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I do appreciate this site, its allowing me to vent out 4 years of hell, so THANKYOU!

stressedstep's picture

Now, SS17, is nothing short of a b*****d. Im sorry, but I totally dislike him with a passion, and more so now than ever before.

My first encounter occurred about 3 months into my relationship, where he rang me up and said "is that s**g? your the s**g, I f*****g hate you you s**g b***h"

He wasnt talking to his dad, didnt cope with them not getting bAck together well at all, so I accepted this confused little boy, and I ignored it for SS17's sake. In all the years, I have never bought it up. About 3 weeks after that, OH and I were meeting up with our daughters to watch a firework show and SS17 was with his dad, he wanted to come along, but was nervous because it was the first time I had spoke/seen SS17 since his outburst. I assured OH that he shouldnt worry, I did not hold it against him at all, OH told SS17 and the night went ahead. We talked a little, and had a good night, although it was tense and a little awkward...well it would be wouldnt it!?

When OH moved in with me, the SS's used to stop over with SD every weekend, only 1 night. Fine by me. Then SS stopped coming down and we didnt see them, or hear from then, so SS bedroom was given to SD so BD and SD and their own room. All fine there too.

Then, after years of casual contact, SS17 is being kicked out of his home by BM (see a pattern producing here?) Apparently, he was unhygeniac, abusve, destructive of property etc and a theif. He would go through her purse, and families purse and steal money, although OH thought BM was just lying. How wrong could we be. This was all happening at the time that my OH and I had separated. In the end, Oh moved back in, as did SS17 a week later. And from then on (October 2013) life in my tranquil easy going home was destroyed mentally, emotionally, structurally. He is dirty. Doesnt wash, bath, shower. Wears 3 pairs of socks at a time for weeks, dont even start me on underwear. Nails long and full of dirt. He smells horrifically. Doesnt clean up after himself, as SS19. He was using his sister bedroom, and the beds had to constantly be changed by me, mattress aired for a day and carpets cleaned and freshened every week, I swear to you on my life, he is disgusting. Spoke to OH who told me he showered everyday, so I corrected him and gave him the facts. OH spoke to SS17, but SS17 didnt give a stuff. So, I was putting up with a lazy dosser again. BUT at least he went to college, almost every day.

During the cold weather I have these gloves, The North Face, expensive, along with a coat and hat to match. I began to notice little things going missing from the home. I used to keep my handbag with at all times, and what little money was left around, was taken. My final straw came when OH and I were going out and I couldnt find my gloves. The THIEVING SS17 had taken them! When I asked he lied to my face and said he hadnt seen them. My OH had sussed he was lying, but didnt tell me. In secret he told SS17 to return the gloves by that night and bring them back, and hide them in the house so that when I looked again I would find them. OH doesnt know that I know this. SS17 did just that, but I made it clear to OH and SS17 that the place where they had been hidden had been gutted as I had already searched my how thoroughly to find them, it has still not been admitted.

Then came the last straw, SS17 has this girlfriend, she is a windup artist, but SS17 adores her. They argued over the space of 3 days. I came home from work one night, to find my home and been kicked, slammed and punched, door handles hanging off, plaster all over the floor, chunks missing from my walls and door frames coming away from the walls, the lot. causing over £400 worth of damage by the little s**t. I rang up OH, total distressed, this was my home, and asked him what had gone on, explained what I was looking at, he said he would sort it out. I was beside myself with hurt and anger at SS17 and OH, after all its his little piece of s**t that had done this to my home. SS17 denied it, OH told him to get back when he was home to discuss. I left the damage, didnt tidy it, and even though both me and OH KNEW its was SS17, he denied it still, and to us still does to this day. SS17 moved out, then came back 3 weeks later, to new rules! OH was going to punish him for two weeks, I said it wasnt enough considering what he had done and so it was extended to 4 weeks, of coming home for 9pm EVERY night including weekends and college holidays. SS17 agreed, but then stupid idiot OH decided to allow him to do what he wanted on the first weekend, so no curfew. SS17 saw the inch and ran for the mile. I was fuming, and told OH that I was fuming. Grounded means grounded, the weekends was the main time SS17 should have been grounded to ensure that he was punished, instead SS17 had an easy time coming home at 9 weekdays but enjoying his weekends! Well, it bit OH on his ass.....SS17 didnt want to do his punishment (after only doing 1 week) and made it clear he wasnt going to to OH....the proceeding argument lasted 5 days, the language and insults were horrendous from both SS17 and OH.

