Mini wife book
Has anyone on here purchased and read one of our bloggers book, "Mini-Wife Syndrome, A Stepmother's Guide?" So far it has matched up with how SD12 acts. I do have to say I disagree with some of the statemtents in this book, but I could be wrong. Basically to cut down on the mini wife syndrome, it was stated that you have to become the women that DH/SO/DBF fell in love with. Because men like to feel admired and respected and to feel that way, they look for it in their mini wives since the DW/SO/DGF doesn't show it like she did in the beginning. It stated to stay pretty, work out etc... I get that it would probably be better if none of us changed or lost that "fire" we once had, but DBF has too, he doesn't try as hard as he used to, but I don't have a mini-wife problem and I don't go seeking the love, respect, admiration elsewhere. I lost this flame because I am working a fulltime job, going to college fulltime, I am a mother fulltime, a stepmom part time, and a girlfriend fulltime.
I guess I need help on better understanding this and need other techniques for my SD12 to not be a mini wife the rest of her life.
Lately, it has calmed down, but it's only been a week and a hald since I blew up at DBF about Sd12's attitude and how she is a mini wife. She still gets an aittude with me, still pouts, and still acts like she is 5, but she hasn't been hanging on DBF. She still needs to be the center of attention though.
Any other techniques that other's have used and worked would be great! So far this book is a good read, but not really helping in the "how to" sense. I guess I could always go back to the gym, go back to dancing, but with us all being in the middle of a pandemic, I find it hard too... I just don't know how to get back to how I was in the beginning. I love DBF more and more each day, so that isn't a negative thing. I guess I gave up on looking "pretty" all of the time and watching my figure.
I don't know. Thoughts? Has anyone read this book? I'm on page 33. Worth reading the rest?
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The way you describe it, it
The way you describe it, it sounds like the book is saying that in order to prevent a mini wife situation, you have to make sure and look as attractive as possible? If my attractiveness has anything at all to do with my husband's relationship with his daughter, i just might throw up!
It sounds like that book is telling you how to act so that your husband doesn't have an affair. Which, from my understanding, might be valid in some cases, but not all. Some people will cheat no matter what you look/act like. If Beyonce got cheated on, wtf can the rest of us do?
That's exactly
That's exactly how I am taking it. I only got to page 33 but it's a very thin book, so I am almost done. But when I read that part, it really confused me. Basically saying the daughter is giving the father what the mother isn't giving him in a way. Which is weird. And I agree with you, that's why I was like," Umm what?" I know it isn't the case with my situation. I mean I guess I could be more loving and welcoming, which I haven't been the best, but DBF knows that I have been extremely exhausted and super busy with just life and general.
And yep, agree with the Beyonce statement. I'll finish this book up and let everyone know how it goes.
My advice
For what its worth - be the queen and let EVERYONE know.
I've definitely
I've definitely been working on it! I have been having SD12 and DD13 doing chores, but now SD12 is acting like a wife even more now. So it's a lose lose situation. Trying to figure out another way in keeping her busy.
"Stay pretty, work out etc"
"Stay pretty, work out etc"
Why doesn't HE "stay handome, work out etc" ???
"Men like to feel admired and respected"
Why is HE not admiring and respecting his partner??
Ugh, this sounds like something out of the Stepford Wives. Mini wife syndrome is a result of poor parenting and boundaries on Daddy's part, NOT because a woman hasn't "stayed prettyand worked out" or "admired and respected him"
Yeah I didn't
Yeah, I didn't like that part of the book. I am still going to finish reading it. I thought it was going ot be decent advice, but I refuse to change my appearance/attitude and such for all of this. My DBF wouldn't want that or expect that either. My main goal is to have SD12 grow up a little and stop being so clingy and needy, hence why I bought this book but it's not really helping, just making me more confused.
It does sound like it is something out of Steford wives for sure. Funny, I just watched this movie this past weekend out of boredom. lol
I think a lot of SM's (more
I think a lot of SM's (more so than BM's) and those in 2nd marriages understand the importance of taking your partners wants and needs into cosideration, mutually contributing to the relationship etc ... but this book has a very Misogynistic slant of it's the woman's job to make the marriage work and their fault if it doesn't. Sorry but it takes 2 and it's not the 1950's anymore.
I wasn't getting that vibe until I got to page 32 & 33, and I was like, "What??!" It takes two to make a relationship/marriage work. I can admit that I have been slacking, showing that I am not the happiest lately, but he is also showing that he's "comfortable" which isn't terrible but I do miss the excitement from both aspects. But we both know that both of us has things to work on. it's not just me and it's not just him. That's why this book kind of baffled me in a way.
