area.. friends.. family... who can help you break free fromt his toxic guy.  

You can survive and move on to a happer life.

mthomas27's picture

Your DH's actions show what matters most. Don't let him win. I can't imagine how that feels and I'm sorry you're going through this, but there is so much more out there for you and you don't deserve this! 

You work hard for your money and have every right to be pissed off. Why don't you go away for a bit? Maybe you can stay at a friends and just give yourself time to gain some clarity again. But everything will work out! 

Stepdrama2020's picture

I felt like you, but not to this extreme, when I was with my ex DH. After we split I learned to love myself again and value life without toxic. You can do this too. If I can YOU can. I can feel how strong you are. Reaching out is the first step hun. 

Hold onto a better tomoro. A world where you are no longer tied to DH and his rotten clan.

PLEASE call a hotline, a friend, and KEEP POSTING on here. So many of us are cheering for you. You are loved even in this virtual world. Your life matters more than you think right now.


PB's picture

He is lying to me. He hides somethings from me. I came from work today and see sd is here again for the third day, I asked to talk to him in the room. I asked him wha happened, she is still here I thought it's her mom turn today and he said oh you know her mom started to work again. I said what? Then what? Again? Like all this pas 4 5 years ago her mom will be absent until next november, and sd will stay with us every day? You stay with sd at home I go to work and this Is what's happening to our life again? I work for you and sd and pay for this home. Nooooooo that's it, I told him I cant anymore. I told him I cant come back from work to home to sd every bloddy day. No way again. That's it. He got mad. He said bad words to me. He said if sd hear what you said I'm gonna kill you here. You know what? That would be great. I dont care. It's better if he kills me himself and I get rid of this nightmare. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Please call the police. You can get a restraining order, kick him out of the house and have time to get yourself situated without him there. I did it. I held up to the wall by my 2nd husband and he threatened to kill me in front my daughter who was 5. We got out of the house. I went to the police. They kicked him out of our home and I had time to find some where to live, get our things packed up, get myself together. 

cmd88's picture

With that type of threat, I would contact the police. This does not sound like a safe environment for you to be in. Please do so. And like others stated, call your local womens shelter. 

bearcub25's picture

And do not tell him you took his access to your money away.  Just get a new bank acct and go somewhere.  

I have had to use domestic shelters and while its scary and embarassing, its the best thing in the long run.

PB's picture

I locked myself in to the room, he called sd and they left. You know what he told me? He said ok if you dont want sd here I will look after her in her mom's house until she comes back from work and he know I hate it. I hate when he goes to her home or even step inside. Its evening time here he left me like this here and went to the ex home to leave sd there.... and he knows how much I hate it...

cmd88's picture

I'm sorry that you're going through all of this. I am doing research right now to see what is offered in your country. Take deep breaths and stay strong and keep us updated. We are all here for you.

Mominit's picture

You're a frog in a pot of water on the stove. You're in it with your husband and SD.   You know the water getting hotter and hotter because you're in it.  And your DH is standing on you so that he can be in the cool air.  You know you're miserable, but  you can't imagine jumping out of the water.  And it will keep getting hotter until you jump out!!!  And once you're out you won't believe you let yourself stay in that misery as long as you did!  All because you were afraid to be on your own.  To jump out of the water and take a chance at actually being happy!

Do not stay in a relationship where a man uses you, intentionally hurts you (and he knows he was doing that by going to the ex's house), and threatens you!  Take the first step and get out of the pot!  You are going to be shocked at how quickly you have your own money and your own space and your own food and no one putting you down or causing you stress or making you feel like less.  Take some time to be truly on your own and appreciate the wonderful woman you are.

If the place is yours see what you need to do to evict him.  If it's not, get yourself to a shelter.  Either way do NOT spend one more day in his presence.  This is a dangerous time.  When you finally stand up for yourself and stop being his doormat you are in danger.  Get out safely please!

Merry's picture

Please call a domestic abuse shelter. Or the suicide hotline: 800-273-8255. They are caring people who can help you find a sliver of light.

You are exhausted, you are being abused, and it's no wonder you don't have anything left.

But that isn't a permanent state. People can help. Keep talking to us here too. We want the best for you, and women here have been where you are.

