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BlancoM's picture

I have two daughters 5 and 8 years old (each have their own father), one was deported to mexico and the other one comes and go. it has been a year since he las contacted my daughter ( the one who lives in USA) my husband and i have been talking about him adopting my daughters. My girls say that my husband is their father they love him and he loves the too so my girls arent an issue. Im afraid that if i ever die that their fathers will take them when they never really have had a relationship it scares me just to think how unhappy my daughters will be if they ever get separated, i guess what im asking is if adoption is possible? would it  be easy to get a judge to consent adoption? or is it a fight i need to prepare for since they have to give up father right?

tog redux's picture

Well, do they pay child support? If so, they might want to give up rights in order to stop that. If they don't pay, hit them with child support enforcement, and they may either decide to get involved, or give up their rights.

Not sure if Mexico and the US have a Child Support compact, though.

Thumper's picture

Totally agree please talk with a lawyer about this. They can point you in the proper direction.

Why do you want your new husband to adopt them? Financial security? for them? for you?