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Sick SK

jojo68's picture

SD11 is complaining of her stomach hurting (but no vomiting)and she is coughing and complains of a sore throat. She went to the nurse yesterday and the school wouldn't send her home because she didn't have a fever or vomiting. She is notorious for for being a drama queen and making a mountain out of a molehole but I hate to not believe her and she really be sick. I know that when she has really been sick in the past, she had a fever and she slept most of the time. She didn''t go to school today and was posting on Facebook how sick and hurting she is. MIL is trying to get a Dr appt today and find out what is going on. I think she has a little cold and doesn't want to go to school for some reason but I don't know. Anybody have any input?

gladtheyrenotmine's picture

She either:
1. Has a cold and just needs to rest
2. Doesn't have a cold, and just wants to stay home for ____________ reason.
But either way, toughing it out for a day or two at school isn't going to kill her. If she's really actually sick, you'll know within that day or two. Until then, she needs to get her ass in class.

jojo68's picture

The whole stomach hurting thing is a weekly occurence if not daily sometimes....I do think she has a little cold but it is not near the big ordeal she is making it to be. Believe me she is not being bullied...she is the bully if anything.