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Would you ever start out a new marriage living an adult step who hasn't always been friendly?

soccermom830's picture

just got engaged about a month ago and talking about moving in and getting married when the adult 22 sd has just moved back in with dad from her bf's house.  i said i was surprised she doesn't live with her sister and he said her and sister have a lot of disagreements.  i am not sure this is someone i want to live with then if she is having difficulties living with others already.  sounds like she will be in and maybe out for years still in college part-time and working ft.   i also have a young son (11).  she has usually been nice to my face (minus a few situations where i was ignored and blocked on fb for no good reason) and dad would expect no less living together i'm sure, but there is the privacy issue and being newlyweds, and my past experiences with her, etc. 

she has apologized to dad recently for not being more accepting of me.  not sure exactly what that means though because hearing nothing but silence on fb posts i post about her dad and texts w/ them having anything to do with me being ignored aren't supposed to mean anything. silence says a lot.  your honest experiences would be helpful.  does this living arrangement sound doomed before it begins?   dad thinks i shouldn't have a problem with it at all. 

SacrificialLamb's picture

Dad is only thinking of his own convenience. Keep his princess happy; keep his bed warm.  She has disagreements with her sister, but I guess any problems with you are not important.

Any particular reason why the SD22 is not self-supporting, getting her own place with friends if necessary?

I would not start a marriage with an adult child under my roof under any circumstances. Mine or his.  Especially from a child who has admitted to not being accepting of you.

Don't expect these skids to acknowledge anything you post on Fakebook. That is the tool they feel they can best use to put you in your place when they don't want to be directly confrontational.

soccermom830's picture

i guess because she has a car payment and paying for college on her own.  she has a ft job now though and has always worked a lot.  i was living on my own when i was 19 but usually had a roommate.  i went to college too.

Dovina's picture

You already know how it is with her. IMO this would be a big mistake. Imagine 24/7 cold shoulder, and your honeymoon would be over before it begins.  Did she really apologize to daddy for not being more accepting of you? Or is your FDH trying to soften you on letting this adult SD move in ? Besides if this was the case she should be saying this to you!  Dont fall for this BS. You will be living a nightmare!

marblefawn's picture

So many thoughts come to mind...

You are exactly right - silence shouts in your face. Don't let him or anyone change how you're reading her very telling message to you. He's trying to invalidate your read on her behavior toward you even though most OBJECTIVE people would read it the exact same way. These are signs. Don't ignore the signs. He is ignoring the signs, but he won't be the one with the target on his back.

I went through this. Being nice to your face is nothing, especially if her father is there and she has no choice but to be nice. And that apology for not treating you better...yea, think about that. Why isn't she apologizing to YOU for treating you bad? Wouldn't that make a lot more sense? That apology is an act for her father - she doesn't want him to know how she really feels about you. She is not sorry at all, but she can't let her father know that. The really smart ones are smiling at their daddies while they're sticking the knife in SM's back. A normal parent would see the knife, but not these dads because they are totally beholden to their daughters.

This type of SD is more dangerous to a marriage than the SD who punches her SM in the face. This type of SD is so subtle, and yet so very divisive, a marriage could be in trouble before the SM even realizes it's the SD causing all the trouble.

Now pair that miserable SD with a father who is guilty, conflict avoidant, and indulgent and you've got a nightmare marriage.

I can't caution you enough about this situation. Do not do it - especially because you're dragging an 11-year-old into this mess with you.

But you probably will anyway, in which case, I'll add this. An engagement is when you negotiate the terms of marriage you can both live with. SD is already in his house, so you're negotiating from a weak position (she has pee'd all over that territory before you even got there). Here's how I would negotiate it with your fiance: "She is already 22 and has been shacking up, paying her bills, living on her own. She's moving IN at an age when she should be moving OUT. If she needs to move back home to get back on her feet, fine, but we need to all agree on an exit date."

Tell him nicely, but firmly, that you don't know SD well enough to commit now to living with her and you didn't envision living with an adult woman, so if she's there to recharge and get herself together, fine, but if he plans to let her stay indefinitely, you'd better decline getting engaged right now.

If he's willing to limit her stay, get him to agree that she must be out by a specified date or specified amount of time (within a year, for example). He can let SD know that now so she knows what she needs to do to move on. If she asks why she can't stay as long as she wants, he can tell her "I just don't want my adult child stalled because I made it too easy for you. I want you out there enjoying an exciting independent life because that's what 22-year-olds do. The best things in life take effort."

If your fiance refuses to consider limiting how long SD may stay, that will tell you a lot. Let this be a good test for how he will behave on other major issues regarding SD. You need to work this stuff out BEFORE you get married. Oh, and him saying you should be fine with it is not working it out. It's him invalidating (again) how you really feel and telling you how he wants you to feel. Frankly, I find that pretty frightening too.




soccermom830's picture

her or her sister would never ever apologize to me directly.  he just says as long as she needs me, i will be there for her.  he is different when it comes to my older son though i feel.  it must be girls v. boys.  i also thought the apology came at a convenient time too - right after she moved back in - i asked him what it was for since apparently she already apologized on the phone to him - he said i don't know. maybe she's feeling bad and has had time to think. 

Merry's picture

Yeah, when my bio needs me, I'm there to help her out too. But there are a hundred ways to do that. Moving in isn't the only solution. She could get a roommate, your SO could help with expenses, there could be an exit plan, he could help her budget time and money.. He's accommodating his daughter because it's easier for him to say yes. And you should be fine with that. Because you should be fine with whatever he decides he wants to do.

