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Two Total Morons

Dogmom1321's picture

I feel bad for SD11 in this situation. BOTH of her parents are total morons. 

Backstory, I'm totally disengaged. I watch DH make some pretty dumb decisions, but as a SM I've realized it's not my place to parent. DH needs to be the one held responsible. 

ANYWAY, DH was going out of town today (Monday) and will be back tomorrow. A small work trip. SD11 is at our house this week. I told DH that he needs to arrange everything with SD. She takes the bus, but I'm long gone for work by the time she wakes up. DH assured me it wouldn't be a problem. He would have her set an alarm, call him, etc. to make sure she got to school. Suuuuuure.

SD11 was "sniffly" yesterday, but just thought it was allergies. She went to a pet store on Sunday. She took some medicine and went to bed. Woke up this morning and got to school taking the bus. Around lunch, SD11 went to the nurse and told her the 10 (yes, 10) symptoms she was having. The school nurse called BM letting her know that SD needed to be picked up because of COVID protocol. Guess what these morons just realized??

BM is out of town, 

DH is out of town. 

SD11 is stuck at school for TWO HOURS waiting to be picked up. 

That sucks. 

DH never thought he should have informed BM he was leaving town.? And apparently BM never thought she should have DH she was now a travel nurse?? BMs response was "Oh, I thought SD told you I changed jobs."

**face palm**

BM and DH have been no contact for a couple of months now... which is good for SOME things. But not knowing information for emergency situations? Change in work? Out of town trips?

SD11 eventually got picked up by BM. 

Sidenote: DH told me all of this after the fact. He knows I wouldn't have been able to leave work. Last time this happened before Christmas, BM was texting me to go pick up SD11 from school. Glad they didn't involve me in the chaos this time! 


dragonfly878's picture

I often feel that way.... DH and BM make decisions regarding SS and then wonder why he's turning out the way he's turning out... 

Glad you stayed out of it... they created the problem they can solve it.

justmakingthebest's picture

I have like 8 people on my kids contact list. Don't they have more than eachother for emergencies? Not saying bring you into it if you don't want/are unable, but what about Aunts, uncles, grandparents? Hell, my boss's wife is on mine! 

EveryoneLies's picture

Wow what the heck! I would never assume the other parent will juts show up and pick up my kid because I am not available. Two total morons indeed!

shamds's picture

Not your problem.

"sd needs to be picked up now?" 
not your problem

"parents not available to pick her up?" 
great, a grandparent can. Stepmum should not be expected or requested to leave work, forego pay to care for sd.

this is between the bio parents to sort out the mess. Funny how bio mum is outta town but near enough to pick sd up. Probably couldn't be bothered to take responsibility for her own kid

Gemini's picture

It was dad's week. Technically it was dad's responsibility to pick SD up,not the mom's. The mom sucks but in this situation, op's DH is in the wrong because it was his job to care of the kid on his time, not rely on his ex to pick up his slack, just because she has a vagina. The mom could have said "no, I have other plans " because it's not her time. 

shamds's picture

Responsible for her kid if there is an emergency or illness. Both parents are weong for not communicating they are out of town for work. It doesn't fall on stepmum first to pick up the kid. A grandparent, uncle, aunt etc should hve been first point of call if the bio mum isn't available. 
the bio mums responsibility for her kid in an emergency or situation at school where she needs to be taken home immediately doesn't end just because its dads time. It also shouldn't primarily fall forst to the bio dads extended family first before bio mum.

thats her absolving herself of any responsibility of her kid because its dads custody time

Dogmom1321's picture

Oh I definitely don't think it was my problem! DH told me after the fact. Their failed parenting implodes on itself! Just saying I felt bad for SD11 for once in this situation.