Well that went well( Sarcasm) is “family therapy” with divorced parents always such a disaster??
So read my other posts to see what a spoiled Disrespectful violent brat SS15 is.
SS15 therapist recommended "family therapy or co-parenting therapy" for BM and DH with SS15 since SS15 was so out of hand.
So DH and BM agreed and I went also. What a joke it was. BM played her classic "poor single mom" card with lots of fake tears. SS15 played the "I hate the world and nothing makes me happy" BS. DH as Usual just sat there and let BM run the show and only spoke up or pushed back on BM a couple of times. I'm already viewed as the evil stepmom so said very little.
So one would think a Psychologist with more than 20 years in the field could see through SS and BM's BS. Nope....The therapist placed SS15 rotten behavior is NOT SS15 fault. The therapist says "poor" SS is caught in the middle because DH and BM can't work together and co-parent. WTF really thought I was going to fall out of my chair. So the reason SS tells teachers to F off and hits his parents is because DH and BM can't agree on the exact same rules for both houses? Are you kidding me???!
So this therapist went on to tell DH and BM to use Positive reinforcement/ rewards with SS instead of negative Consequences. So I guess when SS15 punches DH we should thank SS for only punching one eye? How do you give positive Reinforcement when SS does NOTHING good??
I thought for sure the therapist would see through SS BS but nope. So we are even in a worse spot after going to "family therapy". We now have to bribe(money/gifts) SS to do everything. So basically we pay him money to do his HW they Praise SS overboard when he does it. At this rate we are going to be broke in no time.
Is this normally how "family therapy" goes with divorced parents? The parents get blamed for EVERYTHING and the kid is always poor Defenseless innocent with no Personal responsibility for any other actions???
Good Gawd
We wonder why so many kids in todays world are so entitled and do not have to take responsibility for their actions.
Piss poor therapist IMHO.
I am gonna show up late to work, sleep on the job, and have anger issues with co workers. When my boss calls me into the office to FIRE me cue to tears "but but my pops and momsey fought all the dang time. My pops could never hold down a job"
Wish me luck![Wink](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
ETA: this was sarcasm and I know I am an adult and SS is a teen. So not a fair comparison. BUT dang how will he turn into a responsible adult if he isnt held responsible for shitty behavior.
Exactly! SS is 3 years from being an adult
SS already openly Blames all his problems on other people. Like the therapist sees nothing wrong with this? Since when did Personal responsibility become a no no??
Thats a whole lot of WTF
I would recomend to Dh that you find another therapist...
Yeah, no.
Carrots AND Sticks
SS is a product of poor parenting.
And I do think maybe each parent should spend some quality 1:1 time with him.
Your irritation is understandable, but that is what I would take away from the session.
But yeah, he definitely needs to be punished when he does something horrible.
Totally agree about piss poor parenting BUT
The piss poor parenting is from treating SS15 like a 5 year old and making excuses for his Disrespectful and violent behavior. This is sorta like what the therapist is doing. You screwed SS up because you parents could not co-parent. What I was hoping the therapist would say you need to hold SS15 More accountable for his behavior and stop bailing him out. If SS hits you call the police. Did not even come close to happening
BM walked away from that
BM walked away from that session thinking to herself, "This is all DH's fault for failing to coparent with ME." IRL it would be very helpful if either parent disciplined him, and they don't need to coordinate that. They both need to do something.
I'm sure you already realize this counselling is a waste of time and there's no point in going anymore.
Great plan to make him even more of an entitled brat.
These therapists really kill me these days. There has been such a shift in the way kids are treated compared to when I was growing up. Young people were expected to respect that their parents had to work and deal with adult issues, etc., just to keep their little family's world turning. We were expected to pay attention to that because it would be our own reality all too soon. Now it's like young people can just literally do no wrong and everything can be blamed on the adults in their lives. And if your SS is anything like my good friend's SD, the whole "positive reinforcement" thing literally only increases their special flower syndrome. "MOST kids are just expected to do their homework, but I'M a little princess and my time is valuable so I get PAID to do mine!" Just ugh. I can't roll my eyes hard enough. lol
"Special Flower Syndrome" = PERFECT!
I'm old enough that when I was a kid, the universe revolved around adults. Now that I'm an adult, the universe revolves around the gskids. I have a hard time imaging these lil angels holding down a job, making a living, sustaining a relationship with another human.
How old was the therapist?
How old was the therapist? When it comes to things like this, I'll take an old boomer anyday over the 'modern, younger' therapy parenting ideas lol
Therapist has to be 45-50 by looking at them
And the fact they have been practicing for 20 plus years
I don't know how you managed
I don't know how you managed to keep quiet the through this nonsence. I definitely know that once home, I'd be expressing my dissatisfaction with DH of his silence when sitting through this insanity.
And no matter what the therapist said I would not be paying a penny toward any rewards. That money needs to come from DH, after he has paid his share of joint bills and all of his personal bills.