Kes's picture

Please have enough love and respect for yourself to get out of this situation.  I have been where you are - I wanted to die in my first marriage - it took a massive mental breakdown and time in a psychiatric ward to make me see I had to leave - that being where I was, was killing me.  I promise you that if you leave, you will feel differently in a year's time - you will look back and you will be so thankful you left. 

PB's picture

I came to the bathroom to just sit here and have a long bath, actually just cry in the bath. I heard he came home an hour ago and called our dog to go out for toilet and walk. Then they came back. He knocked the door and asked if I'm hungry and will join him to est, I said no. I'm still sitting here in the bath. I wish I could stay here till morning. But I have to get myself up and go to work in the morning.

I dont know what would I did if I didn't talk to you guys. You kept me in life a few hours ago. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I'm glad you took some time to decompress but I am still very worried about you. The resources we were offering won't help in your country. I wish I knew more about how to help you.

Can you talk to your parents about going back to stay with them for a little while?

PB's picture

My parents live in another country... 

They are already do worried and stressed and angry about my situation, even they dont know it all.... I can't tell them because I dont want to make them sick... Sad

justmakingthebest's picture

Hon, I think it is time that you made the call to your parents and ask for help. As a parent of young adults, I want my kids to call me. If they need help, if they need out, they can call. You can call and let your parents and family help you. 

Winterglow's picture

Please call them. PLEASE. Let them help you. How do you think your mother will feel if she knew what you were keeping from her so as not to worry her. Part of a mother's job is worrying about her children - no matter how old they are. Reach out to them and let them help you. They will never forgive you if you don't ... 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Can you tell us what country you are in? You have been given crisis numbers for the United States, and I'm not sure that is where you are. If you live somewhere else, you might need a different number.

Is there anyone in real life that you can reach out to? Maybe a co-worker or friend?

PB's picture

I live in Turkey, darling. No the numbers in usa won't help unfortunately. 

No I dont say private things to co workers or friends or any one, its just you... 

cmd88's picture

It's time to speak to them. This can get to be a very dangerous situation. We are all concerned about you. There has to be at least someone that you can go stay with or call. I know you don't want to tell your parents, but by the sounds of things, it might be for the best. 

Winterglow's picture

I hadn't thought of that. PB, there are people here from all over the world. Please let us help you. 

ETexasMom's picture

Please contact your local Domestic Violence center. He is emotionally and fincially abusing you. You can get counseling and assistance making a safe exit plan! Their services are free. They can help you now while your still in the situation. I worry he will get worse when he realizes he longer has free access to your paycheck.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

You are so much better than your current situation makes you feel. You can get through this. Do NOT let them win! Do not punish yourself for the actions of other people!

cmd88's picture

Purple Roof Women's Shelter Foundation

Kocatepe Mah. Cumhuriyet Street, Cumhuriyet Apartments No.:17 Floor 5 – D: 11, Beyoglu Istanbul

Phone :(212) 292 52 31-32

Fax : (212) 292 52 33

E-mail : [email protected]

Web :

Twitter : @morcativakfi

Facebook: @MorCatiVakfi

Instagram: morcati_vakfi

Winterglow's picture

Good work! PB please use these resources. They were made for people who need the kind of help that you do. We're all here for moral support. 

cmd88's picture

Mithatpaşa Caddesi No: 61/12 Kızılay/Ankara

+90 312 430 40 05- +90 312 432 07 82

Working Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 to 17:00

[email protected]

PB's picture

Thank you. 

Thanks for your time, thanks for your care...

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Everyone - she is not in the United State and in her country violence towards women is handled differently than it is here. Some of the usual advice may not be applicable in her situation and could even put her in danger. There are cultural differences at play and the laws are not the same as they are in the United States.

PB, please consider reaching out to your parents - it sounds like they may already have a feeling that things are not good for you. Will they help you if you ask?

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Then please reach out to them. I know it is hard to admit you were wrong about someone, but don't let that get in your way. It sounds like they will be there for you - please let them help.

Merry's picture

From a parental perspective...

My daughter was in a relationship in which she was being emotionally and financially abused. I knew the guy was trouble from the first time I met him. I tried to get her to see that this was a bad relationship, but she had to see it for herself. So she moved away. Not another country, but far enough away that access wasn't easy.

Those were hard years. Sometimes the only time I talked to her was when she was crying and needed something. Later I learned that her loser BF made her call her dad and me and cry so that we would send money. It was awful.