I was curious about that book
I was curious about that book, but never got it. After your comment saying that the book says, "stay pretty, work out etc" I will steer clear. I'm an athlete and always kept myslef in tip top physical condition (until a couple of years ago). SD competed with me and showed off her body to DH and despite me having a six pack when I was 52, SD won. I really don't think Mini-Wife Syndrome is a matter of who has the better body. I'm in both couples therapy with DH and individual therapy for myself after having my body image issues triggered from losing out to a mini-wife and am learning more and more that competing with the mini-wife on that level is not only not effective, but is actually unhealthy.
My therapist and the couples therapist have both said to not reward DH for his behaviour. Emotional incest doesn't occur because the wife failed to give enough attention to her spouse. The emotional incest/mini-wife dynamic occured way before the wife came along. Giving your DH all the appreciation and devotion he needs and wants after relegating his wife to a distant second to a mini-wife only rewards him for treating you that way.
Several years ago, I had a nuclear meltdown and declared myself Queen Shit of Turd Island. I demanded that things change "before the sun sets today," and on and on. It worked. DH was great for a few years. However, he relapsed in the biggest way. It happened before SD32 got pregnant, so it wasn't the grandchild issue. I don't even know what it was. I've been in agony for a couple of years since his relapse back into fawning over the mini-wife and I ultimately totally withdrew and created an exit plan. I didn't say anything to him because I wanted to not show my hand yet. DH picked up on it and I guess got scared that I had enough and was leaving and he's the one that got us into counselling. We've been going since last January and we've been learning a ton. DH has improved a lot but my trust isn't quite there yet because after all, he did great for a few years and then relapsed and became worse than ever. Our therapist says that because of his relapse it will take a long long time for me to trust DH again.
The quash of Mini-Wife Syndrome has to come from the dad. He has to see that there's a problem and he has to want to change it enough that he'll remain committed to quashing it. The kid will fight it tooth and nail and the father has to remain strong and soldier on with his efforts, but most often these dads get scared of losing Poopsie and they not only give in, but they turn on the big ole mean wife for wanting changes. And that is if the dad is even willing to see a problem or wanting to change it. It is often at the core of the dad because of his own issues, so unfortunately, the prognosis for treatment of Mini-Wife Syndrome is slim to none. The more you address your SD or try different things with her to attack the syndrome, the more she'll fight you and the more she'll paint you as the mean old evil SM to your SO. Focus your strategies on your SO and it may involve risks you're not willing to take: yet. These dads don't really get consequences from their wives, because the wives don't fully commit to their requirements of their SOs, so they pull back out of fear of losing their marriages. I had to get to a point that I wasn't scared. I became way more afraid of living in that agony than I was of losing DH. It is when you get to that point that you can lay down the law and stay committed to your stance.
You're exactly right. I did end up blowing up at DBF a couple of weeks ago and I can already see a change, except SD12 is getting more and more pouty and trying to still talk over me or DD13 when we are trying to say something. I am trying to do the disengage method, which has been hard for me. I have a very hard time biting my tongue and not stepping in :-/
Was hoping that this book would help but it's meh...
That book sounds stupid.
However, at 12 mini wife syndrome is just kicking into gear. It lasts throughout the teens and sometimes even into their 20's+. It has more to do with a combo of divorce/permissive parenting and girls natural tendency to attach to their Dad's in the teen years as they "practice" to have their own relationships one day.
As far as preventing it ... You are not that powerful, you can't. But some things that help is sign that little Princess up for after school extracurricular activities and encourage her to make friends and get out of the house! Also, the further away their college is the better.
No friends
She has only 3 friends but never wants to hang out with them outside of school it seems. She only wants to be around "daddy" when she is home or just sitting on her tablet. I have to push the kids out of the house and have them play in the snow or walk around the property, and even that's hard to do. We signed her up for volleyball, which she did but just stood there when it was her turn to be on the court, same for when we signed her up for basketball. She doesn't like to do any sports because her mom doesn't want her doing them and she just shows no interest in anything unless it playing on her tablet or watching "Bob's Burgers."
Maybe sign her up to work on
Maybe sign her up to work on an oil rig? Boarding school? Traveling circus? J/k ... you definitely have to find something she is actually interested in
If only
If only....
