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YSD returning finally

Cover1W's picture

So YSD16 has been with BM most of the summer, from just after school was out (one long weekend here with DH at the end of June) until today.  No idea how long she's staying or what the plan is - of course! 

I have to say it's been a NICE relaxing summer. No worries about what she's going to eat/not eat, planning around her schedule, DH worrying about going to do things without her, etc.

DH and I were on vacation last week (fantastic!) and he was looking at some games and asked if I wanted one....I said, are they for me or for YSD? YSD of course!  So I was totally honest and said, to tell the truth DH I find it exhausting much of the time to play games with YSD, she's very much a rigid stick to the rules person and her constant consulting with any instruction sheet and nitpicking someone who is more relaxed with it doesn't make it fun. So no, I don't want a game.

Then he's looking for a little gift or something for her and has no idea what to get her because, as he said, "It will likely just end up stuck in her closet anyway." AGREED DH!  So he didn't get her anything.



missgingersnap2021's picture

My Dh gave up buying SD gifts way before she was 16. I would say 12 or 13. He will order clothes or sneakers she has picked out for her bday and Xmas and then just gives her cash. I was so different as a kid! I loved anything my parents bought me