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Step daughter back on her bs

BEMonty's picture

My step daughter is back in the mental hospital for cutting her wrist this time. Her reason she felt worthless to her dad and I and she felt like she was being forgotten. Why you ask well if you ask her it's because I called her fat and said she was eating too much. What actually happened "as why are you eating so much did you skip breakfast again?" That's the worth less part on my end the forgotten part you ask? Her birthday is in march and she was trying to make plans for her birthday with friends now if you ask her what happened he told me to shut the fuck up and don't fucking ask question about it because it's too fucking far away and she be lucky if she gets shit. Now if you ask Dad his exact words " don't ask me something thats 4 months away sd because things happen and I don't want to tell you one thing and another happen." Now she had an appointment and her doctor told my hubby to go through her social media and see if there is something bigger triggering her but that would be hard to do because she doesn't have a social media for anything. HA THAT'S A BS LIE. Turns out the Snapchat she's not suppose she does have. 5 of the damn things one maybe two I knew about because they were taken away by me when she went FULL ON SHIRTLESS on her story and was sending nudes ( which teens do I suppose) to a few 17 year olds. Let's add to this shall we. She's a virgin for the simple fact that unless she is skipping class to go screw some dude in the bathroom which we would get a call if she was skipping classes because the highschool she is at isn't her home highschool she was accepted into a program that the school only provides so she would be kicked out and go back to her home highschool she is always home. We have three dogs if someone was sneaking in we would know. I'm a stay at home mom I'm always here and if I'm not here her brother is and let's face it. Ive singlehandedly turned him into a snitch for cookies and icecream. Her cycles aren't regular they come every other month or so and her cycle was way thrown off because you know since I called her fat she wasn't eating or taking care of herself. But of course you know she is telling everyone that she might be pregnant I had asked her about it a before  she told alll her friends because I was concerned that she might be with the same signs that I had when I found out I was pregnant and she told me many times she was still a virgin so we never got a test for her. Even went as far as to draw a picture that she told me was for someone at school that said positive or negative and told everyone that she was waiting for her dad to get the test (that he never got) for her to take the test(she never took) for it to come out negative ( which never happened) and she was then c Yong in the bathroom for an hour because it was negative (which she never did). I'm at my wit's end and I'm glad she is gone she keeps telling everyone that we are terrible parents we make her feel like shit. That I'm not a mother figure to her(even though she has told me many times that I'm more of a mother than her actual mother ever was and that i was the best.) Does the maniplulation ever stop even her doctor said it was for her to get attention and play vitim I mean this is the same as that told her aunt that we are starving her and her brother and we lock them in the dog kennels and in the basement ( which doesn't even have a fucking lock and if we put something against it the door opens out not in). Is it bad that I hope she doesn't get out this time? Is this my fault. I don't even know what to do anymore.


Daisymazy2's picture

You asked if the manipulation will ever stop...the answer is no.   If it is anything like SD,  she will go for about a week or so to the mental ward and they will let her out.  It doesn't help SD at all.  If anything, it seems to make her behavior worse but it does give everyone a break from the drama for a few days.

I really do feel for you.  I am the lucky one,  SD doesn't live or visit here.  

BEMonty's picture

It will be like the last year around this time she was sent to the psych ward for trying to overdose. She got out a week later with happy pills the next month she was back in it for trying to hang herself. Another week they upped her dose. Week later she's out. Next month. She tries to posion herself goes back. They upped her dose two weeks later she's out. Then she stops taking her medication. She throws it away or whatever else. I'm so sick of it but I love my husband our baby girl and my step son to death. And I have no idea what to do here.

crazycatlady1's picture

Reading this made me have flashbacks of my SD18 when she was 15. Thank goodness she moved onto her next victims I mean moved in with her bbf parents. I would start disengaging, and yes it is way hard when you are the mom in the house. I did it. Your are never going to sto being the one that is the target. I stopped doing everything for my SD, driving, checking on her homework, speaking with doctors all of it. 

BEMonty's picture

I don't do any of that anyway. She does her own laundry she cooks dinner or her brother cooks dinner because they love cooking and they always ask I don't take to her Drs that's dad's job. I don't drive because I'm scared to death of driving (after being in 5+ driving accidents none of which were the person's driving fault) my most recent when I was 17 weeks pregnant and almost lost my babygirl. The only thing that o was doing was asking her dad questions but I've recently stopped doing that also giving her the "your dad has two days off a week ask him them. If it's a need to know absolutely now then you should have thought about hay before leaving your phone on the floor for the puppy to pee on." I'm not sure how much more disengaging I can do other than never talking to her at all. And completely ignoring her like she's a ghost. But then she will tell daddy and we will get into an argument about that I'm sure. 

Harry's picture

You can not expect normal actions from a sick person.  You have to face that fact 

We just hope she is getting the help she needs.  

BEMonty's picture

They were talking about releasing her later today. I hope to good that isn't true. There's a deeper root to cause this bs I'm hoping and they just need to keep her in there on the fact that there is something extremely wrong with her psyche. You know being the fact that she's a master manipluater and a chronic lair.