JK but the only thing that seems to interest her is being on her tablet doing weird A$$ dances, or her being coddled, or if she is playing little kid games with her cousins....... kind of a lose lose situation, and a little annoying but whatever works I guess.
I think the point the book
I think the point the book was trying to make was to stay the adult, nuture your marriage and make sure you give your spouse what their child can't give them. It's an unhealthy dynamic that causes a parent to turn to a child for adult needs. Now if you are doing and living like an adult in a committed relationship and he still seeks out a daughter for emotional needs then you have dysfunctional man in your hands and you need to take a hard look yourself for your choice in partner.
He doesn't
He doesn't seek for emotional needs from SD12. SD12 definitely clings on him for sure and he didn't understand what was wrong about it at first because he still saw her as a little girl. Now she's actually getting taller and etc.. just within the past couple of weeks and I have been showing him shows that show 12-13 year old girls and how they act and it seems to be helping him realize that she needs to grow up and needs to stop being spoiled by him and his family and stop treating her like she's a baby. Her poutyness and attitude have amped up since then and it's only been a couple of weeks. Not sure if we are out of the woods yet, but hoping it continues to improve. Only time will tell.
I don't agree with you but
I don't agree with you but luckily this is a safe place where we can agree to disagree, with courtesy and respect.
Your implication is that it's the woman's fault because
1) she isn't nurturing or giving enough
2) she was stupid to get involved with a dysfunctional man.
Again, the woman is blamed, unfairly I feel.
Sometimes, the emotional incest between a man and his mini wife isn't immediately apparent, for a number of reasons. So a woman will form a relationship with a guy and it's not till some time later that the whole situation is exposed.
No no no, I never said any of that. That's what the book stated and I said it rubbed me the wrong way.
I know. My reply was to the
I know. My reply was to the post by SurvivingStephell, which was directly above yours.
All good
LOL!! oops, my bad!
I have read quite a few comments on here over the years about how I must have ignored the red flags. I swear to Dog that there were zero signs of Mini-Wife Syndrome before I got married. If there were, I would have run the hell away. I have no idea if the marriage triggered the syndrome somehow (because that's what it seems) or if DH and SD32 (7 at the time) managed to know enough to hide it very well. I doubt that a 7 year old would know how to hide it. My position is that DH and I making it official and marrying triggered the syndrome. I had tried investigating to find out what happened to trigger SD's off the charts sudden clinginess and constant diversion of DH because I swear up and down that the syndrome wasn't there until we came home from our honeymoon.
Makes sense
It does make sense. Because even though you are living with your SO and you guys either decide to have another baby together, or get married, it seems to kick something up in the SD. I think in my situation SD knows that me and DBF are getting more serious and plan on having more children and getting married. Ever since he and I bought a house together, well even when we started looking, is when she became more clingy and more bratty and more bossy.... so that could be it.
I just looked it up, and saw
I just looked it up, and saw the author is Katie Lee. She was a member here several years ago. She also had a blog called A Little Stepmama Drama. Some old timers will remember her. Anyone still in touch with her?
That's it!
That was her screen name! I was reading up on Mini wives and came across her posts and she had stated that she wrote a book about it and I just had to buy it. I am not saying that it's all terrible, but the part where the wife needs to basically put in all of the effort because the husband needs admiration and respect kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
UGH. Totally agree with you
UGH. Totally agree with you
Killjoy used to follow me
Killjoy used to follow me around and snark every little thing I did. When she became a teenager, I was really hoping she'd get a life, but she still wanted to be home all the time.
After I kicked her out, she finally got a life. Allegedly, she has friends now and goes to football games and school dances.
I think Satan, PASinator extraordinaire, gave her the assignment of following me around and reporting every little thing I did, as well as meangirling me in my own home. Once I kicked her out, she no longer had that responsibility.
Maybe your HCBM is behind this.
Regarding the book, I do think it's important as grown women we not to get mired in rivalries with children. You are above that. Keep being your awesome self. It's natural to lose interest in bedroom romance with your man when he panders to another female. That's one of many natural consequences of not treating you like the Queen you are.
Oh yeah, I think BM is a big part of why SD12 is all of a sudden acting out and being snotty towards me. When I don't give in to her antics it makes her even more mad, oh well.
That would turn me off on the entire book. That mindset. Jeez. I have so much to say but most has been covered in the other comments. What I will add...the day I have to be in competition with a mini-wife is the day I leave and let DH and his MW live happily ever after.
