Update -adult stepson
Hello all,
I hope everyone is hanging in there. I haven't updated in a while so thought I'd do that and spend some time at StepTalk.
I have been busy sneaking around and making arrangements but the move out plan is progressing nicely. I have accepted a job close to my family and 5 hours away from here. I have spoken to the landlord and we signed an affidavit that I will not be held responsible for damages after I move out. I have a PO box now and all letters/bills are going to that PO box. I had to sneak around to do it but I have a storage unit and have been slowly moving my most personal items out. DH hasn't noticed. To get the storage unit, I had to leave my cell phone at work and go on my lunch break as DH can track me on my phone. I take things to work and give them to my friend and she drops it by my unit. My attorney told me to call him as soon as I drive away from the house with all my things and he will file and have DH served. I have movers lined up (3 guys), I just need to give them a move out date. I spoke with the sheriff's office and all I have to do is call if things get heated and they will send someone to stay while I get moved. The move will be quick as I have minimal things and 3 young healthy strong guys to move stuff. I am currently looking for a rental home and as soon as I find one, I'll be putting the plan into action. I am nervous as hell but excited and somewhat relieved this is going to happen. I'll also delete the Life360 app from my phone and cancel my debit card on moving day so I can't be tracked and he can't continue to charge his and manchild's cell phone to my card. My savings has been dispersed amongs my mom and two siblings, I also used some to pay down student loans and buy furniture which is still being held at the furniture store until I have a move out date. I have streaming services and I will change passwords so they can't access. All I'm waiting on is a rental and a move in date.
My current employer knows not to disclose any information to DH if he would call. I will also file a restraining order after I file for divorce to keep him from contacting me. I will be changing my phone number too.
DH has been nice alternating with rude moments, as usual. SS has been especially toxic to me, avoiding eye contact, blatantly ignoring me, physically getting between me and DH in the kitchen if we are talking. SS also has been getting up at MIDNIGHT to loudly cook a meal in the kitchen even though we eat supper at 630-7 and DH helps him rather than tell him to knock it off because I have to get up at 5 to work. SS has cut back at his "job" if one can even call it that. Not that he was working much but now he "works" maybe 4 hours every other weekend. SS sits in his room, plays on his phone and computer, watches TV, occasionally goes to his mom's so she can be a disney parent and entertain him for the weekend - just absolutely worthless. I don't care how he treats me. I keep telling myself I'm going to have the last laugh on those two a&&holes. Last week, SS told DH that I was kicking and throwing his cat (total lie). I picked up the cat to keep it from my room because DH thought he had fleas and then I put my foot out to block the cat from running back in. DH gets angry when I close my door to keep his cat out and I was trying to keep the cat out quietly - DH was no where around but I think SS saw what I was doing (DH refuses to vaccinate or treat his cat preventatively for anything, including fleas, which led to us having a huge flea infestation at one of our previous rentals - we actually had to move because DH refused an exterminator, at that time he treated his cat that one time and refuses to since). This cat is old and I'm not a complete b*itch, I would never kick or throw any animal for any reason. But, DH believes his son and I was ostracized for 2 days while they got super chummy: ate supper without offering me any (with food I paid for), ignored me entirely, glared at me,etc. I was infuriated at first but then totally acted like I didn't care. That caused DH to start kissing my ass but I don't care. I'm so done here. What kind of psychopath lies like that? I mean, this was done with malice to get DH mad at me. It was a lie. An outright lie. Is SS a future serial killer in the making?? I wonder. But again, don't care don't care don't care. In a short amount of time, they will no longer be my problem!!!!
Anyway, I have gotten such great support and advice on here and I am so very thankful for all of you!!! I'm doing okay and will continue to update. I am so thankful to have a group of people who understand and will listen.
I'm glad to hear you have a
I'm glad to hear you have a job lined up. I hope you find your rental place quickly and get the heck out of there. Please be vigilant!
So glad for you
You are handling this beautifully. They must feel 'something is in the air', but can't get their heads around it because you are being cautious and quiet. Please stay mum until you are out of the house. I can tell you for certain they will first be irate, then try to bargain with you. Keep on your steady path. Another thing - once you are in your new home spoil yourself for awhile, let everything settle out, then have fun. And good luck
I think you're right. The
I think you're right. The only clue they might have is my nonchalant attitude whereas before, I would helicopter and try to "fix" things and was upset if DH or SS were mad at me Now I just straight up can't even act like I care. But other than that, I haven't really given any clue that anything out of the ordinary is going on. I never use this website at home, I don't use my cellphone for anything. I have no mail being sent to the house that might give me away. I am sure you are right, they'll be irate and then try to get me to stay. There'll be no bargaining. I will absolutely not be swayed. I want my freedom and I deserve to be treated with respect and to NOT have to raise someone's manchild.
