Sd said she didn't like me in the beginning
That made me laugh inside, but I kept a straight face.
So in the beginning I tried so hard to be nice, regardless id so the things sd did. But at one point it just got to be too much, just every day there were so many mean things she did to my children. She was sneaky, manipulating, deceptive, destructive, immature cry baby. I was done! But instead of disengaging, I was very much engaged, as DH wanted me to be. I saw how sd's behavior was affecting my daughter's anxiety and depression, and I felt I HAD to step in.
Once they were better at dealing with and navigating sd I felt I could back off. Sd is still a mean, manipulative deceptive, destructive, immature cry baby. But I can sit back and laugh at it, and laugh at DH for having a child like that!
Everytime I read one of your
Everytime I read one of your posts, I swear exSD has a long, lost sister out there lol.
The crappiest thing is how the feelings of the child who is the least considerate of others, are considered first and most important. Who cares that SD’s meltdown is aggravating others or messing up the vibe in the house. She’s crying and that’s the only thing we should all be concerned about. Screw our feelings.
And it’s bizarre that when these dads spend time around other kids the same age that dont behave that way, they still don’t (or won’t) see how it.
These kids are exhausting.
I know, it is really mind
I know, it is really mind boggling. And this seems to be such a typical behavior in step children.
Sd said she didn't like me in
Sd said she didn't like me in the beginning
I'm sure the feeling was mutual and still applies to this day!
mayyyybe lol but she doesn't
honestly sometimes I feel sorry for her. She grew up with BM. BM is MORON. For her BM stands for big moron. She tells sd that she had spina bifida, she makes huge scenes to protect her snowflake child. DH doesn't know how to parent her. How else is she going to turn out. She's royally messed up due to horrendous parenting.
but how am I supposed to enjoy a child like that? There are no redeeming qualities in her. She's over indulged she's over coddled, nobody evet followed through with any parenting what so ever. She's a liar, a thief, a manipulator, she's mean, obnoxiously loud, destructive, she cries over everything. I mean as horrible as she is, I wish I could say, "at least she's cute." I can't even say that.
What does DH say about her
What does DH say about her behavior? Does he not see how she acts compared to your girls?
He gets on to her until she
He gets on to her until she cries, and then he feels bad and lets up. She cries as soon as he calls her over.
He thinks crying=compliance. Ive told get she cries to Get him to leave her alone. He agrees but still does the same.
When dds would act out I would take them to their room, Explain how their behavior was wrong, give them a better way to deal with or a better way to react to something. Explain how things would hurt someone's feelings, and that they need to apologize. We leave the room with them smiling saying sorry, and giving hugs. Dh hated that they wouldn't come out crying. He thought they hadn't learned their lesson if they weren't crying. I feel like if they are crying they aren't listening.
I think he realized that maybe sd acted out in the way she did, was because of how she was disciplined. So he wanted me to discipline. This is when things for me got super stressful. Especially because she did things spitefully. I wasn't used to that. I wasnt used to a young child who WANTED to hurt someone's feelings.
I am SO glad you backed off,
I am SO glad you backed off, stepmominhiding, because she’s NOT worth it.
Proud of you.