SD logic...or no logic as I like to say
This is just a little thing but it irks me as DH went to alot of trouble to help her out.
SD has very bad skin. Like probably will be scarred from acne skin. SD hated that her face was also so broke out and painfull. DH took her to the dermatologist who prescribed her anitbiotics to combat the bacteria and face wash/cream to be used twice a day. SD started to us it and her skin was almost cleared up.
There were some dark spots left that would take time to fad. Great right...until......SD went to her Mom's.
Now in the logic according to Beaver and SD, SD doesn't need to take the antibiotics or use the face cream anymore since her face is now cleared up. SD also complains the antibiotics upset her stomach and I am sure they do since she takes them on an empty stomach every day. This is despite the bottle clearly stating..TAKE WITH A MEAL.
That is not how any of this works...not even close.
According the logic of Beaver and SD, rinsing your face with water once a day will make the acne go away. Since in the summer SD's face will break out anyway she doesn't need to take the antibiotics. What's the point if it will just break out is SD's (Beaver's) logic. Beaver told SD she will just take her for a facial every few months and it will be fine.
SD wears some god awful make up every day so not washing her face to remove the makeup isn't going to help. SD tries to do a cat eye looks like a very bad stage makeup and be the time she some home in the afternoon its half way down her face. ***rolling my eyes****
Beaver also told SD that she doesn't know where SD got such acne. Bi8tch, I know it was from Beaver....I found her prescription retinol and other prescription face creams when we cleaned out DH's old house. Doesn't know my @ss. I swear anything to undermine DH.
DH just told SD this morning..ok do what you want. I tried to take you to a know someone that went to school for a minimum of 8 years for this..but go ahead and listen to your mother who has no medical degree.
DH is just so done. He told me..I have 35 months left...and that is it.
- halo1998's blog
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8 years PLUS 4-6 years of
8 years PLUS 4-6 years of internship/residency/fellowship!
Of course she listens to the parent who tells her what she wants to hear. Wonder what she will do when all her acne comes back? Oh right - blame DH.
Spot on there..
.it will Dh's fault that it comes back. It already is...I was wondering why it seems to be going back to the way it was.
whew...its just so tiring.
Oh and SD doesn't need her ADD meds during the summer. Cause you know that is just "for school". Oh joy....unmedicated SD at home ALL DAY LONG....I'm going to need meds to deal.
Spawn used to have minor
Spawn used to have minor breakouts, as in little to no acne, but she insisted she needed to see a dermatologist. DH told her no because getting a pimple from time to time was not an issue. Spawn also had an arsenal of face washes, lotions, creams, pimple patches, but never used them because "they didn't work." Well no nothing works if you don't use it.
Well last time Meth Mouth and DH went to court, Meth Mouth brought up Spawns severe acne and how DH was refusing to treat it. The judge admonished DH and told him that Meth Mouth would be allowed to take her to a professional.
So Meth Mouth took Spawn and they prescribed face washes, lotions, all the stuff she would need to treat her very rare and occasional break outs...that is until turns out most of the stuff prescribed wasn't covered under insurance...since this was Meth Mouth's venture she was on the hook to pay...guess who never got all those fancy creams and lotions? Yep instead Meth Mouth opted to purchase Proactive which Spawn never used.
Well at least they can't say DH didn' try...
he tried with both SD and the GWR..(who also have bad acne not as bad as SD but not great). Neither wants to follow any doctors advice. Although GWR happily accepts the anti depressants that the pediatrician prescribes him. (don't get me started there....give a kid drugs but no therapy..makes perfect sense)
He wanted to try this first
to see if they could clear it up with out the use of Retinol. However, if she won't take the anitbiotics and use the prescription face wash..I don't see her apply Retinol either. Plus, there is no way she will wear sunscreen etc that she would need to use if she was using Retinol.
The sad part here was while she was following the Doctors regime..her skin was almost totally clear and just had dark spots that needed time to fad. Alas, it is now reverting back to the way it was....
They like to do what they want to do
SD59 and her late BM are/were like this. Love to talk endlessly about ailments then go to a doctor. But if the doctor prescribes some action they don't want to do, they just don't do it. SD has been advised by primary, gastro specialist and the ER about her gastro issues. Don't eat late, stay on a bland diet, small meals, no aspirin, etc. But we like to do what we like to do. Sigh. DH said earlier
I can't care more than she does. I tried...but I won't listen to her complain about it later.
At least DH doesn't make excuses.
Sad that BM will allow her
Sad that BM will allow her kid to be scarred for life just to "own" DH.
Very sad....
She would also let SD go unmedicated in school...because and I quote..."That's just SD's personalllittttyyyy. She is just creaaaativvveee."
Feral Forger SD22 & Backstabber/Munch
They both have acne. FF's did not clear up with age, and its cystic. When she was living with us - thick makeup caked on, and no washing it off. Then picking till they bled. Super gross.
Now B/M has the bumps. Mostly if stressed but also because she doesnt shower and wash. Ive tried buying skin cleansers, but she barely brushes her teeth.
I notice her skin is more clear when staying with us because we eat very healthy and not any sugary snacks/deserts.
Sad that SD is not taking care of herself. Self-care is vital Im learning.
It boggles my mind how BPs
It boggles my mind how BPs will intentionally neglect their child to spite the other parent.