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When parents give up

Thisisnotus's picture

I have been thinking lately how my whole outlook on life has changed since my divorce and now blended family.

I am guilty of (in the past) bad mouthing dads after divorce and believing the "moms" and their lies.....looking back it's clear that most of the moms created a situation where dad doesn't see the kids much as a power play...:but then blames the dad for it........and then everyone and the kids think dad is bad.....and then dad gives up at some point and backs off.

I feel like I'm that "dad" now.  I lost my oldest DD to PAS 2 years ago....she just turned 18 and barley speaks to me. My other two are 15 and 13....and it's been nothing but a battle for the last 4 ex is major PAS-er (he was actually a great husband and father when we were married so I don't know how he ended up this way). I stayed home to raise these kids until the divorce 4 years ago....and then they  just sided with their dad...everything is my fault...they are rude to matter what I do it's not good enough and I'm a darn good mother. 

They judge me for house isn't clean enough....I clean every house is dads they have a housekeeper and dad isn't tied down by a toddler like I am....

I did everything for these kids.....but their dad is hell bent on being at war to make them hate me.....yes we have a court order and we have shared custody.....we don't even talk so it's not like there is any drama in that way.....almost to a fault.....I'm supposed to not exist from what my kids have told me.

they don't want to be at my house and it breaks my heart and I'm so stressed when they are here.....that nothing is ever good enough feeling is getting old....

On the Sunday's when we switch....they are always trying to stay at their dads longer then I'm in tears every other Sunday because my heart is broken....

Do moms and dads sometimes just give up the fight for their own mental health? I often think it would just be better to see them every other weekend.....

if you asked them where they want to live they would say with dad. Dad also lives on the same street where they grew up for 10 years....only instead of in our old house they are a few doors down cause ExH married my former best friend and all the neighbors and friends are also at war with they have a huge group of familiar people they have known their whole lives who bad mouth me. Dad has all the fancy toys and way more money.....and no rules.

im just tired of it all......I love my kids more than anything but I'm just suffering every day and having to work so hard at it's just become too much.

exH has actually told them that he wants them to live their and have his new wife be their mom. He is majorly crazy if you ask me.....then I find out that that the new wife(former BFF) is asking my 18 year old if she will have her as her while Ex BFF is changing her 14 year old sons last name to my ExH's last name....they have been married a year and a half....and the kid has a dad....crazy stuff.

I'm going through a living hell and it doesnt even seem worth it.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Yes, parents do sometimes give up the fight for their own mental health - and there is nothing wrong with doing it. You can only fight so hard for so long without damaging yourself emotionally and financially. The therapist that was seeing SD12 (at the time) told DH to quit fighting to see her. She said he was doing more damage than good to the relationship and it would be better to let her go - for the sake of both of them. He did it and she gradually came back around. (It didn't last, but that is a whole other story...)

There is nothing wrong with at least "pausing" the fight. While I tend to think parents should enforce visitation, in your case, and given their ages, I don't see anything wrong with you not forcing visitation for awhile. Take a break from the stress and see what happens. Maybe they will see that they do miss you.

You are in a tough spot. Your current DH is not terribly supportive and you have issues w/the skids - it has to be terribly difficult to also have problems with your own kids. Do what will bring you some peace, and don't feel guilty for doing it.

Thisisnotus's picture

Thanks! It's definitely all too much for me.


its the guilt that is the hardest.....

nappisan's picture

Im sorry your going through all of this, it would be extremely draining to worry about this day in and day out.  But , I think you actually need to stop worrying about what all these other people are saying ,, stop worrying that his house has may have better things like cleaners etc , stop worrying and trying so hard to impress your kids ,, stop worrying that you think things are never good enough for them at your house,, just STOP all of it.  All you can do is be the best mum you know how ,, be a supportive mum , be a mum who listens and pays attention when your kids speak, be a mum who is reliable etc ,, you dont need to have fancy things to achieve all this.  I understand your kids may not see all this now ,, but as kids get older and become adults , they will see it ,, regardless of all the bad mouthing that happens about you,, as long as you dont ever bad mouth thier father / stepmum etc.  As they get older they start to realise and notice these things ,, they notice where stability comes from and that your always there for them no matter what.   My son is now 18,, but i was a single mum for many years whilst my son was young growing up ,, his dad was repartnered and they were always doing fun stuff together, the stepmum didnt work so she had time to stay at home and bake cakes etc, they were able to buy him fancy gifts so my son loved going there and never wanted to come home after the weekend and would cry and cry when i had to pick him up,, he would tell me he wanted to live with dad but i would soldier on with a fake smile on my face.  Being a single mum with virtually no money to spare , i always made sure my son was in a stable enviroment and we spent time doing things that didnt need money , like building cubby houses in the living room and having campouts etc ,,, as my son started to get much older he started to realise thats dads house was good to have fun at and get gifts but when it came down to the hard stuff , his dad and stepmum couldnt be depended on, they were alwasy to busy.  My son barely sees his father now , only on special occasions like xmas and fathers day,, still has a great time going there but knows where the real home is.   Keep soldiering on with a brave face and just be the reliable approachable parent who never tries to alienate them for the others but is always there no matter what 

Thisisnotus's picture

Thank you! I'm all those things....which is why it's so mind boggling the way my kids act toward me.

