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Took SS to the doctor

justmakingthebest's picture

SS, like the good little slave boy he is, told mommy dearest that SO was taking him to the doctor. BM was PISSED! Started blowing up SO's phone, he didn't respond. Started blowing up SS's phone, he was texting her. Aparently she told him to be sneaky but take a picture of the building when we got there. He did.

I told SO to check him in and then I went over for a talk. I told him to put his phone down and hear me out. I asked him if he knew why we were here and he said no. So I explained that his mom is refusing to tell us anything about you medically except that you have Elhors Danlos. But we don't know who your doctor is- Do you? ( He said I can't remember his name). I said that your dad and I need you do have this appointment. Please just wait to call your mom until after. ( He agreed). 

After the appointment was over and we explained again that if he has Elhors Danlos we are very concerned that he is playing the sports he is, becasue he is at a HUGE risk playing contact sports with this disorder. If he doesn't actually have it, then great! What other sports can you play?? We just need to know and make sure that he is safe. -- He said, I deleted the picture and told mom that she should just talk to dad about it. Good kid *good* 

After the appointment SO told BM that he was doing exactly what she told him to do- figure out the meidcal questions for himself. He is getting 2nd opinions. She of course threatened lawyers, but he didn't respond. This is what our lawyer told us to do. Then show the judge what we had to go through because she refuses to release information. 


queensway's picture

Your BM is high conflict. The less said to her the better off you will be.

What did the doctor say? I feel bad for your SS.

justmakingthebest's picture

That just to make 100% sure she refered him to the geneticist. That is the only way to tell. She said that it is very unlikely and he is showing no symptoms. We have that appointment being scheduled for July when he is back out here again. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Fingers crossed for your SS. I know its stressful on you both, but a BM telling him he has some serious diseases is going to get crushing really fast.

justmakingthebest's picture

Well, since the "heart condition" got debunked last year, we had to have something new this year. I just wonder what it will be next year!

justmakingthebest's picture

Yep... Said he couldn't go on a cruise with us 3 days before we were leaving and had him all paid up. It was a nightmare!! He wound up being put on a plane but only after the head of cardiology cleared him and wrote a letter saying nothing was wrong with him and we took it to the lawyers. 

queensway's picture

You have got to be kidding me. What a "B". Any loving and caring mother would never lie about their childs health. So sorry you are dealing with such a nut job. She is utterly dreadful.

notsofast's picture

As someone with EDS, I sincerely hope he does not have EDS. It can make things in life very complicated although it is generally also not lethal. Good on you guys for getting him assessed.

notsofast's picture

I assume she put this statement that he has EDS in writing somewhere and your lawyer has a copy of it, right? 

justmakingthebest's picture

Yes, and then the following comments about how SS's doctor was none of SO's business and that he could figure it our for himself. Even after our lawyer told her's that he was going to file contempt. We are back in court next month anyway so it will all be brought up then. 

justmakingthebest's picture

BM Said he was diagnosed but she won't tell us by who, when, or who is handling his treatment. --- Of course this is probabbly becasue he was never. SS doesn't remember ever seeing a doctor for it, he said mom told him he got it as a baby. SO and BM split when he was 8 so, I am thinking SO would have known... LOL

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Aaaaaand I'm thinking it's a BM diagnosis! Which is why she doesn't want anyone to know which doctor gave that diagnosis - because she hasn't received her fake emedical degree in the mail yet!

ESMOD's picture

Our BM also seemed to like the attention that happened when YSD had something wrong with her.  I think she actually contributed to YSD still being a bit of a hypochondriac.

YSD had a full on heart scan when she was like 11 or 12 because SD was having chest pains.  Of course out of abundance of caution the DR ordered tests that proved out the fact that SD in fact had growing pains.. womp womp.. thousands of dollars in deductibles spent on THAT venture.

YSD wore a walking cast for two months because her foot "hurt" and a bone was sticking out "funny".. nothing showed on X-ray but Doc put her in the cast to imobilize to let a soft tissue injury heal if that was the cause they couldn't find.  I remember her strutting up in that walking cast with nary a limp and in fact had pics of her balancing on top of a ride on toy in THAT foot within days of that appointment.

Even now.. we found that YSD went to the emergency room because her side hurt for over a week.. tests run but of course.. no cause.. she probably had gas... I am thinking.. your side bothered you for a week? that isn't emergency room level issue.. make a dang appt with the regular doc!

YSD is on her own with her own ins though.. so she will learn what happens when you go for every phantom pain... deductibles aren't too low these days.

Don't get me wrong.. I love the girl but her mom did her no favors by going to the doc over every little thing.




justmakingthebest's picture

OMG-- Yes that is how BM is! She doesn't work and her 13 yr old is her "baby". I swear it is like if something isn't wrong with him, she is invalid as a person. There is no meaning to her life. So something ALWAYS has to be wrong. This kid is super active, doesn't want to slow down, has no issues and is generally a pretty awesome kid, especially for a 13 yr old!! 

ESMOD's picture

Well... here's to hoping that he turns out as great as my SD's.. in spite of their mother's interferance.  Yeah YSD is a bit of a hypochondriac but she is a super awesom young woman who works very hard and is independently supporting herself financially and also is going to school part time.  I'm proud to know that some of my influence did rub off on them.  Sometimes it's not what you say to them.. but how you show them you live your life by way of example.

thinkthrice's picture

on the Munchausens side.  Got OSS an MRI when he tripped over his own feet in gym class.  Got Chef all scared when she diagnosed OSS as having meningitis!!

I told Chef it was a bunch of baloney since OSS had no symptoms other than being a klutz like his mother.

Now when SD had ringworm (the Gir's place is a pig stye) the Gir did not want to fess up to THAT.  We noticed that she had turned the skids into hypochondriacs UNTIL skids were on HER health insurance.

 Shortly thereafter, she could no longer skip out of her share of co pays and the weekly run to specialists/the ER for hangnails ebbed away.  And they wonder why health insurance is so costly!!

justmakingthebest's picture

BM won't work and her and her other kids are on medicaid now since they aren't allowed on the military insurance anymore. I don't see BM ever being responsible enough to carry her own insurance. And Tricare pays well, so there is no need to change anything up! *fool*

thinkthrice's picture

The Gir is NOT responsible.  She was a stay-in-bed Mom whilst Chef worked 2 and 3 jobs to support her fat ass.   She then tried to open up a pipe dream bakery and become the next Food Network Star (TM) as a career.   This all the while Chef was paying ALL of his salary to her while living with me!!  AND having HER AND THE SKIDS on his INSURANCE!!  Thank God I've been responsible my entire life and had my own job/insurance. 

She finally realized after her pipe dream went bankrupt in less than a years time that she'd have to go out and get a REAL job (which really wasn't a real job; it was a cream puff county job with CPS where she could condemn other fathers on their visitations) 37.5 hour work week, full benefits, cadillac insurance (which she was only forced to put the skids on after Chef had to change jobs and his NEW work didn't have health insurance), 7 minute commute from her house.

Tiger7's picture

The BM in our lives sounds a bit like yours.  Both SD's were on a ton of pills - they would each bring 10-12 prescription bottles with them on visits - not even exaggerating.  SO didn't know what any were for and BM wouldn't tell him anything. I googled one in particular and couldn't believe they were prescribed it.   Both girls are older though - the 18 yr old moved out of BMs house and has gotten off some of those meds (under dr care) but I believe the 16 yr old still takes all of them.  Its ridiculous

justmakingthebest's picture

That's crazy! Thankfully SS is off all pills except for acid reflux, which is a real thing... his dad has it bad too!