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The Petty Pissy Disneyland Dad

Lillywy00's picture

Alright so I don't even know where to begin. 

I'll say I think this dude is an undiagnosed/unmedicated sex-addict, passive aggressive, narcissistic tendencied, co-dependent, cheap, entitled, attention-seeking, ungrateful, idiot!

Basically I've been barely tolerating him and his unlimited baggage until I can procure the funds to move out. And if I didn't have a bio kid and it wasnt 100 degree weather I'd rather sleep in my car than deal with this cheap oversexed demanding whiny ingrate on a regular basis. 

I am so repulsed by his behavior and how everything is my fault yet he thinks his incessant unrealistic damands - mostly to 'spend more time' aka f*ck his cheap ass into oblivion and use me (or my wealthy NFM - which I told him I'm not talking to that family member nor accepting any invites if I do talk to them again) to raise his degenerate kids for him / his ex wife for free (and his bitchy naggy delivery of said demands) is a p@nty-dropping turn-on 


This weekend, I decided to 'play nice' by arranging a family outing at the church for a free movie and some food treats, I started to regret it when

  • I sent him the calendar invite and he refused to read the details (I refused to explain myself over and over because he's too lazy to read)
  • His kids looked unkempt and complained that they didn't want the food and he was about to jump and run and cater to them when I ignored them and proceeded to order my food. 
  • His daughter is 11 yet plays a 'baby' role. I saw this clown bowing down to her/helping her tie her shoes. She f*cking 11 for christ sakes not a cotd@mn toddler. wtf?!?
  • I thought going into church would exorcise the demons out of these people through osmosis or something but no this dude was slick negging a freaking baby (who ironically looked just as unkempt as his daughter). I told him he was out of order trash talking an innocent baby who did nothing to him and in church of all places
  • Less than halfway through the movie he had his arms crossed, looked iritated, bragged about how 'bored' his son looked (I chose to ignore him and if he had proper home training he would have simply took his ass to sleep in the theater rather than ruin everyone elses time around him), said him and his son were going to leave and he would leave his daughter with me (against my consent of course) - when I questioned him about it later he claimed he was 'joking' to which I replied how he was supposed to be setting a good example for his kids and instead he was acting like an overgrown immature 8 year old along with his equally annoying son and how he was ruining the positive experience for his daughter, etc. (my daughter didn't want to go but said the movie wasnt that bad and I would have spanked her if she acted like that dudes son)
  • I looked over and him and his mini-wife daughter were canoodling under a blanket - GROSS! 
  • When we got back to the house, he took it upon himself to start whining like the ungrateful b*tch he is (like he does approximately every 4 days) about how I allegedly  'don't spend enough time' with him, which basicially was a segway to complain about how I don't have s3x enough (at this point I find him sexually unattractive and have to override my true desire just to s3x with him 1x/week), tell me that I'm wrong for not taking his kids out while him and his ex-wife works, how wrong I am for not allowing his ex-wife to drop of his obnoxious kids every Friday at 8pm while he works so she can get a break and because it's easier for him, and more recycled complaints that make me feel more disgusted by the hour.

I woke up this morning and avoided tf out of him and his kids because 

  1. it's back to school weekend and I wanted 1-on-1 time with my bio before the hectic school season
  2. At this point he's going to complain about any and everything no matter what so I might as well have some peace for a day
  3. I was extremely disappointed by how when I attempt to give him what he wants (a weekend family event, s3x at least once a week, help his cheap ass pay bills, etc) he is NEVER satisfied and pushes me for more/blames me for the 'lack' yet he does nothing to push or improve himself

I can't help but think his complaints was a way to get attention and soothe his fragile male ego (and 'reject' me) after last weekend when he said 'you might as well move out' and saw me taking action to leave his negative ass. 

I cannot wait until I can safely leave this cheap oversexed ingrate for good so I can reclaim my peace and my weekends and my ph balance!


Lillywy00's picture

Oh and I forgot he accused me of 'being selfish' for not taking care of his kids on demand for free when he is at work and his ex-wife is tired of dealing with them

I lit into his ass (probably should have ignored him) and told him HIM and HIS c*nt ex-wife (and his kids but I didn't include them) were the selfish assholes because when I had covid all of those fools were more concerned about themselves and their wants that I shut down the 8pm drop-offs after that. Plus he pays that beast child support so I demeanded to know what tf is he paying her for if she's not taking care of those kids, shutting tf up, and waiting until he gets off work to pick them up.

