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SD22's apology

Aniki-Moderator's picture

SD22 made a huge effort...

To recap this ongoing ridiculousness...

There was an envelope in the mail this weekend addressed to me. It wa one of those small cards that comes in a package. It has a generic picture on the outside of the card and nothing is printed on the inside. Here's what was written on the inside:


       i'm sorry



Yep. That's it. SD22 really went all out, didn't she. Who wants to bet SD22 is about to ask DH for money?


justmakingthebest's picture

I almost want to laugh at the level of pathetic that she is.... Hopefully your Dh will see this for what it is. But more than likely it will be "See Aniki! She is sooooo sorry!" 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH gave it a big ol' eye roll and said, "Is she f*cking serious with that sh!t? She's not FIVE, FFS."

DPW's picture

Wow. Laughable.

She really wants the money, eh? 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Laughable. Pathetic. As far as SD22's concerned, it's pretty much the same.

She moved out of the 'Ho House a month ago. I'm waiting to hear that she needs money.

tog redux's picture

OMG, DH should just let her know the statute of limitations has expired and she can no longer get that Christmas money.  She can try for the rest of 2019 to be a reasonably pleasant human being and perhaps she will get some money for her birthday and/or Christmas.

That's just pathetic.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH DID tell her she wasn't getting that money. He also told her that, if she didn't apologize to me, she might very well forfeit $$ for Christmas 2019. DH does not give anyone birthday gifts/money.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Is it possible that she genuinely doesn't know how to make a proper apology?

Maybe your DH should tell her to Google "What is an apology and how to make one".

I swear, having skids want to reestablish contact has its own set of problems. It's great that your DH is holding this hot mess accountable. My DH recently received a Holy Apology from one of his kids, and it's causing me stress thinking about having that toxic person back in my life.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH told her that "Daddy told me to" is not an apology (see

I find it impossible to believe that she has never had to make an actual apology. Not with BioHo for a mother.

And she can apologize ten different ways to Sunday. If I have to be around her for any family gathering (Christmas), I will treat her like I would a jackass coworker: polite, but distant. I may have to be around her on occasion, but damn if I'll stress over her. She ain't worth it! Wishing you peace, Exjulie! xoxo

Chmmy's picture

Heart warming. I hope someday my SD16 & I have a reconciliating moment like that weve spoken abot 10 words to each other since before the new yr

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I can happily go 5 years speaking 10 words to SD22... hello and goodbye!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH is downright disgusted with her. It's all I can do to not LMAO in front of him.

Letti.R's picture

Is she still at it?
OMG what a rubbish "apology".

Do you have Monopoly money?
Send her $200 from the game - with a Christmas Card.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh, Letti. Tsk, tsk. Why would I want to ruin the Monopoly game? Wouldn't a picture of two $100 bills be sufficient?

Mountains's picture

This is not an apology story but it is similar in some ways.

SD(60) was told by her daddy recently that she should thank me (and not him as she had done) for an act of kindness I did for her (I had momentary lapse of judgment and re-engaged).  So I got a group text (DH, her, me-first text ever) that said “Thank U.”

 Now I see why we never get thank you s from gskids...bahahahaha

Mountains's picture

Total lack of class...

notasm3's picture

After the horrid home invasion where SS34 and his GF ransacked our home helping themselves to whatever they wanted two years ago I never received any apology.  I was only told that I needed to get over it.  They were pissed that they were no longer welcome at our lake house or my vacation home.

They can eat sh*t and die as far as I am concerned. They could apologize out the wazoo, crawl on their knees in repentance it they would still be dead to me. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Notasm, what they did to you sucks rancid skunk nuts and I don't blame you for how you feel!!

SD22 is a beeyotch. We all know she's making these pathetic attempts to apologize because she wants money. Period. She isn't sorry in the least .Except for the fact that she didn't get any money for Christmas!

shamds's picture

last year hubby had lost it with ss20 and his pathetic imaginary stress syndrome and princess attitude like it was a life and death matter being told to vacuum the house and empty trash because i am busy doing other things with 2 toddlers and he had to help out. Hubby told him we needed a fresh start and he had to come to me and apologise because he’s been such a rude prick. 

Hubby from work had messaged ss20 non stop for over an hour literally every 10 mins “have you gone to your stepmum, said hi and applogised for your unacceptable behaviour?”

finally whilst i had 2 crying toddlers needing their bottles and i’m busy making their bottles he suddenly reluctantly appears, mumbles a hi, then further mumbles “dad told me to apologise” whilst smiling and grinning the whole time. Yeah real genuine... hubby got a message from me about what happened and is this the way people apologise. Hubby lost it with his kid and he claimed imaginary stress syndrome and it was so pathetic and embarrassing.

Hubby had a head full of his crap and gave up, i don’t blame him, hubby has admitted ss is his problem child and he needs help to sort him out

i told hubby his problem was he let ss walk all over him and play/guilt him for a dumb fool. Late jan this year when he picked him up from uni to bring home from uni break as he had alot of belonging to bring home, hubby gave him the firm lecture that he’s done playing him made him clean his bedroom/bathroom that day till it was spotless, he vacuumed the whole house and empty trash daily...

only took 4 years and 2 months... not that i’m counting of course. The attitude of most of these skids with behavioural/attitude issues is “don’t give a stuff” 

in your case sd is still waiting to pick up xmas money right?