Should BM be allowed in our home?
I have been with my BF who is also the BioDad for about a year. He has 2 biological kids, 4 and 8 that live with us half the year. A few days on a few off, etc. I have no kids of my own and don't want that to change. Every once and a while the BM will come to our house to pick up the kids. Since she hates me, I have expressed to my BF that I would prefer if she does not come inside the house.
On one recent occasion the SKs asked their mom to come inside to check out some stuff for Christmas and she just followed them inside. I disappeared before she got in the house because I wanted to avoid having any awkward interactions in front of the kids. As they kept trying to show her around my BF said "Ok, we need to get going". He didn't feel like he could tell the kids their mom couldn't come inside in the first place so he was trying to minimize the amount of time she spent.
I later told him I appreciated him trying to make it as brief as possible. He said that it didn't feel good to have to rush her out of the house and that he felt like it upset his kids. After some discussion, he agreed to not have her pick the kids up here to avoid having to keep her out of the house. But I could tell that he was agreeing to comply, not because he felt it was the right thing to do. And I worry that it would eventually build resentment.
I feel I try to do everything that's in the best interest of the kids, but because of certain things in the past and because this woman has a whole lot of negative energy for me (essentially blames me for her marriage ending), I feel as if I should be able to have one place (home) where I don't have to feel uncomfortable. I am trying to see both sides here, and I empathize with the difficulty of the situation for BF and the kids, but they aren't together anymore, and this is not her home and I don't feel she should just be able to waltz right in. Whenever we drop the kids off at her place and they ask me to go look at stuff in her house, I say no out of respect for her. I feel she should do the same.
I don't want BF to resent me for this, what is the right move here?
-in addition to SKs being able to FaceTime BM whenever from inside the house, which also feels violating....
You have every right to have who you do, and don’t, want in your house.
And the FaceTime thing (which I hate FT) , they should be in their room, or one location like the kitchen, and that’s it. Everyone has a right to their privacy! Is this your house, his house, or both of yours together?
Technically it is his house,
Technically it is his house, but he says it's "ours".
Well, if he wants it to stay
Well, if he wants it to stay "ours", he should respect this boundary. If not, get your own place. Then he can have bm visit all he wants.
If he was so concerned about the massive trauma of his bio parents having two distinct homes, he probably should have stayed married.
The bull crap split parents try to feed their new partners never ceases to amaze me.
OP your feelings are very, very, normal.
Do you live there? If so..
Do you live there? If so.. it is YOUR HOME.. whether you own it or not.. it is where you live.
One time, BM tried to come in our home because the girls wanted to show her their rooms.. I wasn't excited about it.. but was going to allow it (she never would have come out that far again.. so it wasn't going to be recurring).. well, one of the girls had picked up this wooden snake somewhere and it was sitting on a table right inside the front door. BM took ONE look at it.. was convinced it was real and ran out and literally THREW her dog in the car. I realized what she was afraid of.. and picked up to take it out to her to show her it was fake.. she started screaming and damn near hit a tree backing out. I think she always thought that was intentional.. it wasn't.. just a delicious accident.
I can see possibly allowing a bio parent to come inside to the foyer area if kids are gathering their things.. and if it's raining or something IF and only IF the Ex was not particularly high conflict. But, I think you are within your right to not want her there.. and to not allow it.
It can be a bit tricky to make it happen but having the kids 100% ready at their pickup and having dad walk them outside to mom's car is best. If kids say. I want mamma to see X.. Tell them you will take a picture for them to show her etc...
No BM Allowed !
The Face Time things is a joke! I have told SS9 many times not to walk around my house while FaceTimimg his mom, he asked why and I was honset and said becasue I don't want to hear her voice, he can facetime in his room and that is all ! She is not allowed in our home never has been, my DH would never invite her in, one time when her car broke down she asked for a ride to the garage to pick her car up. He said yes only becasue he didn't want his son having to walk in the cold to go with her. I lost it! I don't want her in my home or my cars! she is poison.
One of the keys to success in any relationship where one person has kids is to maintain boundaries.
How does he feel with BM coming into his home uninvited and snooping around in his things?
He needs to explain to his children that he and BM have separate homes and while that may feel confusing to them, it's important that they do not invite people into his home without his permission.
In my view, if your BF has a problem with this, he probably has a problem with boundaries and that will cause bigger issues for you.
