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SD60's excuse

JRI's picture

SD60 finally called DH85 today.  Friday night, we had car trouble, DH told SD to stand by in case we needed her.  We were on the side of a busy highway in the dark for about 2 hours.  DH called her releatedly, no answer and no reply to his messages.  It's been 4 days with no, "Did you get home okay, Dad?"  Today, I told DH I was angry that she hadn't answered his calls or checked on him later.

SD60 told him she fell asleep and didn't hear her phone.  I asked why she hadn't called later.  He says she probably forgot.  She also told him about her upcoming Dr appts.  In other words, 2 minutes on the car episode, long time on her issues.  I personally think she was drugged up.

I told you all I'd update you on the excuse.  I really thought she'd be more creative.



SteppedOut's picture

Did your husband "accept" the poor excuse and all is forgiven?

I honestly do not know how you are able to keep your silence on TrashSD. 

JRI's picture

Of course DH accepted her explanation.  She is supposed to be here tomorrow to cut his hair.  I dont even want to look at her or interact, I think I'll be gone.


ndc's picture

She fell asleep?  Knowing that you and your DH were having car issues and she was on standby???  What a loving, devoted daughter she is.  I'd be out of the house when she comes because I wouldn't be able to see her without going off.  I don't know how you do it.

Winterglow's picture

I disagree with the other posters. I think it's high time you told her EXACTLY how you feel and what you think of her and her behavior. Don't hold back and let her have it. Your DH needs to hear it too because he's her enabler. Go absolutely nuclear on her. Tell yourself that you are clearing the air. Stop holding it all in. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

This. She is 60 years old. 6-0. Not 6. Daddy Dearest can forgive her when she effs him over, but this time it also impacted you. Let her have it, and tell your DH to pipe down if he tries to intervene. Heck, let him have it, too, and let him know that he's more than welcome to have SD eff him over but not when it involves you.

JRI,I know you just want some peace in your golden years. But you don't have to be a doormat to this cretin. If your DH doesn't like it, he knows how to fix it. Stop being a martyr for him just because he's old. He's using you for his own emotional fulfillment. Not cool at any age.

CLove's picture

Youve been accepting and accepting and like a frog in the pot of water on the stove you are now almost at boiling point.

Jump out and let them both be on the recieving end of your righteous anger. Dont let this blow over like its nothing.


strugglingSM's picture

Classic manipulator tactic...deflect immediately to all the "hardships" they are facing as a way to skate on past whatever they did wrong. 

JRI's picture

She finally showed up to cut DH's hair and I could hardly look at her.  I had to discuss a financial matter with her that bummed her out, an expense that impacts her is going up.  I was secretly glad to see her face turn white.  DH was hovering around, he was probably expecting her to burst into tears, poor thing.  She cut his hair in silence.  She could tell I was pissed.  I had planned to talk to her about the car incident but was too angry to even look at her.  She left soon after.

JRI's picture

SD60 came over Friday to do some work for DH85.  I had cooled down enough to talk to her and asked what happened for her not to reply to his calls when we were stranded.  She says she didn't hear the phone, it malfunctioned, she was sleeping, the cat ate it, whatever.  I stressed the danger he'd been in when, due to his prostate cancer, he kept having to get out on the driver side to come around to urinate.  I told her how our grass cutter had told us about his friend who'd been paralyzed after being hit in the same situation.  I told her how angry I'd been.  I didn't really care what she'd tell me since I don't believe anything she says.  Protestations of her devotion to Daaad, blah blah blah.

At some point last week, I realized the whole episode was a non-issue to DH.  I also realized I need to never, never rely on her again.

Catmom024's picture

Yup...a non issue.   Because if it were an issue he'd have to do something about it.   So many times I've felt like I was in the twilight zone because guilty/star struck Daddy just ignored things or would say the stupidest things such as: "Well all these kids around here do drugs, and Princess HAS to be around friends,  so therefore she HAS to hang around people who do drugs".  Whaaaaat?????

Ugh.  You're proof it never ends.  People think when their skid turns 18 that will be the end of it.  Lol...yeah, right.

I'm glad you spoke up to her.  You have rights.  You matter.

Catmom024's picture

She's got her eye on inheritance $$ once Granny kicks the bucket.  She's in the middle of everything.   No doubt Granny's jewelry is already at the pawn shop since she was the first grandchild in the apartment to help her aunt sort through everything.  She's still hot and heavy with the felon

It never ends.

JRI's picture

I'm looking into my crystal ball.  Once,Granny passes, I see some illegal drug purchases, status purse purchases, possibly wide screens, or other electronics, high-end makeup, etc.  Do I see repayment of debt, home downpayments, vehicle upgrades, savings accounts -uh, no.    On and on...

caninelover's picture

And yes, next time find a more reliable emergency contact.

Your SD is really broken, unfortunately.