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Need advice on what to do...

GreenEyez's picture

So if you have been following my posts, you'd see that BM is a manipulative, narcissistic, financially irresponsible idiot. Today DH got a message from BM saying that she can't afford the tickets cause she had to send money to her father who got sick and had to go to the hospital. She asked if she could just send whatever money she has right now, DH would pay for the tickets and she would pay the rest back. I personally think this is all BS considering she just made a big deal last week about getting DH to use his child support money to pay her half of the tickets...which is HER responsibility to pay, obviously.

As per the CO, DH only needs to pay his part after she purchases the round trip tickets and sends DH the itinerary.

What would you do if you were in DHs shoes?

I personally would not want any of my money going towards her irresponsible a$$ cause clearly she had all year to save for this. And I find it too much of a coincidence that this happened after what was said in the previous I know this money is never going to be seen again. She owes money to DH for medical bills and back payments on child support, of which she's paying like $20 a month to pay off the back payments. 

BethAnne's picture

It is a dilema, pay and see the kids or not pay and risk not seeing them and then have to consdier taking legal action after that. 

I would consult a lawyer as to the best course of action. One option might be getting the lawyer to send a letter setting out the possible legal consequences should bm not send the children hoping that will scare her into paying. Another option to consider is getting bm to sign a contract which states that she will reimburse the funds and then if she does not reimburse the funds to sue her in the small claims courts for the money. Of course the lawyer could help to write the contract or advise you what needs to be in it for it to be valid. The final option as I see it is to just pay hoping she will pay it back and accept that he will likely have to pay for all transportation costs from now on (this is what my husband ended up doing when faced with a similar dilema, not the best outcome monetarily but definately the low conflict choice). A lawyer might have some better ideas. 

GreenEyez's picture

Sorry forgot to mention, the SKs live with us. BM has visitation 3x a year, so she's asking us to pay for them to go and see her. 

BethAnne's picture

Then you really need a lawyer to advise you what to do. If you do not send them you will be violating the CO. Seek proper legal advice, not random internet people advise.

susanm's picture

Why do people still use that old "went into the hospital and I have to give them money" excuse?  It is no longer 1973.  Hospitals do not demand cash on the barrelhead for treatment in the US.  If someone presents at the ER with an acute illness they will be treated whether they have insurance or not.  They will set up payment arrangements if the person is responsible enough to want to pay the bill or simply send the bill to collections if they ignore it.  And more likely than not BM's father is old enough to qualify for Medicare anyway which would guarantee care regardless of whether it was acute or a planned admission.  I would bet anything that she is lying based on logic and the previous request for him to pay.

tog redux's picture

Maybe he needed an Uber?  Lol

You make a good point. People don't pay for a hospital stay until they are out, and then the bills come rolling in, IF you don't have any insurance.

It is a very bad lie.

GreenEyez's picture

That's actually a very good point. Didn't think of that. If this is actually a lie, then that is just disgusting. We personally think she's bullshitting at some level - especially since she ended off the message with "please don't tell the kids about this". Not like we would do that anyways... She's the queen of pity parties, I'm surprised she didn't tell the SKs when she called just before she sent DH the message.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I wouldn't do it. It sounds like their CO was written with lots of detail, probably for good reason. I'm sure when it was written DH knew she would never uphold her financial end of things without it being written into the CO. I'd follow the CO exactly as it is written.

BethAnne's picture

What type of advice were you looking for here OP? Admittedly I did not recall all your previous posts and made ASSumptions about the situation which led to my advice being slightly off the mark for you. I did though try to offer a range of options as people do not always want to take the hard-line approach.

This CO seems pretty well written, why are you seeking advice? What does your husband want to do?

GreenEyez's picture

I really do appreciate your feedback! I guess I'm just seeing how would others react in this situation.

BethAnne's picture

In my husbands case SD was due to fly from her mothers state to our state for a summer visit. Their agreement (not filed with the court, but one they both signed) stated that BM would pay for half of one of the trips that SD takes every year (she flies for winter and summer vacations). Up until point my husband had paid for all the transportation costs. My husband asked for the money (he was the one buying the tickets). BM said she had no money (probably along with poor me stories and how he is a horrible person and an awful father). My husband paid for the whole ticket. He never asked her for money for the tickets again. 

