Back-to-school Blues
Well, thanks all for the "pep-talks"
Updates to information - Toxic Troll is baaaaack at her apartment, so now we know that all is well in Toll-Land.
Dh dropped by to drop some b-day money off for Feral Forger so she cant accuse him of being a horrible father who doesnt love her. Not a big deal.
But in texting with Munchkin SDalmost 14 now, she is back to school distance learning April 6, and there is no wifi at the Toll Bridge apartment.
Not because of ability to pay, but because Troll lacks the brain cells to set up wifi at her apartment.
Munchkin SDalmost14 wants to come to OUR house for the wifi to do her school work.
I told DH - well, lets think about this for a sec.
1. Pandemic lock down shelter in place. Troll mother is running around and probably not taking precautions.
"but do you want her to fail school?"
2. No communications between parents this is all between DH and Munchkin. I told him "make sure she knows she is not going back and forth!" then "what measures are being taken to sanitise, shes a dirty kid" then "what about the dog?"
3. What about the troll "dropping by" like she used to? None of that "of course not" he sais.
Now theres a little more to chew on. My first second and third thought is no, nope, and no way.
But what if she fails school and its my fault, because I said "no". Dh sais yes because "we can sanitise her" and he sais yes because hes not that afraid, yet "we have strong systems, we are tanks".
Im like - so what if we are strong, are you willing to risk your job and my job over it?
What are my options?
Frick. I knew this might happen. I knew she didnt have wifi a while ago, but thought maybe someone would have SAID something a LONG time ago.
I added Verizon hotspot to my plan for all of us. So no munchkin visitation for now.
- CLove's blog
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"we have strong systems, we
"we have strong systems, we are tanks".
Have you guys seriously not read the stories on all of the different people who have died? Old, compromised, young, "strong as tanks", alike. Nobody knows who it will kill and who it won't.
TT needs to figure out the WIFI thing. Period.
news and online
yes I seriously HAVE. I guess Im in shock he would ask that of me.
Is munchkin halfway smart?
Is munchkin halfway smart? Honestly, SHE should be able to set the wifi up.
It's not difficult, and every provider has a customer support number that can be called for assistance.
I was considering that
I just told DH that he should have munchkin get a hold of me...because I am the verizon acount holder and she can create a hotspot wit phone. but Im trying and its not working for me right now.
Hotspot, I need a hotspopt.
yes, I think she can do it, if she has the equipment and the account info
Toxic Troll needs to let the
Toxic Troll needs to let the school know that Munchkin does not have available internet and ask how her learning can be supported. They will either issue her packets or lend them a hotspot. (That's what schools here are doing.)
Sweet Jesus... why do you
Sweet Jesus... why do you keep falling for this? It would never be your fault if she were to fail, lay the blame where it’s due, her mother! It’s not difficult to set up wifi. Do NOT let your spineless DH talk you into having his child over because he wants to rescue her. A - she doesn’t need to be rescued, and B - you are not ‘tanks’. You are human, and this virus does not care how healthy you think you are.
CLove, you seem like the sweetest woman, and I know you love your SD dearly, but girl you have to wake up! Stop inviting this crazy into your life. I’m glad you told him no. Keep telling him no! You deserve better than this! Shame on all these parents who care more about seeing or ‘rescuing’ their children than they do about anyone else around them, including their children. Spouses clearly don’t even cross their minds, telling you you’re a tank. Omg I honestly just can’t even....
I am tired of hearing people
I am tired of hearing people say that they are not afraid of getting covid-19 because THEY are healthy. Great, do you not care about your loved ones, who you could infect and even kill? Okay, then.
Stand your ground Clove and stay safe, even if HE does not want that for you.
His selfishness becomes more and more evident all of the time.
School (public if she is in
School (public if she is in public school) cannot and will not legally demand thst students produce school work in absence of WiFi. It's not legally enforceable.
Your DH must call the school and inform them that the child has no WiFi and ask what's the next course of action
your DH is an idiot
No school will make a child
No school will make a child fail because she had no WiFi. School will face so much lawsuit, their heads would spin.
your DH, his ex and both kids are complete and utter uneducated morons. How do you stand to be with these people
Really? You put up with a lot
Really? You put up with a lot of stupid crap from your ex and his nasty daughter. Calm down.
Me? Yes, I put up for exactly
Me? Yes, I put up for exactly one year, although I was never quiet about it, I am not the type to take it and be quiet. But I gave it a year. That's how long I give a bad situation. Too long but still just a year. Was out like a light.
Also never supported any man or anyone's kids but my own. Never ever. I am calm, just don't believe Clove should spend another how many years living like this and supporting them all. But of course I can't do nothing about it
You put up with it for a year
You put up with it for a year after she moved back in, you put with some crap even before then. Him cooking for her every weekend, all weekend, when she didn't even live there, and he would haul it all to her apartment? Crazy.
You found step talk, for a reason, way before she moved back in. I was always very sympathetic to your situation, so I don't mean this as a "rub it in your face" kind of thing, just a reminder that we can all find ourselves in a situation that is undesirable at times, and it's not always easy to just walk away. You were not legally married to your ex, nor did you own a house together. It was still not easy for you to leave a 9 year (?) relationship.
We have all put up with some stupid crap at one time or another. Everybody has their own breaking point and after you've found it, it's easy to judge what someone else should or shouldn't put up with. Especially, once you have a great guy, which you do, now.
I do not believe she is financially supporting them all? Not sure what you mean, there. She is generous but she is not supporting her DH and his kids.
No, none of us can do anything about anybody's situation. It would nice if we could shake them, no?
Girl calm down. Why are you
Girl calm down. Why are you up in arms.
I don't see where I judged her. I judged her obnoxious DH and the rest of the crew. She did say she pays his way in previous posts, she even said if they get divorced she might have to pay him alimony, heck he didn't even buy her a wedding ring. Her parents bought it for her.
you have an excellent memory or maybe you take notes lol, no I wasn't married. I'd absolutely not marry unless it's perfect. By the way when I complained about my situation, people told me get out. I didn't think they judged. I am glad they said it how it is.
there are women who like to hear about other women living in misery. Makes them feel better. I am not one of them. I'd never ever encourage women to settle for anything less than what they deserve. I stand by what I believe
We share all expenses
Im almost 52.
We make the same amount, but I get raises every year.
We share all expenses and he pays for munchkins phone and phone service (now because I made a stink about paying half of her phone and service...)
Hes paying the 10$ for the hotspot.
I don't know how old you are
I don't know how old you are but you sound very naive about everything. If I was you I'd move out and go stay with my parents or brother or a friend.