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Christmas Gifts

Megh's picture

Seeing that we now know where my DH children live I was discussing Christmas with him last night. We budget for everything since my DH still pays for BM car payment and Loan payment. (Long story) In the past we would buy the step kids clothes and books. My DH wants the gifts to be personable and refuses to send gift cards. This past birthday and Christmas when we were not able to see them we mailed them the gifts. The birthday clothes we sent were returned to the store as I noticed a refund on my visa. I sent an email to BM asking for the children's sizes and books they might like to replace that items that didn't fit. I received no reply. This was the correct email as it is the same one she sends emails to DH if the car payment was not made in time and the bank is calling her. Question: Should I bother sending another email for Christmas gift ideas?


needinginwardpeace's picture

NO!!! My SD wanted us to make a card for BM and her puppet, er husband, once and so we did it and she told me BM tore it up in front of her. She was SIX. Stop now. BM is nuts.

Megh's picture

I don't understand why she wouldn't want her children to have nice things. It gets back to us that she complains to everyone who will hear how my DH treats my son better than his own kids because my son wears "brand name" while his own children are wearing hand me downs from her friend's children. How my son has a computer and she can't even afford such luxuries for her kids as a house phone, internet and cable TV. They could have what my son has if she would stop being such a pain. He pays health insurance for them, pays 25% of his income for CS along with her monthly car and loan payments because she is "too busy with the kids" to find work, but is able trying to make it rich with her hair removal at home business, her "photography" and whatever direct marketing product she is selling this month. I'm sorry I have a son with autism, I work part time, volunteer and go to school full time and I am still able to spend a good quality of time with my family, be on the Dean's List and pay my own bills. But she can call my MIL to buy her a new couch because it was her son that abandoned her and the kids. They are pictures of the kids she has posted on FB of the sd and ss opening the gifts we sent them with her new boyfriend. Or a picture of sd7 holding a book my DH has picked out and sent to his daughter, sitting on the lap of her new boyfriend with a caption "Reading with Daddy". It bothers me she lives so close to us and I was raised with a strong ethical framework not to throw rocks at her windows.