My idea would be to remove everything from his room except a couple of outfits and "pay" him with items that had been taken away. Of course when SS backslides, he pays a "fine' and items get removed again.
And I'd be clear to SS that if he punches me, or DH in my presence, I'm dialing 911.
The therapist knows
That they can not change SK's. So they make it the Bp fault so they change. therapist Work by the hour, they need the BP to keep coming back so they can be charge. Kid isn't paying. Some BP actually believe this crap.
At this point, I am not sure
At this point, I am not sure I could have held my tongue
Hey.. so look. just so you understand, this kid is violent and defiant in the home on a regular basis, In order for anyone to try positive reinforcement, he has to actually make an effort to DO something positive to reinforce. He does nothing. And.. I am sorry that BOTH of his parents have failed to parent him, but he is old enough to understand that his current path is not going to serve him well in life. That his future romantic partners, friends, coworkers and employers are not going to give a crap WHY he acts like a tool... they will just respond to him as the tool that he is behaving like. I am so sorry that all of us have wasted our time here because you have failed to grasp even the most basic of framing of the problem that brought us all to your office. This kid is dangerous and he is out of control. Bribing him to behave decently.. is ridiculous and honestly.. I doubt this kid will have any motivation to change.
Believe me, there IS plenty of blame to go around here. His mother plays a fine fiddle in here but she has been instrumental in minimizing his father's ability to be a part of his life and has fought every rule and boundary he has tried to set. His Father has not been assertive enough to advocate for his son's best interests when it might have made a bigger difference. You saw BOTH of these dynamics in full display here today. But, what you haven't seen is the violence and outright opposition from any normal behavior from the boy. Your suggestions might be helpful for a 4 year old.. but we are talking a teen with real ability to harm and has enough mental maturity to understand that.
So.. I tell you what will happen if this kid displays any violence in my home.. I will be calling the police and they can take him to jail or the psych ward.. won't matter much to me.. but I'm not going to continue to coddle him in my home.. period. he is out of 2nd chances.
AND.. I understand that the audacity of my standing up here and baring the TRUTH for you will result in my being persona non grata to these procedings.. which suits me fine. I see zero value in having a front row seat to a train wreck.
Wow can you sit in for me???
The biggest problem is SS15 KNOWS how to Manipulate the system and no one Even the professionals don't see it. SS15 great at playing the Depression card and that's where everyone starts feeling sorry for him. Ok let's say SS15 does have minor Depression along with some mental illness. Does that mean he gets a get out of jail card for free? Even people who are depressed and have mental illnesses need to follow general rules of society like not beating people up. I'm sorry but teens should NOT be paid or Bribed to do the basic things.
I accept that he could be
I accept that he could be depressed too.. but that doesn't excuse his acting OUT violently. It doesn't excuse crappy behavior of other people. And.. just like someone with depression can't just "snap out of it".. it also means that there may be something underlying that needs addressing and that has nothing to do with bribing someone to act happy.. so to speak. Hey.. you won't be depressed if we give you 5 bucks to brush your teeth every day right? no.. just like we can't make you not be depressed.. we can't bribe you into being happy... so the therapist is ignoring that he may need more intensive counseling to figure out how to deal with his depression.
Even if it is "due to crappy parenting".. the therapist needs to tell HIM how to get past it.. you can't be a perpetual victim of life right?
ESMOD nails it
OP, the single best contribution you could make to this farce would be to speak up in the next therapy session and let ESMOD's words come out of your mouth. Otherwise it's a waste of time and money that gives SS permission to be an even bigger ass.
I especially like laying down the boundary about calling the police should SS act out again. You need to let everyone know that you're not a passive bystander, and then you need to folloe through.
I'm not sure I could stay in
I'm not sure I could stay in a relationship that needed to be lived like this therapist is recommending. Is DH really going to bow down to SS this way?
Yep the reason I fought family therapy with BM and DH for years
I knew this would happen just like family court. Screw the adults only thing that matters is the little brats Happiness. BM Coddled and spoiled SS rotten and DH did not have the balls to stand up to her. So of course BM is Thrilled with what the therapist wants to do.
Divorced parent family therapy? Talk about an oximoron.
Divorced parents are not family. That ended when divorce was filed. IMHO of course. Except in the rare event that the Xs are both mature, of character, and can actually coparent. Which is about as rare as balls on a sow, or a boar hog with a uterous.
There is not a snowballs chance in hell I would go to "family therapy" with my cavern crotched skank whore of an XW if I had polluted my gene pool with her. No F'n way. I would laugh in the face of any therapist that suggested it, immediatly fire them, and find a therapist that clearly understood they they worked for me, what they were required to facilitate, then make sure they nad an armed security guard in their office so shoot my XW if she showed up to a family therapy session with mm, my kid, and my quality bride.