Do not move in or marry him until the SD is out of the house, with an agreement that she never move back in.

sandye21's picture

Is this the same man you were having trouble with last year?    You posted 8/30/17 - "you're right. I need to cut it off for good. I don't see anything changing. it is my bday today and all he's done is argue with me about the situation last night. ugh of course saying it's my fault for everything and now he doesn't even know if he's taking me out tonight because of me always breaking plans and acting the way I do. SHEESH! maybe I should give myself a bday gift of freedom."  On another post you wrote that your 11 year old son did not get along with him.  You also wrote that you were treated badly at SD's wedding and BF did not have your back.

IslandGal's picture

I read your previous blogs and am seriously asking myself why? why in hell do you want to marry this control freak? He doesn't treat you like an equal partner - he sounds selfish and a loser/user.

C'mon woman! Wake up and love yourself more - remember - you are teaching your child how you allow yourself to be treated and this is NOT a good example!

He also makes decisions, doesn't give a damn about how you feel when it comes to his daughter.

When you wrote on your previous blog that you were treated badly by SD and how he always breaks plans - then you mentioned you wanted to give yourself freedom on your birthday - why are you changing your mind? You can't possibly be that desperate for a man - surely?

If nothing else - think of your 11 yr old. Show him that you value yourself more and lift your standards.

I would break it off with this wank and run to freedom with my child.

soccermom830's picture

because we have been going to counseling together and things have changed dramatically.  we broke up for 5 weeks and since we got back together, things have been very different and much better.  i think we are both trying harder.  but this living situation will definately be a challenge.  if my older son needed a place to live temporarily, i would definately take him in but that's the key word - temporarily.  for her i think it might be permanent for years - unless she meets another man or moves back in with her current bf.

SacrificialLamb's picture

I would tell him you understand him wanting to help his DD while she is finishing school. You would rather not start off a marriage or new living situation with that additional stressor and prefer to wait. What is his plan for her moving out? If he plans on this being open ended or indefinite, it is certainly something you do not want to sign up for. If counseling has helped you guys, he should understand this.

soccermom830's picture

there is no plan unless she moves back in with her bf i guess.  he did say to me that he will always be there for his children anytime they need him - so yes, it will be a revolving door forever as long as she needs a place to live.  i did bring it up last night which turned into a huge argument because just avoiding the whole thing is much better for him.  he said it's not something we need to figure out right now but then he talks about getting married sooner than later.  i don't get it. 

i ended up getting very upset because when i brought up her apologizing to me instead, he said i should apologize to her.  i said what for?  he said how i talk about her and what i say on this site about his kids.  i said it's all true and of course i get upset at how they have treated me so maybe i have said things about them to him when i was mad but not to them!  it was when he was defending them for being unacknowledging of me.  basically, everything i said about her, he put right back in my face about me.  i'm disrespectful to her, i'm rude to her, etc. which is completely false. 

anyway, i ended up messaging her and getting it all out in the open about how i feel, asked her what exactly it is she doesn't like about me and how their unsupportive family causes a lot of problems between us and how supportive my family is (big mistake which gives her more power i'm sure but i don't care at this point).  i also asked her if we should all get together and talk or if they just don't want to have anything to do with me, let's just stop playing games.  and of course..................silence.  i didn't really expect anything else but maybe needed that final validation.  when i showed him, he got mad and said what did you expect when you mentioned you and her probably couldn't live together?  i don't know - maybe an apology and i'm sorry you feel that way?  i honestly don't know.  he also had excuses for them saying "they don't know me" and "you don't see them enough".  he doesn't even see them.  always excuses for their behavior.  i have been around them many times - more times than he's been around my family - some of them whom he's never met and they are all supportive.  he continually makes it my fault for not being around them more.  it's just asinine and hurtful to me. 

i go to counseling alone too and she has told me do not let his children from another woman get in the middle of your relationship.  kinda hard when one of them might be in the "middle" of our relationship.  and if i bring any of them up, he says i don't talk about my girls to you because i know how you feel about them.  to me, that makes me feel like it's a completely unvalidated feeling i have re them and i'm being punished for them acting like i don't exist.  ugh

SacrificialLamb's picture

I would not marry him or even be dating him. He is always going to take his children's side. Living in the house with her would be a nightmare.

There is one thing always being there for your kids. I am always there for mine, but it is AGE APPROPRIATE, which at their age now just entails advice if they want it.  You will always have the fear of a kid moving in and him believing whatever his kids say over you.

He wanted you to apologize, and when you tried to open communication with your SD - something that should have come first from her anyway - you couldn't even do that right.

Why is your SO pushing for marriage already? Does he want you to help with expenses now that SD will be moving in with no deadline in site? I doubt his SD ever told him she was sorry. He is just trying to smooth things over to get you to move in.  And DO NOT move in....he admitted it's indefinite and got mad when you asked.

I agree with the above posters that raising your 11 year old son in a peaceful environment is your #1 concern. What you are describing is not a peaceful environment.

Dovina's picture

if you marry this man.. 

He thinks you should apologize to her? Ok that is just nuts. Your FDH does not care or even try to see what you are going through and how this affects you. OR the efforts you have made with SD. These dads with toxic daughters are a mess. You are the "other" woman. Unwittingly you became part of this "love triangle". Think hard about stepping out. Your mental health matters more than anything else. Your son needs a strong mama. If not for you, for him.

Good luck

sandye21's picture

"he did say to me that he will always be there for his children anytime they need him - so yes, it will be a revolving door forever as long as she needs a place to live.  i did bring it up last night which turned into a huge argument"  You wrote this exact thing last year.  The replies you have received on this post are the same replies you received last year. 

