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Disney Daddy's & Evil SM's 1960's style

thisisnotmocking's picture

Good morning!! I was watching MeTV this morning, Donna Reed show to be exact. It's on right before Mr. Ed!

The episode made me think of you lovely SM's }:)

Gordie got a new scooter and was showing off with it in the Reed's yard. Rubbing it in to the boys. He crashed it into a tree and claimed to be paralyzed!!

The Reed dad is a Dr. and said he's faking. Oh no!! They take him in the house and call his mother.

She comes immediately to collect the little brat. He is, of course rude and snotty in a way only a SM can see and understand. Par for the course, the Reed's end up feeling sorry for him and letting him stay with them.

The little $hit of course declares...

She's not my REAL mom! She's just my SM!

After a day of caring for the entitled, obnoxious little effer and waiting on him hand and foot the Reed boy finds out he's faking. Gasp!

His reason for faking is to make his dad feel sorry for him because... SM!!... and if he plays the role of entitled, rude, angry little a$$hole long enough and is rude enough to his SM his dad will buy him whatever he wants.

Well, duh! How do you think I got that scooter??!!

He figures he's gonna play this one out for a trampoline.

The Reed parents end up figuring it out, too. SM isn't really evil!! They all talk. SM says he does this all the time. His dad just can't see it. And refuses to listen. Gets mad if she says anything. The little monster, Gordy, makes everybody think she's evil. She's tried everything.

Her husband is a spineless Disney Daddy that needs punched in the throat and Gordy needs a spanking!

Nah. She didn't really say that last part. I made that up.


Everybody hugs it out and lives happily ever after.

So, this crap was on TV and addressed in an almost real manner in 1960!

And then the Brady Bunch ruined it for everybody!!

Funny the only character name on the show I can remember is Gordy, the brat.


Acratopotes's picture

WTF - she's alive?? I thought you died woman, you've been ignoring me on all fronts }:) }:)

Hows the critters doing have not seen an update of them in a while... but they say... friends do not have to talk every day to be friends.....

thisisnotmocking's picture

Never ignoring you!!! You know I love ya!! I just don't do fb anymore lol very rarely anyway.

The critters are amazing!! 3 & 1 now. Miss 3 & I do sleep overs when I'm not working. It's her sugar snacks & treat time each week lol

Life is pretty great these days Smile I'll update you soon!

Acratopotes's picture

are you neglecting sweetypie??? dammit woman.....

I knew it when you informed us you have a new lover... we will be forgotten

so send me updated pictures of critters and those grand babies Wink

thisisnotmocking's picture

Granddaughter is 2 soon!! Going up to spend the weekend for her bday.

I sent her a little power wheels 4 wheeler for xmas. Told my son to expect a pkg. He said... it better not be a set of drums!! So... i hopped on amazon quick and ordered drums too }:)

being gma is as fun as being favorite auntie lol

Sweetie pie is far from neglected by me lol she's my best little buddy!

I'll send you some pics!

thisisnotmocking's picture

Pics sent Smile

WalkOnBy's picture

hey there! I was just thinking about you the other day.

Gordy is an ASShole Smile

thisisnotmocking's picture

He is!!! Lmao

I was totally shocked to see a SM thing play out on tv. Especially the way it did with dad & kid being at fault.

I still look in on you guys once in awhile Smile

I am very happy to say that I have ZERO step issues in this new life.

thisisnotmocking's picture


thisisnotmocking's picture

Yes!!!! Lol Beaver's on right after Mr Ed.

The last sitcom's I really liked were Dharma & Greg and Roseanne. They were both stupid in the end but I still watch Dharma & Greg when I go to bed.

I hate brats!!

And now, working in service, I hate them more. And WTF do they ALL have "anxiety issues" that cause them to be unable to function at the very basic levels?

thisisnotmocking's picture

Right?! The ones I have to deal with are usually about 23, though!! I just can't lol

I'm the mean one because when I find them on the patio or locked in the bathroom crying... anxiety... mean to me... I just say WTF?! Collect yourself or Go home. I'm not dealing with this.

And then I've had Mom's of 23yo's call me lolololol

Just NO lol

CLove's picture

OH MY I read your post and thought - I was watching Bewitched and Star Trek - none of these household type things...boring. Now I am living that!!!! Too funny!

Yes I have an SD17 who has all types of ailments and one of them is "anxiety". Her father calls her out on it - its her mother who likes the Doctor train ride/wreck. Her father, SO, just shakes his head lately and sais "I give up, I cant spend my time immersed in that - its a waste". Added to other "ailments" is the "monthly medical trauma" of menses. Anything to get out of school/helping/doing anything.

And this one likes to wave the "COD" Flag when nothing else is working - to play the guilt card when she gets in trouble. "Waaaaa my parents are divorced, feel sooooooory for me".
So there's that too.
I have no Bio kids of my own (except the furry four-legged kind), and have been reading and researching (and joined here a few months ago). I actually had a conversation with my SO whereby I asked/told him "you know, the entire purpose of the family unit is to help teach the children to be independent and self-reliant". I keep telling my brick wall of an SO that his focus needs to be on that. Teach them to do for themselves - its more work at first, but the payoff is exponentially bigger...eventually...hopefully.
We are basically just hoping that SD17 graduates from highschool in a few months time. Its the little things!