This is what happened with my exDH when I told him I was getting a divorce. He went through several stages of 'grief'. At first he loved bombed, then became angry, accusing me of "Thinking of this for some time" (which was the truth), then bargaining and offering to pay double what he had been paying ($380 per month) for the last 30 years. Then he panicked whenhe realized he had to take care of himself - I still had to help him buy a dependable car.
You are much wiser and stronger than I was. I allowed him to stay here until the divorce was final, which was a mistake. I SHOULD have told him to leave right after he signed the divorce papers. The last month was horredous to say the least. He did not leave a forwarding address (which turned out to be the case - including forwarding all of my personla mail).
Just keep doing what you are doing. Take it from me - there definitely IS a light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep It Up
You are doing everything right! Glad you have an attorney in your corner! Can't wait til you post to tell us you are in your new place!!! Big hugs!
Thank you
for letting us know how things are going! I really hope you find that rental soon.
About the cat, I think I'd sneakily treat her (whether or not she has fleas, it won't harm her) and not tell him. She must be suffering agony if she has fleas. Good grief, he's even a shit to animals ...
I am SO looking forward to the next chapter.
In the past, I have
In the past, I have considered treating her without him knowing. However, he is ALWAYs home. He very rarely goes anywhere for any length of time. I am afraid I'd be found out, especially by his manchild who also never leaves and might tattle or lie like he did the other day about how I supposedly threw the cat. I might give her one treatment before I leave if I can. Poor old thing. Did I mention that he once got angry at the cat and threw the cat, resulting in a broken tail? Yeah, the tail had to be amputated. That was all him. SO glad I'm leaving.
Thank you for the update.
Enjoy your new life adventure.
So happy for you!
You're doing so great! You've got this and the finish line is in sight!
I am so sorry for what you've been through, though. It's never what we see coming, otherwise we wouldn't end up in these situations. I've been there, too. I left my 2nd husband after doing some similar things...found a rental and arranged moving quickly...he didn't know I was leaving until the morning of the day that I left. Best decision ever!
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
YAY! Thanks for update :D
I think youve executed your plan beautifully. Thats wonderful
My update: Feral Forger SD23 is being moved from 3 hours north of here back down to her mother Toxic Tolls apartment near by by none other than husband - this Sunday in fact! Hes stressed and trying to take it out on me and Im having none of it and am very much on my guard against having her in my home after her continual abuse over the 8 plus years.
So glad that your plan is progressing. You are probably feeling SO GREAT right now, and once done you will fee SO MUCH BETTER.
That sucks that she is being
That sucks that she is being moved back closer.
I also feel your pain about the anger being taken out on you. My STBXH did that same thing. Hang in there and stand up for yourself. I also wouldn't let her in my home given how she's treated you. To hell with all that! Keep us posted! We are all here for you!
Yes, I'm already feeling fantastic and I know it only gets better from here!
You go girl
Keep posting.
You are inspiring, smart, strong lady.
Dang Id love to see those two shits faces once they realize that you and your wallet are gone. Please stay safe. It sounds like you have your tracks covered.
Anxiously awaiting your next installment. Youve got this girl. We can hear you roar.
LOL, yes, I would love to see
LOL, yes, I would love to see the looks on their faces when I drive off. And how it goes when my STBXH has to get an actual 40-hr a week job. And I guarantee you this current business of manchild sucking off the t*t will end if he has to be the one working to pay for him and support him. I bet he kicks his son's ass out of the house or just gets so angry and bitter about having to work that he's not nice to his son and his son moves out. Either way, I'm in the clear and on my merry way. I'll definitely keep you all posted.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall
Good lordy, no netflix for them. Imagine the lover's spats they will have.
Indeedy! And there will
Indeedy! And there will definitely be a lover's spat when Daddeeeee has to work that "sh*tty factory job" to support his deadbeat manchild. Daddeee will likely get pissed off and either: put up with manchild's laziness but become bitter and angry or: he'll finally grow a pair of balls and kick manchild out.
Either way, they won't be my problem anymore.
Oh, the rants will be epic.
As will the intoxicated pitty sessions.
Web cams and put their shit on YourTube. It will go viral.
Hahahaha! Yes oh that would
Hahahaha! Yes oh that would be entertaining!
They'd blame everything on me; they are champions at not taking responsibility for anything, including themselves. :)
Stay safe!! You are in the
Stay safe!! You are in the home stretch to freedom now!