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This perfectly illustrates my step life

ITB2012's picture

Tonight YSS wore a hat at the dinner table. DH did not have him take it off nor teach him the appropriate etiquette regarding hats.

After dinner DH would not give the dogs a treat unless they did the shake command with the correct paw. 



Chmmy's picture

Then his children will have no etiquette if they are not taught. Unfortunately im sure it's embarrassing for you. I feel like my skids are a reflection of me when they are not. I did not raise these entitled little beasts. I did not raise children who lie, manipulate, lazy, no work ethic etc. You did not raise a child to wear a hat at the table, DH did.

Letti.R's picture

If a dog, which has the mental capacity of a 3 year old is trainable by your DH, what is his valid excuse for the behaviour of his son?

ITB2012's picture

I couldn't help myself. I asked if he saw that he was holding the dogs to higher standards of behavior than his child. His excuse was that he didn't want to "come down on" YSS about the hat. I replied that if he is teaching and requiring manners with the dogs and that's not "coming down on" the dogs, then teaching and requiring manners with the kids is not "coming down on" them either.

(Notice I did not use the qualifier "valid" in front of the word "excuse.")

SM12's picture

i had my BS21 and SS12 with me shopping last weekend. Both were wearing hats.   I informed them both they will remove their hats at the table while we ate lunch.   BS already knew this rule but SS lookes at me like I had two heads.


TheBrightSide's picture

I'm sure those dogs will be productive, contributing members of society as they reach adulthood.