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BM demands DH let kids stay with us for weeks

strugglingSM's picture

Less than a week after telling DH that he's a terrible father who doesn't care about his children, BM let's DH know that Skids school is likely to close and she thinks DH and I should have to share the burden. She starts by saying that she's working remotely. Also, Skids are teens who don't need babysitting. How is this different from summer, when they stay with her? Because she'll be annoyed by them? Because she and her DH want to travel? It is unclear. She is the custodial parent and receives child support from DH, so why should DH become the custodial parent just because school is cancelled?

DH replies and says, "I can't work remotely and I have no paid time off. I need to work in order to pay my child support. If you want to discuss changes to the child support or if my worksite gets closed down maybe I could take them, but if not, I can't." 

BM replies, "I don't have all the time in the world off either. That would affect child support, too!" 

Um, BM, you just said you would be working remotely. Also, she's a "partner" which means she has ownership of her business, I doubt her pay will be docked, especially since, as she said, she's working remotely.

I think BM saw this as her opportunity to go to Hawaii like she wanted to do several weeks ago when DH told her that he wasn't going to take an unpaid week off so she could go on vacation.

Also, BM and her DH are traveling this weekend even though we are at ground zero of the coronavirus outbreak. We'll definitely be exposed by Skids before long. 



Kes's picture

As you say - seeing as how the SKIDs are teens and not small children, they don't need caring for in that sense. It sounds like your DH has the measure of her, and told her where to get off regarding this unreasonable request.  I suspect that she wants this because, as you say - her and her partner want to travel - but the way the land lies nobody is going to be doing this anyway, before much longer as travel also becomes restricted.   I hear Trump has banned flights from most of Europe (I am in the UK) to the USA, and will probably get busy banning other travel too. 

tog redux's picture

He's given his answer - time to ignore.

If it really was a hardship situation - where she had to work and the kids aren't old enough or mature enough to stay home - then maybe. But if she's working from home with teens, then no help is needed. 

He really should have just said, "I have no paid time off and won't be able to help."  That's enough.

These women want to have their cake and eat it, too.

Thumper's picture

OMG---I was just thinking about the PANIC custodials will have when they must spend time with their kids during the day...OH and feed them too.

They depend on kids being taken care of by our school system usually from 830am until 330/4pm. NOW what.?? Non custodial is good enough?  NOW you want dad to have more time with the child? Thats rich bm.

DEAL with this bm just deal with this. SINCE your unwilling to see my value all other times and fight me every time that I want more time with the kids....sorry, I am sticking to the court order.





Thumper's picture



and what in the world is going on that kids who will be missing school do NOT have meals? WTH, what are the parents doing with child support and food stamps.

Our bm had her kids on reduced lunches. There was NO REASON for this, she was married, she worked AND was given a boat load of money each month by my dh. She must have lied thru her teeth---for it. I guess I couldn't expect honestly out of her.

Sorry, I just can not stand LIARS.

What do you mean the kids wont have food???? Really, wth?

Fedupinky's picture

im in a similar situation. My husband is a non custodial parent and his son is left with us at anytime especially when schools out. I leave every chance I get. I’ve done everything short of calling child protective services but then I’m afraid that’ll cause him to be left with us full time. My DH refuses to listen to me when I say I’m not gonna be their free anytime babysitter. He says but he wants to come stay with us. 

Imhereagain's picture

My BM is the same. DH is "terrible " but she never wants her children and always has a reason to drop them off.