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Help need advice

mcoop1967's picture

Hello everyone,

Im new to this site but very thankful it exists.

I need advice

I am thr step mother of a now 35 year old daughter.

Her father and I have been together for 4 years now and married for 2 years. Our relationship didn’t start out good. She has been very cruel to me in many ways. In the beginning she emailed a letter to everyone in (her) family which included my brother and sister in laws and father in law specifically making me out to look absolutely horrible. In which case she never met me. It took almost 2 years before she would meet me due to her father insisting she acknowledge his new life or he couldn’t be a part of hers. He essentially forced her hands to visit me. I have don’t all I can the past 2 years to get closer. I reach out every week. (Lives in another state) I send the kids toys I buy the kids clothes. I give so much love and get nothing in return. 

Here is the kicker. Every time she visits our state it’s drama drama drama. She visits our home because my husband really forces it. She really just wants to visit my husband somewhere away from me. I’m exhausted trying to give my love when she doesn’t want it. 

Should I just stop trying?

Considering she is an adult herself with her own children. Isn’t it time to be an adult?

She is an only child who was very privileged and my husband is so worried about losing his baby girl or being at the end of her cruel tongue.

please give advice as she is in Michigan now and 


hereiam's picture

I think you've tried hard enough and long enough. Stop chasing her, which is how she sees it, and she gets a kick out it, I'm sure. Stop reaching out to her, stop doing for her kids. There is no need to beg for her approval.


mcoop1967's picture

Thank you for your opinion.

I am just so heartbroken. I have an adult son who has such a wonderful relationship with my husband. My son is also an only child and privileged. I have always wanted a daughter and had high hopes if she gave me a chance I could show her the love I have for her but it seems clear that she doesn’t want it! I keep trying for my husband but it’s hurting so much! It hurts me mentally and physically! 

I hate the thought of just giving up. I keep telling myself she needs more time. But how much time is the question?

my husband birthday is Friday and she wanted him to meet her somewhere and spend the day with him. Now he forced her to come to our home for a few hours which I know she doesn’t want! So now I have her in my safe space (Home) and I really want to tell my husband NO. 

Its so hard to try and love when it’s rejected.

justmakingthebest's picture

I agree with hereiam... Stop trying so hard. You can send little token gifts to her kids for bday's and Christmas but I would leave it at that. Maybe next time she is planning on being in town you can go visit your friends in another state or city. Give yourself the gift of peace. 

mcoop1967's picture

Thank you for the advice.

Im truly torn between giving up and my faith. Forgiveness forgiveness. I believe in turning the other cheek and have sooo many times. I’ve been embarrassed insulted degraded and so much more. 

Am I such a bad stepmother for just caring for myself. Is it selfish to not give more time.?

justmakingthebest's picture

I completely understand! Don't look at it as giving up. Look at it as trying to be healthy. It's not that you won't try again, later possibly, but right now taking a break. Like I said, send the kids tokens. Maybe if you go on a trip send them a little post card and say that you are sorry you missed them. Kids love mail! That shows SD that you are still invested but aren't actively asserting yourself. This might make her take a breather and back off too... maybe not.... but wishful thinking!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

You tried. Don't be rude don't be cruel. But you no longer have to put in so much effort. I think there comes a point where you can't keep putting in effort and not having them even attempt to meet you part of the way. That's very one sided and not a healthy relationship to foster. It'll only give YOU frustration.

As for your DH, he's eventually going to have to make a decision. Support his daughter's a$$inine accusations and behavior. Or stop and let things go how they do and stand up for you.

Steppedonnomore's picture

I think this is a case of mismatched expectations.  You (and your DH) expected that you would all just be one big happy family. Your SD expected that she would maintain a relatshionship with her father but didn't see the need nor have the desire to establish a warm relationship with her father's wife.   You wanted the daughter you never had. Your SD already has a mother and doesn't need or want another one.  By forcing the issue, your Dh has probably made the situation even worse.  My advice would be to stop pushing. 

disrestep's picture

I don't blame you for not wanting adult SD invading your safe space. It is your home and you have every right to make decisions regarding your home and who you feel comfortable having at your home or not. Honestly, I'd tell my husband I don't want her there, and if she does go there, your husband should set her straight if she's starts with any disrespect toward you or him. His monkey, his circus. 

From what you've written, you have been more than patient with her and done way too much for her and gskids based in how rude she's been to you. I would stop wasting anymore of my time or money on someone and their brood, who don't appreciate anything you have done.

My adult skids play the same games whenever they pop into town. They usually start with inviting DH to some event minus me. If DH declines, they start reaming him out on how terrible he is that he doesn't want to spend time with the gskids. They try to lay such a guilt trip on him, it is awful. Thankfully, my DH doesn't make them come to our home. He really doesn't want them around, as it is always drama too, along with spiteful comments and exclusionary games. 

you asked if you should stop trying. Yes, stop wasting your time. Do things for those who appreciate it. Six years is way too long to do nice things for a disrespectful adult skid. And, yes, she should act like an adult at that age.