Sometimes it is easy to get drawn into the drama when you have lived a drama-filled life.  I know - I've done it too.  But at some point you have to ask yourself if this is the best situation for you to be in, and for your son to be exposed to.  If your son sees others disrespecting you and getting by with it, he will eventually lose all respect for you and treat you like DH and SD do.   What you are experiencing with DH ands SD can be temporary.  If your son follows in their example, it will be for the rest of your life. 

You mentioned that you were seeing a counselor.  I would suggest seeing a different counselor who helps to to gain enough self-confidence and self-worth to do what is right for you and your son.

Java_Junkie's picture

Let's make sure you "have some arrows in your quiver." Next time he says he'll be there for his kids whenever they need him, make sure you BOTH are clear on what he's saying. For instance, "being there for them" doesn't mean "being there instead of them." Everyone needs to look at raising their kids as a bit of a profession, and BIOparents have a deeper bond than STEPparents. They were usually there at the birth and saw every step of development and also get to reap a lot of the benefits of the bonding process. They also have a tendency to extend the benefit of a doubt (or, if you prefer, "turn a blind eye," "diminish the effect," or "cover it up") when Junior shoots the neighbor's bathroom window out with a pellet gun. When Junior does something good, THEY BOAST. When Junior does something wrong, they minimize.

I'll liken it to owning a family orchard. The orchard will one day be theirs, so they need to know how to do it properly or they'll lose the orchard to future generations. The kids will need to pick the fruit and bring it to market. The folks can show the kids how to climb a ladder and pick the fruit, put it in the basket, and so on... but only one person on the ladder at a time, and mommy and daddy will do a HUGE disservice to EVERYONE by not insisting that the kids get up there to do it themselves.

With young adult SKids in the picture, the best thing a BIOparent can do is to be more like many parents might ask of a SParent. "Being there" is being an emotionally supportive person who encourages them to do the things they should have been learning all along (I'm a firm believer that kids are not to be viewed as children once they become toddlers, and they should all be treated as Adults In Training), and that's what BIOparents need to remove their hands from their kids' steering wheels to let them LEARN all the reasons WHY the parents told them not to lick the flag pole on a freezing cold day, etc.

So, when he says he'll be there, maybe seek some clarification... and don't accept his "unconditionally" stance. They're adults. He needs to take off his helmet, put on his awesome "coach's fedora," and start coaching from the sideline. The kids will improve, he'll improve as a mature dad, and your marriage will improve.

Java_Junkie's picture


Tattoo this on your forearm:

Never text such a weighty topic for discussion. It never goes well.

jam's picture

I think of the bible story of Jacob. He had two wives. Rachel and Leah. He loved Rachel.

So my question is: Do you want to be Leah?

Fluff's picture

If it is - I definately wouldn't.  I moved into my partners family home many years ago and it was absolute nightmare.  The sd will always have the upper hand as my ss did and when things didn't go his way he would complain about 'feeling like a stranger in my own home'.  My attitude was - your own home at age 18+ is the home you create for yourself (couldn't say this however).  Totally different now - the family home is sold and partner and I bought home together - ss is now comes over as a guest as he has made a home of his own.  I could reallty have done with missing out on the years of grief living in a place that was not my home.

simifan's picture

i would never move into the family home - it will never feel like yours. Start looking for a home together. One wthout SD.

soccermom830's picture

actually, he has talked about living with me until we find a house together.  his home is not in my child's school district.  he also won't discuss with his father his current home though that his father bought for him after his divorce and was never changed into his name after his divorce.  he has been paying for it but doesn't know if he will be able to sell it, etc. so even looking for a new home together can't be done until he knows his situation with his current house.  frustrating. 

soccermom830's picture

Well the daughter responds w exactly what I told her father I was 'assuming'.  She started her message off by saying her mother always told her if she didnt have anything nice to say...but since I feel otherwise, basically she despises me because her dad doesn't spend enough time with her and is always at my house and said i should be wooing her and her family to try to win them over. I'm sorry I'm not dating her family and it's a two-way street.  the last straw for her I guess was when she didn't respond to my message reaching out to her and apparently her father called her and got on to her about it LOL. She also told me that I should apologize to her and her family if I wanted a Lasting relationship with him. needless to say I messaged her back and told her she was dead wrong and I'm not responsible for her relationship her father - they are. I told her she needs to grow up and be a nicer person if her father's happiness is truly important to her.  She responded to my long email lol - thank you for proving me right. have a nice day. I blocked her on messenger.  Strange twist - she's friended my oldest son on Facebook. He was confused too after I explained to him how she's been treating me.   Oh and my fiance has not read her message yet. he doesn't want to deal with it of course.  Ugh of course.  

SacrificialLamb's picture

It will be interesting to see how your SO responds. Your SD outright admitted she despises you and you are supposed to jump through hoops to get the approval of The Holy Original Family.  Phhhhhhtttt. It seems to be common for some SD's to self appoint themselves Preserver of the Original Family; everything must go through them.

How will your SO react to being his daughter's property, the Gatekeeper who must approve of what her dad does, who he does it with?  My DH also did not want to deal with it. He wanted to bury his head in the sand, have his cake and eat it too and have his girls all around him.  I think at one point my DH thought it was oh so cute that his DD was so attentive and protective of him. But no, they just don't want to lose what they think they are entitled to.

What exactly are you supposed to her apologize for? For existing? 

