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Why is it these Egg Donors always want their DD's to grow up fast?

halo1998's picture

I just don't get it...they always want them to be grown so fast.

In Beaver's case...

Kept  piercing SD's ears starting at 18 months...despite the fact that SD's ears did not like earings and we had multiple infections.

At the age of what 6 or so...wanted SD to wear false eyelashes for first communion.  SD kept pulling them off...but seriously why?

Beaver always bought SD this stupid fashion boots for winter.  The higher the heel and more bling the better.  They were never warm, never kept her feet dry and looked like SD was selling on the corner.   In fact one time, before DH could stop himself, he ask SD what corner she was working.  At the time she was 9 and showed up at our house in 2 in high boots, leggings and a big furry fashion coat.  We had about 2 inches of snow on the ground and it was about -2 outside. 

Beaver always bought SD the skimpiest of bathing suits...some were so bad they would not stay on poor SD.  I mean really...she was all of like 7 and had less material on her bathing suit than a Kardashian. 

Beaver always bought SD skin tight dresses and high heels...when she was in elementary school.  The kid looked like a mini working girl half the time.  (the other half of the time she was at our house and wore age appropriate clothes)

Enter high school and SD is 14..a young 14..UGH......she buys SD all kinds of cami tops, half tops, stilleto heels, eyelashes, colored contacts, makeup out the wazoo, fake nails, the works.  The other day DH confiscated a tube top that Beaver bought SD.  SD is 14..she does not need to wear a tube top...nor is she mature enought to deal with the attention this article of clothing will bring.  Not to mention SD is not the smallest of girls and tight skimpy clothing will most likely lead to her being made fun of.  Teenage girls are cruel creatures.

We constantly argue with SD over clothing.  No SD you are not buying and or wearing a bandage dress that Kim K wears, no SD you are not wearing streetware like Cardi B or whoever wears.  SD those people are in their 20's and 30's ...when you are in your 20's and 30's then you may wear those things.  No..SD you cannot wear a cami top and short shorts with the stilletos shoes you found in my closet.  1...they are my NO..and 2.  You are 14, not 20.

My question is WHY....WHY DO THEY DO THIS?  I wanted my DD to be a kid as long as she could.   I just do not understand the need to make little kids look like a 20 some year old adult woman.


advice.only2's picture

Meth Mouth was the same way with Spawn, all I can assume is that Meth Mouth's identity was wrapped up in Spawn, and Meth Mouth wanted to be seen as an exotic sexual creature, so by dressing her daughter that way it made her feel that way? I don't know I don't understand the psyche of a Meth addict.

Thumper's picture

advice only, I do not understand meth addict BM's psyche either. It is part of the addiction for sure.

justmakingthebest's picture

She wants her child to be her best friend. She wants to go clubbing and bar hopping with her mini me and it will be so awesome because she can tell the guys "Can you believe that's my daughter? We look like sisters!" "tee hee hee, you can take us both home!" 



advice.only2's picture

I can honestly say that makes the most sense, I could totally see Meth Mouth doing that with Spawn.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I have a photo of Sd at 17 with the cheerleading squad in front of the Xmas and there is North Korea with them in clothes and make up like a teenager and she is the only adult in the photo with the comment that she is just like one of the cheerleaders. She would take duck face selfies with Sd21 then teenage boyfriend 

ExhaustedByItAll's picture

DH has even admitted she's raising her next drinking buddy. Although SD isn't super girlie at our house, she has a little bit of makeup, but her clothes are nothing to complain about, she likes the oversized shirts and shorts or skinny jeans. Reminds me of late 80's early 90's leggings and oversized sweatshirts. She picks them out, so I figure that's what she likes.

I've seen her out with BM though, high heels, short skirt, crop top and waaay overdone makeup.

"Don't we look like sisters?! Only she's so much bigger than me!" I can hear BM now!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

My stepdaughter was over sexualized by her mother from a very young age as well and unsurprisingly to anyone she is a stripper, call girl, and porn star at 19. she dropped out of a fully paid for community college with a $6000 pell grant after an entire week to do her chosen profession. She isn't a poor single mother forced into the life of a sex worker. She has had every opportunity handed to her entitled self and chooses this life style. Sd21 said sd19 flew up to New York here recently to have sex with some stranger rich man and came

back with a $2700 purse. That is her morals and values and character. She doesn't value education or hard work. She values material things gained by her looks and her body and that's exactly how North Korea raised her .


why do they do this ? I am noticing a trend here. A common denominator. North Korea also has BPD. She is also a narcissist. They don't have a true sense of self. They don't get their esteem like we do which is through our accomplishments or the love we give or empathic natures. They are giant empty holes that they try and fill up with stuff and that stuff is material goods and accolades over superficial stuff like appearance and sexuality. A BPd mother' thinks her kids accomplishments are her accomplishments and they don't want them to have true accomplishments. Their accomplishments that they desire is to have good hair and nails. It's f'd up

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Psycho received inpatient mental health treatment and was diagnosed bipolar later in life, but I always thought she was a Borderline. Both her mother and grandmother were institutionalized for metal illness. My DH also has a lot of mental instability in his family, and YSD has BPD. 

Of course, YSD's had kids. So the beat goes on.

MissK03's picture

BM has tried pawning her USED thigh high lace back boots on SD. SD is almost 6ft. She's awkward about her size/height. Why would she want to be even taller then almost ever girl in her grade. 

She also started dying her hair semi permanent when she was in 5th grade. SD is a red hed (like BM even though BMs hair now has chunky blonde early 2000s highlights in it) and her hair is gorgeous. She was dying half of it egg plant purple, bright red streaks... it was AWFUL. BM only did this because she knew we hated it and "wommeennnn like to changggeee theirrrr loookkksss." Well your daughter is 10 not a woman. It didn't last long because SD didn't like it. BM and her husband then proceeded to call her a "chicken" when she didn't want to dye her hair anymore. I recall being at one of SDs basketball games mid court battle and BM saying to SD "well St. Patrick's day is coming up so we can dye your hair green." Didn't happen.

Thankfully SD isn't interested in looking like ho like her mother. Maybe if SD was around her more there would be a stronger influence. 

She hasn't bought SD (or the boys) clothes going on 4 years now.. didn't really before either though. 

SD will comment here and there about the way BM dresses. I don't say anything besides yeah...I don't know. 

Thumper's picture

I am calling it what it is, ITS gross.

Sadly when the child is in the care of these sick BM's, there is not much you can do.

Bet your boots, not happening under my watch.

**this topic is a trigger for me**


thinkthrice's picture

The Gir's drunken sorority days were long gone when i met Chef, and she was determined to continue her image as charity, church, soccer MOTY.  Don't think she could pull off "working girl" as her gigantic frame clopped along clumsily.

The Animal Torturer was a tomboyesque, rough, bold as brass brat so no girly stuff for her.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Same problem here. BM was buying OSD crop tops, tube tops and g-string underwear at 12.

OSD obsession with her sexuality has only exploded since then. She has been posting sexualized pics if herself on snap chat since she was 12. 

I expect she will end up selling herself for sex in some way as she gets older. She is 15 and we know she is talking to men in Thier 20s and 30s.  But BM lies and says every guy she talks to is 17. Yeah ok!