My adult SD, adult SS's and their spouses also have continually tried to poison DH's relatives on that it is my fault that DH doesn't want to spend time with them. The only time they invite DH to do something is when they want him to help them out with something, need money or gifts, or when they can exclude me. DH has realized this and  always says he wishes they would go back to where they live whenever they are around. 

I simply don't want anyone in my home I don't trust; who badmouth me; who have threatened me, who cannot respect our marriage and who have wished me off the planet. Just that simple. 

Good luck to you. 


Areyou's picture

You need to send a letter to the whole family telling your side of the story and also that you won’t allow anyone in your home if they are rude and disrespectful. Believe me, I have told all the extended relatives about how rude SD is to me. They back me up because they know she’s a bully like her mother whom they despise.

TrueNorth77's picture

I know you look at it as giving up, but honestly, you have done everything you can, and she is an adult who can make her own decisions (right or wrong). You can't force love and affection on someone who doesn't want it. I'm sure at some point she will realize she's being childish, but until then, you are trying to force something that isn't there. It sucks, and I am the type to want that positive relationship also, so I would keep trying and trying....but even I realize when it just won't work. Be pleasant when you have interactions, send cards and maybe a text for bdays...but leave it at that.

mcoop1967's picture

Thank you everyone for your advice and kind words. I talked with my husband and expressed my feeling regarding this visit to Michigan and the stress and hurt ALL this is causing me. He agrees that it’s best for me to back off and take a breather. We both agreee that pursuing a relationship that’s unwanted is harmful in many ways.

Im praying that my backing off will give her space to realize my initiative with her and hopefully she reaches out to me.

with this said, her and her family will not be visiting our home. I want my husband to have a relationship with her (for both their emotions) but agree it’s best for him to meet her outside of our personal space.

Prayers to all and will keep you posted and most likely be seeking additional advice and support during this difficult time. There are so many emotions flowing right now and pray our father gives us the path he intends us to take.



Survivingstephell's picture

Spend some time reading in the Adult Stepkids forum.  Lots of nightmare examples of the power of a misbehaving adult SD. Lots of support and wisdom in the face of it too.  

I hope your DH doesn't act phony and happy about spending time with them on her terms.  That will only keep her power going.  I hope he can keep it real with her.  Dissappointment on his part should be shown.

mcoop1967's picture

Things change constantly when it comes to my SD. My husband is away from home right now and just sent 3 way text thanking her for the phone call and letting him know her plans and how excited we are to see all of them Friday. (His birthday). Clearly our plans to distance me from the situation have gone to the way side. 

Im sure (usual) my SD spoke to daddy and convinced him of her good intentions while she is visiting in Michigan. He wants so badly the perfect family all wrapped up in a pretty bow. Meanwhile my health has declined today due to ALL the stress and anxiety and sleepless night. I have a chronic illness (Birth defect) that gets seriously irritated with a lot of stress. I ended up going to the doctor today for medicines (injections) to calm things down so I don’t have to be admitted to the hospital. 

This entire situation is causing such harmful damage to me. I am praying he spoke to her about meeting somewhere and NOT here, 

I think my hands are tied and I just need to leave home during her visit if that’s the plans. It hurts so much. I feel like I am abandoning my husband during a time he needs my support. 

Thank you everyone for just letting me talk freely about my feelings without judgement. I feel like a lost puppy.

This situation is so confusing and unpredictable. It’s difficult to make yourself feel wanted when you know deep down your presence is not wanted. I’m not good at doing “fake”. 


Survivingstephell's picture

I'm glad you are considering leaving.  Shame on him for letting this bullshit compromise your health.  If need be, drag his butt into the doctors office and let the doctor read him the riot act about this whole thing.  

DH is living the Brady Bunch fantasy.   He does not need your support , you need his!!!!!  He's got you all messed up about this.  This is not your fault, there is nothing you can do to change HIS daughter.  He raised her  and this is the bed he made.  

As for feeling wanted,  find your own life.  Fall in love with yourself so you aren't so reliant on acceptance on people who don't want you.  Put your energy and love to those that return it.  Marriage does not mean that in-law relationships just automatically happen happily.  Respect and civility should be the only thing expected with personalities that don't mesh.  

hereiam's picture

I feel like I am abandoning my husband during a time he needs my support.

YOU are the one who needs support. His disrespectful daughter is the problem and he is letting this situation get to a point that it is affecting your health. Shame on him.

mcoop1967's picture

Once again my SD convinced daddy that she wants to spend time with the both of us. My husband is a brilliant business man but wears his emotions on his sleeve and is a very emotional man which is a trait I love about him. 

He came home last night tearful that my SD called him and explained she wants to come to our house Friday (his birthday) and spend 2 hours with us. Can’t stay longer because the 3 and 6 yr olds need naps. I know deep down the only reason for her call is to show her fake interest in me so she can have her dad spend the day alone with them on Monday and she knows if she doesn’t participate with me he won’t spend alone time with her. Which I had plans Monday but she didn’t know that. She blaintely excluded me and he can’t see that. He only sees that out of the 7 days here in Michigan she is spending 2 hours with me. Never mind the fact that I’m dreading it because I know the alterior motive behind the visit. So once again I have to put on the fake loving stepmom and welcome people into my home that I know resent every ounce of me. Never mind I spent an entire day down sick from all this drama. 

