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A real dumpster fire of a week

TrueNorth77's picture

We started off the skid week on Mon. with DH getting a text from SD13's principal before skids even got here saying SD had made suicidal statements at school. SD usually walks home, but DH had to go get her and put the "safety plan" into place that was developed with the therapist. He had to be in the same room as SD for 12hrs, which means they both slept in the living room. Apparently SD had issues with friends, again, and DH looked through her texts to discover that SD was the one who uneccessarily escalated the situation. We talked to her about de-escalating, and not going over the edge and talking about suicide just because she is upset. Also, to perhaps come home and talk to us about it rather than making this huge deal at school. SD also had text Crazy saying "I have no friends, can I just stay with you this week"? HMMM. If that isn't PAS at its finest. Of course DH got a message from Crazy about this and told him SD said that she wanted to stay there this week, and yelled at DH because it took the school 15 mins to get ahold of DH (he was at work...what person is always immediately available??). She said she was going to modify the custody agreement so that if SD makes a suicidal statement on our time, she can come and get SD from school or our house. NO. DH asked SD about the text to Crazy, and what's different about our house vs. hers. SD said they "watch shows" there... Because Crazy isn't a parent to SD, she tries to be a friend and thinks all things are solved by spending every waking minute with your child. Isn't it interesting though that Crazy watched shows with SD and took her axe-throwing (which according to Crazy is what cures depression) and yet the very next day she still made a suicidal statement?? 

I was also supposed to host book club Mon. night and had the house cleaned and ready to go, but had to move it to a friend's house at the last minute so DH and SD wouldn't be stuck in SD's room. It's frustrating because I know SD gets into moments where she feels sad...but I also know she is partly saying this stuff to get attention, and then everyone else's life is thrown off course and she doesn't give a shit. DH is finally caving and they have an appt. with a psychiatrist (again) to get SD on meds. He also was able to get her into her therapist for an extra session next week. 

The next night SD didn't want the leftovers we were having for dinner, so she was looking in the fridge. DH leaped off the couch to go into the kitchen and ask if she wanted chicken tenders (she is perfectly capable of making any of the easy foods we have). Then he goes into the garage freezer to get them, brings them in and shows them to her...she says no. I mention that she we have plenty of food, she can find something. He goes and puts them away. When he comes back she's in the cabinet looking at soups. He comes and stands 6" directly behind her, hovering and asking questions about what she's looking at and what she wants. At this point I am so annoyed I said, "are you just going to hover over her the entire time?". DH just deadpanned me but took a step back. SD made soup and DH asked if she wanted crackers. SD said "No, I don't eat crackers with this soup". 2 mins later she asked DH to get her crackers. He said i thought you didn't want any? She said in a snotty tone, "Well I want them now". And of course he got them for her. But this is a perfect example of DH going overboard after SD makes any reference to suicide. Everyone coddles her. 

Then yesterday DH got a call from SD's cardiologist- she almost had a full-on heart attack at school. She has a pacemaker and another device in her chest that records activity, and it recorded an extreme episode that lasted minutes. SD had almost passed out at school during this time, but that has happened before, and she usually just hasn't eaten. So DH had to take her in for bloodwork this morning, and of course this spurred on 2 more insane messages from Crazy about somehow this is our fault and we don't care about SD's safety. DH said last night that he doesn't think he's ever felt this stressed in his life. I feel for him. This is a lot. I know he's feeling it from a bio-dad standpoint and is extremely worried for SD, and I am too. But I also am feeling it from an exhausted, it's ALWAYS something standpoint. 2 weeks of the month are filled with nothing but stress. It's not all skids fault. But these are literally the most high-maintenance kids I've ever met. DH and I are supposed to go to a friend's going-away party tomorrow, but I'm not sure he can leave SD alone, so I have a feeling I'll be going by myself. 

DH has mediation with Crazy on Monday and he has zero hope that they will accomplish anything except more stress. 

I keep looking at my skid-free countdown app. to try and make myself feel better, but it's really not helping. 



JRI's picture

That's a lot, I feel for you.  Hang in there.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Sorry TrueNorth, 

This kid is a nightmare. So is the Biomom. I feel for you.

TrueNorth77's picture

It's just constant drama. Although I know it wouldn't be the best thing for SD, part of me just wishes she would say she wants to be with Crazy FT, or more of the time. Like, you want to be by her so bad? Go for it. 

thinkthrice's picture

To when Chef would play "Step -N- Fetch" to the 3 ferals and wait on them ad nauseum.  To an extent, you feel sorry for biodads trying to ride the backs of two horses but then they refuse to see the outlandish, extreme demands as a grasping for control and fail to establish boundaries. 

TrueNorth77's picture

I do feel bad because I know he's worried and it's a difficult situation to navigate, but damn. SD has almost no friends now so she's always here, and he feels bad and over-compensates and coddles her, even though some of this is manipulation and attention-seeking. It's hard to watch. 

missgingersnap2021's picture

I may have missed it in one of your other blogs but what is a skid countdown app? I didnt have an app but for about 4 years I had the calendars printed off with the weekends she was here highlighted, her school breaks, holidays I knew I would have to see her etc and had the "countdown" too. But as a lot of people said things don't magically change when they turn 18. Luckily in my case they have gotten sooo much better! She for the most part only sleeps here 4 nights a month vs 8, is gone a lot either with her boyfirend or working (although her job she just got hasn't had her working any weekends yet whcih I hope they do soon) and Ive stopped tip toeing around DH. I talk to her how I want when I want. And we tlak when hes not within ear shot. 

As for your SD - I'm sorry but I just see a lifetime of drama with her. I know I wouldn't be able to handle half of what your are going through. I hope you guys survive it. 

TrueNorth77's picture

I hope I survive also. Lol. I am really hoping she gets some friends in high school and this will calm down, but DH also sees a lot of Crazy in her behavior, so I would be surprised if there isn't a lifetime of drama. 

So you can download free countdown apps, I have one with 2 countdowns going- 1 til SS16 will be starting college (and I swear to god he better not decide to live at home- he's been planning for out of state), and one that shows the days til SD will theoretically be leaving for college. The one for SD is hard to look at since it's 4-1/2 years yet... but SS's makes me feel better. Lol