Rep: Boundaries
Well said. I think the biggest issue is the guilty dad syndrome that so many refer to. She is definitely not trying to come in to snoop, but rather just not considering the reality of the circumstances and not being willing to say "no, we have to get going" when they invite her in. I'm glad things are amicable between the BF and BM but I feel like sometimes they try so hard to make things amicable that it stays confusing for the kids. Like I know it sucks that mom and dad don't live together anymore, but that's the reality of the situation.
He is able to go into the BMs home without any issue because she is not living with her new boyfriend yet, but I imagine that when that day comes, perhaps they'll both get it.
Is there a way to request these boundaries without seeming like the A-hole?
“BF, it makes me
“BF, it makes me uncomfortable when BM comes into our home. I wouldn’t be waltzing into her house because I feel it’s none of my business what’s in her home. I would like the same.”
and tell him he needs to stop her at the door. And like above posters have said, a conversation needs to be had with the kids WITHOUT him placing them blame entirely on you. If she were still supposed to be in there, she’d be living there.
I have said those things. As
I have said those things. As I mentioned earlier, he agreed to bring the kids to her or arrange a different pickup spot, but I felt it was begrudgingly. And I also think it's ridiculous. I didn't say she can't come TO the house, just not inside. He's had some sort of conversation with her about it, but I have no idea what that looked like. And she had the audacity to say that "I don't need to hide from her".
It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to just say, "hey, it's weird for you to be in our house, bc you openly hate my gf and it makes her uncomfortable for you to be here. So if the kids ask you to come inside, I'd appreciate it if you would politely decline and say you need to get home or whatever other excuse you'd like to use, instead of making it awkward for everyone."
it's frustrating that I'm being made to feel like I'm asking a lot or I'm hurting his kids by making this request. He hasn't directly said those things, but that's the insinuation. I guess I just needed to hear that I'm not wrong for feeling this way
I personally think it's good
I personally think it's good for the kids to see what healthy boundaries look like, but divorced parents are often driven by guilt rather than modeling healthy emotional behaviors.
Does your BF know what healthy boundaries are? Has he truly separated from BM or is he still psychologically in a relationship with her - I don't mean does he still love her, but do they still provide emotional support to one another or serve as companions in any way? I say this, because I think that when you have children, it's difficult to actually end the relationship as partners because you are never apart. It takes effort to become two people who parent together rather than two people who are partnered for life. If he hasn't sufficiently done that, then he has some work to do, if he thinks he wants to have another relationship.
I'm not 100% sure, but I
I'm not 100% sure, but I think he has mostly separated. They communicate a lot, but I don't think that there is much if any emotional support being exchanged. I also don't know what is appropriate or not as far as communicating about kid stuff. Like what does she need to be sharing about what is happening with them while she has them, and vise versa? I don't think it's a bad thing for them to want to know what's going on in their kids lives when they aren't with them, but how much is too much? I'm not really sure
I made BM feel unwelcomed and
I made BM feel unwelcomed and guess what.... she stays in the car. You don't have to flat out say no to the kids put it in her court. "Oh no kiddos I'm sure your mom needs to get going", if she pushes then you will know it's her intent.
Welcome to the site!
Over my dead body would NPD BM be allowed in my house! Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.
Id you are living there ands
Id you are living there ands you don't want to feel intruded on, BM stays outside. Facetime starts in the child's bedroom.
My rules of my home (for my peace if mind) BM came in to see sd's room at the very beginning when new and DH moved in. After that she came ands and told ne how i need to decorate my home and that my Christmas tree should not be fake. That was enough reasoning i would never let that beast im my home again. Ssf is allowed to facetime her mother as much as she wants.... in her room.
HELL NO. Biowhore is not
HELL NO. Biowhore is not allowed to put 1 toe in this house.
no BM in our home! I am very territorial and Specially of she doesn't wish you well! If she was a kind person, well succeed in a better relationship, I wouldn't see as much of a problem but it doesn't seem to be your case.
I would explain to your boyfriend like this:
i know you are trying the best for the kids, but if your ex was genuinely happy for you to be in a new relationship I wouldn't mind, but the vibe I get from her is she is wishing me dead everytime she glances at me, its a such a bad energy, a bad feeling, that puts me in a bad mood - awkwardness you are putting me thru, which could be easily avoided if we created some healthy boundaries - it's nof like the kids are really missing real interaction with their mom as they spend x time together so what is the real need for her to come inside here? ! Besides if I had an ex and had kids, how would you feel to see him inside of our home, another male inside of your house unexpectedly? Something along those lines... it worked for me. But in my case is my MIL that forces a relationship w BM. Good luck!
