As Long As I am Up In The Middle of the Damn Night
Prior to SS22's incarceration, but during his progressive meltdown on the way there, BM dcided it would be helpful to give him an adorable little notepad/journal in which she had written some quotes she thought would somehow enlighten him or cheer up the sad little infant. All of them are useless/pointless- just daily affirmations crap. One of them has a note from her- "SS22- this is the quote I was telling you about when we talked earlier- everyone has a shadow side." The last quote in the book was in SS22's handwriting, and BM attributed the quote to her sweet baby as if he were a brilliant philosopher: "We are taught how to read a book, but not how to read ourselves." NEAT. Must've been heroin-inspired.
So...after he was taken out of my house by the Sherriff's Department (Thanks, guys!), I decided to make some additions and add some of my favorite quotes that i find more relevant, helpful and fitting to SS and the bag of demon jizz that is his BM:
1. When you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.
2. The apple never falls far from the tree.
3. Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish, he'll eat forever..
4. If you're gonna do the crime, be ready to do the time.
Now- I am not done with this project. I'm just getting warmed up. If anyone has some choice quotes for my new, cute little quote book, lay them on me! I'm having some fun with this. Perhaps I will finish the whole book and mail it to him in prison.
- sodonewithpunk's blog
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Here are some more
Here are some more affirmations from BM:
Jeffrey Dahmer was misunderstood
Ted Bundy was actually quite charming
Charlie Manson was a good guy underneath it all
"You made your bed, now lie
"You made your bed, now lie in it"
Just tried to add a comment to your last blog about the calls from the clink. Your DH is in major denial that his precious baby druggie can do no wrong. An obvious comment I know.
I would not want to go near my DH either. It blows my mind how some parents will pacify adult children who break laws, hurt people and themselves, get arrested, etc. It only makes the skid feel that no matter what they do, mommy or daddy will bail me out. Ugh, sickening.
You must have a lot of patience, as I could never take someone doing drugs in my home for a second, I don't care if it is DH's kid or not.
Good luck to you going forward.
I wasn't patient with it. As
I wasn't patient with it. As soon as I found out what was going on, I was clear with both of them that there will be no drug use in my home. I didn't know him before he moved in,- all I kknew is he seemed like a useless, lazy POS who slept until 4 every afternoon. We found out he was on drugs when he sold all of our musical equipment to a pawn shop and he needed a "get back in daddy's good graces for free" card.
Don't Drop The Soap.
Don't Drop The Soap.
Well played, Karma. Well played.
Karma is like 69: you get what you give. Have fun with prison 69!
"Coffee!: because prison
"Coffee!: because prison orange does not suit my complexion."
At ST this may need to be modified to booze.
"I understand you moved to a different type of gated community..."
”...where you have to be indicted to be invited”
"You can't cure stupid."
"You can't cure stupid."
"It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere."
"A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory."
"Don't stick your dick in
"Don't stick your dick in crazy."
As I let go of my shoulds and
As I let go of my shoulds and feelings of guilt, I can get in touch with my Inner Sociopath
In some cultures what I do would be considered normal
Today I will gladly share my experience and advice, for there are no sweeter words than "I told you so."
Becoming aware of my character defects leads me to the next step - blaming my parents