Picardy III's picture

Curious how you know all the negative things your ExH, ExBF, and the neighbors are saying about you? Are your daughters relaying it to you? 

Thisisnotus's picture

Kids relay some things....friends of friends relay some things. Then people I've known for 10 years blocked me on FB.....Dhs kids relay things to him as  all exes know each other.

most of the info is from my 18 yr her step mom asking her if she can be her mom.....she has been struggling lately as her eyes are starting to open.....

tog redux's picture

I'm sorry, this is textbook parental alienation, as I know you are aware.

I wouldn't suggest giving up though my DH eventually did - but only when SS refused to come over.  I'd instead try to focus on rebuilding your relationship with them as much as you can, while not taking the alienation personally.  I know that's hard to do, but they are being fed a pack of lies by your XH.  If I remember (sorry if I'm wrong), you had an affair with your current DH, and I'm sure your X uses that to play the victim with the kids and everyone else. And fuel their anger that you broke up the family and left them.

Can you get into some kind of family therapy with them? Are both kids acting exactly the same, or is one less susceptible to the alienation?

I do know how hard this is - at the very least, find your own therapist to help you sort it out. But I wouldn't give up your time with them if you can stick it out. Try to grow a thick skin and remember that they are being manipulated, and deep down, they love you and need you very much.

Thisisnotus's picture

Yes, but at the same time my exH was having an affair with my ex best friend.....but I got all the blame while he did play victim.

15 year old has been pretty good but recently her dad has been guilt tripping her if she wants to stay an extra day at my house...he says she must not love him....and all kinds of crap so now she is lashing out at me and refusing to come over....13 year old I think is highly likely to fall for total PAS....exH has already been telling her she should just live with him and she'd be happier not coming to my house....

I have very thin skin these days.....I work so hard at my job and on trying to be a good mom and making fun plans and dinner is on the table every single man it just sucks to be treated like crap.

tog redux's picture

I know. I get it, I watched DH deal with it. One of the reasons he handled it so well is that he never took what SS said seriously. He could always hear BM in the nasty stuff that SS said to him.

Hang on to the fact that you are being alienated, and it has NOTHING to do with you. Absolutely nothing, it's all about your ex and his need to control you via the children.  They will be back when they realize the way he is bullying them.  In the meantime, take care of yourself. They don't need to come back to a broken Mom. They will need you.

SeeYouNever's picture

You said it yourself in your post. Eventually they back off. Usually it's the dad but sometimes it's the mom. It all depends on which of the parents has the most influence and desire to alienate. It sounds like to your husband you are a uncomfortable reminder of a previous life and everyone around him has accepted his new life. 

We were friends with a couple, the man cheated and basically replaced his first wife with the second. They are very outgoing and social so everyone just accepted her though it was a bit awkward at first. His first wife kind of faded away. She is still a great person but less outgoing so her ex "won" the friends in the divorce because he tried harder to keep them. This happens a lot.

My husband has mostly given up on SD12 for the classic reasons. BM made it very difficult for him to have a relationship with her. He keeps hoping she will come around one day, I think she will when she wants money but I don't think they will ever be close. His sister gives him so much crap about giving up but to her she doesn't understand how you could stop fighting. Well after years of flushing money, time and emotions down the drain you almost have to give up. I told my husband that if I had been in his position I would have probably made similar decisions. 

You can take a step back, it's ok to focus on your own wellbeing for a while. No one says you can't start the fight again later. Your kids may soften up if the custody schedule is less of a battle. Try to go for quality rather than quantity. I know it hurts. 

Rags's picture

A thought. How about you call XBFFs XH and the two of you create an alliance to return a wave of shit in the direction of XBFF and XH with their PASing manipulative shit.  XBFF's XH should be able to drag her ass to court to keep her from renamming his son, and on top of that you can go full facts mode on your  XH and tune your children to those facts.  Your 18yo needs a foot up her ass and you need to supply that foot.  She needs you to deliver her with absolute clarity regarding the full meal deal information on the divorce, daddy, etc, etc, etc...

When an X plays the PAS card, the response has to be total confrontation and full disclosure of information. Particularly with adult aged children.