CLove's picture

I took my own advice and just lit out and had shopping (resale but hey!) and lunch (inexpensive tacqueria) and then a day at the beach which was blissfully awesome as heck.

Im applauding you mentally over here because you are less and less involved with this cretin and his spawn. Everytime you post, you sound like you care about his complaints less and less. And taking on all the kid stuff. And the zexy time thats not sounding very zexy.

Too bad you dont have a camper or rv you can stay in...!

Lillywy00's picture

Yep....Day out, focusing on my 'sefish' self, away from the constant nagging. Lunch and beach sounds really nice and peaceful!

Thank you so much CLove. Camper/RV isn't a bad idea. I always thought about getting some land and putting an RV on it until I build a house on it. I'm researching and weighing all my options. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Lilly, are there any reasonable airbnbs in your area? 

Lillywy00's picture

That's a good idea....I'm going to look into the rates and see if there's anything I can do. 

Maybe take on a 3rd job on the weekends but I know the complaints from him are going to keep coming if I work so much I never see him (which actually would be a relief)....whatever, eff him! 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Gads. I'd be soooooo tempted to claim "I'm having a raging herpes flare-up" to keep Whiny Boy at arm's length. I'm still shuddering from reading that. Ish 

Lillywy00's picture

I thought about that too! Good idea! LOL like claiming I had some sort of illness, IBS, or something to get out of rewarding this dude for his horrid behavior. 

I'm probably going to set a fake (but real) doctors appointment and the whole nine yards

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I had an ovarian cyst that pushed into my uterus and made intercourse excruciating. Add a constant low-grade fever and I wasn't even up for 'hands on'... *unknw*

Lillywy00's picture

I FINALLY did it! 

I procured a storage unit, turned off my phone, and put a couple of boxes in there. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yay! *yahoo*

Lillywy00's picture

Too often I have found myself in a Groundhog Day scenario in which I have the same exact argument, each time coming to the same exact unsatisfying, unresolved conclusion


Freud called this desire to rehash familiar situations repetition compulsion theory: We develop familiar patterns in our lives and become addicted to reliving certain situations, even if they are terrible for us


despite the inevitable acrimony that comes from nagging, there is still some comfort in being a nag. When you are a nag, you are always right. 


The most effective solution to out-of-control nagging may simply be to end a relationship. Marriage counselors agree that "nagging is the leading cause of discord and divorce." It shouldn't come as a surprise: Naggers never just stop nagging, even if they get their way. There is always something new to nag about.


"Appreciation is the opposite of disappointment. We always get more of what we appreciate. If we are frustrated that our partner doesn’t take the garbage out, but we like that they do the dishes, then tell them. Appreciating that they do the dishes means they are more likely to do the dishes and wipe down the counters as well. If you appreciate that they wipe down the counters and do the dishes, they are more likely to sweep the floor, too. And frankly, wouldn’t you rather live in a relationship where you are each appreciating the other, than one in which you are constantly pointing out the other’s faults?"


Rather than feeling justified in constantly complaining (because if they really loved me, they would change), shouldn't I recognize that they are entitled to the same argument: That if I really loved them, shouldn't I change, too?


Article pretty much sums up my response to dude if you want change then 'show more gratitiude'  and be willing to BE the change you're expecting/do more to accomodate my reeds/reciprocate

Lillywy00's picture

LOL @ the pissy Disneyland dad getting his karma.....obnoxious annoying skids making his wallet bleed, demanding to be fed/entertained, whiny b*tch getting no sleep/no rest, foraging for food, having to cook the food and and clean, and house in disarray.....

I left him to fester in ALL of that step-hell glory BY HIS DAMN SELF!

I don't plan on returning until his kids are gone back to their mother and on the rare chance they are still there.....I'm demanding they earn their keep and clean tf up!

Lillywy00's picture

Got back to the house. Tried to have a mature conversation. 

Reasonably talking to this dude is a total waste at this point. 

The circular arguments (typical of narcissistic type people) is wasting my time. 

Instead of trying to get clarity these people continue arguing, debating, doubling down on their faulty beliefs, etc. 

Not sure what part of "no woman with some self esteem wants to be treated worse than a stranger on a date/treated like a blow up doll/treated like a house slave" is this numskull pretending not to understand.

His solution = I need to disregard all of his recent sh*tty behavior (constant nagging/manipulation/etc) and f8ck him to allegedly get better treatment.

