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Dealing with a runaway?

Sweetpea531's picture

Sd decided to runaway last night from her moms house. We have no idea where she is. We have reported her as a runaway. Reason for this is we found tons of stolen item in her room as well as missing cash. We talked to her about it and she is so upset w our baby coming, she has stated she does not want to except it. She told her mom she needs a break ana left. I told my husband to post something on social media and hasn’t yet because he does not know what to say. This has been the third time in two years. She never wants to own and face the issues she is having. We have put her in counseling and are running out of options.  With her we could give her everything and I could be out of her life and it still will not be good enough. Has anyone else dealt with this and what other options do you kno we can possibly try? Thank you. 


thinkthrice's picture

and no changes.  Sadly this is only changed in toddlerhood and usually on the end of a switch but I'm old fashioned that way.

advice.only2's picture

Let the cops bring her in and have her spend a night or two in juvie, maybe that will wake the little soon to be felon up.
I doubt it though, sounds like she is pretty far down the rabbit hole. Stolen goods and cash...daddy must be so proud.

notsobrady's picture

Not sure how old your SD is. My SD18 ranaway last year at age 17. In our state, legally there was nothing we could do. At 17, she can choose to leave our home, she can choose to drop out of school. There was nothing we could do. Not even get the police involved, because they couldn't force her to return. We knew her location though and went and picked up her car. We also turned off her cellphone. We stripped her of everything. She eventualy came back and left again. She's still not home. She is now 18, a high school dropout and unemployed.

SM12's picture

i would think you could track her from her cell phone?

Sadly if your DH isn’t concerned enough to post for help on social media....there is nothing you can do. You can’t care more than the parents.  

tog redux's picture

In my state, there is something called a "PINS petition", it stands for "Person In Need of Supervision".  Parents can get one for kids that are running away, truant, or generally unmanageable.  The goal is to get the kid/family help, including possibly with probation or family court involved.  I'd look into whether or not your state does something like that.