Fortuneately I did not pollute my gene pool with her. Her next two cheat partners/baby daddies made that mistake.
More importantly, any kid of mine that perpetrated the crap that this kid does would not be able to sit down for therapy. Their ass would catch fire upon contact with anything but air due to the flaming butt cheeks they would live with from their shit behavior choices. Any time that kid saw a belt, or heard the word belt, they would start quivering.
At some point a fed up classmate will get hold of this kid and absolutely beat him to a snivvling pulp. It can't happen soon enough IMHO.
A Degree on the Wall.....
does not necessarily make a GOOD therapist. I learned this the hard way. I also went to counseling with the BM, her sister and we got the kids in counseling also. The therapist was a loon. We paid out spousal support 3 months early and the witch suggested we start paying the kids school tuition bill. What??? Lady, we are still sending $2K CS every month. I made it through two sessions and then left. Counselor had the audacity to call me and ask why I wasn't returning and I told her why.
From then on, I "interview" therapists before I start with them. It can be done. Sorry you guys got stuck with a bad one.
As with any Doctor, Lawyer, etc... your therapist works for you.
They are your "employee" with none of the benefits or legal protections that an actual employee would have under labor law. Nothing more.
You can and should fire them if they do not deliver to your expectations.
Yeah and positive reinforcement when he tells his
Teacher to go fuc* yourself is "good on ya for having guts to say that".
dysfunction of this degree doesn't require positive reinforcement but repercussions for bad unacceptable behaviour just like the real world does.
True story...
True story...
When DDstb22 was in gymnastics as a kid and young teen, there was a psycho freak from hell boy, with the most evil look in his eyes. Just the look of his eyes scared the fuck out of me. I used to work with disordered offenders and I hadn't even seen such a look before. Well, this kid's mother was something else. She was bragging to a bunch of other mothers about how "in tune" little psycho was with his needs. Apparently, the kid got in major trouble at school that day and the mom got called. The kid told the teacher to get out of his face because I could just smash you right now. Nice! The mom defended little psycho and bragged to all the other moms in the stands at gymastics, "isn't it great that he knows exactly what he needs and was brave enough to state them?!!" All the other moms were emphatically nodding yes and smiling like it was the most awesome thing a kid could do.
They were nodding and smiling
They were nodding and smiling while thinking to never get in this loon's or her son's way.
That mum was delusional
And so switched off from the real world. My late mother was asian. Strict as hell.
she had high standards of behaviour expected from us.
fuc* that up and she's fuc* up your world for good. I remember my cousins shitting their pants terrified at my mum. You never pissed her off with bad disrespectful behaviour. Now when i see skid or inlaw shenanigans i get flashbacks of this scenario with my mum. None of it would fly
Yeah and positive reinforcement when he tells his
Teacher to go fuc* yourself is "good on ya for having guts to say that".
dysfunction of this degree doesn't require positive reinforcement but repercussions for bad unacceptable behaviour just like the real world does.
"DH as Usual just sat there
"DH as Usual just sat there and let BM run the show and only spoke up or pushed back on BM a couple of times"
OK, you're going to have to explain this to me - WTF is the point in going to therapy if you just sit there like a sack of potatoes?!! Why doesn't he actually participate? You know, like he has something to say! All he is doing is giving BM yet another way to put him down and walk all over him! Is he paying for this privilege? Good grief, how much of a wimp can a guy be?
who picked this therapist
Just curious. Who picked the therapist? Was it BM? It sounds like this therapist is very inexperienced with this type of situation. You need a wiser therapist. You were smart to say very little. Stepmoms always get demonized, no matter how much they care about the kids.
I know I am really low on the
I know I am really low on the comments list so I hope you read this.
I would say ok, therapist- you got it! We will start by taking EVERYTHING from SS. No phone, TV, fancy clothes or shoes, computer- everything but a mattress on the floor.
He can get POSITIVE reinforcement by earning those things back. He get's a good grade on a report card, he can have his tv. He can show he is respectful for a month, his phone. Does chores around the house- his clothes and shoes.
See, positive reinforcement. Now, when he doesn't do these things, they still get taken away and we "start over and reset". It's not a "punishment" it's a time out and reset. TOTALLY DIFFERENT.
PS- Time for a new therapist and make sure this therapist knows that he/she is the reason so many kids are so F'ed up!
Behavioral therapy
I would also suggest going to a behavioral therapist. I was a technician for a few years and while positive reinforcements are amazing tools for helping to shape behaviors, it is not effective in teaching accountability and consequences. I think your therapist missed that day in behavioral modification. Punishments and reinforcements, especially for someone his age, need to go together. It honestly sounds like you need to find a better therapist. Working with children on the spectrum, outbursts of physical violence were extreamly common, when emotions are too big, physical is the only way they know how to express it. That did not mean we did not elicit consequences and model appropriate behavior.