Eventually, I think my DH started to get annoyed that OSD, who is twice as old as yours (so no, this won't go away - your SO has to deal with it), showed she did not care about his happiness. She wanted him loyal to the Original Family, I think she could tolerate me being in her dad's life as long as I knew my place, he would ditch me if she beckoned, was subservient and DH had her on the pedestal she needs to emotionally function, her needs have to come first, she wanted to be able to snub me, say I was not family, do other things to hurt me, and that her dad would stand back, allow it and support her in her efforts.   

I have not seen my OSD in 2.5 years and it is an enormous relief. Now that she cannot get at me in person, by phone, by Facebook or any other means, she is now punishing her father instead.  Your SD friended your son on FB so she still has a way to keep tabs on you. 

Tell your SO that he can help her all he wants, but she will not be living with you under any circumstances. You are not the substandard less-than female who needs her approval to be with her father. If that is who he feels he needs to chase and pander to - his ADULT daughter - rather than you his partner, he is not worth it.

Dovina's picture

Sacrificial you nailed this. Your comment not only speaks to the OP but all women who are caught in this dysfunctional triangle. Your wise comment  "you are not the substandard less- than female who needs her approval to be with her father" says it all,  I am going to memorize this.

Harry's picture

let your SO payed part of her rent on a apartment just to get out of there.  

No you can NOT live with her in your home.  She is telling you that she is the boss, you have to kiss her a** 

and then maybe   We’ll maybe not 

soccermom830's picture

Well my fiance responded with I shouldn't have gotten involved and gotten into her business confronting her on where she was going to live even though we are engaged. said I'm not her parent and she's never said anything negative about me.  LOL she has him so fooled.  She even went so far as to contact her family and send them our text messages trying to get them to hate me too. He thinks I should do what she wants so we can have a good relationship.  Haha. I said what kiss her ass like you do? No thanks.  He surely is kidding.  I think I'm supposed to be apologizing for taking her dad's time away from her family and not acting more interested in her when I'm around her?  Ironic because when I have been around her she just has her head in her phone oblivious to anyone around her. Maybe that's the problem.  And I may have contacted her once or twice about about him asking her where he was.  She said I was trying to get her involved in our arguing.  Not the case.  This was like a year ago and not that big of a deal. She's done the same to me and I've politely responded.  She's just trying to find a reason to be hateful because she's jealous and Daddy won't say a word.  He just wants the princess to be happy. She's so jealous she can't stand it. Her ploy is working.  He's now upset w me for not letting his dismissiveness go. He just continually says she has never interfered. What??? 

Dovina's picture

Soccermom think long and hard. The writing is on the wall. The man you are engaged to already has a wife that calls the shots. He defends her at all costs, and you are part of that cost. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a man who prioritizes and defends his daughter first (and last)? You will always feel like you are on your own. From what you described he is whipped by his daughter. Not cool or attractive. If you are looking for a peaceful life, you will not have peace with this guy. So many of us have lived this, and I get the good times with him are what you hang on to. Unless the two of you get into counselling to establish boundaries and priorities, and he follows through, it will not be a healthy life.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Yes, tell the jerk you are not attracted to men whose daughters hold their balls in the palms of their hands.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Saying she despises you isn't negative? Gee, then what does it take?  

She says you are supposed to be begging for approval from the Original Family. Apparently he agrees with that, thinks that's all you are and that's not negative either? I would tell him oh sweetheart I don't beg for anyone's acceptance, and your family should be clamoring to be in MY LIFE - something that has a teensy bit of substance.

It took time for my OSD to say what she really thought. She kept saying "I like Sacrificial!" to DH while sticking the knife in my back. It took some time for that to be evident, when I said I had enough and she was upset she had not run me off.

No matter what SD says, it looks like for now your SO will make excuses for her.  He tells you to engage with her, and then criticizes how you do it. Trash the guy.  He's a Guilty Daddy more afraid of losing his Princess than he is of losing you and has no standards for her behavior but sure has standards for yours. Maybe he needs to see what losing you looks like. He expects you to suck up to her to MAKE LIFE EASY FOR HIM. Maintain yourself respect and Just.Say.No. You expect to be treated with respect because you are not less than and you do not need another adult woman's approval.  I told my DH he was welcome to continue to play Mr. Doormat, but I was not going play Mrs. Doormat to make he and his middle-aged daughter happy. 

You will not have a good relationship by kissing her ass. I learned that the hard way and it took me years to figure it out.  It will make you the butt of jokes; it makes her think she is in charge of your relationship,  it makes keeps SD on the pedestal and you on the floor, and you do not want a third party in your future marriage.  Looking back, I can hardly believe my DH and I survived, and it was painful. I finally told my DH I was done, no other adult woman was holding my marriage hostage, his relationship with his DD was because of his years of coddling and if he could not handle that he could leave.  Sometimes they are so fearful of losing their little snowflakes they don't consider they are going to lose what is right under their noses. But we can walk and sever ties immediately because there is no biological bond.  Let them deal with their Entitled Princesses all on their own.  And believe me, they don't want to do that, because they are scared of the princesses.

You're supposed to apologize to the SD for taking some of her dad's time away from her? He had no hand in this and is not deriving any benefit?   What did you do - tie him up and rope him down to your chair? Should you apologize for keeping his bed warm for him?  Didn't he have some part of this decision making process in how to spend his time or is he just a victim? 

Yes, she is insanely jealous, and your SO expects his fiance to sacrifice herself to make his adult daughter happy. You, like I was, are expected to be another Sacrifical Lamb.  NFW. He should be telling his DD to get herself into therapy, that she needs to move on from her previous disappointments, that you are a valuable person who deserves respect and that he expects her to deliver on it.

