We went on a trip
We went out to the country on a 4 day trip. Everyone was PRETTY MUCH getting along. Sd if course trying to start fights left and right. Nobody fed into them, every time she started, dd16 and dd17 left to feed the animals (horses chickens goats).
The trouble came when dd17 was sitting on the couch, sd decided she wanted a nap (there is a bedroom theat she can sleep in, but she's a b><tch) so she napped in the couch. Not more than 15 minutes later (as im doing sometime in my bedroom) i hear sd cry out "in pain". I asked what happened, sd cries that dd shoved her foot. Dd 16 and 17 both were on the couch with sd laying on it looking at me and dh in disbelief. Dd said "i moved ger foot because she was kicking me in the butt." Sd insists that dd hurt her foot and she needed it wrapped.
Later that night while I'm in the room (staying away from sd), i see her walking back to the animals (my window faces that way). She's walking fine. Afterwards she comes in and tells me that DH says dinner is almost ready. I asked her if her four was feeling better, she seemed to be walking better. She says "no, I've been limping". Ok.
Then after dinner i go to clean the dishes, and i sd BARGES out of the kitchen. From what DH says, acording to sd dd16 and 17 told her she's faking. Then later dd16 and 17 ask to go into the hot tub, and sd wants to join, i tell them to be nice, they look confused AF. They denied saying anything of the sort to sd. To which sd comes around the corner says yes you did, you said "looks like your fit is feeling better". That's not exactly the same as saying you look like you're faking. And with the literal confusion on their faces when i told them to be nice, I believe they didn't say it in a mean way. I think sd is scared about being caught faking.
Guess who's still wrapping her ankle 4 days later SELECTIVELY limping! She is walking 100% fine when she first wakes up, when she thinks nobody is looking, when gets out of the shower. She requests to go to home depot with DH! But oooh it hurts too bad to do dishes
I'll say it, she's faking
" it hurts too bad to do
" it hurts too bad to do dishes "
Tell her to pull up a chair - you can do the dishes sitting down
She's being ridiculous, i
She's being ridiculous, i cannot stand her. That's why i wad either outside playing with the animals or i was in my room, i don't think i sat in the livingroom once this trip.
Your DH lets her behave this
Your DH lets her behave this way? I'd never go on another trip with her again. Can't believe your DDs don't refuse to go.
They are pretty good about
They are pretty good about just leaving the room when sd starts acting like that, but they were eating dinner. It's only a 4 person table so me and DH ate at the couch, while the 3 of them were eating at the table. But basically other than at meals i don't think they spent much time with her. Dd16 sat in the hammock majority of the time (unless playing with the animals) dd17 sat up in the loft (unless feeding animals or sitting out with dd16 in the hammock) sd15 sat inside watching Disney (unless feeding the animals).
I swear the animals all gained weight by the time we left!
Is there an option for that
Is there an option for that pop tart not to go on a trip with you all? How did you manage to keep your cool? I commend your girls for being ladies. Oh she is absolutely faking it. It's too bad you can't do something to prove she is faking it. She reminds me of the older SKid. Wanting to nap on the couch simply because your girls were sitting there. When DH and I first got together, Skid wanted to eat things because I did or go here because I was going. I remember we went to see Suicide Squad and I believe they showed the preview for Doctor Strange. Skid flat out said, "I don't want to see that movie it doesn't look good." Fast forward to when the movie is about to come out, Skid said they wanted to see it. Sorta implying if we were going Skid was going too. I told DH me and him were going but Skid can see it with friends.
I barely spent time with her.
I barely spent time with her. We played a board game together and a card game 2x but she always tries to start fights by "going after me" (playing skip cards, jumping only my game peice), which i laugh at and return the favor, which hurts her feelings *lol*
my girls are pretty good about just ignoring sd and leaving the room when sd acts unfavorably. DH refuses to go on family trips without sd. I refuse to NEVER go on family trips again. Soooo we're stuck with sd. Luckily since sd is 15 and we go only once or twice a year it means only a handful of trips with her again.
If your dh refuses to go on
If your dh refuses to go on family trips without sd, let him & sd go on a trip. You and your girls take your own little vacation and have a good relaxing time without the trouble maker. Just a thought !!!
I'd have to come up with a
I'd have to come up with a way to bring that up to DH. He has this theory that we'r are all a family together. Which i agree, we'r are all a family, but i dio think vacations without sd would be a lot more relaxing.
I have to be honest I haven't
I have to be honest I haven't had to travel with DH and SK. A couple of years ago DH took the SKids to see their grandparent, because of other obligations I had to stay home.
Oh geez... this reminds me about 1.5 yrs ago we went to
Hubbys childhood home about 4.5 hr drive away, ss21 drove his aunts motorbike in the village and because he’s an idiot drove full speed on unsurfaced roads.
It was a tiny friggin graze on the top of his foot... like near where his calves were. I kid you not ss dipshit walked like a woman who just had a csection. Ss had a fever that morning and needed a blanket in hot summer weather, he needed a bandage at pharmacy, walked like a woman who just had a csection... hubby asked what was wrong eith him that this was just so over the top and he was walking like an old man
i told hubby i walked even quicker than him despite having emergency csection and felt like i’d been kicked a thousand times in my stomach....
skids are notorious for over the top drama... embarrassing attention or desperate attention is still attention!!
This was no family vacation
If you all were hiding from each other. Just being physically at the same place doesn't make it a family vacation. Do DHs really not remember what a family vacation looked like for their childhood or are the unable to put in the effort to make their own vacations good?
DH never went on a family
DH never went on a family trip when ge was young, and him and his brother HATED each other. His brother used to beat the crap out of him almost daily. Once they were adults and went on cruises his brother was drunk the entire time and sleeping with different random girls every night. So to DH this is not that big if a deal.
That is really sad
Perhaps it would help to explain how a family usually functions, even on vacation.
Good idea. Ground rules and
Good idea. Ground rules and expectations are a great idea. When I was young and angry all the time and we were going someplace fun my mom would say NO ARGUING. Surprisingly this worked.
Time to lock her down and
Time to lock her down and force DH to lock her down. If she is too hurt to clean the kitchen, she is too hurt to got to HomeDepot with daddy. Time to video the non limping perambulation and then roll out that footage when she suddenly claims pain and gimpy status. Daddy needs to see clarity regarding his toxic spawn's crap.
I agree 100% DH has
I agree 100% DH has completely given up on her.