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BM is such an idiot - COVID 19 edition

strugglingSM's picture

We live at one of the epicenters of COVID-19 - schools are closed, restaurants are closed, churches are closed, no gatherings over 50 people, gatherings under 50 people must demonstrate they meet public health guidelines. We are averaging about 230 new confirmed cases a day. Not on lockdown, yet, but we probably should be. DH is freaking out because he can't work remotely and he's convinced he's being exposed at work.

DH goes to the store near us, late at night because I now make him go late at night. Who does he see there - SS who is at the grocery store playing hide and seek with his friends. This grocery store is 30 minutes from BM's house and BM told DH he better not take SSs anywhere where they would be around people, but what does she do at the first chance? Unload her kids on someone else - I assume SS is sleeping over at his friend's house near us. Because of course, BM is MOTY who is "always putting her kids first", but can't wait for an opportunity to unload them on someone else.

Seriously, SSs are more of a risk to us than DH's job.


Monkeysee's picture

Can your husband refuse visitation right now? I know your BM is nuts but I’d be drawing a hard line here, especially after witnessing that. Sleepovers do not make anyone MOTY right now, it makes them selfish pricks who are putting everyone in danger. Whoever let those kids run around the shop should be ashamed of themselves. Exposing the people working there is no f**king joke. 

strugglingSM's picture

...but it would likely become a huge drama fest. BM would scream and cry that he didn't love his children and then say he owed her money because the kids had to stay with her. 

I've thought about whether it might work if he told her her was exposed and didn't want them to come, but she'd probably just demand money or accuse him of lying. 

The one thing that might stop her is if our county or state was locked down and she couldn't leave her house without getting arrested, but she's so desperate to push them off on others that she would probably chance it.

We'll just have to hope that the kids won't want to come to our house and be bored, so they'll make other plans. 

Monkeysee's picture

Fingers crossed then. I’d rather take the drama fest & send a tiny bit extra money than expose my home more than needed though to be fair. I’m wondering if we’ll get the same from BM... she can kick & scream all she wants but she brought those kids into the world she can damn well take care of them right now to limit exposure for all of us. No way am I putting my child at risk because BM wants a ‘break’. 

Simpleton21's picture

"Now I'm just waiting for the day she pulls this situation out of her pocket in order to blame/complain/antagonize DH someday. She will play the martyr and victim and tell him he's terrible for forcing this situation".  - OMG, this is DH's ex also!  She will agree on stuff and then later act like he is the worst father ever for it and "not putting SD first".  *bad*

BM is also treating this like it is no big deal.  She has let SD stay the night at friend's houses and had SD's friends stay at her house.  Good thing they took the kids out of school to isolate them so that BM can just continue letting SD do whatever she wants so she doesn't pester her!  Ugh! I'm pretty sure the only way BM won't be sending SD this weekend is if BM thought one of us might contaminate her precious little brat.