What kind of person sends your text messages to other people to turn them against you?  And he thinks this is ok? Oh, but she has never interferred, the sweet angel. Just trash this guy. Please.

I was a single parent to two young children for 6 years. It was busy, rewarding and in no way would I let my 11 year son see his mother treated like this.  

People have been telling you for long time to lose this guy. Please listen.

sandye21's picture

"People have been telling you for long time to lose this guy. Please listen."  It appears, soccermom, that you are on a never-ending merri-go-round of drama and abuse.  I've done this too - many times - when I wanted something to work out so bad - even though I knew it was a losing situation.  I just would not give up and let it go.  Every time I have done this I have paid deary in the end - much more than if I had just hopped off of the ride when it was starting to get bad.  You know this is not a healthy environment for a marriage but you either want the man so much or want the marraige so much that you are willing to sacrifice your dignity and the respect of your son.

You have been undervalued, betrayed, used and given double messages.  Your SO overly- accepts you one day, rejects you the next.  Is overly nice to you one day, insults you the next.  And you keep going back for more.   Are you going to counselling on your own?  This is very important because I can assure you if you do, your counselor is going to recognize the similarity to battered woman syndrome.  In fact, this is the hardest part for the counselors at women's shelters - to keep the woman from being drawn back into the web, taking her children along as spectators and possible victims. 

You mentioned at one time that your son did not like SO.  This makes me wonder how his relationship is now with both DH  and SD.  Is he being accepted or rejected by them?  Is SD also threatened by the relationship between SO and your son?  What would your reaction be if SO and SD treated your son like they do you?  

soccermom830's picture

I am going to counseling on my own.

Myson liked him up until a few days ago when he disciplined him.  I know for a fact he wouldn't let me discipline his daughter so it's a double standard for sure.  I said that to him tonight and he said the double standard is how I disregard his children. So not only has he not said anything to his daughter for being nasty to me he's now telling me it's my fault for contacting her.  Yeah I don't see this relationship going anywhere.  I'm sure my son also feels the tension between us going on regarding his daughter and my fiance not doing anything to fix it.  In fact he took my engagement ring as a way to punish me. 

He can discipline my child but can't even get on to his own somehow that doesn't seem quite Fair

My son and his daughter don't ever see each other.  We did all go to the movies back in November I think and his daughter didn't really acknowledge my son.  

notsobad's picture

“He thinks I should do what she wants so we can have a good relationship.”

Thats an easy one. “And I think she should do what I want so we can have a good relationship, who’s your wife? Me or her?”

When he inevitably says that you should be the adult, point out that she’s an adult too. When he tells you to take the high road, tell him she can take the high road.

soccermom830's picture

he came over last night looking sad and like he wanted to make up    i asked him why he cannot admit his daughter is rude to me and dismissive?  he refused to admit it.  he left because he could not admit that she is wrong for her behavior and treatment of me.  i am just amazed at the control she has over him and how i am always thrown to the wolves and her behavior is just ignored.  exactly why she treats me the way she does.  all he does is put my son back in my face.  my son did something rude to him saturday night and he disciplined him for it but neither one of them told me about it until my son was going to bed and it came up.  i said you can punish MY son but not your own hateful, selfish daughter who tries to get her family to back her nastiness up who lives with you and dependant on you for a place to live?  so disgusting. 

you are right - it is wrong for him to always back her up and ignore her behavior and never have my back.   i was thinking this morning, the same thing happened last year with her.  she completely ignored me and he never said a word to her.  he could give a sh@$ how she treats me.  says a lot.  i can not live a life this way.  and i am not sure why i have done it for so long.  i do see a counselor - and she told me not to let kids from another woman destroy OUR relationship.  but if one of those kids might be in my house sharing my personal space, i cannot and will not tolerate that abuse. 

ItsGrowingOld's picture

soccermom830.... I think he knows he has choices to make.  It's either he makes his future wife happy or his daughter happy.  And remember, blood is thicker than water. 

strugglingSM's picture

Did she only decide to move in with her father after the two of you became engaged? If so, she is trying to sabotage and/or compete with you to see who dad would choose - you or her. 

If I were you, I would seriously reconsider getting married. Your SO has already chosen his daughter, so don't let the rose-colored glasses of being engaged blind you. 


still learning's picture

Yep, moving in and marking her territory! ss32 showed up at our door *homeless* right after DH and I got married. Talk about timing. 

soccermom830's picture

that's funny you say that cause yes, she did.  supposedly, her and her bf she lived with are still dating and she went to stay with him this weekend.  he chooses her every single time.  i get it.  she can do no wrong.  she's just stating her opinion.  i shouldn't have bothered the queen with my concerns about our future. 

notasm3's picture

If you have an ounce of self respect you will GHOST this ahole and not look back. 

soccermom830's picture

well i was the bigger person and told fiance to invite his daughter over for dinner this weekend.  guess what?  she is too busy.  of course she is.  i tried and i'm done trying.  complaining about not getting to spend time with dad and then she rejects the offer.  can you say impossible?  counseling this weekend should be fun.  ugh  and i asked him if he had a chance to say anything to her yet?  of course not - she's too busy.  i said well, she will remain that way i'm sure and at the next family get together she's at, don't expect me to show up with a smile on my face.  cause it won't happen.  some people just like to be mean and rude - i will never get it.  i had two step mothers when i was younger and i was never rude to them or chose to just not like them ever.  why would i care if my father was happy?  one of them even broke up their marriage and i didn't hold it against her.  it was my dad's decision.  gawd. 