No way in h@ll....
No way in h@ll....
That is all!
What about your resentment?
What about your resentment? Don't you matter?
Never, under any circumstance
Never, under any circumstance.
Period. Dot.
You are not the "bad guy". Print out all the comments along with your post, and show this to BF. Do a keyword search. If there are issues that BF is having on this subject, perhaps you can help change that.
We USED to allow BM into our home that she used to share with DH. Just as far as the entrance and kitchen, once into the bathroom.
NEVER again. She has violated all boundaries and continues to. She has been horrible not just to myself but also DH, over this 5.5 years in.
Thusly, she parks her car in the driveway for drop off. When she was dropping off items for SD13 when they moved, she was instructed to leave the trash bags on the the doorstep (by me). DH has gone into the new apartment a few times only to check out what his child is living in (not good!).
It can be hard sometimes
Like it up to you and sometimes it hard with kids because they dont really understand as you saw in your situation they wanted to show there mum something sort of dragged her in the door not really thinking oh maybe bio not welcome there.
Bio may of felt uncomfortable herself too but maybe didnt want to tell the kids she not allowed in the house. Without it being awkward and starting a confrontation.
Like you might not want to invite her in for coffee offer her a seat. But sometimes everyone just have to be adults about it for the kids. They dont always understand why all the adults arent getting along.
They are confusing the kids.
They are confusing the kids. Why is Mom in Dads house but SM never goes in Moms? That's a power message. It's sets the stage for status battles and tells the kids SM is secondary here. Either all adults are open, or their is respectful boundaries.
I understand his position, and BMs.. but regardless, it's not just Dad and Mom that count. Each human gets the same care and concern. It has to work for everyone. Easily explained to kids in a positive way for any parent wanting to solve things rather than push their own agenda.
In reading all of this, I'm in agreement with boundaries. Not wanting to hijack your (OP) post, I would share this about not setting boundaries, because this is where it goes badly. My SO of three years was all about inclusion when we first got together. Her logic was that when they split, they were going to be friends and co-parent. From then until now, she has (despite several conversations about boundaries) allowed him in for dinner (even allowing him to cook here), to do his laundry, to watch football, insist that I entertain (play Cribbage, etc.), to come let out the dog while we were on vacation and even loan him money (my money). In fact, last Summer, I paid for Summer Camp, Baseball and Dance (and have not been repaid), while being a work-from-home Dad, saving them tons of money on Child Care. That doesn't include that she has on several occasions invited him to gatherings/dinners at her parents and family (they even bought him Christmas gifts)..
In her mind, it is 'good for the kids' to see that we can all 'get along', but over time it's left me feeling like a third wheel in my own life and left in a place where I'm having to consider this relationship, because frankly I'm not sure what it is anymore.
My point (again sorry for hijacking) is please, I beg you, don't make my mistake. Set the boundaries now, because once gone, they are never coming back and it can happen very subtley! Best of luck to you as you work through this.
SOme years ago I was in a very similar situation as you. My wife kept trying to accomodate things so that there would not be a time where BD would have the opprtunity to come into our house, but she was doing it as your BF not convinved and kept saying that the kids want to show their dad the house, their things etc. ALso she did not want to tell BD he could not come into the house to avoid confrontations. All this built resentment from her towards me for having this limits and from me towards her for not enforcing them properly.
Looking back, I should have been clear that those limits should not be violated, and that if BD did not agree with respecting our boundaries then the kids should be told about them. Otherwise everyone gets blamed when things like this occur and resentment builds up.
What a tough spot. The kids
What a tough spot. The kids are so young, it's hard for them to understand.
Is it possible that if they want to show mom some of their things from your home, they could show it to her on the porch? Or they could make appointments with her - so that she can see this part of your lives, but only planned in advance so it's not sprung on you?
If not, that's totally fine. I don't think you can prevent the resentment that their BM is planting, so it's best to protect yourself. And fair warning: those seeds of resentment towards their dad and you tend to bloom very suddenly when they become teenagers. I hope that doesn't happen to you, but it's a very common experience.
Hell no. If the SpermIdiot
Hell no. If the SpermIdiot was in my home he would be breaking and entering and Texas has great castle laws. My SS would never invite him in and neither would my wife.
BF needs to grow some sack and inform his kids and his XW that she is not to be in the home. Keep it simple. If the kids ask why, the reason is that "It is not your mom's home.".