SS17 doesnt live with us at the moment, and I sincerely hope it remains that way. He is the SS I think I actually hate. He is manipulative, dirty, a liar, a thief, a blackmailer to his own needs, the worst kind of scum who doesnt give a toss about anyone but himself. IS THAT HARSH? OR AM I STILL JUSTIFIED?

Ultimately, it turns out that in this case BM wasnt 100% lying about the son she had "bought" up, turned out for once some truth came from its mouth.


DaizyDuke's picture

In secret he told SS17 to return the gloves by that night and bring them back, and hide them in the house so that when I looked again I would find them.

Wow... just wow. Sounds like something my DH would pull. Heaven forbid anyone call out these snot nosed entitled brats on their thievery! SD15 stole, flat out cold busted, STOLE from me and DH denies it to this day... claims it was probably an "accident". (insert eye roll here) I KNOW that DH knows that she stole my stuff, but admitting that would admit that he has a shitty kid... that will never happen. She is the Perfect Precious Princess don'tcha know?

Thank goodness your SS17 isn't living with you anymore, he sounds gross!

stressedstep's picture

When ever he comes round which thankfully isnt often, I lock money, handbags and jewellery away. I wouldnt put anything past SS17 anymore.
But it comes to something when your like that in your own home, its awful

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

WOW! And I say that with the utmost respect! We are all so vulnerable without DH having a backbone.

stressedstep's picture

You know, in a mad way I feel sorry for their dad.

When he left his ex, she was ok ish with him and access to his kids, but when we started dating she used them against him. All dad has ever wanted is ti be there for his kids and for his kids to love and respect him back, yet they guilt trip him all the time! They use his guilt against him and although sometimes I think I want to shout "GET A GRIP AND GROW A PAIR!!" to the OH, I do sometimes understand why he is the way he is. The kids are stuffed head wise thanks to the BM, but as Ive said before and 17 and 19 they know right from wrong and they can hear perfectly well too!

I dont like to get on at OH, and I dont really like to discuss the things they have done as he loses his temper and thinks Im dishing his kids and disrespecting them and him, but its ok for me to be disrespected? I am under no illusion that SS17 dislikes me immensely. I support OH as best as I can and I input as much as he allows but I know my limits. What I have made clear re SS17 is that he has made it incredibly difficult for him to come back anyway, as he has created such an atmosphere plus knowing he doesnt like me makes it worse. Thats why I disengaged from him and will NEVER change that back. I can no longer respect and childish boy if he doesnt respect me.

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

Exactly what I mean. Ditto on the above here too. 9 years later, mine is getting better, but sometimes still acts the same.

stressedstep's picture

Dads I think try and make themselves more the friend than the dad. Its certainly the case with my OH and SS's. I remember a few months ago when SS17 lived with us and OH told me that he was strict, I laughed and he said "what, dont you think I am?" so he shouted to SS17 and asked if he thought dad was strict and SS17 said yes, My reply was "if your strict I must be a tyrant"

And thats the big issue, the fact everyones parenting method is different.

Another time, BD asked me for a yogurt, I said no as there was only 1 and SD was with us. My daughter went to bed at 8 and SD was due to be taken home, but asked if she could have a yogurt, so her dad said yes. When he dropped her off and came home I told him that he shouldnt have done it, and that is unfair on my daughter. BD had more right than SD. He hasnt done anything like that since.

pinkb's picture

Are totally prescriptive for Disney Daddies. In my case it's a SS but lots will share about SD as well.  Waaaaahhh! *sad* what if my son doesn't-like-me/think-I'm-cool blah blah blah... I want to whack him upside the head sometimes and say "you're job is to be a PARENT... you can be a buddy once he behaves like an adult! Oh, and guess what... that HASN'T already happened...