SacrificialLamb's picture

Just waiting to hear an update where your SO says it was your fault she didn't want to come over....he has made everything else your fault. "Poor widdle SD doesn't feel comfortable because of you" or some other lame excuse. It's coming; I can feel it.

I too had an SM from the time I was 7. I get along with her better than my father.  But you and I did not claim ownership of our fathers or feel a need to engage in a contest to see who daddy loves better.


soccermom830's picture

Very true.  He did tell me now I should have never contacted her.  Also said he needs to start paying this daughters  more attention.  Just went out of town and he makes dinner plans with her. Wouldn't tell me if he discussed with her her treatment of me. Then finally said he did and she started crying. I asked why. He said because she's sensitive.  Could have fooled me. More like sensitive that daddy might get upset with her and she better not let that happen.  Truly disgusting. 

marblefawn's picture

Listen, I have the same problem. SD could behead me, then cry a few crocodile tears while telling him she didn't realize the ax was so sharp and my stupid husband would buy it. I've been with him for nearly two decades and last summer she sent a postcard to our hosue addressed only to him. She said she forgot to put my name on it and he believes it.

You cannot get ahead of these daughters. Assume how it is is how it will always be. Assume they will have their secrets. Assume there is a club you will never be allowed to join. Assume he will be honest, open and up front with you in all regards unless it has to do with his daughter - then he will lie, sneak around, and employ all sorts of subterfuge to protect HER from YOU. It's humiliating.

I have a fantastic husband - he really treats me like a queen, unless SD is invovled, Then I am like shit on his shoe. I only wish I were in your shoes and could back out of this three-way marriage.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Sensitive? LOL!  More like "daddy expects me to be nice to SM; how dare he correct me???"

My OSD also started crying when DH finally discussed with her the stuff she had done. These skids think that their dad will side with them while they stick the knives in our backs.  And we know from this site that a lot do.  Their fathers may not have allowed skids to treat anyone else with disrespect, but the Evil SM? Dad should step aside and let them have their fun.

My OSD has punished her dad for the last two years because he finally spoke up about her behavior. Recently he contacted her and said he felt she was pushing him out of her and grandkids lives. She said he created a toxic environment because he defended his wife and corrected her. When he said she had done things to hurt me, she said "but I am your daughter!"

You just can't reason with that mindset, the assumption that I am free game to be hurt because I exist and how dare her dad have expectations for the behavior of a 40 year old!  And this was because she had been coddled her entire life and treated like a princess.  I am glad your SO finally said something to his DD. I'd expect her to start punishing him now. It will be interesting to see if he chases her or if he gets mad that she does not listen to him or care about his happiness.  If he chases her, look out, you will be Sacrificial Lamb II. Mine chased until he got sick of it. Realized his precious daughter did not care if he was happy or not, and I put my foot down that I would no longer be sacrificed to make an adult baby happy.  

SimplicitySeeker's picture

I am in a similar situation, I have been with my girlfriend about 8 years now, maybe 5 years ago she asked me to move in with her then around 21 year old son, I basically said no I'm not doing it. He wasn't friendly at the time and still isn't, has it had an impact... Yes.  After an ongoing one way conversation I eventually given up with him being ignorant and now do the same and avoid being near him whenever possible  I haven't seen him or heard anything about him for such a long time now. 

Will I make each commitment to her, not likely given the situation, which is a real shame, had I met her years back things would have been quite different now.

But I know it's never going to get better so how we operate  she has her place and I have mine, it's been like this 8 years now.

Seek simplicity, don't bring unwanted stresses into your life, what's the point it won't get any better. 

soccermom830's picture

yes i agree - i have thought about being the bigger person but then i think - what does it matter?  this adult chooses to "despise" me for no reason at all.  i am in a no win situation with her.  she has to grow up and i can't help her with that. 

after more questioning, i guess he didn't get on her for talking to me the way she did - he just mentioned we should get together and talk or try to work it all out and thought there was a lot of misunderstandings.  ha   he flat out refuses to tell me how she responded and how the conversation ended which tells me he is perfectly fine with her nasty treatment of me in the future.  then the other night, he said he reread all of our messages and tried to remove himself and read it as a third party and said he didn't see anything wrong with my first message.  amazing.  he'll never let her know that though.  sometimes i wonder if all the frustration is worth it. 

hereiam's picture

"i do see a counselor - and she told me not to let kids from another woman destroy OUR relationship."

But it's not the kids who is destroying the relationship, it is your SO. He is allowing the behavior and the disrespect. And HE is disrespecting you, as well.

soccermom830's picture

exactly!  hereiam - please explain exactly how or why you think he and his kids (especially him) (i'm sure he's reading this) are disrespecting me.  i can't seem to get through to him or make him understand.

He tells me all the time "she is an adult and she can do what she wants."  I guess that includes walking all over me.  Nice. 

SacrificialLamb's picture

Making a list of the things she is doing to disrespect you will not be effective. Your SO simply does not want to see it or admit it.... yet. He likely feels like he is in the middle, but reality he is the one who put himself in the middle because he afraid of his DD but wants the benefit of a soft, adult woman in his life.  The things SD is doing to disrespect you is irrelevant and I guarantee he already knows, like my DH later admitted. I used to try to show my DH the things OSD was doing.  You might as well beat your head against a wall. These guys, being Disney Dad ostriches, already have fragile weak egos and don't want to hear they were not good fathers nor do they want to pull their heads out of the sand and have to address an issue that could make their daughters mad at THEM.