I just don’t know what to do! He was so joyful and happy from his call yesterday. So I once again suck it up and put my feelings aside because of my love for him. It hurts to see him crushed. This is an up and down battle of emotions. 

mcoop1967's picture

I keep telling myself that I am the parent therefore I need to handle the situation as it is since she is the child. But then another side of me sees that she is 35 and a parent herself. 

Is this a title or a responsibility? If what then am I responsible for? Her happiness, dads happiness?

Im lost and need to make decisions in next 2 days!

beebeel's picture

We are all only responsible for one person's happiness: our own.

I'm a parent. It's my job to make sure my kid is well adjusted, healthy, safe and educated. It is not my job to make him happy 24/7. In fact, efforts to do so result in horrible children, and later adults.

Siemprematahari's picture

You have to place your health 1st, not your H and not your SD but YOU! Yes easier said than done and I know what's its like trying to please those you love but at what expense? Your health?!? You don't have to suck this up (yet again) and you should tell him how you feel. If she comes by you should go to the movies, the park, museum, the gym, anywhere but home so you can avoid the drama. You see right through her and he doesn't. Stand up for yourself, if you don't no one else will. Wishing you a healthy and happy outcome!


mcoop1967's picture

Im I sure what to do here. I wish he could see her offer to spend 2 hours with me on his birthday is really a slap in the face to me. Should I feel privileged that she is giving me 2 hours?

Survivingstephell's picture

Have you tried avoiding them in the past or would this be a new thing for you?  If its new, I say try it.  She needs a slap in the face and the message sent that you will not be abused by her anymore.   If its been tried before, I say do it.  She needs a reminder that you are not to be played.  

mcoop1967's picture

No it’s never been tried. It’s always me texting to say hi how is your week? Or me doing this or that! It may sound self centered but I would have thought a card for mother’s day would of been nice. I sent her flowers. My son found a step father card for Father’s Day. 

It’s always me begging or trying to bond. Zero initiative on her end. Or it’s my husband forcing interaction on her and now trying to force it in me since he sees me pulling away from the situation. 

At lunch today during prayer time he mentioned being understanding and welcoming her and her family. I pulled my hand away and said amen and told him again how I felt but he won’t discuss it. He doesn’t like confrontation on any level. 

I told him yesterday I would not be here Friday for their visit but that was prior to her sympathy call to her daddy and him coming home telling me about the love she has for me and wants to see me Friday for 2 hours. I don’t know if he thinks that conversation changed my stand or not. 

It’s a tense day here today.

Siemprematahari's picture

She's being manipulative to your H and he's falling for it. The problem is that your H keeps "forcing" things and they should just happen naturally. She's a grown woman. You don't owe her anything! You're kind, thoughtful and respectful towards her, no one can ask for more than that. Your health is in jeopardy and you have to take care of you. If you're H wants to walk around with blinders that's on him but not at your expense.

Also stick to your plan of not being home and enjoy your time where ever you are :).

mcoop1967's picture

We went for a boat ride where we think we solve the worlds problems. Lol

i reiterated again that I won’t be there Friday. He’s not happy but leaving it alone. Now I need to get over my guilty feeling of abandonment to him.

hereiam's picture

Why do you feel you are abandoning him? Does he not want to spend time with his daughter, just the two of them?

He has to realize that she does not love you (like he's trying to get you to believe), based on her own actions. He needs to let it go.

Survivingstephell's picture

You are not abandoning him or her.  You are protecting yourself from their toxicity.  He should know better and put his wife first but he hasn't .   Sometimes you need to play hard ball to get a man to wake up to the messed up priorities he has.  He's a people pleaser and trying to avoid any conflict but he made this mess.  Think about that.  HE MADE THIS MESS!  

Groveling for her civil treatment as got to stop for your own sanity.  She is used to you chasing her.  Stop and make her chase you.  She won't authentically.  Gee I hate phony people.  I hate eating shit sandwiches too.  That my dear is what's on the menu if you stay.  

mcoop1967's picture

I agree with you that this relationship is toxic for me. I have stood by my statement of not being here Friday. I can say the air is very tense/thick in our house right now!

I still can’t help but feel I’m letting my husband down. However it’s a two way street. When it comes to my son, it’s very clear that spouses come first. Even to the point of me missing my sons wedding because my then (boyfriend) had his final divorce hearing.( which was a horrible divorce) thankfully my son reset his wedding plans and was able to wed with us. Point being, I’ve put him first in all my relationships and taken the tongue thrashing from many. He is so afraid of her cruel mouth to him that he won’t speak up. I’ve endured so much disrespect from his family since I’ve known him. But I smile and be nice... because I am in love with my husband. However, I cannot have another day of my life shortened by the turmoil he allows. 

I have lunch with my pastors wife today for some girl talk and maybe some biblical direction. I hope it helps me feel better. 

Tbey say love hurts and wow it certainly is.