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Hambeast puts another nail in the coffin

picklebreath's picture

The weather on planet Hamham is sunny with clear skies as Hambeast (BM) hauls her putrid ass out of the state without her now-tweenage Skidmark. She decided that she just can't be happy in this area and took a job 4+ hours away to start a new life. At first, she threatened to take the kid (lawd, how I wished), but clearly hadn't read the custody agreement that said she can't move outside of a 10-mile radius of the kid's current school district... which she had already done about a year ago. BD had let that happen, as he lets everything happen with her... and I'm sick to fucking death of it. 

What makes Hambeast, the queen of impulsive hedonism, think she can just roll out with her new husband (whom she's known for a year and has 8 kids of his own - we call him Octodad/Johnny Manyseed) and take the kid as if she's entitled to it? BD. BD and his constant acquiescing to keep her happy for some reason I'll never understand. He's accomodated all her squirrely, impulsive moves since meeting her 18 years ago and probably always will. Of course she thought she could do this. Nothing in her experience said that BD would fight her or prevent her from manipulating him into giving her what she wants. 

And he didn't have to since she was breaking the contract by moving.... and he let her. He didn't have to and knew it would fuck up our relationship since I disengaged 5 years ago and he's made no effort to repair the situation... but he did. And now he's got Skidmark for the school year, sans holidays and summers, meaning Hambeast gets to remain the "fun" parent. Why is he letting her leave the state and break the contract? Because he "just wants her gone". At any cost, I suppose. 

I firmly believe that Hambeast knew she wouldn't win a custody fight and just wanted to go start a new life with Octodad without any of the kids. She had to make it look like she gave a shit before agreeing to BD's "compromise" of re-writing the custody agreement. As always, she gets what she wants and I'm on the ass end of everything.

He's even paying the $1,500 legal fee for the document, arguing that it may make him look better down the road. He paid for the divorce for the same reason - all Hambeast did was wait for shit to be brought to her to sign.  He set the expectation and she's holding him to it. The only reason he'd need to look good down the road is to convince a judge he hasn't been enabling her recklessness for years, which he absolutely has.  

What chaps my ass the most is not that I've been supportive of the tough decision BD has had to make (once again doing all the emotional heavy lifting), but that once everything was decided, any feelings or anger (always toward Hambeast) I express make BD shut down. There simply isn't room for my dissatasfaction in our conversations. He does this thing I call  "bad dogging", where he goes quiet and makes himself scarce instead of dealing with shit. He's been bad dogging all week... one of the few weeks we have left before the custody arrangement formally changes and Skidmark becomes a semi-permanent fixture rather than an every-other-week occurance.

I don't want her in my life and he's made no effort to fix the conditions under which I disengaged five years ago. She's the same person with a bigger vocabulary and more sophisticated tools for manipulation. She has no understanding of why I left because he told her she had nothing to do with it in an effort to protect her. Protecter her from what? Accountability, just like he does with his ex. Fuck that and fuck all three of them. 



tog redux's picture

The writing is amusing, but I'm not clear on why anyone would stay in a situation that they felt the need to express this much vitriol about. 

picklebreath's picture

Who knew people would actually read that? *biggrin*  Hambeast clip-clopped Skidmark back into town for the custody swap today, so I'll be posting more often. 

Hey, Tog Redux, enablers gonna enable, sometimes at deep personal expense. We're entilted to our feelings and coping mechanisms as long as we're the only ones getting hurt. Besides, isn't expressing sentiments we can't always verbalize what this forum is for?

Why do I stay? BD is my best friend and struggles with alcoholism. I stay because it does not define him, even though it sometimes makes things difficult. I disengaged from the kid in large part because his addiction took priority over both the kid and I for awhile and set the (unacceptable) terms of the arrangement. In other words, I had to play mom while he was off drinking somewhere and it bred discontent in me and a very crude manifestation of anger in the kid. I stay because the man I love is in pain that has nothing to do with the way he feels about me or treats me, and he's fighting an uphill battle to make it better for himself and those around him. So yeah, I'm angry, but there's a lot more to it.