DH's oldest daughter is a MW but she's been told and knows to steer clear of me with her BS. Add that I haven't seen that witch in 4 years, she can play MW with DH over the phone but she will NEVER impact my life again.
LOL. Oh boy.
The desctiption sounds very clear and concise...but now your telling us that we need to step up our "womanly game" to keep our man interested? Sounds like someone tapped into the Reconciliation Complex System for Cheaters. Heres a good quote:
"“The betrayed partner will usually have to accept that they had a part in co-creating a betrayal,” says relationship counsellor and author Neil Wilkie. “My experience is that a betrayal never comes out of a clear blue sky. It usually happens because there was something lacking in a relationship. But if the betrayed partner says, ‘It’s all your fault, I had nothing to do with it,’ then the relationship can never recover.”"
LOL my goodness, I better get to the gym...good thing I got my hair and nails done
And the "threat" that he will
And the "threat" that he will betray you with is his *daughter*! Ewwww!
Was that
Was that in the book? I am trying to finish it but I have been swamped all morning. But yes, that is ew. Not my situation, like I said, I bought this book thinking there would be some good advice and relate to what I was experiencing, but so far it's more on the extreme side and I don't agree with some of the techniques.
Yeah, I was quite baffled when I read that in the book. Definitely gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Luckily, I don't feel that is neccessary in my relationship, nor do I feel I have to compete with bratty mini wife. Things have settled down since I blew up a couple of weeks ago, but still seeing if things continue to settle and SD12 starts to mature a bit and stop acting like she's 5.
I'd toss that book in the fireplace...
what a load of poo! The emotional incest starts as early as 12 when these men groom their bio daughters to become mini wives. The dadddyyyy will triangulate the adult female and mini wife so he can get all the attention and HIS needs met, both physically and mentally...often sexually even though most women would be in denial. The mini wife doesn't make demands of their daddyyyy, they are always happy to see him, they fawn over him, jump in his lap to cuddle, and his sick self enjoys it, barf.
I was in great shape (far better shape than him) and I would never even consider competing with a mini wife, especially the DaughterWife that was short, had stick body like a little boy even at age 23, long black hair & dark tanned skin from taking all those bikini pics for daddy. Biomom hispanic and Dadddeeee tall dorky white guy. All I could think of was the story of Narcissus....gazing at his reflection in the water, he loved himself so much.
exNarcDuh and exSD23 aka DaughterWife had similar facial features and really loved to look at each other, such as the reflection with Narcissus. exNarchDuh even screamed at me (before I made my exit and left) that I'm jealous of her and I calmly stared him in the eyes and said, "Tell me ONE thing I could possibly be jealous of that little skank a*s Ho." Crickets....
Oh, I met a nice man on Saturday, he is a new neighbor, he was very interested and you know I had to ask a question with a question when he asked me out for a date. Yep, he has a 15 yr old daughter with a woman that lives about 5 hours away. I'll take a hard pass. Nice man though, just not for me. I giggled when he showed me pictures of the two of Disney! I told him she looks like a little angel. {{{grin}}}
I don't mean to laugh, but the last two paragraphs cracked me up. I needed that. I am glad that you got out of that situation for sure. Sounded pretty toxic. Bummer that your neighbor still has a teen at home. Does she live there full time?
Sorry.. I think that's mostly
Sorry.. I think that's mostly "hoohaa" that the reason why SD is a miniwife is because the wife let herself go.. seriously no.
MIniwife tends to happen when a child develops a false sense of their place in the home. It can start when the dad is divorced and a closeness develops but also a situation where the father puts his child on an equal basis in the home. Also, where the father treats his wife and child as "equals" instead of his wife as a partner and his child as a ... well child.. a subordinate in the home. Not meaning they aren't a priority.. but that they don't have the same autonomy and control that their adult partner should hold.
It can stem from insecurity in the child.. afraid that their parent will ditch them like they did their mom. A jealousy of a NEW person in their father's life.. taking attention etc..
It has so little to do with the new partner and mostly due to the father's lack of a healthy parental relationship with their child and inability to set boundaries.
Well Said...
Very well said... Like I have stated before, I am just trying to understand it and SD12 kicked up the clingyness, snottyness, etc... once things got more serious. Even after I moved in, things were ok and not as bad but as soon as we started looking for a place to buy together is when more issues started to arrise. I try not to be cold hearted about her feelings of insecurity but at the same time, she can't be babied by DBF and the rest of the family. She needs to mentally mature and definitely has some counseling because of issues going on when she is at BM's.