Yes, his DD is an adult and can do what she wants. My DH used to say the same thing. And they are right about that. 

You are also an adult and do not need to subject yourself to anyone's toxic behavior, even though she is his daughter. Or does your SO just expect you to suck it up and take it? Her link to her father DOES NOT give her permission nor do you as a newer person in her father's life mean you need her approval to be in the family.  You should not sacrificed because your SO is too chicken to address his DD and her issues.

Him telling you "she's sensitive" is no excuse. What is she going to do, start crying every time she gets coached at work to improve performance? Being asked to improve upon something - behavior, performance - is a normal part of life.

The problem is your SO supports his DD's behavior at your expense. By not addressing it, he is giving her his silent permission to continue. Mine used to until he realized we were about to split because of it.  The other problem is that your SO saying that his DD is an adult and can do what she wants is a scared guilty daddy's excuse for being afraid of being cut off by his DD, so he expects you to take it instead.

Are you able to completely withdraw from her and NEVER see her since she is a subject of contention (she loves that,  believe me), or does your SO expect you to have regularly be in her presence? If you can disengage completely, NEVER see her, NEVER discuss her. I have not seen mine in 2.5 years and it has been glorious. 

soccermom830's picture

probably not since he has stated in the past that his family is important to him and he expects me to be at family get togethers or it makes me look bad.  haha  but his daughters can make other plans and have done so.  double standards all around!  he said she agreed to get together and talk about our differences and once we show consistency in our relationship, then they will follow.  BS!  we have been back together now for 3 months - nothing has changed.  others in their family have had infidelities and were forgiven in a heartbeat.  lucky for me they are so hateful for no reason.  good times.  what are we going to talk about - why she despises me and i'm supposed to apologize for being alive?  gawd.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Your SO is telling you that you need to go to his Fancy Family gatherings or you will look bad? LOL does he think about how his family looks? Infidelities and forgiven in a heartbeat?

Tell your SO since his family doesn't like you anyway, you have ZERO concern about looking bad. And really, his concern is about looking bad himself.  He doesn't want to answer any questions about where is his girlfriend/wife.

His "family" might be important to him, but if you marry you will be his next of kin, and he should have your back.

You're supposed to get together with his DD to talk about your differences? She already said she despises you because she sees her dad less, your DH expects YOU to apologize to HER because you are the reason she sees her dad less, and DD expects you to grovel to the Original Family for their approval since you are the newcomer.

Your SO and his family are BatSh1t CRAZY.  Please remember that things get WORSE when you marry.

soccermom830's picture

Well I just couldnt get over the fact that my fiance refused to call his daughter out on her nasty disrespectful message to me so we continued to fight about it.  I found out today he took back my engagement ring yesterday and told me I'm trying to put a wedge between him and his family.  Hurt beyond belief.

I lost my mother a week ago.  I can't believe the insensitivity from a man wwho continually says he loves me.  Sure doesn't feel like it.


disrestep's picture

I am so very sorry you lost your mom.

Maybe out of grief, it will give you strength to run for the hills from this guy. A man who truly loves you would accept nothing less than expecting his gf, fiancé or wife be treated with respect. If members of his family are obviously treating you in a hateful manner, it should be addressed by him to these people, including his daughter.

If it were me, I would never move in with him. He has a mini-wife already. My adult skids used the same crying manipulative trick with DH when DH tried to discuss their nasty behavior towards me and our relationship. It didn't work and DH saw right through it - at least he says he did.

There are good guys out there. He is not the only one. Focus on taking care of you and your family. 

Take care

soccermom830's picture

yeah you are right.  he continues to call me etc and still won't budge on standing up for me.  he just told me that it's not a matter of standing up for me - and that the bottom line is i don't have an established personal relationship with her.  so apparently, since we are not buddy buddy, she's not expected to treat me with respect or be kind to me.  what a joke.  he also asked me what i expected to get out of him speaking to her about her disrespect?  wow.  i guess the real question is what did he think would happen if he didn't?  the whole thing just gives me a headache.  so not worth my mental health.

Rags's picture

the street spoke to you in that manner if he was with you.  My guess is he wouldn't take kindly to that person speaking to his bride in that manner.  Then ask him why it is okay for  his spawn to speak to  you in that manner in his presence.

This may give him a different view of the issue that might sink in.  Maybe.

soccermom830's picture

yeah i don't think he looks at it that way.  he has excuses for her always.  he told me point blank last night that i should never have contacted his daughter in the first place.  that it is HIS daughter and it wasn't my place.  I said oh you can punish my child and message my older son but i am not allowed to confront or communicate with your daughter when you refuse to regarding issues when i might be living with her?  that's right.  hmmmm.  i call BS on that.  so basically it was my fault for even bothering the princess with my concerns about our relationship.  amazing.

still learning's picture

Oh the crying adult skid who doesn't see their parent as much because *gasp* he dares have an intimate adult relationship. How dare this man not coddle and helicopter over SD every waking moment, and the nerve of you not worshipping the ground she walks on and not accepting her punishments with gratitude.  

Oh hun, I went through similar with ss32. He wanted to have a pow wow with me him and daddy to air our grievience and set things straight. I knew if I complied with this request it would be poor widdle ss32 and protective dh against mean evil SM trying to take this grown man from his father, really I just wanted to pry the homeless stoned loser from our couch.  I declined any such meeting where I would be a target and gave DH an ultimatium. Told DH that I married him not his son and either ss32 or I had to go.  I was willing to walk after 2 years of WTF on and off crappy dynamics w/him and his son. 

