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No More School!

Dogmom1321's picture

When I first met DH, all of the school responsibilites were pawned off on me. From homework, to teacher conferences, newsletter emails, transportation, school supplies etc. This was before I knew about StepTalk, and honestly, I didn't know any better. Well I successfully disengaged during remote learning from COVID last year. With school starting last week, I was anxious to see how the start of this school year would go...

On top of disengaging, we also had our son in April. So I think DH finally sees that I'm busy enough with a 4 month old.  

- He took SD11 school supply shopping on his own!

- He filled out all school paperwork on his own

- I was not added or assumed to be on any email lists from the school

- I was not asked to provide any transportation

This is how it SHOULD be. Bio parents being the ones taking responsibility for the SKs. It's been a long road to get here, but happy with how things are right now! 

P.S. - Don't get me wrong, I still ask SD how was school when she gets home... but it feels SO good that none of it is my responsibilty any more :) 

How is everyone else's start of the school year going?


justmakingthebest's picture

Congratulations!! This is great and I am so glad your DH is stepping up like he should be!


shamds's picture

Sd23 & 13 decided after a 5 plus year hiatus to reconnect with their dad and guilt him for marrying me and having 2 kids with me when their mum married 8 yrs prior just moments after divorce was finalised, i never prioritise skids ever because they have never had an emergency or need that has surpassed that of our 2 minor kids needs

they sure made my husband jump through hoops, i even remember ss20.5 had as we were walking out the door to get both our 1 & 2.5 yr old vaccinated,  he got all shitty at his dad demanding he prioritise taking him to the shop to buy supplies for university. Something he regularly did riding his motorbike.

My husband said firmly our kids vaccination was a priority and if ss wanted to buy alot of stuff he could wait till hubby got home late afternoon after we did grocery shopping for our household which also took a priority. We weren't gonna wait for ss to get ready and tag along with us and kill the positive mood with his shitty shunning disrespectful behaviour.

later that afternoon as my husband is about to leave to drop him off at university, ss takes a bottle of fabric softener that i bought to wash "our clothes" to which hubby replies with thats fabric softener and  he can't take our supplies which we use to wash stuff in our home. Then hubby hd a mouthful at him why he didn't buy it when they went supply shopping before and he'd have to buy this at local mini mart at uni.

tough love is sometimes the only way they act.