So...that is a tale in how not to do it! Your husband seems to have everything set up the right way in his CO and have the follow through to enforce it, he is doing a great job. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is all BM's problem. She's trying to put it on your H to help her solve it, but he shouldn't buy into her b.s. She's had eleven months to budget for this, but couldn't get her act together so let her learn her lessons. You guys have a lovely little thing called the CO that spells out how holidays are supposed to go, so simply abide by it. Don't enable BM. Either she finds someone else to use, or she doesn't and the kids spend Christmas with you. Your H should also give his attorney in BM's country a heads up and see what he thinks.                                       

As something wicked points out, I would also be concerned about the circumstances the skids would be in when they are with BM. Do they have a cell phone and a safety plan just in case in the event they do go?

Have you and your DH discussed what you will tell the skids if BM flakes? Be prepared for her to play the blame game when he refuses to pick up the tab for her. Others here can better advise on how and how much should be told to the skids, and in an age appropriate way.


GreenEyez's picture

Thankfully DH has family that lives there. They are our plan B/Safety plan. They do have a phone that their mom purchased though.

We need to discuss still what to say to them in case BM flakes. I would love advice from the people here! I just know we're gonna be completely honest. Facts are everything in our family. However hearing other people's experiences will definitely be helpful.

GreenEyez's picture

So BM took it upon herself to just e transfer whatever she had (which wasn't even a quarter of the tickets). DH sent the money back and made it clear that he will only pay his part when the itinerary is sent, since he has other expenses to pay and this is her responsibility. He even offered to give her an extension from the deadline date to allow her to save up more. So I'm sure shes gonna blow LOL will update.

Monkeysee's picture

Good for him! These BM’s need to understand it’s not always going to go the way they want, I’m glad your DH sent the money back & is following the CO. If she wants to see her kids she can step up & do what needs to be done. 

GreenEyez's picture

It's very true. After reading all of the stories here on ST, it's a common pattern to see how entitled some BMs can be just because they popped these kids out, meanwhile they are actually really shitty parents/people.

Like they're divorced and actually expect their Exs to support them and their shitty decisions still and freak out when they get put into their place. Newsflash: The money spending on you days are over, honey! 

RAJ C's picture

Can't they agree to send the kids without her flying over? Not sure how old SKs are but airlines usually have pretty good service for children under 12 to be taken care off. This would save her money from her ticket and I would just pay the difference in order to get a SK free vacation time.

GreenEyez's picture

They have agreed to this. It's on the CO too. But  I know DH isnt comfortable with this since they're too young and BM hasn't mentioned anything either. Both kids are 7 and 9.

Rags's picture

They should be able to fly unaccompanied minor status.  Pay the fee for the airline to supervise the unaccompanied minors.  Each side pays the fee when they put the Skids on the plane.

Each airline has their own policy so the  parents should verify.


GreenEyez's picture

It was actually an option especially this summer when we were trying to get them back. However, other than the age issue, BM always books connecting flights since it's cheaper and which we were told airlines do not accompany minors on. BM refuses to book direct flights which is stupid because it'll come out cheaper/save time anyways. 

GreenEyez's picture

Update: BM said she'll take the extra time and that she sent the money to prove she's not lying. No one accused her of lying. But sending peanuts also doesn't prove you're not lying LOL I mean if the shoe fits though...

She also sent the payment from her business' PayPal (that she never claimed when doing the child support calculations). 

Rags's picture

Sounds like her hiding income is a change in circumstance that would drive a review of CS.  Now that she has sent the business information through PayPal DH should file a CS review motion and nail her for hiding income. 

How much money is she going to save on her "minimum wage: income in two weeks or so?

I am guessing that she will ultimately not take this holiday visitation.


GreenEyez's picture

Yes! It was just what DH was waiting for since he found out. That plus a few Instagram pictures advertising...

And I agree. I think she's just trying to waste time, make it seem like she's "trying" and will ultimately back out and then sob story to the SKs.

It will definitely look sketchy if she suddenly appears with 2K in 2 weeks... lol

GreenEyez's picture

Update: All of a sudden BM has all of the money to pay for her tickets *lol* Some Christmas miracle must have happened to her /sarcasm.

Clearly she has had the money all along and was trying to get a free trip.