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BM is doing it "alone"

Jcksjj's picture

So we've heard here and there from people we know who also know BM about how she plays the "poor single mom" card to get favors or whatever else from people. So this isn't a new thing, but after the drama with her Friday, hearing about it another time is even more annoying. 

After BM lied about SD having school Friday and I made her come pick her up she brought her to this lady's house who often babysits for her for free, buys SD things, etc. Its a rich older lady with no kids who has dedicated her life to charity work. So perfect for BM to mooch off of. Well, apparently BM has always told this lady that she is a 100% single parent with absolutely no help. And the lady gushes over how strong and amazing BM is. 

Oh yeah, having your kid (typically) 50% of the time and having other people pay for 100% of SDs stuff is really doing it all alone


Ursula's picture

Ugh...puke!  Yes I am very familiar with this scenario.  BM used to always refuse to let my husband see SD prior to the court order, then cry to him how she does it all alone because he was an "absent father".  Well yea, he was absent by her own demands.  These women are crazy! 

Jcksjj's picture

Right? And the crazy thing here is she actually REFUSED full custody and precovid she was at our house 50% of the time. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I've heard this before! It was amazing how quickly ET's "friends" would disappear after DH would show up to an event. While I never heard her say anything directly, it was 100% easy to tell that she weaved some story about DH being absent, never paying CS, never taking the boys, etc. However, that story falls apart real fast when DH shows up to events and starts paying for things (like $250 birthday parties that ET just scheduled and had no way to pay for).

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah she's cried about not getting CS before, but she's the one who turned both that and full custody down (never heard of another BM thats done that).

thinkthrice's picture

1.  accuse biodad of being "abusive"

2.  get full custody and maximum CS

3.  shop for a sugar daddy

4.  alienate the children from biodad 

5. pawn the children off at every opportunity onto someone else including biodad only AFTER the PAS has taken root

Jcksjj's picture

Oh she did #1 and started to do #5 and then realized it was backfiring because SD only wanted her and she didn't want to have her fulltime 

Thumper's picture

OHHHHHH my gosh, I have heard of that stuff where bm's plan big whoop de doo's and leave dad stuck with the bills.


thinkthrice's picture

you've experienced the "hate stares" from the GUBM"s community who bought her tales of woe and perma victim status.

halo1998's picture

she tells everyone that she is just a "poor single mother with no help from their father"....that works till DH shows up to events and meetings.   Its funny how people will run from Beaver once they realize her "poor single mother" tale is just a fantasy in her own mind.



tog redux's picture

Drives me crazy when people call themselves "single parents" when the other parent has 50% custody and is just as active in the child's life as they are. Such a victim complex. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Amd often these moms who get their kids half the time or less still get child support! BM2 has one of her two kids 50% of the time (and also leaves him with family for most of that) and the other 0% of the time and still collects $1000 per month. Plays the "poor single mother" card for all it's worth, too. It's really nauseating and i realize has caused me to have a lot of anger and bitterness. 

Jcksjj's picture

Oh yes she has a major victim complex. Also cries about having "no family support" and "no house" when in reality GBM is paying half her bills and her dads boyfriends tend to give her alot. And she lives in apartment.

Thumper's picture

Single moms who are also married again AND recieve large cs amounts from bio dads AND file for legal seperation every few years so they can keep conning the GVT are my all time favorites.   Also, gotta love those 'single moms' who con money out of churches too AND social media fund raisers. AND are bold enough to say they go to get free food at food banks while they are rolling in $$$. ------------How can they sleep at night/ Seriously I want to know.

My xhusband said HE was a 'single dad" early post divorce. The first time he said it to me I ignored him. Then he said it again....well, I chewed him out.  He never said that to me again. Boy was I irked.----No dude you are a divorced dad.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Ooh i didn't know about the filing for separation con. BM2 here had a wedding ceremony and tells everyone she is married, but they never made it legal so she can max out on CS and govt assistance. She drives a very expensive car and has purses worth 3 of my mortgage payments. She convinced her husband they were "married in the eyes of God." Ok lady, you aren't fooling God or anyone else. 

Jcksjj's picture

She can't get anyone to actually marry her, but she did pull the poor single mom act still while she was living with her ex fiance.

SeeYouNever's picture

Yeah these poor BMs that receive CS and share custody. BM had the nerve to once say "you can't raise a child on $1000 a month!"

Lady I would LOVE to have an extra $12k a year just for having a kid. That's like a whole other job. 