She did call me one day and asked me to send her money to put gas in her car so she could come home. She was done and needed to get out of there. I did send her money, but wasn't at all sure that she was actually coming home, or that she was coming back without the loser BF. But she did. I was so happy to have her safe and back in my house. I don't care that she made a mistake. I loved her through it, and she worked hard to get healthy.

Do not let pride or shame stand in your way of contacting your parents. They love you. They want you safe. And I can't imagine that a parent's love in your country is any different than a parent's love in mine.

DPW's picture

The value of your worth to this world is far greater than this challenging part of your life that you can get through easily, like so many of us have. 

I know it's hard, but you need to pick yourself up and get ready for battle. We're your army! Be strong and get calculating...

Felicity0224's picture

Reading this just breaks my heart. You are such a remarkable person. Think about all that you've accomplished and survived. You can get through this too, but you're going to need help.

I agree with people saying you should reach out to your parents. As a mother, it wouldn't matter to me how much time had passed or what my daughter had done against my wishes; I would want her to come home to me if she was in a situation like yours. Logistics, finances, practicalities, those things can all be worked out when you're somewhere safe and with people who value you. 

PB's picture

Hi my far but closest friends, I got home from work, dh is not home, i think he looks after sd in ex home again. I'm cleaning home, just to get busy. So sad. He is trying to tell me stand both of us at home beside you or I'll go look after sd at ex...

PB's picture

He is kind of punishing me?! After all I did for him. He says you have to like my daughter and want her every day otherwise ill be at ex home.

Stepdrama2020's picture

Now is the time to tell him to take SD and himself to BM's and stay there permanently.

You deserve the right spot of the hierarchy of the family, at the top with DH. Since that aint happening become the QUEEN of your own kingdom. Good riddance to that trash.

Hun you will thrive like never before when you rid yourself from toxic.

justmakingthebest's picture

I agree with Stepdrama. Let him go to his exes. Let him sleep there, eat there, live there.

There is a reason they are divorced, this won't last long. But, in the meantime, you can figure out what you want for your life. 

Winterglow's picture

Then tell him to damn well STAY at his ex's because he clearly isn't over her if he's over there every day. Frankly, her moving so close, him being there all the time and using your money to pay her bills and food, you being stuck at work, all seems a little too convenient for me... He wants your money but he has his ex for everything else, apparently.

PB's picture

He says if i had no problem with sd to see her and spend time with her everyday when i come home, they would stay in our house until her mom comes home, and leave her there. Do you think its my fault? Well i know that i cant stand that girl everyday when i come home for a rest. Maybe sometimes i do a bit too much but its because i really cant watch her and clean after her every day. She is not my daughter, and she is so dirty oh god, i have to clean and wash everything after her. When she use toilet she almost pee on everywhere, oh dear, i got sick after her to go toilet, and she is 9 years old. 

Winterglow's picture

Of couirse it's not your fault - he's gaslighting you again. And he's the one who should be cleaning up after her. WTF does he think a stay-at-home dad does? He takes on the housework. He doesn't sit around all day. Your husband should be taking care of your home all day, not sitting around in his ex's home. 

He thinks you don't appreciate his daughter? Maybe if he taught his daughter some life skills and helped her grow up to be a decent human being who cleans up after herself you light resent her a little less. So now we have two things he is supposed to be doing but isnt. He isn't being a parent. He isn't being a SAHD. So what the heck IS he doing?

PB's picture

What do you think? can you please tell me honestly? He says because i dont want sd in my house everyday he has no choice but to go to ex home to watch her until she comes back from work.

Winterglow's picture

This doesn't add up. His ex is apparently out of work. Isn't she a seasonal worker? If she isn't out of work, why is he filling her refrigerator? And why does the kid need "watching"? Doesn't she go to school? This guy is not only gaslighting you, he's also insulting your intelligence ... 

PB's picture

Yes in the week days she goes to school until 15:00. Her mom started to work this week again, from the morning until about 20:00 now and in the summer until even 23:00 o'clcok! 

PB's picture

He says from 15:00 until her mom comes home, she should be watched. neither at our home or in sd's home which is ex home! Bm has a mom who is sitting home in the city center and doing nothing. I told him that it's the granny who should look after your kid. But granny wont do it because she likes to be free, go to bars and flirt with young men! They have excuse for everything. And they want my time to be wasted to look after that kid, that has nothing to me, and never says thank you (learning from her dad!).