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Thinking about my safety and the safety of my baby

gimmeabreak's picture

So, BM and my husband went through a very difficult and ugly divorce. It's 5 years later and we are still hearing from her regularly about mass amounts of money she has made it up in her mind that he somehow screwed her out of. He didn't, by the way, but he still said he is willing to meet with a mediator to discuss whatever it is she thinks she is owed, but is not willing to do so unless she takes action and collects receipts for the things she says he owes her for and sets up the meeting herself. You'd think that would be easy enough if she actually wanted it done...but instead she just continues to attack. 

I've also been on the receiving end of her verbal abuse many times over the years and as of yesterday, I'm done with it. This woman has been violent in the past - has hit my husband many times during their relationship, beat her first boyfriend following the divorce black and blue (he needed to bring police with him to collect his things from her house for protection), and attacked her sister in front of all of the kids a few summers ago. She is not stable. I've put up with her words for years, but yesterday she crossed a line I'm not willing to allow. I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant and during one of her rants at my husband demanding money she dropped the following lines: 

"You need to pay me. Sell your wife's ring, your dog, your house. Give your baby up for adoption. Whatever." 

"I don't care if I need to make your baby suffer"

"Fuck you and your child" 

"You and your wife are going to end up in a very bad place. Watch your backs" 

These comments have me wondering about my own safety and the safety of my baby at this point. She cannot keep making threats and getting away with it. I don't actually know if I'm convinced she's capable of doing me or my baby any physical harm (maybe I should be)...but I also just don't want my family to be exposed to this level of stress and negativity constantly. Im legitimately worried about the effect it's having on my pregnancy. I'm considering finally taking action and applying for a protection order of some kind but am worried about the effect that may have on the boys (my step kids, 12 and 14), and the 50/50 custody arrangement they have currently. I do think it's time to take action, but I want to do it in the least harmful way possible. As awful as things have been, the boys are fairly unaware of the extent of it and would be very hurt and confused if police etc. suddenly became involved. All I want is something that says she cannot contact me at all and cannot show up to the house unannounced and only ever for pick ups and drop offs.  Wondering if anyone has experience with applying for a protection order (restraining, peace bond, whatever) when 50/50 custody is in place. And, if the quotes and background I provided above would be sufficient for a court to determine sufficient risk. 

We are contacting a lawyer today to discuss...but I also wanted to see if anyone had any personal advice to share...and to be honest also needed a vent session. So...thank you. 


Lollybobs's picture

Dear me your BM sounds a charmer.This doesn't sound a good situation  to be in at the best of times but I agree that it's certainly not what you need when you're pregnant. I don't suppose you recorded the rant? It miight be a good idea to do so in future.

Never mind spending money meeting with a mediator - save it for a restraining order. For your own peace of mind you need something in place. If she's like this now, just wait till the baby's been born. II can't offer you advice regarding legal options because I'm not from the US but plenty of other people here can.

gimmeabreak's picture

I'm actually in Canada if you have any idea about how it might work here!

And the rant was over text, so we have it all recorded. He has 5 years of similar comments saved up.

BethAnne's picture

Talk to your lawyer but I would also look at things that you can do that do not require legal action.

It sounds to me like she is threatening your family financially. So I would start with that and make sure that your finances are separate from your husbands, and not all of your assets are in his name. If you have a house, make sure it is in both of your names or yours only. Make sure your car is in only your name. She may have ways to take income and money from your husband "for the children", but in most places has no legal means to get money from you. Make sure your wills are written (if you are having a child it is a good time to get it updated) such that you are each provided for and the kids are provided for but so that you will not have to deal with BM should your husband die. Make sure to keep receipts and copies of all child support transactions and everything that is purchased for the children. Maybe talk all of this through with the lawyer as to the best way to set things up to protect you and your child. 

I would also then have your husband arrange all pick ups and drop offs somewhere away from your home. Even if in the mean time it means that he has to do more of the running around. Your aim should be that you do not ever have to see BM. 

You could get some doorbell cameras or other security cameras outside and maybe in the entrance ways to your home, so that you have some proof if she ever does anything. Your husband could also look at setting up a dashboard cam if exchages happen around his car. 

You have no reason to interact with BM, so I would block calls from her to your phone. Choose now to not attend a kid event if BM will be there, I know you may want to support your step kids but it is not worth the hassel and stress. Your husband can choose to only reply to texts, voicemails and emails if he wishes to avoid unrecorded conversations. He could work out a reliable system for backing up and storing all his conversations with BM for future reference.

Lock down your social media now. Set up a whats-app group or similar with your close family and friends for messages and photos about your baby and lives so that you can have a private place to share and BM will not be getting updates on everything from social media. Limit what you tell the step-kids about the baby and the birth. 

Ask your husband not to share with you what BM is up to and what she says. I know you want to be prepared and to know what is going on, but sometimes ignorance is better at keeping stress levels low. Most likely she is just saying these things out of anger and as a tactic to try to get her way without any thought of how she would follow through on them. She is trying to hurt your husband and yourself with her words. Your husband needs to protect you by not passing on these horrible things to you unless he feels there is some direct action that you could do to protect yourself. 