BM has never even been single. But she is the strong brave single mom.

ndc's picture

I guess technically some of these women are single moms.  They're single (relationship status) and they're moms.  But that in no way means they're sole parents, which is what they want others to believe.  

I have a friend who has one child and the father is not involved at all (by her and her parents' choice).  No visitation, no child support, the kid knows nothing of him.  She's always crying single mom, but her parents pay for EVERYTHING and have the child more than half the time.  I just roll my eyes.  She gets more help than most married moms.

Thumper's picture


Her parents are lap dogs.

They are THOSE kind of GP's.....My grandbabies.....and bm is a mooch. Birds of feathers.

ndc's picture

Oh, the parents are Class A enablers.  My friend has a HUGE spending problem that her parents should have gotten under control when we were in middle school by not allowing her to spend their money like it was going out of style.  She also picks up users left and right (the kid's bio dad was one of those), but it's the parents who've provided her with the resources for these users to sponge off of.  Why would she notice or care that she's being used if it's not her money?  The whole thing is a mess, but it's comical that she really believes that her life is hard and she does so much for her child.  I just roll my eyes.

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah - I would consider a single mom in that she's single and she's a mom. But she's definitely not doing it all alone like she claims. She makes it sound like she has her full time and DH won't pay CS - but he has her half the time and she begged and cried to avoid the govt being involved- even though it meant turning down CS.

tog redux's picture

See to me, the "single" refers to their parenting status, not their marital status. They are parenting as a "single", ie, with no help - but they have a co-parent who has the kids half the time.  


Rumplestiltskin's picture

I guess technically i'm a single mom too but i always tried to avoid that label. To me, it highlights a history of poor decision making on my part. I look at my friends who are happy in intact families and i know they chose more carefully, planned better, and prioritized better. Mostly anyway. Some of them just got lucky i guess and things worked out. I'm happy with the kids i have but i know things could have been better for them and for all involved. 

Jcksjj's picture

I was a totally single parent for years. I never got any sympathy or praise lavished on me for it. I suppose I didn't whine and cry and make it obvious that's what I wanted from people.

MissK03's picture

I sometimes wonder what BM tells people. The handful of times she sees the skids during the year I'm sure are flooded with filtered selfies with them all over social media. 

She HAS to make up stories like she is an involved parent when in reality she doesn't do a damn thing. She has no financial obligation for them at all, her texting them she thinks makes her a "good" mom, and I'm sure I'm painted as the devil who "stole" her kids. 

SO and her have no connection with other people... so we don't hear any stories of what BM states. 

She did however, tell SO during one of her rants (I blogged about it) that she talked to one of SO's friend/coworker who happens to live across the street from  on of her friends. SO and SS16 ran into her in April while cutting SOs friends yard because BM was meeting across the street with her motorcycle crew... 

Anways.. she told SO that she "talked" To said friend and he said that, "SO would come around with his relationship with BM." SO asked said friend about this and his friend was like NO F'N way did I say that.!!!! This is so funny for us because SOs friend does not give a f who you are don't put words in his mouth..SOs friend is like wait till I happen to see her!! He will 100% call her out not caring who is around.. karma I say haha. 

tog redux's picture

Mothers like her tell everyone that their ex lied about them in court and stole custody from them. 

MissK03's picture

Exactly. The thing with BM here she doesn't have any real friends. All people she meets along the way then something happens and they are no longer friends. She has no depth to her. 

SO met her when she was 18... no friends.. I told him that should have been a red flag lol. 

I still have my middle/high school friends.. we may not see each other much (half around all different states coast to coast now) but we will always have each other and we know that.

People like our BMs have no real connections. 

Jcksjj's picture

MIL claims she didn't have custody of her oldest because her ex had more money than her. I personally think she probably gave up custody and won't admit it.

Cover1W's picture

I have a friend who posted on FB that "as a single mom...."  I was like, wait, does your (recent) ex see the kids?  I know both of them and was confused.  Oh, yes he does and is very involved. 

Scratch one-s head

I let it go.  But told DH.  DH supported this idea, even to the extent of saying BM was a 'single mom" when she has the SDs herself. Um, NO, she's STILL NOT.  WTH.  Protecting kids I suuppose.

Jcksjj's picture

I feel like everyone has a different idea of what single mom means - some see it as a mom who isn't in a relationship/married and some see it as raising the kid all alone. 

Regardless, there's an awful lot of exaggerating it seems by the BMs.

tog redux's picture

In our case, even though DH is married (obviously), he was still a "single dad" because I wasn't helping him with parenting. To me, it's about help with parenting, not whether or not you are in a relationship.