The clincher was my father passing and me realizing how short life was. Did I really want to spend the rest of my life kow towing and tip toeing around these two enmeshed grown men? During that time I went to counseling to help sort out the drama going on on the paternal side of my family and also my marriage. The counselor rocked and told me that my sanity and safety has to come first in regards to the situation w/ss32.  

Life is too short to be treated like this. I'm sorry you're going through the loss of your mother and SO returning your ring. Please honor yourself, you are worth more than this.  

hereiam's picture

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry about your mom.

This is not the man for you. When somebody loves you, truly loves you, you feel it.'s picture

You have a lot of red flags. I will be honest and just from my feeling reading your situation I would have to say no. I have read enough situations on here and it is clear that step children are difficult to live with. I had one for three years and he was kind, but very lazy. I cleaned up after him daily. It was a headache. My DH did everything for him. A few times it was hard on our relationship. I even left twice for a week because it became to much. FINALLY after 3 years he moved out. 

notsobad's picture

So sorry about your Mom.

This really is a case of knowing what you’re getting into. If you continue to have a relationship with this man YOU will be the one to blame. 

He has shown you over and over again exactly who he is and where his loyalties lie. If you choose to think things will change that’s ALL on you. 

soccermom830's picture

Thank you guys.  I think it speaks volumes that he is letting me stress over all of this after i just lost my Mom. It shouldn't even be a question.  He should demand respect for me and put her in her place.  He just chooses to ignore it - then takes back my ring to punish me for not standing for it.  Instead of backing me up, he says I should take responsiblity for my actions - which is not standing for it and getting angry at him for not having my back.  whatever.  I guess I have my answer.  You are right - it will never change and I will never be his first priority.  That's not ok with me. 

all_or_nothing_kind_of_gal's picture

Hello Soccermom830

Please tell us all that you left him once and for all.  This whole business has so many similarities to the mess I got myself out of after 4 months,  especially the bit about the SD living at home indefinitely.  

This man's blindness to his daughter's faults is well beyond the normal reaction of a parent feeling that their flesh and blood is being disrespected.  He is absolutely paying no regard to your distress in his obsessive defending of behaviour you should not have to deal with.  In fact,  he wants you to suffer for standing up to or speaking the truth about his daughter.

Whatever words he says to reassure you that he cares or that he's lucky to have you etc,  that is the price he will always make you pay for being with him.

That's how full of himself he really is.   That's how secondary you are to him.  


Thatswhyilovemydog's picture

No amount of counseling in the universe is going to change this dynamic.  If you want to live a completely miserable existence go ahead and marry him.  I suggest you see your self worth and get away from all of them.  Sometimes what you think is love is really just a bad habit.

soccermom830's picture

yes!!!  i did break it off - he continues to contact me though.  it's really unbelievable. 

I did realize i will never win or be his priority.  I wish i would have realized this a year ago.  It's difficult to move on but it's much healthier for me.  Bad habit is right.  I will never get it.


goodwitch's picture

Just stay engaged if you don't want to break it off, but no way would I move in with a StepKid in the house.  I made my husband sell his house and move in with me, and they could come over only for dinner now and then and only if they followed the rules.  At 22 he should be on his own and if he isn't it is a huge red flag.

soccermom830's picture

well, he came by my house the other night and we have been talking since.  it was so good to see him again.  we really do love each other. he asked me to his house for the weekend (daughter moved back out) and then said they were having a bday party for his dad - he would meet up with me afterwards.  i said, no you were just around my little boy - i won't be excluded just because your daughter doesn't want me around.  you need to choose me or i won't be seeing you this weekend.  so he changed his tune and invited me.  we'll see how it goes.  i won't do the disengaging thing - it's just not for me.  if i'm not treated right or if my significant other can't choose me then i'm not even going to try anymore.  i don't have to be around someone's children all the time but i won't be excluded.  it just gives the adult children all the power.  i know - i have a son who has done it before to him.  i won't stand for it anymore.  we have lives too.  it's ridiculous to cater to a selfish adult child - if they want to be crappy, they don't have to be around.  they have a choice.  they both want us to include their significant others, they can do the same.  i'm sick of it.

disrestep's picture

Kudos for you for standing up for yourself and to letting him know that you will not tolerate being excluded.

I know exactly how it feels to be exclude by hateful adult steps. You are so right, of course these adult steps would never allow their significant others to be excluded, so why does daddy's woman have to be excluded? I could go on and on about how flipping wrong it is.

And, yes people, some couples enjoy attending parties and functions together. I am so sick of hearing about "oh let the adult stepbrats get their way and exclude us and biomommy or biodaddy should attend the function alone and leave their significant other at home." It's BS. No decent spouse, who has a conscience thinks it's okay to leave their significant other behind on vacation, family function or the like, if the excluded spouse wishes to go.

I am so very fortunate that my DH has enough of a conscience to see if I want to attend or not events where adult skids will be. DH also has made it clear to me he knows it was so wrong to exclude me in the past when the skids said they didn't want me around. 

You go girl! If you attend, hang all over your man and smile at the adult skid when she gives you the evil eye. Hee, hee.

soccermom830's picture

yeah everyone was so nice except for this daughter.  he has an older daughter too that hugged me twice but the youngest glared at me when i walked in like how dare i come.  haha  i just ignored her after that.  let her act like a 2 yr old possessing her daddy.  i don't even care anymore.  she needs to grow up - she looks like an idiot.  i'm not going to let her ruin our relationship anymore.  game over.

good for your DH Disrestep.  :)  that's the way it should be.  the whole disengaging only punishes us in my opinion.  depends on the situation i guess though.