Dirty SKs
Sorry but I need to vent lol anyone have SKs that are dirty a.f.?!
On top of all the garbage of dealing with a sneaky SD9, I'm struggling with the fact that SKs have gone back to their old piggish selves. Prior to living with us FT, SK lived with BM who was a pig...actually that's probably an offence to pigs as they're even cleaner than she is. I'm a VERY clean person especially when it comes to food on the floor, so when they came here DH and I set a basic rule of You dirty it, you clean it. The beginning was tough but they got into the habit of cleaning up after themselves, minus SD7 who doesn't know how to eat at the table without half of her meal ending up on the floor. So, recently they went to visit BM for 6 weeks in the summer and now they are back to their own disgusting ways again, which is funny because they complain BMs house is full of ants and bugs and we told her it's because she doesn't clean, yet they don't care. They are SO lazy now to the point that the table cloth with food was sliding off the table while they were eating and they couldn't even be bothered to pick it up. They called me to tell me it was falling. So now the floor is full of crumbs and it's driving me crazy! This is the second time within the last 2 days that this exact same thing happend and I have told them it doesn't take much to just fix the table cloth and to do it themselves. Anyways, I told SDs to clean it up and they went on playing, but I stayed calm (although I was furious inside as it disgusts me to see food on the floor and that they can't follow what damn simple rule). 15mins later SDs ask if I want to play with them so I was like nope. And they're like but whyyyyyy?!?!? And I was like hmm did you do what I asked you? SD9 was like what was it? (Playing stupid because she looked right at my while I was telling her prior) And I'm like to clean up your mess that you left. And they said no. So I replied with "Why should I do what you aak me, when you don't do what I ask of you? Now go clean up your mess" and SD9 with her stupid side eye went on to clean it up and acted like I was asking her to do slave labour.
Zero tolerance works in
Zero tolerance works in changing behaviors in ill behaved kids. Amp up the consequences and the behaviors will change. If they don't do what is asked start going after what they enjoy. Eliminate that, they will do as they are told. If they do not immediately do as they are asked, take the games, toys, TV, etc... and they can sit and do nothing until they do what they are asked.
Public humilation is a huge tool for addressing hygiene issues. If the Stinky Skids don't bathe then when you go out for dinner and are being seated tell them they stink and to go wait in the car until the rest of the family finishes dinner.
As for in the home nasty crap, dump their dirty dishes and garbage on their beds. Things of theirs that they leave out, put in the garbage. If they don't fish it out before garbage day.. .buh-bye. Don't replace it.
We usually take away the toys
We usually take away the toys/electronics when they get disgusting or we make them clean it themselves. Any toys that are left around for more than a day after being asked to clean up, are eithe thrown out or sent to charity right on the spot. I haven't tried the last one but I'm definitely willing to! This is getting ridiculous and the last thing I need is a fucken pig pen like their BMs. I will not live with roaches.
My ss is 21, he dumps trash on kitchen floor with skewer sticks
sticking out because its such an inconvenience putting his trash or emptying it properly.
so i have told hubby sarcastically if his son leaves these skewer sticks from his takeaway lunch or dinner, we have 2 toddlers who are inquisitive little buggers and its bloody basic common sense to be courteous and dispose of your shit properly so if one of my kids injures themselves with ss’s hazardous rubbish, would you like me to jab that skewer stick into him... (this is sarcasm btw) but its so hubby understands what a lazy arse f*cl his kid is
I totally would jab a skewer
I totally would jab a skewer too LOL
My SD is absolutely
My SD is absolutely disgusting. I could go on forever. Dettol is my best friend. Nose and skin picking (and wiping it everywhere) bad hygiene, bad table manners etc just for a start. She's fucking vile. It's like living with a retarded toddler. She's at an age where she should be more than capable of these things, but she's so wilful and lazy. She'd rather go around smelling like a dog's arsehole than take 10 minutes to have a shower. There's no way that filthy brat is ever allowed to touch my son or his things. She's allowed to if she washes her hands first, but she won't. I won't even wash her clothes mixed in with our things because there's skid marks in all her underwear.
SK7 has the same issue. To
SK7 has the same issue. To damn lazy to wipe her ass cause she'd rather play or watch TV then clean herself. DH actually makes her wash her shitty underwear as I refuse to wash it. He has now made that her punishment after she came home one day smelling like crap cause her underwear were encrusted with shit. She literally shit herself one night because she was too lazy to go to the bathroom (right next door). DH was furious and literally took every toy away from her.
Get a cork board and start
Get a cork board and start pinning the skid mark underwear up with the streaks visible outside of her door. They stay up for a week and if she has friends over... that is where the behavior modification comes in.
For older kids.... take pics of the cork board and text the pic to the kid. Let them know that they fix the problem or the pics might just end up on social media. That ought to fix the issue in a hurry.
Haha oh man that's a good one
Haha oh man that's a good one.