My solution = Learn how to treat women (especially the ones you're in a relationship with) better so you increase the likelyhood of receiving s#x

This b*tch can go back to his equally useless ex-wife. 

I'm not sexually attracted to him anymore and I don't want to allow him to push me into doing something I don't want to do. 

I think I'm going to set a date to leave and figure out the rest. 

I'll be damned if I gotta f*ck this ingrate dude and I refuse to pay his cheap ass a dime (I'll have to move fast). He can reap what he sows!

Lillywy00's picture

As soon as he went into his downward nagging complaining spiral, I cut him off and left the room. 

Not going to give him the narcissistic supply he's looking for. 

ndc's picture

Now that you aren't going to have your narcissistic family member facilitate your exit,  what are your other options? From what you're describing, you really need to get out of this relationship ASAP.  What's the current plan?

Lillywy00's picture

I'm realizing the exit needs to be sooner rather than later because this dude is like a stone wall lacking any sort of empathy at this point. 

He is making unlimited demands (demands to have sex multiple times a week and no he's not concerned about my pleasure, demands to be more active taking care of his kids if he's working, demands to spend every last waking minute with him and his kids). 

Nagging like hell if I don't meet his unreasonable demands. 

Pushing me to do more for him/his kids/his exwife while he consistently does the bare ass minimum for me/my kid/and around this house. 

Im resenting his negative ass more and more by the hour so I KNOW it's beyond time to exit 

I'm going to work on the weekends to pick up a 3rd income stream so I can pay my all my bills AND put $$$$ up for a place to rent (plus it will be a relief for me to avoid him and his kids) 


Lillywy00's picture

*trigger warning*

Agreed. I think he's trying to break me down mentally and otherwise so that I'll stay in this dysfunction he's creating. While he's dumb to think he can be a manipulative twat and I'll stay for the bare minimum provisions he's providing, but smart enough to realize that once I'm out of here, he's going to be scrambling to find someone who will f*ck him multiple times a week, he will have to pay ALL the bills, he will be doing 100 percent of the full custody he wants to try to prove he's a better parent than his ex (he's not), he will be doing 100 percent of the housework.

I think, after saying "you might as well move out", he pulled a narcissistic Hoover and tried to convince me having s3x with him would help him "feel connected" (aka demanding sex so now he can decide if he wants to treat me with respect)

I saw through his disgusting behavior yet partially acquiesced to get him off my back. 

But just a few short days later the complaints, nagging, demands started back up. 

I told him that ontop of being a negative ingrate that he was coercive (which he minimized his behavior "I didn't strong arm force you") and explained I was not interested in being intimate with him if he continued to pretend to lack understanding of consent AND if he continued to make demands without improving his behavior/taking accountability for his actions/refused to demand more out of himself. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Hon, you don't have to give me a trigger warning. I was married to a gaslighting narc who mentally abused me for a long time before he finally hit me. Had he hit me once, I'd've stayed, believing I deserved it. He completely lost it and put me in the hospital. 

IMO, you need to do whatever necessary to get the hell out of there because he could easily cross over to physical abuse. {{{hugs}}}

Harry's picture

You know you have to get out of this. You must move. You must have an exit plan.  Save money and find a place..

Go vent all you want. That why we are here.  Best of luck 

Lillywy00's picture

Thank goodness he's gone to work and working doubles so I don't have to deal with his negative energy at this house while I'm working. 

shamds's picture

Time with him? I'd respond with "well its hard too when your 11 yr old daughter is canoodling under a blanket with you, when your kids look like degenerate hillbillies who don't shower or take care of their presence and you expect me to wanna be intimate with you? To spend more time with you?

Lillywy00's picture

The creepazoid Disneyland dad has now turned into a passive-aggressive "Im going to do you how you do me" overly emotional weak b*tch....

Instead of sitting down, being grateful someone even wants to deal with him and his baggage, the ingrate tells me (which this is a common theme) that his petty ass is going to 'move how I move' 

......I basically ignore his manchild tantrums and walk away from him when he's acting like a whiny b*tch....

So to 'teach me a lesson' he is pulling typical narcissistic type tactics of passive-aggressive behavior, stonewalling, silent treatment, etc.

What he doesn't get is I actually enjoy not having to be fake nice to him, talk to him about his trivial ass day, his degenerate kids, listen to his excuses about why he's stuck at his mediocre salary, etc. 

Someone giving the the silent treatment doen't bother me because

1. I'm an introvert and

2. I most likely am better shutting out their presence out anyways