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I am really trying

justmakingthebest's picture

As I said before I'm really trying to let go. The only thing that we are still continuing to "fight for" is this summer visitation for 3 1/2 weeks.I got an email from the lawyer today that really upset me! this is where BM's lawyer is not responding to our lawyer for the journal entry that the judge ordered. Last week I emailed asking for an update and told him that neither BM or SSstb14 are responding to texts, calls, or emails and that we were considering suspending SS's cell phone. I also told him we were giving up the fight. It's over, we understand that SS is lost to BM and we don't stand a chance. We can't afford to keep sacrificing for a kid that doesn't want us to.

Lawyer:   No word yet. I'll keep trying. I would advise you not to cut off his cell phone. Keep trying to make contact and document these attempts. Further, he needs to document attempted calls and text messages, as you have been.


Me: thanks for the update. What good is this documentation going to do if we aren't going to do anything? We give up over custody and visitation beyond the 34 days a year that we have been awarded. 

I don't know how to get SS's attention without cutting his cell phone off? We are only thinking for a week or two, like being grounded. Something that I would absolutely do it any of the other three kids that live with us were acting this way. If cutting off his phone is a bad idea, what can we do? How do we reach out and communicate with him? I mean, do we start sending certified mail to him? Call the school and coordinate with the guidance office??

 I don't understand how BM is allowed to not communicate? Hide information? Etc. I truly need this explained  to me. Can an email be sent to the judge that her attorney isn't communicating with you over the journal entry? That all communication from RJ to his son and to BM is being ignored. This all started to this extreme after it was discovered it that's SS was not actually sick, like BM told him he was.

We need your help here Mr. lawyer. This has to be wrapped up. This is why we felt that our family wizard is a must for years now.


tog redux's picture

I relate to your story - my SS was completely alienated from us by the time he turned 15, and was gone for 3.5 years (he's now back, which is a whole other ball of wax). So I know the pain of dealing with this, knowing and seeing where it's going.

But ...why are you emailing the attorney and talking to BM? Isn't that DH's job? If you are trying to let go, then step one is to let DH deal with his son, his ex, and his court battle.  When the writing was on the wall that my SS was going to be alienated, I very briefly toyed with the idea of becoming the intermediary between BM and DH - I was desperate.  Thankfully, people here talked me out of it and they were right. 

You can't solve this.  You didn't cause it, can't control it, can't cure it.  It's going to go where it's going to go, and all you can do is be DH's support when it goes there.  I have holes in my tongue from biting it when I wanted to ease my anxiety by asking DH about something relating to SS or try to manage everything for him, thinking I could solve it.  I still fall into dysfunctional ways of "helping". But overall, when I really let go and let him deal with his problem, I feel much better.

I'm sorry you are dealing with this, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


justmakingthebest's picture

I don't deal with BM but I do handle the lawyer. It is just easier since I can do things from work and DH can't.... 

I also thought up until a month ago that SS and I had a solid relationship. So I have attempted to reach out to him. Although it has been a fruitless effort lately.

tog redux's picture

Me too, I had a great relationship with SS. But it doesn't matter. The pull of a dysfunctional mother is too much.

I really would advise letting DH handle everything.


lieutenant_dad's picture

"Lawyer, you misunderstand. The last bit of service we need from you is to get a signed copy of the journal entry. We Will no longer pursue custody from BM, and we will be shutting off SS's cell phone."

That's all that needs said. If you are truly done, then make it clear that you are truly done. You are income to the attorney, so of course they are going to push you to fight. Be abundantly clear that the only "fight" left is the signed form.

Also, if her attorney won't respond, have DH show up to her attorney's office and ask WTH is going on and demand it signed. He's party to that piece of paper, too, and even if he has to pay $100 for the signature, it'd be well worth it.

justmakingthebest's picture

He might do that since he will be in SS's state next week. We live 1300 miles away or a lot of this crap wouldn't be happening.

tog redux's picture

Nah - we live 15 minutes away from BM and she still alienated SS. It's not about distance, it's about dysfunction.

thinkthrice's picture

we too live no more than 20 minutes away from skids yet we haven't seen them in 10 years and the oldest two definitely drive and have use of a car.  They PASed out at ages 11, 9 and 7.  Completely beer bonged the PAS Kool-Aid.

still learning's picture

I've been to court so many times over stupid stuff, one thing I know is that things can and will likely change. The kid is 14, he may decide he wants to live with dad when he's 16 and run away. I'm with the lawyer on this one, don't cut his phone off. That would only cement in his PAS'd mind that dad doesn't love him and mom was right about everything. Even if he isn't responding it's your only line of communication. If dad willingly cuts that communication off then it will be seen as dad giving up.  Mom may have taken the phone away or *accidently* lost it while all of this is going on. It may not be ss's doing at all but yes it should be documented.  Can DH see the phone activity to see if it's being used now? 

Get his attention in a different way. Take your kids on a spectacular vacation and tag ss saying, "wish you were here!" Mean but maybe it will plant a seed that he'd get to do cool things if he spent more time with his father and family.  

You never know what the judge will do. He may order more time with ss due to BM's attitude. She may even be ordered to pay fees since her non communication is costing DH more.  Ask for her to pay up if she doesn't cooperate. 

justmakingthebest's picture

We actually do all of what you suggested all the time. SS is in a podunk town where he has to travel for 45 mins to even hit a grocery store. There is literally nothing. We live in amazing area so we are always tagging him in our adventures saying "Wish you were here SS". 

The judge in the county out there is so pro- BM it isn't even funny. We aren't even going to bother wasting any more money on this. The only thing left to "fight" is the summer order, which has been ordered but not entered. Other than that, SS will have to come to terms with this on his own. 

My big thing is, I don't think I will be able to hide my distain for this situation in front of him. I don't think I can play nice anymore. Things might change when I see him again- we have always had a great relationship until after this last visit when BM really turned up her game and SS has shut me out. Who knows... maybe while he is here, I will just practice my disengagement. I have 6 more months before I have to figure that out though, so who knows what I will do. 

tog redux's picture

Fair or not, I really resent my SS18 and his inability to stand up to his mother, and how he's treated DH as a result. He was alienated for 3 years, but he's back now - and I'm just polite and distant with him.  I used to think I could have a positive relationship with him, but now I know I can't and probably never will because of his mother.  It's not his fault, so I don't say anything to him, I just keep my distance.  He takes no ownership so far for the rotten things he did at his mother's urging, but he wouldn't admit it if confronted.  He's just too much in the Cult of BM.  And I let go long ago, while he was alienated.  The damage is done and he's lost to us.

justmakingthebest's picture

This is our situation completely. It is heartbreaking! I am so sorry you guys have to continue to deal with this too. DH seems to think that it will magically get better once he is 18 and graduated... I know that it won't though. 

Cover1W's picture

Regarding the phone situation, DH had a similar issue with SD14.  So he warned BM that SD14's phone service provided by DH would be ending in 3 months, which gave her time to get another plan.  He paid for both SDs new laptops, so this seems like a fair trade. She agreed, then her phone was ended after that 3 months was up.  He has her number and email, I can't believe that the kid's phone you provide is the end-all of communication.  Letters do work too - certified may be a bit much, but you can make copies of letters sent via snail mail and note dates they were mailed.