Finally if she ever does lay a finger on you or your husband or directly threaten physical harm do not hesitate to call the police. You don't have to decide there and then if you will press charges but you will be able to get on record what happened and hopefully scare her into staying away from you. 

gimmeabreak's picture

Thank you. This is all incredibly helpful advice. I will discuss this all with hubby when he gets home.

shamds's picture

sold for adoption.

her bio kids don’t have a clue mumma is a psycho fruitloop? Trust me!! That isn’t doing them any good. They need to be presented with the facts

now that said i am not a fan of involving kids in adult matters as that is between the parents, but shielding the skids from knowing their mum is abusive and threatened to hurt people and their baby half sibling is not ok snd they need to know that

trust me hubby and his family hid the harsh truth from skids and they blindly believe mummy is a changed person and mother theresa when she is still upto her same usual self and and the evidence is right there but skids have justified it and blamed hubby.

heck i was blamed for her having to kidnap the girls for 5.5 years, despite i only meeting hubby for the 1st time about 5-6 yrs after their divorced 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

In the uk we would send a solicitors letter as a warning, ie with regards to “harassment” or similar. Then if there’s further problems go to the police.

You are right to get legal advice. If you feel threatened go to the police and gather as much information as you can, with times and dates. 

Thumper's picture

Oh my goodness this is very scary AND down right awful.

You require special protection because your pregnant. I would walk/waddle right into court and file protection orders for you AND husband AND unborn child.

Take all evidence with you and tell the Judge you are scared to death....I WOULD BE.

I know 3 men who were abused by their ex's These were big guys and the women short with boy bodies.

1 in 9 men are abused in domestic relationships.

I am so sorry you are living with this. Do not drop the charges either.




ntm's picture

As long as you're talking to a lawyer, would be to change drop offs and pick ups at a neutral location. Like the police station! You want to keep her legally as far away from your home as possible. 

Kes's picture

Sorry you have been subjected to this.  I live in the UK, and what I would do here, first and foremost, is see if the police would be willing to go round and warn her off, before employing a lawyer.   Depending on what kind of person she is - she certainly sounds like she has a personality disorder - possibly sociopathy - this might do the trick - but then again it might not.  Do let us know how things go. 

tog redux's picture

Go to the police. Stop worrying the step kids will be affected. She's the one causing this problem. If you think they don't know their mother is a loon you are very much mistaken. You can be sure she is poisoning them. 

Honestly, I'd tell DH he needs to make it stop or he will be divorced again. He has brought this drama into your life and he needs to drop the hammer on her however necessary, including police and court action, and CPS.  

Please don't let him off the hook. His past baggage should not affect you and your baby, and if he's anything less than horrified and ready to take any action needed, then he's part of the problem. 

ESMOD's picture

I don't really take those words as serious direct threats against you.. well.. the last one is a bit iffy.

What I hear her saying is that she wants to be paid.. and doesn't care what he has to do to make that happen.  Is he in arrears?  Or is she demanding money for something out of the CO?

I would certainly avoid as much face to face interaction with her and yourself and even your DH.. to the extent possible.

Do you need to start carrying a gun?  I'm not sure her words need that response.. but I certainly wouldn't put myself or my child in her path.

momjeans's picture

Document, document, document. 

Keep detailed notes in regards to dates and times and what threat was verbally made. Print out texts and emails. Keep all incriminating voicemails. All of these things are allowable in court if it comes to that.

I’d maybe get a doorbell camera. Perhaps even file something at the police station so that there’s a paper trail record of her behavior. 

Worst case, you could file a no-contact order to keep her away from you.

CLove's picture

Because of her past aggression, she has proven herself to be a threat. Many who THINK "oh shes just out for more money, she wont do anything physical" would in most cases be correct. Empty threats. HOWEVER, in THIS particular case with THIS particular woman, she has proven her willingness to beat the crap out of anyone she wants to whenever she wants to. AND Ill bet that she plays victim in any and all circumstances.

I know, because Toxic Troll is almost exactly like this - she has abused my DH sporadically while they were togther and while married. She beat her eldest twice in front of the youngest. DH tells me he has seen her "beat down" other men and women. And she is also verbally/emotionally abusive.

In fact just last week, she threatened DH. Said "Do you want to fight me about this?" Shes really aggressive and doesnt respect boundaries and feels she is always in the right.

And of course she is ALWAYS out for more money. She also thinks that DH owes her for bringing his children into the world.

Protect yourself, do not let your DH minimize this. She has been violent before, that physical barrier has been broken.

Web cams are now really inexpensive. And ask your attorney about trespassing laws and restraining orders. I myself am planning on installing these items.

And I rally want to take martial arts class. She outweighs me by almost 80 lbs, so I need some advantage if she ever comes at me.  OP - I hope it gets better - no one needs this while they should be enjoying their pregnancy. Like you - Toxic Troll has been doing this for the 5.5 years weve been together. It doesnt seem to get any better unless DH buts up and maintains boundaries. And apparently you will need to help yours in doing this, like I did.

gimmeabreak's picture's not that I think she's out there plotting the murder of my baby and I as we speak, but she has shown herself to be capable of violence in the past and that is not a risk I am willing to take when I am pregnant. On top of that, this is not just about physical abuse but also the mental and emotional stress this woman has caused me and my family over the last 5 years with no signs of slowing down. In fact, after I became pregnant it's worsened. 

We have a doorbell camera. We also have an appointment with a lawyer coming up. I appreciate that some people think it may only have to do with money, but she's shown herself to be volatile, aggressive, and unrelenting regardless of any financial situation. In my opinion, she is pissed that we are married and having a baby. She cheated on my husband numerous times causing the end of their marriage, but somehow it is all my fault. When you say she probably plays the victim, you are entirely correct. 

If I weren't pregnant, I'd maybe be willing to put up with it a bit longer or try to resolve things (again) on our own...but I need to look out for my family. 

Sorry to hear you've gone through similar - I'm glad you are taking the steps to protect yourself and your family.